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Can you afford to cut up your credit cards?

Displaying poll results.
Already did — cash is king!
6517 votes / 14%
I kept one... just in case
5349 votes / 11%
I pay them off in full each month
20569 votes / 44%
I <em>usually</em> pay them off each month
4582 votes / 9%
As long as I can make the minimum payment, who cares?
2846 votes / 6%
I'm doing a SCO — chapters 11 and 7 are my friends
1341 votes / 2%
Someone stole my credit cards, but I didn't report them because they charge less than I do
1451 votes / 3%
I use CowboyNeal's credit card
3282 votes / 7%
45937 total votes.

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Can you afford to cut up your credit cards?

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No skis take rocks like rental skis!
