The Last Comdex? 211
linuxwrangler writes "Key3Media Group Inc. which produces the Comdex trade show may be unable to make it's debt payments and could declare bankruptcy. No decision will be made until after Fall Comdex opening on Monday. More info is available at Google News."
Iv always been afraid they were going to stop... (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:COMDEX *Makes* Money (Score:2)
In other words, someone could pay a pittance for the Comdex name, hire off all of their employees and continue to run the show. Comdex isn't likely to die-- just the company that runs it.
Re:Except at gun shows (Score:2)
Right: so they figure that people could have shot a sniper that nobody ever saw before, during or immediately after the shootings?? (not to mention differentiating between good snipers and bad snipers!) And they want more people with their level of intelligence running around with guns?? God, am I glad that I live in Canada.
If anything, those snipings are an argument for gun control (or at least gun registration)
Mirrors? (Score:4, Funny)
License to print money (Score:5, Insightful)
Then they turn around and charge the visitors. They win on both sides.
Re:License to print money (Score:4, Interesting)
I just think the show got to big to handle.
Nowhere near what it used to be (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:License to print money (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:License to print money (Score:5, Insightful)
Couple those fixed costs of putting on a show with a decline in display floor companies because a good chunk of former presenters are either bankrupt or cutting back, and less people are being sent by those companies to look and those presenters on the floor.
Higher costs, lower income... uh oh!
Re:License to print money (Score:5, Interesting)
"No problem," the nice lady said, "I'll get you new tickets."
I'll venture a guess and say that tickets weren't how they made money. Once the tech downturn hit I'm sure their booth revenue went way down. This doesn't surprise me one bit.
Re:License to print money (Score:2)
"I signed up but didn't get the tickets yet" also worked last time I had seen it tried.
Re:License to print money (Score:1)
Outrageous executive salaries, perhaps?
Re:License to print money (Score:5, Interesting)
Because Key3media is one of the most ANNOYING companies on the planet?
They sent me constant spam for months after the last Comdex I signed up for (free passes, btw) and their remove links never did anything.
Eventually I found the homepage of the comdex project group on they key3 site and sent every member of the group a 700K image with nothing but the word 'remove' in it. (I think I accidentally crashed their mailserver too, it must have been one of those ones that made a copy of the mail for every person as opposed to linking it.)
No more spam after that, but damn, a company does not become liked by harassing people that interface with them! I certainly did not go to comdex after that.
Not the same anymore (Score:4, Interesting)
Anyway - most people who goes there are free-riding; the visitor's pass is "supposed" to be 99 dollars or whatever, but you can get it for free ANYWHERE. in fact you can register for it officially on Comdex website too if you do it early enough. They say it's "limited time only" or some such bs, but that's what it is, bs.
Then again, companies are not showing up to trade shows as much as they used to be, or are renting a smaller booth, becomming a smaller sponsor (i.e. from platinum level down to gold level) or not sponsoring at all. (Sponsoring is when you pay them big bux and they put your logo on the T-shirt / booklets / whatever) - the level of sponsorship determines the size of you logo, where it appears, etc.
An example (not Comdex) on the low-attendence is this year's ITC (International Test Conference), which is one of the most important conference / tradeshow / whatever for the ATE (automated test equipment) manufactures. Teradyne, Credense, NP Test (read: Schlumberger) all decided to not show up at ALL; no booth, no seminar, no salesperson, nothing. These are some of the biggest names in the industry. I think the only two big-names that did show was Advantest and Agilent (I'm not sure about Agilent, actually).
As for real paying visitors, they are dropping even more than the companies - Other conferences actually have REAL SEMINARS where people might pay to see, but Comdex, IIRC, never had anything informational.
Besides, the stupid show went downhill way before the dotcom bubble bursted. Back in 99/00 (i can't remember clearly), they had 1/3 of the floor filled with resellers / distributors that sell cases and powersupplies and such. not even nearly related to "technologically innovative." No new technology, no new information, just a big organized garage sell.
I still got the free passes to go there for a few years even after that, but every year figured that it was not even worth my time since nothing would be interesting there. I do eventually want to go to E3, though - that still have lots of steam and seem to be actually getting bigger.
Re:Not the same anymore (Score:2)
Wow, no wonder they lost money. They rented a convention hall in Chicago for a convention in Las Vegas [comdex.com]!
Re:License to print money (Score:5, Insightful)
Personally I think COMDEX, and trade shows like it, is a relic of the past. The reason is simple: The Internet. In the past it was very difficult for organizations to get the word out about new products, so they actually would pent up all of their launches for the big trade shows when they would unleash their killer video cards (Trident 8990, now with SVGA!), hard drives, software, etc. All of the media was there and they would print it all up, and we'd get the extra-large edition of Computer Shopper or PC Magazine full of COMDEX-released goodies, and it really was an exciting time in the computer world. Nowadays no company actually withholds products until a trade show (well..maybe Apple is the one exception. They still like to do the grand release thing), but instead they let the net do the distribution of information. It really is amazing to think how much this really has changed our industry even though it seems so normal now. Hell, I remember dialing up to the Diamond Multimedia BBS with my 14.4 modem to grab a newer Windows 3.1 driver for my Diamond Speedstar 24x videocard (one of the first supporting a 24-bit colour mode): It was a huge undertaking. Now I'm leaving a message that's readable around the world with ease.
Re:License to print money (Score:5, Insightful)
* The Internet. A decade ago the computer print media (mostly Ziff and IDG) controlled the flow of information to computer users. To a great extent, Comdex was a big schmooze fest between press and vendors to get products covered. Ziff and IDG alone each sent hundreds of people. Today people can go out on the Internet and get their computer info from just about anywhere--even Slashdot. Traditional computer pubs are dying left and right because they aren't the critical resource they used to be. They're not sending armies to cover the show, so the vendors see less reason to go.
* Market consolidation. There used to be lots of big players in the software market: Microsoft, Lotus, Borland, IBM, Computer Associates, etc. All of them would get big booths on the main show floor and compete to see who could grab the most attention. Nowadays it's pretty much Microsoft. The same is happening with hardware, it's down to a handful of major players. A good chunk of the HW market is still locally built white boxes and they don't need to go to Comdex to build brand recognition. The vendors that remain tend to be the Tiawanese motherboard makers who can't afford a big booth.
* Change in focus. COMDEX is an abbreviation for COMputer Dealer EXposition. It was originally set up so computer dealers could hook up with computer and component makers. Over the years that changed since there are just a handful of computer chains and product buyers for those chains. They tried appealing to an IT audience and emphasized the conference program in an effort to keep the size up, but it's only been marginally successful because there are often more cost-effective ways for companies to get this info.
* The consumerization of computers (aka, "Dude, you're getting a Dell"). Another case of eliminating the middleman. Companies like Dell sell directly to consumers, they don't need to go to Comdex and haven't done so the last few years. The major vendors handle corporate accounts via one-on-one visits and don't need the excuse of Comdex for that.
* They DROVE people away. As few as four or five years ago, Comdex was still a must-do for a lot of the PC industry. But you knew you were being screwed. Hotel rooms were $320 in the LV Hilton back then, and the cab line in front of the hotel was an hour long. When it got that bad, people realized it wasn't an effective way to do business. When people and companies started skipping Comdex the last couple of years and the world didn't end, it just proved that Comdex wasn't essential.
Re:License to print money (Score:2)
JavaOne too? (Score:5, Interesting)
Dude their's trouble for all of java. (Score:1)
Oh no! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Oh no! (Score:1, Redundant)
As a prostitue I'm offended!
Re:Oh no! (Score:2)
Re:Oh no! (Score:5, Interesting)
Interesting side note regarding Las Vegas hotels. For years now they've measured the level of business by how many people they have to turn away. In other words, when they have a "bad month" in Vegas, all that means is that (citywide) they turned away only 30,000 people looking for accomodations, rather than the usual average of 45,000 (numbers are for illustration purposes only, but order of magnitude is close).
I reckon if COMDEX goes feet up it'll hardly be noticed.
Re:Oh no! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Oh no! (Score:2)
Heh heh. You do have a point. I keep forgetting how long it's been since I lived there (6 years now). They have indeed put up a lot since then. I understand the "turnaway" number is still the gauge for New Year's Eve and many weekends, if not so much the weekday convention times anymore.
Re:Oh no! (Score:2)
That's why I quit going (Score:2)
Comdex was fun for the chance to see colleagues from the industry you wouldn't normally run into. And the parties used to be pretty good, if you can stomach Heineken and generic egg rolls. But it wasn't worth it - so it's no surprise at all to me that it's failing now.
Re:Oh no! (Score:2)
Re:Oh no! (Score:2)
Re:Oh no! (Score:2)
Makes sense. Techies are relatively good at numbers, so they know (or can easily calculate) that casinoes are nothing more than a money sink (unless you're good enough at card counting to get kicked out).
We all know that we're more likely to 'score' chasing the waitresses than playing roulette ... and for most of us, our chances with the waitresses aren't that good.
CeBIT is better anyway (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:CeBIT is better anyway (Score:2, Insightful)
Imminent death of...um...comdex predicted? (Score:2, Redundant)
Re:Imminent death of...um...comdex predicted? (Score:5, Funny)
They have the same accountants as the movie industry.
Re:Imminent death of...um...comdex predicted? (Score:2)
Wait for another 3Q's before filing! (Score:3, Funny)
growth in another 2-3 Q's ("forecasted" like this for the past 2 years
New COMDEX 5.0 Platinum! With 30 free hours! (Score:5, Interesting)
This is what happens when you throw free passes around like they're AOL CDs. Did anyone, ever actually pay to get into Comdex? Well, I suppose the techies and developers may have had to pay but pointy-haired bosses like me always got inundated with free passes from companies we'd never dream of buying from. No wonder it was never a great show...
You guys get FREE tickets? (Score:1, Funny)
Re:New COMDEX 5.0 Platinum! With 30 free hours! (Score:1)
The marketing budgets just aren't there any more.
So? Do you think nobody paid for those tickets? (Score:1)
Still, in the end the money goes to the Comdex makers. Apparently they spent too much on advertisement. I don't see how else they could possibly lose money essentially providing a few cheap fair halls and taking money from everyone else.
Re:So? Do you think nobody paid for those tickets? (Score:2)
If a company gives you a ticket, they paid for it.
Wow, so like 5 companies paid for me to sit in a local bar getting shitfaced only to claim that I was as Comdex? Wow, no wonder our industry is in the shithole...
Is it a shame? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Is it a shame? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Is it a shame? (Score:2)
Re:Is it a shame? (Score:2)
Re:Is it a shame? (Score:1)
Um, I'm not sure what Comdex you're talking about, but every Comdex I've seen has been chock full of suits and marketing types that don't know anything remotely technical or geeky about the particular product they are trying to sell.
Oh, sure, there are geeks there, but they are all walking around scoring free crap from other booths, and generally enjoying a free trip to Vegas. Which is of course, why I go...
For technical comradery, you are much better off at any number of other shows - at least pick a show where there is cooler stuff being shown (like the Consumer Electronics Show)
Key3Media Sta (Score:3, Funny)
Shares of Key3Media fell 41 percent, or 1 cent, to 14 cents in Thursday trading on the over-the-counter bulletin board market.
Now is it just me, or does something about those figures not add up?
Re:Key3Media Sta (Score:1)
Re:Key3Media Sta (Score:1)
Re:Key3Media Sta (Score:1, Informative)
What's to see at a PC trade show these days? (Score:5, Interesting)
Between Microsoft's ability to buy, borrow, steal, or kill ideas or product that they haven't considered or cannot integrate into their operating systems, and a general lack of enthusiasm in the PC industry to think of more ideas that could be stolen, it doesn't surprise me that there's little interest.
I really can't contrast COMDEX's imminent demise to successful shows such as Macworld Expo because Apple has a captive audience of vendors that support their products. COMDEX doesn't have such luxury.
COMDEX should rethink its audience. It's pretty obvious that they have just let things ride over the past few years.
Re:What's to see at a PC trade show these days? (Score:3, Insightful)
I won't be sorry to see them go. (Score:2, Interesting)
Google-Slashdot (Score:2, Funny)
Slashdotters say the Google spiders
What? (Score:2, Interesting)
- All Las Vegas casinos and hotels make insane amounts from comdex visitors - possible investors
- Last year's comdex(the only one I've been to) was full to the brim with corporate advertising - they can charge more for the booths, and everyone will still pay, cause the big companies have to be at comdex - that's where you get a lot of clients, investments and etc.
And really, I don't understand how can they lose money. Comdex is like a gold mine - sure it's expensive to organize and such, but the money they make is almost always much larger then the expenses! Sure, last year's participation was below excpectations(everyone being afraid of terrorists and all), they lost some money there, but surely not enough to push them as far as bankrupcy!
Re:What? (Score:2)
This doesn't surprise me... (Score:5, Informative)
During the time I attended it changed from being a show for people in the industry, to a show for anyone off the street. The first year I went there the small company I was with signed up with TechData and nearly did the same with AOpen. The next year, neither were there. The last year I went was positively lame. No one but the big guys, and not even all of them. Heck, Corel wasn't even there.
Good riddance. It was a waste of time that was eventually replaced with product info found on the Internet.
Re:Exclusiveness & Prosperity (kinda long) (Score:2, Informative)
Ya on the face of it, it reeks of elitism but what was Comdex providing for the money an advertister spent?
Eyeballs and bodies on the floor that made purchasing decisions. When you get bodies on the floor that don't even influence purchasing decisions, then the value of Comdex goes down. With less spending in the sectors it becomes even more important to get the best bang for your advertising/promotion dollars.
Further the tech sector evolved into a mass of companies that found it cheaper to run their own targetted campaigns than to rely on tradeshows like Comdex. Look at how companies like Cisco and Microsoft ect. promote their own niche trade shows and give out targetted promotional materials (books, software etc) and in some cases got area VARs in on the act defraying costs and ensuring bodies with at least and interest in the products of the specific vendors. Niche applications also help get targetted responses such as Cisco's Technical Symposiums where hands on testing and deployment of CISCO hardware encourage geeks who influence and can evangelize procurement.
Finally the decline of the "booth babes" and freebie handouts cannot be forgotten. While many find the whole practice lame to the point of satirizing, being in Vegas was a perk for males in which the market was mostly comprised of. When the booths "matured" Comdex became work. Add in the fact that companies were pre-announcing their new products before Comdex and you have a recipe for the demise of Comdex.
Take a look at the new company sponsored symposiums/tradeshows etc. For the most part they do not have booth babes but they do have super knowledgable staff AND very good freebies. If they survive and prosper, they could become the model for future multi vendor trade shows. I man the video games groups do very well at the CES and they have to compete with electronics as well as their entertainment competitors
Re:Exclusiveness & Prosperity (Score:2, Insightful)
comdex sucked (Score:1)
No more Booth Babes.....Waaaaaaaaa... (Score:1)
Re:No more Booth Babes.....Waaaaaaaaa... (Score:2)
I said it last year and I'll say it again: (Score:2)
Low prices (Score:1)
Just as long as... (Score:3, Funny)
Not surprised (Score:4, Funny)
Comdex is Just Finding Their Way (Score:3, Informative)
This year looked extremely promising with more informative panel discussions and break out sessions.
Don't forget this also affects the other Comdex shows that happen each year. I've only been to Fall Comdex, so I can't speak to the rest, but it will be a loss to the industry if it fades away.
Many people have spoken about virtual trade shows, but you don't get to try the products out and meet the folks to help support those products.
Comdex 2001 Overview [compunotes.com]
News source equivalent of Mobius strip (Score:4, Funny)
no need to cry over spilled milk (Score:1)
Comdex Schwamdex (Score:1)
I went to Networld-Interop in Atlanta this year. It was more fun walking through the food court in the CNN building than the show itself. It too offered free passes if registering through the Net...and it was a huge building for a rather small exhibitor pool...That just reeks of net loss, if you ask me.
This doesn't sound good... (Score:1)
Well, What do you Expect? (Score:5, Insightful)
Linux folks tried to lighten the place up a few years ago by handing out free CDs in front of the Microsoft booth, but Bill had them escorted off the property. Novell's gone from the show. Sun's gone from the show. Apple's gone from the show. IBM has a token appearance. HP only shows off their new laser printers (woo-hooo....). It's dull and boring.
I remember going back when there were a dozen different computing platforms running a dozen different operating systems. It slowly diminished to the "PowerPC Pavilion" out in the parking lot (bet Bill was happy about that!) against the PC folks in the LVCC+Lower Sands (upper Sands still had some interesting 3rd party stuff). For a couple years after that they had some Linux-specialized groups, but then there was nothing but Windows.
The internet has also made Comdex obosolete. One used to be able to find new products at Comdex, but now everything on display is Old News. We learn about interesting things here on Slashdot WAY before Comdex ever debuts anything. Since there is no new technology there, and pretty much everything is Windows, which we have to use everyday anyway, the only things left are the swag and Bill's keynote.
Personally, I think swag is a better reason to go, but it's really not even worth that anymore. I've been attending Usenix instead for the last couple years, and by contrast it is fun, interesting and refreshing. *shrug*
Re:Well, What do you Expect? (Score:3, Interesting)
You will likely see computer shows that are more closely focused with various aspects of the computer industry in the future; we may end up seeing a show dedicated to hardware, Microsoft may end up doing two Windows World expos per year, etc. Already, the success of LinuxWorld Expo has shown a demand for a more focused computer industry exposition.
Change the venue to China or Taiwan (Score:2)
1) Costs would be considerably lower. Salaries accross the board there are less, which would make the operating overhead lower.
2) Most PC hardware these days are made in China. It may be designed in Taiwan or less often now, Europe and the US but it is manufactured in Asia.
3) The US's PC industry has become more of a marketing arm. The large US firms spec the machines here and Contract Manufacturers in the far east complete the hard engineering tasks.
All these factors point to the case for letting the leader in PC manufacturing put on the show.
Ever heard of COMPUTEX? (Score:2)
Does anybody else thinks its funny... (Score:1)
Re:Does anybody else thinks its funny... (Score:1)
Re:Does anybody else thinks its funny... (Score:1)
Why Comdex is dead - (Score:1)
The article says (Score:1)
And furthermore, if Comdex is such a great event, then I am confident that other organizers will swoop in to save Comdex or replace it with a tech fair that is just as potent. (i.e. Supply and Demand - If the deman for comdex is there, someone will supply it)
new name? (Score:1)
If I understand this properly... (Score:3, Funny)
(try saying that one quickly!)
The biggest loss... (Score:1, Funny)
Ah, COMDEX. It was Hell, but I'll miss it. (Score:3, Interesting)
http://discuss.extremetech.com/extremetech/message s?msg=22210.3 [extremetech.com]
Changing Times (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Changing Times (Score:2)
Great... now how will I decide? (Score:3, Funny)
Last year at Comdex netgear gave out t-shirts and a nifty little spoungy dog. Linksys wouldn't even talk to me. Guess what switches are sitting on my desk now!
So I'll be sad. Aparently actual business took place there, or was supposed to take place there, but for the most part, all I saw was people like me scrounging for free stuff.
Yes, like pathetic geeks. But then again, the pathetic geeks scrounging for free stuff usually are the ones making the IT decisions.
Alot of depressed technology workers like me... (Score:2)
Tradeshows are yesterday's news (Score:2, Insightful)
Last year the Linux booth was hidden.... (Score:3, Interesting)
CES is the real Comdex (Score:2, Interesting)
COMDEX is obsolete as many here have pointed out already. The better show that many hold out for is CES which is held 7 weeks later and has nearly the same attendence. Computers have already become consumer electronic products. Witness all the MP3 players and digital video equipment, linux based residential gateways and set-top boxes that debut at CES. Comdex is finished.
Good, focused trade shows, and why they rock (Score:5, Insightful)
I work out of my house or on client locations most of the year, so trade shows are where I can actually get some networking done. With a focused, industry specific show, a significant portion of my collegues, clients, and potential clients are in one place. Business gets done.
For folks who only get the free exhibit pass and do the show floor, you're missing about 90% of the action, and the 10% you've got left has been rendered somewhat irrevelant by the internet. Sure, trolling the show floor is nice, and you can occassionally see some surprises, or see a product close up and grok it in a way written descriptions didn't work. But, in a four day trade show, I might spend four hours looking at the exhibits.
One thing a good trade show will have is good sessions, taught by people who know what they're talking about. In the dot-com era, there were way too many shows where it was the VP's of marketing up on the stage, but the ones that are left focus much more on people with real-world experience telling their stories and, if they're good, answering questions. War stories can teach a LOT, and an expert can often answer a question in 30 seconds that might take a full day on Google to get straight.
Having a conference pass also helps beyond just doing the conferences. It gets you mingling with the other attendees. There is often free snacks and coffee, and sometimes full meals for attendees as well. Wonderful networking at those. The conference pass also gets you a lot more attention at the booths, because the vendors know that someone with a pass paid money for the show, and immediately consider them a more serious prospect. I've worked both sides of the booth, and the sales managners always stress this point in pre-show prep for those working the booths.
These days, I only go to shows that I'm either speaking at (I do lots of sessions about video compression), or that I have press creditials for (I'm a contributing editor of DV Magazine). Either pass is nice, since you can get into the speaker or press room, which is GREAT networking, plus they normally have broadband, drinks, and snacks, and not just at designated snack time. Wearing a press badge on the show floor can be almost dangerous if the marketing guys see you (the sales guys typically couldn't care less).
The big problem with Comdex is that it is so diffuse, it's hard to imagine it having a focused enough audience to have a good chance of bumping into people into the same stuff you are. The computer industry is so broad, it'd be like having a trade show on "transportation." It underlies so many things, it can't be really treated as a unified whole.
But in general, just going to a show for the exhibit floor is only scratching the surface. Try to get a conference pass, or even try to get a speaking gig if possible. But if you can't swing either, at least try to track down the free vendor classes, and any relevant free Birds of a Feather sessions (generally run in the evening). The one thing the internet can't give us is actually talking to 3D people, so focus on that aspect to get value out of a show.
And if you do go to conferene sessions, ask questions! And it's perfectly expected and accepted to go up to the speaker after the session for followups.
Trade shows I love (being a compression nerd) are:
DVExpo. Lots of classes by practicing video people, very enthusaistic audience. Probably the highest consistant quality of sessions of any show I do.
QuickTime Live: Geeky when it needs to be, but man does Apple know how to throw a party! Also excellent session quality. And catered by Odwalla!
NAB: A huge show for video professionals. Amazing exhibits, and enough different conference tracks to keep things interesting for everybody. The geeky stuff used to be done by DVExpo, who alas don't handle that anymore. Still a fun show.
MacWorld: Verging on diffuse, since people use Macs in so many different ways, but the great Esprit de corps. The Stevenotes really are best experienced in person for maximum RDF impact (and you often get gifts under the seats). I was at the infamous Lou Gestner 3 hour marathon one a few years ago, and man is that a telling contrast!
WEMP: This is put on by the MPEG-4 Industry Forum. I've only gone once, but it was the best in codec nerd love. Truly excellent sessions - it's one thing to read a standard, it's another thing to hear the person who wrote it tell you why it's a certain way.
Exibits are Free (Score:4, Informative)
They charge the exhibitors, and they also charge for the tutorials, and conferences. You can buy a flex-pass for about $3000 and the tutorials are about $800 for a 1 day class.
The keynote speeches are all also free, but you have to collect tickets beforehand.
All of this information is available here. [comdex.com]
911 again? (Score:2)
Sorry, I attended all the Comdex events in Atlanta over the last 10 years. Then they took that away, so we were left with Chicago and Vegas.
Been to Vegas 3x in the last 10 years. Enjoyed it. Vegas = money. Sure you can eat cheap, but the hotels want to rape you, because comp guys dont gamble as much as normal tourists.
Its not terrorism dummies, its a small down turn in the tech industry. Hello! the bubble burst before 911.
Re:Good Ridance .. (Score:1)
Las Vegas rocks
Re:Good Ridance .. (Score:1)
Vegas was the only reason anybody went to that stupid show in the first place.
Re:Good Ridance .. (Score:1)
Re:It's vs. Its (Score:1)
Re:It's vs. Its (Score:3, Informative)
But don't forget that It's can also mean "it has" . This is a normal contraction and those are the only two things it can mean.
Its, on the other hand, it a possessive pronoun (which is easily confused with possessive nouns, which *do* take an apostrophe, hence the confusion.)