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Comment Re:Problem (Score 1) 661

Retina displays are the full actual resolution. For example, the Macbook Retina I'm typing on has a physical resolution of 2880x1800 and the GPU is physically rendering all those pixels. What you've just said actually makes no sense whatsoever. Multiplication of pixels in a 1:4 ratio of a smaller resolution? Making smaller resolutions just "blown up". WTF does that actually mean?

You can run the retina display at native mode but everything will be half the size (physically) on the screen. The standard default mode for the retina display keeps all your elements the same "physical" size on your screen but renders them with four times the pixels (1:2 ratio) to increase the detail and crispness of text and images.

Comment Re:Well if they want ... (Score 1) 178

I'm not arguing that its not open. I'm questioning how useful that is for consumers when in the end they can't even run the latest OS release until months or years after its released.

If you want an opn platform for hacking and modifying an contributing back to google then go for android. No problems there. Just don't think that that somehow means its better when you look at it from the consumers' perspective.

Comment Re:Well if they want ... (Score 4, Interesting) 178

How many people *ACTUALLY* need to run custom code tho? It keeps the iPhone mostly free of viruses or crash prone apps and the target audience for iPhone is customers not DIY hackers.

Android is so open but yet the Jelly Bean installation base is only 1.5% after 3 months. There's a difference between "theoretically open" and actual real world practise.

If you really want to run your own code for whatever reason (custom robot?) you can either Jailbreak or just get an enterprise license from Apple then you can run any code you want.

Comment Re:Stop spreading misunderstanding please (Score 1) 616

I understand your confusion now.

In case you didn't understand Miguel's opinion properly he's talking about binary compatibility wrt to device drivers. Without hardware vendors onboard you can't build a decent desktop OS because end-users want all their hardware to work.

I doubt most desktop users care about running a binary from 1992. They care more about being able to get drivers for their new device. That's the binary compatibility we're talking about here.

Comment Re:WTF. (Score 2) 616

Whenever this topic comes up someone always go "well I've got a Linux desktop". Sheesh. No one is saying that the software doesn't exist. We're saying it failed to make any sort of the sort of inroads that had been hoped for -- even in the developer community many of whom moved to OSX so they could have their cake and eat it (Unix + nice GUI).

Comment Re:WTF. (Score 1, Interesting) 616

Oh come on. Miguel has done more for OSS than most people here. His pragmatic approach and understanding that computers should be for people and not just computer geeks is refreshing and was helpful in developing Linux into a desktop OS. Binary compatibility is important and I never understood why, if even just in the name of good architectural design, Linus was against it. Maybe it was cause he only thinks like a low level guy.

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