"Levels" of Computers the Future? 635
RabidMoose writes "Gamespot has an article up talking about a recent interview with Microsofts's Dean Lester about the future of PC gaming (as well as Xbox 2 tidbits). Basically, they're in contact with the big hardare producers about transitioning to a system of tagging pre-made computers with "levels". He provided a hypothetical example that a PC with a "level 5" designation might have a medium processor speed, amount of RAM, and mid-range video card, while a "level 7" PC might have a faster processor, more RAM, and a higher-end video card."
Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Insightful)
"Your card will run slower if the power supply cant give it enough juice"
Say what? Where I come from if a PSU can't supply enough juice your card will just lock up and/or your entire system will come crashing down in a heap.
Unless that's what you meant by "run slower" that is
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Insightful)
So what happens is, developers keep taking advantage of the latest and greatest video/sound/whatever in the PC world, where your equipment quickly becomes obsolete and the PC you got last Christmas has trouble running the games released this week, while developers for console systems and the like have a strictly-defined set of unchanging hardware (until the next replacement comes out), and so of COURSE everything for console Y or an iMac that you grab off the shelf is guaranteed to run....it's all for (arguably) obsolete hardware...
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't get it. We have levels right now...we just don't call them "levels".
What's the point of adding another "level" of indirection in this process? Also, it's possible that you'll get manufacturers that try to exploit the interference between components. I have a crap processor and motherboard, so it should be in a level 3, but I've doubled the RAM and hard disk size expected for a level 3 machine, so it's actually a level 5 now. But run it up against any other level 5 machine, and it sucks.
Of course, we could solve this problem by creating a telephone book-sized standard that declares the minimum requirements necessary for each level. They'll have to settle on something that will flow along with time...the minimum requirements for a level 5 will change on a month-to-month basis. And then as people become dependent on this mindless system, and we get unethical manufacturers falsely advertising the levels of their hardware, we'll have to get Congress to start passing laws forbidding that kind of thing.
Actually, I'm starting to change my mind on this levels thing. If we work it right, we could snarl up major corporations and the government to the tune of billions of dollars and years of effort. Maybe if we distract them with this, they won't have time to keep messing up the important stuff in life.
Real Interviews (Score:5, Funny)
Q: What do you think is the future gaming PC?
A: Level 1000 PC with virtual harddisk and super 3D engine. With games controlled with my nose.
Interview with ATI and Nvidia
Q: What do you think is the future gaming PC?
A: I hope our drivers work.
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:4, Insightful)
They'll be:
Does it have a monitor?
Does it have internet access?
Does it let me type letters?
They won't be the ones asking if level 5 PC's support playing doom 3 at 1600x1200x32-4xaa-8xans
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:4, Informative)
Let's take a look at that:
Keyboard, mouse. A keyboard is a keyboard. If you want to use a one-button mouse, fine. If you want to use a two button mouse, that will work natively as well. Even a scroll-wheel will work out of the box, with no drivers.
Menu bars. Nope, Macs have menus, too. In fact, as I write this on IE (at work) 50% of the menus are the same ones that are there on my PowerBook at home (File, Edit, Help). Outlook has the same similarity. And Microsoft Office, I'm sure, has even bigger similarities.
Windows. Macs have these too. ('nuff said)
Quick launch and task bar. In the same spot on a Mac.
System tray. Also on a Mac, but in the menu bar instead.
Folders, files, extensions, icons. Yep, also there.
So... I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "re-learn everything about the GUI metaphor."
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Insightful)
You are so right. I wish more people would acknowledge this fact. If you're unsure of what he means here folks then I have a little exercise for you.
1. Go to a Mac and open a web browser.
2. Go to a page with a text for like, say, the Slashdot Post Comment form.
3. Enter a bunch of text.
4. Highlight the text and hit ctrl-C, the widely-used Windows keyboard shortcut for copying text.
What happens to your text? That's right, the copy command basically ends up deleting your text (actually replaced with an unintended symbol) with no copy being made. Your work is gone with no backup.
This is not a flaw in the Mac, it's how they're designed to work, but it's an excellent example of how Macs DONT "just work" if you're used to working with Windows.
This guy is not bashing Macs. He's making a very important observation. Mac lovers need to grow up and realize that just 'cause it's easy for them (they already know about the command key) doesn't mean it's going to be easy for others.
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Interesting)
I believe it took me all of about 10 minutes to figure out that virtually every Ctrl+ combo on a PC is Apple+ on apple. I don't think it took but a couple of days and I was in the full swing of things.
I have some complaints about the mac UI, but really, even the mythical "typical user" with the oft presumed IQ of a nat could transition within a week or so.
That's only a problem for mid-level users (Score:4, Informative)
If you are smart enough to use the keys, you are also able to figure out that it's "Apple-C" instead fairly quickly.
For users that are really simple, it will be very easy - because they'll just use the menu options which are under edit like they always are.
The "just works" part I would say refers more to things like the OS not surprizing you unpleasantly, or devices working without hassle (like bluetooth or wireless networking). Not so much about training for an app.
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Informative)
If Windows had copied the Mac properly... (Score:4, Interesting)
The problem is just as bad going he other way, from Mac to Win - I keep trying to paste and getting a bloody menu popping down.
Another thing that really bugs me on Windows is typing accented characters - on the Mac most of these work in a moderately intuitive way once you've seen it once - you can nearly always guess the right key combo based on what you want to appear (i.e. option e + e gives you é, option u + u gives you ü). On 'doze you have to either learn very arcane character codes or else use the severely broken character palette - which, when you cut/paste from it also forces a new FONT and COLOUR on the text you paste - like I just wanted a character, I already formatted that text you stupid !@#$%!!!
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm willing to accept that for the uses you described, it "just works". It doesn't for all uses. (or in fact most uses I'd want to put it to)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Insightful)
Have you gone shopping for a game lately? I've been out of touch about video card specs lately, now it's like "uhh... well I hope it works."
There's a difference between 'dumbing down' and 'making things easier'.
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:4, Insightful)
I dunno. I'm pretty attached to my CD player -- I use it every day, and despite mp3s, I buy new things for it. And yet, I really don't know all that much about the quantum mechanical effect that makes the laser work. It just generally does, and if it doesn't, I'll shrug and either get someone else to look at it or buy a new one.
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Insightful)
I have a hammer. I buy nails for it all the time.
I really don't know all that much about the quantum mechanical effect that makes the nails go in the wood.
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Interesting)
Welcome to the automobile industry. The amount of time and money is a lot different but direct parallels can be drawn. Autos were toys for hobbyists at first and then everybody wanted one and they became 'dumbed down' and hobbyists resented it.
Can you rebuild your own transmission? That's the auto equivalent of rolling a kernel, or maybe fixing driver corruption in Windows without a complete reinstall (aka chucking a car and getting a new one) Do you want to get out and crank your engine manually to start it? No? Well, then thank the person that bitched about it in 1912 or whenever it was that they got rid of that. Just like some people don't want to spend their evenings running virus scanners and debugging the alpha source for the latest foozle on sf.net.
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:4, Insightful)
To stick with the car analogy, I'd say it's more like buying a car without any idea of how to drive it, and refusing to learn how.
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:4, Interesting)
My guess is, probably not. For the average driver, just knowing whether you got the Sport model or the Luxury model is probably enough. For some, even that's too much. It's specialized knowledge and should not be required.
I should not have to compile a kernel to use a computer. This is bad design. I should have the CHOICE to compile a kernel if I want to...but that's it.
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Insightful)
With both items, you can go in detailed specifics, you can tweak the performance if you have the know-how, you can buy generic products from big name brands, etc.
I don't think that marketers or whoever is behind that "level" initiative should assume that their customers are dumb/ignorant.
I think it's a given that when someone feels the need to buy something that is complex, that person should research the product beforeha
True, and what's worse (Score:5, Insightful)
I completely agree. And it would be even worse than that.
Let's say that today, right now, the very best PC you can get is a level 10. Then, let's wait a year.
See where I'm going? What'll next year's very best be? A level 11? The system will wind up looking like Spinal Tap's amplifiers.
"No, mate. My PC goes to 11."
Re:True, and what's worse (Score:4, Insightful)
Hmm... I kind of meant this to be a joke, but it would work. Use something like 1.5-base log where a 2 is 1.5x better than 1. A level 20 would be 437x faster, and by then something else would've come along....
The end consumer could care less about log scales. They might not understand them, but they're used in other things right now without complaint (Richter scale, dB levels...)
In case you don't get the joke.... (Score:3, Funny)
Nigel Tufnel
Marty DiBergi
Nigel Tufnel
Marty DiBergi
Nigel Tufnel
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Insightful)
Ah yes. I can see it now. Large companies will be able to shift the blame for bad coding to insufficient hardware. In the clamor for overall product quality the politicians will establish a certification system. With hardware certification will come lockin and subsidy similar to automobile or airplane manufacturers.
Say goodbye to modular cards and custo
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:2, Insightful)
Unless, of course, they propose to make the level designation open-ended, which means that in 10 years, level 22 would be the midrange.
...and forget about custom built systems... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Insightful)
That's probably true. Some tasks maybe only need level 3, but the marketing droids have convinced the public that they really need level 7 "at minimum"; better go for a level 9 to be safe, or a level 11 for "future proofing".
It's very similar to the "Landmark" benchmark, where processors were given a notional equivalence to an old 80286. Thus, a 25MHz 386DX was IIRC given a Landmark speed of "57MHz" (ie, a '286 would have to run at that speed to be as fast. It got dropped not long after the 486 came out, as the Landmark speeds were heading into 4 figures, when actual speeds were barely into 3.
This system (if it takes off) will go the same way, when people get fed up being told that they need a "level 250" just to browse the web.
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Informative)
Now, I have to get back to work on my level -3 laptop...
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Interesting)
GAMES. For what most people do with their PCS, "extra power" just isn't necessary. Five year old computers that were mid range when they were created are sufficient. They may be sluggish sometimes, but it's tolerable.
But if you're a gamer, performance is very important to the whole experience of the game. It's not like waiting for a program to load or encoding an mp3, where patience is all you need to deal with poor performance. In games, bad performance translates into poor frame rates, which can translate into an unplayable game.
Game developers will always find new ways to utilize improvements in PC performance. More detailed models and textures, more animations, better physics, better lighting and particle effects, better AI, ect.
Game developers will continue to push the envelope and as a result, hardware developers will always have a reason to do the same, and there will always be a demand for an improved product. Until the technical limitations imposed by real physics make it infeasible to continue to make significant improvements in PC performance at a price point that is affordable to most gamers.
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Informative)
I don't see multi-core having a major impact, as many tasks don't parallelize well. The same objection applies to multi-threaded cores.
Faster clock speeds may not materialize: in the past year, Intel, IBM, and AMD all had trouble with the switch to the 90nm process -- they can't get the resulting chips to run much faster than their 130nm equivalents -- and they all have serious heat pro
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:5, Insightful)
Think about how some cars are sold with option packages: I couldn't get the parking system I wanted ($300) without getting the GPS system I didn't want ($1200).
So maybe the whole thing here is that you _cannot_ have a Level 3 computer with a Level 8 card -- that it's a bundle, and you have to go with an L8 computer if you want an L8 card even if all you want the L8 desig for is just the card, not the CPU.
Add to that some sort of ability to limit in BIOS what you can use ("this is an L3 computer. It may only have video cards that are 33MHz or slower and 32Mb of less of RAM") and you essentially kill modding of the most moddable (is that a word?) platform around! Then, you don't necessarily need to build an 'XBox' to do one thing and a 'PC' to do another and be afraid people will take the XBox and turn it into a computer -- you just sell an L2 (of a certain form factor) that can't be upgraded.
I hope these are just paranoid delusions
Re:Alex, I'll take Level 6 for $200 (Score:3, Insightful)
As long as places like ASUS, ABIT, MSI, and Chaintech are around, I doubt that this will happen. They seem to take that rebellious attitude in their hardware design: coloring their motherboards, adding bright LED's, using funky fans and heat sinks, and allowing easy overclocking through the bios. Any sort of encouragement by MS to move to a boring All-your-base type of arrangement would be lost on deaf ears to them.
People who build their own machines usually go with these manufacturers as well. If your
Comment removed (Score:5, Funny)
Re:so (Score:3, Funny)
Re:so (Score:3, Funny)
All I know.. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:All I know.. (Score:5, Funny)
example hardware levels: (Score:3, Funny)
Remember MPC? (Score:5, Informative)
This was back in the days of Windows 3.1, even.
Re:Remember MPC? (Score:5, Informative)
MPC, Take Two? (Score:5, Interesting)
http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/M/MPC.html [webopedia.com]
Level ONE! (Score:5, Insightful)
At any rate, because people should not let games wash over them like the TV does, they should have to work a little bit at it. Giving them options to tweak is important as it does teach some degree of problem solving and process optimization that for many kids at least is important.
Benchmarks? (Score:2)
Not to mention it'll be just as hard to pick a standard for these "levels" as it is to pick a standard for benchmarks.
yeah. (Score:2)
funk dat.
It could work for people, too. (Score:2)
I'm a 6th level editor and a 7th level slacker. It'll cost you more if you want me to switch the two around.
(ObFuturama: "I'm a 10th level vice president!")
Two words: (Score:5, Funny)
So a level 5 PC will have a medium processor. What is this, D&D? And what happens next year when last year's "medium" is this year's "suck" chip? This whole thing strikes me as horribly condescending, although perhaps its the logical extension of the Intel/AMD/Cyrix "Performance Rating" stupidity. And if so, does Joe Sixpack DESERVE the condescension, for buying into the crap before? Either way, a static rating system for PC performance is instantly outdated the minute that its implemented. Geesh.
Re:Two words: (Score:5, Funny)
Your PC has gained 250 experience points!
Level up! Your PC is now level 4!
Your PC attacks Doom 3 ( level 9 ) with a bastard sword!
Doom 3 attacks your PC ( level 4 ) with a Minigun with HE ammo!
Your PC has died. (A)bort, (F)ail, (R)etry?
What about if: (Score:2)
This is akin to saying your rice-rocket has stage-3 nitrous, or a stage-umpteen turbocharger. It's just dumb.
I already do this except my levels are in $ (Score:5, Insightful)
a $700 computer will be better
a $1500 computer will be better still
It even scales correctly as technologie comes out.
Re:I already do this except my levels are in $ (Score:4, Insightful)
No it doesn't. 10 years ago, I doubt you'd have been able to get a $500 computer, let alone one with "mid range processor and memory". 20 years ago, $1500 is the only one of your price ranges that would have got you a PC.
Sure, the pricing changes slower than the actual capabilities of the computer, but there is a shift to lower cost going on as well.
I believe.... (Score:2, Insightful)
Operating System Levels (Score:5, Funny)
- Windows ME would run under the maximum negative value limit
- Windows XP would probably be 2
- Windows 2000 would probably be 2.5
- Windows Server 2003 would probably be 3
- Linux would probably be a 5
- Mac OS X would probably be a 5.000001 just to piss off Linux people
- *BSD would be a 10
Re:Operating System Levels (Score:4, Funny)
And everyone who mods me up still uses Win98SE too, so there.
Dumbing down the populace... (Score:2)
I wonder if Bill Gates is inbred.
Time (Score:5, Insightful)
Idiotic (Score:2)
What about when a year or two passes and your "Level 7" PC is now a "level 2"? What happens with the previous "level 2" PC?
In a way, we have something like this... (Score:2)
Ars Technica does a system guide [arstechnica.com] that has multiple levels of computer. Just slap a number on each one, and poof.
The problem is that time changes these things. My computer six months ago was a "Hot Rod", but now it's an "Ultimate Budget Box." In the future, I'll buy a Level 7, but in a couple of months it'll become a Level 5. How do I know what level my computer currently is so I know whether or not it'll run that great new game that requires a Level 6 PC?
But time decreases the "level"! (Score:2)
Terrible idea (Score:4, Insightful)
It would be easier to designate a computer by a year when it was top of the line. For instance, if I put 'PC1999 compatible' means that it would be compatible with a computer that's 5 years old. A brand new game requiring a P4 3.0 with a gig of ram might be a PC2004+ or something. Most people can figure out what year their computer came from, once it's in general use.
A good example of the different requirements for games is the Sims 2. You need more hardware if you have a non-T&L card, but less if you get a better card. So it's video card dependant.
I hate this direction he is considering. Because I think he's just pushing it so that eventually you'd have Xbox 3 using a rating system on their games. 'Xbox 3 level 5 required' and such. ugh.
Level 5 WHEN? (Score:3, Insightful)
Maybe each system should be ranked by its PERFORMANCE (MIPS), and not some arbitrary numbering system.
Apple (Score:5, Funny)
"My Macintosh is grape!"
Levels, Jerry, LEVELS! (Score:5, Funny)
KRAMER: It's a simple job. Why, you don't think I can?
JERRY: Oh, no. It's not that I don't think you can. I know that you can't, and I'm positive that you won't.
Done Before? (Score:3, Insightful)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multimedia_PC [wikipedia.org]
The reason for this is (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:The reason for this is (Score:4, Interesting)
This is how IBM made so much money in the 50's. They made very little profits on their mainframes, because the shelf life of the mainframes was so long. So they made all their money on punch cards. If you used somebody else's punchcard, you voided your warranty. They would charge different companies different prices for punchcards, based on how much money the company was worth. A company worth more got charged more.
Re:The reason for this is (Score:3, Interesting)
Marketting (Score:3, Insightful)
Obviously this is marketting crap aimed at the home user, but if they haven't yet worked out that YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR, will sticking yet another number help any?
If you are data crunching, you may need a level 5 Hard drive, a level 8 CPU, but a level 3 graphics card. If this is your home entertainment center,, you may be fine with a level 8 HD, level 6 CPU, level 4 graphics. Which machine is "better"? Its too easy to pull the wool over consumer's eyes. I'm sure we could all populate a m/board with heaps of the cheapest RAM available to knock a computer system up a notch or two.
Of course, to run Longhorn, you are looking at level 15, right off the bat, across the board.
Super Size Me (Score:3, Funny)
Gimmie a Number 2, hold the pickles, extra mayo, onion rings instead of fries. Diet Coke. Make it a biggie.
I can hear it now:
"Hey, nice box. Is that a Level 6?"
"Naw, it's a Level 5, but I upgraded the transmatic illudium vector sub processor, so it's about as good as a Level 6."
"No way...... The Level 6 has the super ultra mega dynamo, "
"Oh yeah. I guess it's a really like the level 5.5a, then."
"I suppose so. Say, did you see the new Level 37? Man, that's a sweet computer".
"Yeah, but I'm saving my money for the Level 50 that's due out next month."
Levels for Joe User (Score:5, Funny)
Level 3 computer: Athlon 2400+, 512 MB RAM, GeForce FX 5200, WeatherBug, CoolWebSearch
Level 2 computer: Athlon 2400+, 512 MB RAM, GeForce FX 5200, WeatherBug, CoolWebSearch, Bonzi Buddy, ShopAtHomeSelect
Level -1 computer: Athlon 2400+, 512 MB RAM, GeForce FX 5200, WeatherBug, CoolWebSearch, Bonzi Buddy, ShopAtHomeSelect, Claria, Alexa, Sasser, DiallerPlatform, MSBlast
(Sorry, just cleaned someone's Compaq a couple days ago which was of similar specs. Over 400 instances of spyware in Ad-Aware and another 50 or so in Spybot)
MMOPC! (Score:3, Funny)
Details, not numbers (Score:3, Interesting)
This idea isn't revolutionary, but I think what could be is saying that Level 8 is a gaming machine with a very precise configuration that manufacturers have to build to, and, say, game developers saying that all of their games will run well on such and such a level. Pretty much the standardization that consoles give us, but on a PC. Never, ever have I had to worry whether an XBox game will run well on my rig. If only I had that luxury on a PC.
Stupid marketing idea, that's all (Score:4, Insightful)
Maybe the solution is to have standards by which performance is measured. Someone could write software which evaluates a computer's performance and assigns a numerical value. Then consumers could use that as a guide. We could call it a "bench mark". Then people could get into all sorts of flame wars about these "bench marks", and how they are computed, and which one to use, and so on...
Amen for including amount of RAM (Score:3, Insightful)
why does microsoft even care? (Score:3, Insightful)
unless they want to be clear about what the hw reqs are for a given sw package - and with karma to burn, he offered - won't they simply say that all ms bloat^H^H^H^H^Hsoftware needs level n+1 anyway?
or is it just another case of "we're from microsoft - we're here to help"
apple doesn't really do levels except with BTO they say good better best, and it's mostly the things that count, and those mostly in step - ram and hd and ghz and video sorta jump as one... additionally good better best is relative and numbers are absolute - tough to do for long.
How about seven levels of users? (Score:5, Funny)
Level 1 users (dweebs) would only use level one computers (toys).
Level 7 users (gurus) would use level seven computers (supercomputers).
Remember who you are selling to (Score:5, Interesting)
While several people have pointed out that a L8 video card will not make a L3 system into a L8 system, at least you have a baseline language to work with.
I suspect they want this so software vendors can slap a sticker on a box that says 'Level 8' system required. It's not a perfect system, but it beats having ignorant sales people try to explain video card ram and HD seek times to Ma and Pa Kettle.
Re:Remember who you are selling to (Score:3, Interesting)
Mine goes up to 11... (Score:4, Funny)
Leveling up! (Score:5, Funny)
Lv. 3 HP is DEAD!
Dell gains 400 experience.
HP dropped 5 gold.
Dell has gained a level!
RAM: +128MB
Processor: +500mhz
Graphics: +Nvidia 5200FX
Ok, I had to do that. Karma burn ahoy!
My gaming rig (Score:5, Funny)
Time to play Doom 3. Roll 1d20.
I've seen this before (Score:5, Funny)
Level 9: XP on a P4 3.2GHz, internet, SP2, behind Checkpoint firewall
. . .
Level 5: Win2K on a P4 1.7GHz, internet, SP4, no firewall
. . .
Level 1: Win95 on a Pentium I, internet connection, no patches, no firewall
My PC... (Score:5, Funny)
Sorry, am I too late?
This is stupid. (Score:4, Interesting)
Getting back to the levels. This is an attempt to qualtify what you are doing, then sell you a computer that fits. --The problem is that they all fit for almost everybody.
If Microsoft can get folks to buy into the level system, they can then certify hardware as being level 3 compliant, or some other such thing. Each year, they will put out little charts and graphs that equate their current bloat to the level guides. Hardware makers will get something new to talk about.
Most of us will get screwed because the level system will hide the actual specs and reduce the average persons awareness of what they are buying. They want to dumb this down because uninformed people more easily part with their money.
The current status quo looks bad for everyone really. Good hardware can be had for about $300. Legal software for that machine can easily triple that. More people are learning this lesson so something has to change to keep the dollars flowing.
Almost nobody in the industry wants people making their own PC's. The way things are right now, you can buy "made for windows" hardware, throw it into a cool case and you are good to go. (Of course, you should be running Linux, but that too is another story.) Specs are specs. People see a bundle and can shop around pretty easily.
Now lets talk about a Level 3 computer? What's inside? How does it compare to my P4 2Ghz.... ? Will hardware makers sell Level 3 kits? What if people want to choose different vendors?
It's all about the bundle. Microsoft has made their fortune bundling things together in ways that encourage people to buy. This bundling of hardware and terminology will simply allow them to better leverage their already strong dominant position in the hardware end of things.
It will be at our expense. (It always is.) Bundles limit choice. Where there is limited choice, people pay more.
No thanks, people are learning now. Might as well just let them continue to get smarter so they can make their own choices.
I do give Microsoft credit though. --It's a good move. Creative. Hope most folks know better.
Re:Levels (Score:2, Funny)
Re: (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Understandable... (Score:3, Insightful)
I havent RTFA (seems to be slashdotted or something wrong with ntl (again)) but how does the level system encompass operating system type?
eg: say my linux box qualifies as a "level 7" system and I go down to my local games shop and buy a copy of doom that says "Works On Level 7 Computers & Upwards" should I be getting in touch with trading standards cus it didnt specify Windows XP SP2 ?
Is this a cunning way to remove the operating system meme from co