Internet via the Power Grid, Again 262
Damon Campagna writes "This NYT article, Internet via the Power Grid: New Interest in Obvious Idea says the FCC is looking into power-line networking again. I thought this was pretty much debunked a couple years ago?"
Power Grid (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Power Grid (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Power Grid (Score:2)
but three phase is available at the transformer on the top of the telephone pole outside if you want to come up to european standard.
Residential 240v service is called single phase. Three phase service is generally NOT available at homes due to the difference in the transformers (three legs instead of two). Also, three phase in the US is 208 volt, not 220 or 240. This would not have us 'up' to European standards e
Re:Power Grid (Score:2)
I gotcha last mile RIGHT HERE! (Score:4, Insightful)
Hmmm...most consumer broadband options are in the 500kbps area in the US too. If this stuff were to become viable, it would certainly shutup the damned telcos and their last mile, I expect, as it's already wired.
I'm sure this is exactly what the current providers want, though. Not only do they have to compete with cable companies (and now satellite as well) to provide internet, now they have the frikkin' power company too. They're just lucky the power companies are too busy price-fixing to bother with this.
Re:Not a last mile solution (Score:2)
From what I understand (and I'm no expert, but I have looked into this stuff) this is a possible last-mile solution; running a fast 'net connection to the nearest electrical substation and then putting a decoder on the power pole just shy of a pole pig would get the signal to within a few hu
does this help with last mile? (Score:2)
on the otherhand I suppose that if one were to install special bridges (with packet switiches) across every transformer this might in principle be done over the power lines easier than laying new cables.
They've got it backwards (Score:5, Funny)
Re:They've got it backwards (Score:3, Funny)
Favorite line:
The History of Power Grid Internet. (Score:5, Funny)
It works (Score:5, Informative)
Poland, for example, has been rolling out power-line internet for at least a year.
Re:It works (Score:4, Informative)
What was debunked is the idea that if you burn lots of money, break a few laws of physics, engineer electronic devices that can modulate information transmissions at rates orders of magnitude faster than the best we've got right now (but will cost under $60 apiece), and break a few more laws of physics, you can transmit data over the power grid in the exobit range. (That's thousands of gigabits.)
Other companies that aren't scams have had much more modest success. The idea works, the problem is finding a way to make it financially workable, too.
Re:It works (Score:2)
Just in case it wasn't clear what level of ridiculous claims he was actually making.
Re:It works (Score:2)
This is not only in trial in many places, but in full-scale production.
A friend works at a company called Satius [satius.com]. They are working on power-line networking equipment, and he mentioned how most of their sales are overseas. Apparently there are more competing technologies in the U.S., so the interest level isn't as high as overseas.
Re:It works (Score:5, Insightful)
But the main evidence that the story was about a con job was the quote
By piggybacking on this magnetic field, instead of on the electricity itself, he could obtain almost limitless speeds of transmission. [emphasis from the article]
This clearly implies cluelessness. Now, you might not expect a manager type to understand what's wrong with this statement. But you'd expect that they'd have some EEs on their payroll, and an EE's basic reaction to such a statement would be to snicker and say "Yeah; right."
Any manager who continues saying such things after a few minutes discussing it with their EEs is clearly involved in a con, and knows it. In his next con, he's gonna market a truck that doesn't damage the roads like other trucks do. His explanation will be that trucks do their damage by harming the base that the road is built on. But his trucks only drive on the surface of the road, so they won't damage the roadbed at all.
Yeah, you can transmit data by piggybacking it on power lines. But making it work on a legacy power system is gonna be expensive. Ripping out the system and building a new one would probably be cheaper in many (if not most) existing systems.
Re:It works (Score:2)
Re:It works (Score:2)
Well, actually some blenders might not do fine. Some of them now have IC controllers, and the major problem with internet-over-wall-power is that the RF component will do "interesting" things to the sanity of a lot of cheap consumer electronic devices. Quality electronic gadgets will have a power supply that filters out the higher frequencies. But blen
Re:It works (Score:2)
Who's this Maxwell guy and why do I keep hearing about these equations of his?
Re:It works (Score:2)
how to play casino-NASDAQ (Score:4, Funny)
2 echo("we can use the electrical grid to carry data at speeds faster than we've ever seen");
3 A.Sell();
4 Debunk(2);
5 GOTO 1;
Prior art? (Score:5, Funny)
the google news link (Score:2, Informative)
The NYT Back door link (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The NYT Back door link (Score:2)
Re:The NYT Back door link (Score:2)
Of course, once they figure that out, you'll find yourself on the block list. But if you dont use it much they may not spot you.
Redundant (Score:4, Interesting)
Most homes have powerlines, phone and TV cables going inside. These three mediums, add radio, are the obvious ones to deliver internet through.
So if the momentum has built for DSL and Cable, why push for the third option too? It all started with DSL, but the telcom companies squeezed things till the development on Cable started. Now, at least here in Toronto, the same Telcom companies are squeezing both these mediums, thus pushing for the possibilities on power lines.
Ideally, cities should have fibre lines going into homes controlled by a government department, that allows private companies to deliver the Internet and not compete with them.
Re:Redundant (Score:3, Interesting)
Look at a RAID...it makes use of a large number of slow storage to make one fast storage system!
Maybe the true future lies in redundancy, having the Internet over all 3 will allow for the most reliable and fastest service!
I, for one, would call it DUMB (da unusual method biotch)
Re:Redundant (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Redundant (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Redundant (Score:2)
scripsit Iguanaphobic:
And that one greengrocer in the U.K. who would rather do jail time than sell a kilo of veggies...
not really (Score:2)
Re:not really (Score:2)
I know. I learned both. Imperial units until Grade 5 and then metric. In another 30 years you won't find many left who care about Imperial.
Re:not really (Score:2)
Humility is good. Baking $350 million dollar spacecraft into the Martian desert is not.
depends on the field (Score:2)
Re:Redundant (Score:3, Insightful)
Because there are lots of places that don't have DSL, or IP over Cable TV...and even more places that don't have both. It's nice to have something avilable, but even nicer to have more then one thing so they can compete...
Re:Redundant (Score:2)
15 miles from downtown Minneapolis and I can only get Comcast. What a crock of crap. My parents live in Northeast PA (10 miles from fucking Scranton, PA) and they have DSL and Cable.
Re:Redundant (Score:3, Insightful)
DSL and cable are NOT the answer. They are fine if you live in a city but if you are rural you are SOL. Satellite is NOT a real option. Pricey and limited in usefulness. The only option left for rural individuals is powerline.
I frickin' want a broadband connection that doesn't break the bank and doesn't suffer major latency issues. I see no option but some form of powerline transmission. Wireless is not an option for most rural people.
Re:Redundant (Score:2)
WiFi (Score:2)
I lived in Illinois once, for a couple years, and WiFi would be great in the part of the state I was in. Few trees to speak of, and the land was so flat the overpass was called a "hill". Try visiting upstate NY sometime, where most of the rural dwellers can't see their neighbors because a big hill's in the way. Likewise for most of the rest of the east coast, and the west coast too. WiFi is great on a large scale if you're in a city, or a rural area with wide open fl
Re:Redundant (Score:2)
Lay off the rural folk...they have the same rights you do. Broadband internet can make life AND business a lot better.
Whatever. I suppose all us city-dwellers have a right to 10 acres of land to roam around on as well? Maybe we should all have a nice creek running near the house too. Get over yourself. You made a decision that has consequences, so did everyone else. Deal with it.
Re:Redundant (Score:2)
No, but "it'll cost a helluvalot more than you want to pay" is a pretty good reason.
Re:Redundant (Score:2)
Really? In the city where I live internet over cable was available years before DSL. But only one cable provider implemented it, they did however offer amazing speeds of up to 4mbit/sec the first few years. Then they started a commercial campaign stating that they were simply the best provider, which was true at that time. They no longer are the best. Their prices have increased while their speed have
Re:Redundant (Score:2)
Really redundant (Score:5, Funny)
So then you have to go online and watch TV in the dark. Much as how they did before electric power was invented.
Re:Really redundant (Score:2)
I dropped a 19" out of a 3 story apartment window into an empty dumpster in the alleyway once.
What a blast that was. Talk about an earth-shattering *kaboom*. Funny thing was, nobody even seemed to notice. No cops, nothing. *grin*
Re:Really redundant (Score:2)
As long as I'm not sitting in front of it!
Were you watching sports, or the news? Heh.
Re:Really redundant (Score:2)
LOL agreed about sports. Never understood why some people get so fanatical about watching sports (I like a good backyard scrap game of football once in a while, but I'm not fanatical about it).
Politics makes me mostly angry. That shouldn't surprise anyone
Doggone two minute wait...
"Karma: Incredible: Please wait 2 days before posting again:-)"
Re:Redundant (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Redundant (Score:2)
You mean, like, CNN?
Re:Redundant (Score:2)
I'd rather have something government controlled than something controlled by a company with monopoly on communication infrastructure. And keep in mind that the control should only be over the lowest possible levels below IP. The control should only ensure that line and bandwidth is available. On top of the physical line any ISP can implement the necesarry range of protocols including: ARP, IP, DHCP, DNS. A
Government controlled crap (Score:2)
Huh. (Score:5, Funny)
With my luck, my hair will probably just stand up in the form of an x10 popup ad....sigh.
Re:Huh. (Score:2)
no registration (Score:5, Informative)
replace www with archive to avoid the registration
link [nytimes.com]
Re:no registration (Score:3, Informative)
instead of modding down a GOOD post and ignoring this time after time with NYT posts
Re:no registration (Score:2)
This also explains why we have so many articles about new Apple toys, new O'Reilly books, etc. Slashdot is not, and doesn't claim to be, impartial. And the sponsors aren't just limited to the banners and big-ass square ads around here . . . the content, too, is for sale.
Re:no registration (Score:2)
Then who the hell is paying for all these Microsoft ads on Slashdot? Is Taco running them for free, to make up for all the MS bashing he does?
They debunked ONE theory of how to do it. (Score:3, Insightful)
Their is nothing in the concept that fundamentally contradicts laws of nature, so it can be done, we just have to figure out how to do it efficently.
Re:They debunked ONE theory of how to do it. (Score:2)
In short it is possible, but not without pissing of everyboddy that is currently using the RF spectrum.
The power grid was never ment for this...
Re:They debunked ONE theory of how to do it. (Score:4, Interesting)
In short it is possible, but using the relatively insensitive machines that were proposed once before, without changing the specs of the power currently being transferd, the signal would have to be so strong that the electricity grid would radiate excessively, And the proposed means of shielding that raditaion is so expensive so as not to be worth it.
It CAN be donel. You do realize that your phone's run off of the electriicty supplied by the phone line (I.e. unless your phone has an answering machine it does not need to be plugged in.)
There are 3 Barriers to doing it, and if we conquer ANY one of those barriers we can do it: [li]Use far more sensitive reading and writing mechanisms (or a dramitcally different method). [li]Use good RF shielding on the power lines [li]Change the power grid specs dramatically.
While changing the shield or the power grid specs dramatically would require a massive revision of our powergrid, the first option is VERY likely to occure with the next 10 years, if it has not already happened, and will not be expensive or require masive upgrades.
Radio Interference (Score:5, Interesting)
Competition (Score:3, Insightful)
and it will never work (Score:2, Interesting)
The problem is that the higher frequency signal you used for the data transfer slightly distorts the 50HZ sine wave used to carry the power. Now for a lot of appliences this isn't a problem but for applications where a pure current is important (high end hi-fi comes to mind) this will severly impact on the performance of t
Re:and it will never work (Score:2)
You honestly think you get a constant 50hz at the moment? As I've said on here before; The turbines don't spin at exactly 3000rpm all the time. I've seen them with my own eyes.
I can even look at a dozen live turbine speeds from this workstation... [osisoft.com]
Re:and it will never work (Score:2, Funny)
If you can afford a $5000 amp, you can afford another one.
Re:and it will never work (Score:2)
Re:and it will never work (Score:2, Informative)
By they way, anybody who spent 5 grand on high end analog electronics that didn't include a good power line filter got ripped off.
Re:and it will never work (Score:2)
HiFi (Score:2)
Poster should RTFA! (Score:2, Insightful)
Article in Spiegel (Score:2, Insightful)
I've got it .. (Score:3, Informative)
Our house with appartments have it installed. I think the contract said something about 2Mbit and not for too much money either.
The reason I didn't get it was their contract, you are allowed to do anything. No servers, no DNS-name pointing to your machine etc etc. Who wants to pay for that?
Hey, what if we add WiFi to the mix? (Score:4, Interesting)
OK. Here is an interesting idea. What if the power-line networking is not only available to homes and businesses, but wireless access points are put on poles in such a way as to cover most public spaces. You pay for the access points (and their maintenance) via a small tax on the home connection and/or power bill. Now there is 'Internet Everywhere' [slashdot.org], which in my opinion is valuable even if it isn't particuarily fast.
The best part is that every town and city where the power company is a public utility could cause this to happen via a grass roots effort to put the idea to a vote, much the same way you would do a library assessment. We wouldn't need to get the politicians on board, which might be difficult if they are getting campain contributions from telnet companies.
Would this work? Not just "Is it technically feasable?" But "Is it something people would actually vote for?"
Re:Hey, what if we add WiFi to the mix? (Score:2)
Already done. Amperion calls it "Power Wi-Fi" :
http://www.amperion.com/products.asp [amperion.com]
Re:Hey, what if we add WiFi to the mix? (Score:2)
But 'free to use' raises issues as well. Including possible 'Tradgedy of the commons' if some people misuse or overuse bandwidth.
Not debunked. . .but not competitive either (Score:5, Informative)
What was debunked was that loon's theory of using a maser to use the magnetic fields surrounding a power grid as a wave guide.
Companies like Current Solutions are being much more conservative, and I think have a much greater chance of success, by providing a last-mile solution. Their system starts with what they call a "backhaul point" that bridges the system to an off-the-shelf IP network, then uses couplers to distribute that system to a local network of homes. One set of devices may wire a chunk of 10 or 20 homes, and they still need a modem at their end.
In a transformer-less network this would be a no-brainer, but the real question for me is whether it's cost-effective. I'm sure it is if (as I'm positive it says in their business plan) you assume 100% adoption, but if only 4 homes out of twenty adopt the service can they still make money? Cable and phone companies still beat them on that economy of scale - many more customers per switch.
Re:Not debunked. . .but not competitive either (Score:2)
Do you mean 'money', or 'hand-over-fists money'?
If a venture is profitable (i.e., can cover costs of capitalization, o
I don't like this because... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:I don't like this because... (Score:3, Informative)
Just because the network connection arrives through the power lines doesn't mean it will enter your PC through the power supply! There's bound to be some sort of decoding/demuxing box at the power entry point in your house, and you'd plug the network connection into that.
Related article today on C|Net (Score:3, Informative)
There is a related article [com.com] today on C|Net via Reuters:
ComputerUser.com has a longer and more detailed article [computeruser.com].
As a Marylander who despises ComCast, I'm hopeful !
They're just tests ( at this point) (Score:3, Insightful)
Voice over IP over power lines (Score:3, Informative)
Couple of weeks ago I saw a short data-over-power-grid demonstration in Finnish television. They demonstrated how you could connect an IP telephone to power outlet and make a phone call through power grid. I think their idea was that it is easier for them to provide functionality similar to the telephone network than vice versa (when talking about last mile solutions).
The topic has been quite frequently up in Finnish media because Turku Energia [turkuenergia.fi] (home page in Finnish) has been selling their new data-ower-power-grid product to consumers since January.
Has interesting anti-spam potential. (Score:4, Funny)
I feel like a pioneer (Score:4, Interesting)
It worked quite well, especially since it had a built in power source. Gotta wonder why more folks aren't running the LAN off of this principle.
Though if you were going to do this on any large scale, you MIGHT want to equip your appliances with a band-pass filter to prevent the higher frequency signals from interfering with your switching power supplies.
It won't work for any large organization, unless someone can figure out a way to implement packet switching. Your collision rate would be terrible with everybody connected to a giant dumb hub. I'm pretty sure the same traffic protocols used for wireless would solve this problem too.
not new (Score:2)
For instance, everyone's favorite generator of 'pop-under' ads [x10.com] and Home Phone Line Networking (HPNA) [homepna.com].
Definitely not a new idea, just a grander scale
not the cure to broadband availability (Score:2, Interesting)
Can it be done? Yes. Will this be the cure-all for rural broadband? Probably not. Not because it's not possible but because the $$$ won't make it worth the capital outlays it would require.
Happening in Pennsylvania! (Score:3, Informative)
Turns out it is my ISP handling the broadband end anyway, and as I already have DSL through them, it probably wouldnt make much difference. The speeds that PP&L quoted me are just about the same as the DSL speeds I am already getting.
So its not "debunked" its just not controlled by the FCC at the moment.
Scottish Hydro (Score:5, Informative)
*British Telecom regularly seem to leave something to be desired when it comes to 'public service'. A friend of mine has this story about how he recently installed an ADSL modem for a business in the centre of Glasgow - a city of nearly two million people. Naturally he assumed that ADSL would be available so neglected to explicitly check, and he was consequently scunnered when BT told him that it wasn't available due to 'insufficient demand'. Apparently the local exchange serviced quite a small area, and one where there was a disproportionate number of warehouses and areas under redevelopment, so despite being right in the middle of the city it had not met BT's criteria. Fortunatly given where they were the embaressment factor was sufficiently high that BT upgraded the exchange anyway, but it just demonstrates what we're up against.
Re:Scottish Hydro (Score:2)
I suspect that BTs refusal probably has more to do with their dislike of haggis [smart.net].
Obligatory haggis joke now over, we return you to your normal programming.
early variation... (Score:3, Insightful)
Why? Because the various electric companies have been replacing their meters with new meters that report back what the current reading is, over the electric lines themselves. Granted this does not require high bandwidth connectivity, but when you consider the number of meters involved, it is unlikely to be operating at 110 bps either.
it's just a wire (Score:3, Interesting)
The article you reference talks about a particular scammer
This has more to do with business and legal issues than new technology. Just happens that power companies already have big cables running to every home (right of way) and they are just trying to figure out an economical way to use them for telecom. Just as the cable companies did. Except the electrical distribution grid is not as easy to convert as the cable networks were.
But what about.... (Score:2)
But what about all my X-10 equipment in my house? Won't this mess up the signal that my light switches are using?
Note to moderators: This post is both Funny, AND informative. Despite X-10's annoying pop-ups, there are LOTS of people who use X-10 in the real world.
Not quite (Score:2)
Dangers of checking for a link. (Score:2)
I'd rather... (Score:2)
Debunked (Score:2)
Never understimate the creativity of a sufficiently-funded engineer.
Debunked? (Score:2)
UPS Uses It Now in the US! (Score:2)
Hasn't anyone seen their new commercial, where they talk about package tracking data flowing "over these lines", and the picture in the background is high tension power lines, because the marketing department couldn't find stock film footage of a fly-by of an underground fiber optic cable?
8-) 8-) 8-).
-- Terry
Re:I keep tripping on the cables (Score:3, Interesting)
It is for real (Score:2)
I believe it's subsidised at the moment to make the approx USD 50 / month price tag - but that should come down with wider adoption.
I believe however that scottish hydro are in a reasonably good position since they already have a fast fibre optic network and are indeed only using this for the last mile.
As i've heard it, (makes sense but could be false) they started putting