Washington State Debates Taxing Software Creation 417
zzyzx writes: "An article in the Seattle PI discusses the existing tax on software creation in Seattle. The law was clarified recently to allow the taxing of the software that was created in Seattle, even if the manufacture of the discs occurred elsewhere. Some Washington state lawmakers are working to overturn these changes. The issue at the heart of the matter:
Should an intellectual activity such as programming be taxed in the same way as manufacturing is?"
Right now they get a tax break (Score:3, Insightful)
is software akin to solid state machinery? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:is software akin to solid state machinery? (Score:4, Interesting)
OK, you obviously have not thought through taxation very well, if you make this statement. So let's walk through it a bit.
A government (theoretically, anyway) provides services to its citizens. Universally, these include infrastructure development, provision for the common defense, a criminal justice system and so on. Some countries provide more, and some countries have failed, and essentially the government is an armed gang of extortionists. Other than the latter, though, governments generally exist to provide services to their citizens. To do that, a government must have access to resources (people, property, material, etc). To get those resources in a basically free-market system, such as is prevalent in the developed world, requires money, because money is the medium of exchange and because we don't like the government to show up unpredictably with guns to take things from us that the government needs.
This need to raise funds for the government can be met with:
The amount of funds raised depends upon which taxes are imposed, and how much money is behind each source of funds. So let's look at the government's incentive with each tax, the relative amount of funds behind it, and the impact on the society of collecting funds in a certain way.
In the end, it is the income tax that allows the government to control your life. It is the income tax that makes possible a government of barely-restricted size and power. It is the income tax that allows the government to bribe the majority with money coerced from the minority. It is the income tax which spawns most of the tyranny that the US government practices (admittedly, still less than most places in the world). It is the income tax which sterilizes citizenship by removing the ability of citizens to control their government's behavior by changing their own behavior. It is the income tax which poisons public debate by allowing people to obtain benefits without costs, and thus makes the incentive for an individual to go along with a government program - lest their own government teat be attacked by the beneficiaries of another program - unless they are in the unheard minority who have to fund whatever the latest government program might be. It is the income tax which is LEAST useful and sensible to a free people.
One further point, on bonds: the government can raise money in the short term by taking on debt. This is not a valid long-term means of financing the government, however, because that debt eventually has to be paid back, with interest, thus reducing future funding abilities.
Re:is software akin to solid state machinery? (Score:3, Interesting)
Taxation is used to govern the rate at which an economy expands and contracts. Too much taxation and the economy contracts, too little and it expands. Rapid expansion creates inflation, while depression lies in the opposite direction. The government does not NEED the tax money, any more than cows NEED hamburgers.
Controlling the money supply is the better way to throttle the economy and has been shown over the last few decades. As a matter of fact, the ultra low interest rates are due to compensation for the ultra high tax rates. If we eliminated tax rates all together, and adjusted the cost of money to a more realistic value, the economy would be a great deal more stable since the primary instability in any ecomomy is fluctuations in taxation.
If you count all of the various direct and indirect taxes you pay in this country, (user fees, windfall taxes, etc) you will find Americans pay a much larger proportion of their income than the pundits will admit.
90% of the time spent in Congressional debate has been related to one tax or another, all on the taxpayers dime. Establishment of a budgetary system proportional to the economy and binding on congress, state, and local gonverments is the best way to go in my veiw.
If the amount of money they receive is directly proportional to economic health and stability of their region, the politians will be more motivated to selecting sound laws and policies as opposed to the parasitic ones they foist on us now.
Re: short version (Score:3, Insightful)
- A high sales tax can kill your economy
- A high income tax can only slow it down
My short version II:
- A high sales tax kills all high-volume low-margin bussiness
- A high income tax can only cut profits
My short version III:
- Look at Argentina's economy, which is collapsed due to 21% VAT + 3% gross sales tax (income tax doesn't matter when you don't have profits).
Re:is software akin to solid state machinery? (Score:2)
Income tax doesn't make sense, and it is counterproductive. A long post in this thread pointed out the problems and "benefits" of each type of tax very well.
The income tax:
1. Reduces privacy (government needs to know how much you make).
2. Punishes success (the more you earn, the more you pay).
3. Punishes honest people and benefits crooks (honest tax payers get the shaft, tax evaders don't pay).
4. Doesn't tax illegal income (drug dealers don't pay income tax on their drug money).
5. Encourages evasion (there is financial incentive to not report all your income).
On the other hand, a sales-tax only (no income tax) has the following aspects:
1. Increases privacy (no government agency needs to care how much you make).
2. Is success-neutral (making money doesn't punish you).
3. Taxes honest and dishonest people the same (drug dealers still have to spend most of their money at legitiment businesses).
4. Doesn't encourage income tax evasion (there's nothing to evade).
5. Encourages national savings (people will tend to save more of their income if it's not being taxed, which provides more capital to banks to lend money to encourage business borrowing to encourage growth.).
What DOESN'T make sense is any combination of income and sales tax. Income tax screws you for every dollar you earn and sales tax screws you for every dollar you spend. Screwing you both ways is something normally reserved only for pr0n.
I'm for reducing and simplifying taxes. This could best be done with a sales tax. But even if we just simplify INCOME taxes, they need to be exclusive. Having both an income and a sales tax is logically and morally wrong.
PS--I also think property tax is wrong. It eventually means everything belongs to the government and they are just renting it to you. That's bogus. If you buy it, it's yours (or should be). But I won't get into that rant right now.
Re:is software akin to solid state machinery? (Score:3, Insightful)
So, the $6.50 in tax for a $100 trip to buy clothes hurts the mother of 3 earning $5.75/hr a lot more than the well-off geek earning $35/hr.
Now do you understand? Sales tax only makes sense for bloated local governments, and not the people who are taxed.
Why get taxed twice (or more) on everything you purchase? Ever look at a utility bill? Consumers are routinely screwed by taxes for utilities.
Re:is software akin to solid state machinery? (Score:2, Interesting)
1. Repeal Federal Income Tax.
2. Institute Federal Sales Tax (say.. 10% - or pick a 'better' number if you like).
3. State sales taxes and income taxes stay in place.
4. No tax on necessities (e.g., food).
5. Tax exemptions for low-income folk.
6. No tax on goods for resale (currently true).
1. I keep the money I make until I decide to spend it on something. Whether I'm an individual, an organization, a corporation, etc. has no bearing. If I spend, I pay tax - period.
2. All this purchasing across state lines to avoid taxes becomes moot. Believe me when I tell you that I do it as much as possible. If I buy a book, a DVD player, a CD, a computer system, whatever, I try to buy out of state to avoid the tax, (I also batch-buy smaller items like books and CD's to cut the freight costs
3. The government collects all those dollars that they are whining about missing out on because of internet sales.
4. The IRS can be re-structured to become a collector of sales tax for the fed. No more need for complicated, convoluted tax forms.
1. Puts a bunch of accountants, tax lawyers, etc. out of business. (Or at least makes them re-structure their businesses.)
2. ???
So how much do they charge... (Score:4, Funny)
non profit (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:non profit (Score:2)
Re:non profit (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:non profit (Score:2)
Re:non profit (Score:2)
Fine. So anyone with a grain of intelligence moves out of Washington State, and a once progressive area becomes a technological and economic backwater.
Come to think of it, with M$ located there, and Boeing already bailing out, they're already well on their way. *duck*
Re:non profit (Score:2)
That sounds more like it only hits you when you sell the software.. which means that Open Source is in the clear..
That last bit (minus credit for R&D) is interesting tho.. if you give it away, can you deduct the R&D credit from your regular taxes? From the way the quote is worded , it sounds unlikely, but can anyone with more info (maybe someone who's seen the draft) comment on how the law is worded?
In other news.... (Score:5, Funny)
Well, duh. (Score:4, Interesting)
I'm reminded of the Cola bottling cases, where syrup was manufactured in a low-tax locale and "sold" to bottling companies (wholely-owned subsidiaries). The syrup price was being set in order to ensure that the bottling companies never made a profit, in order that profit would only be reported in the locale where it was almost tax-free. It was ruled that the sale had to take place at market rates -- in other words, you can't hide money from the taxmen by transferring property from one jurisdiction to another. This is exactly the same issue.
Re:Well, duh. (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Well, duh. (Score:2)
Re:Well, duh. (Score:2)
Re:Well, duh. (Score:2)
My children are valuable. I hope they cannot be owned.
Just because someone is willing to pay for something, that does not mean that you are entitled to have everyone pay for it in order to have it.
Re:Well, duh. (Score:2)
Because it opens a pandora's box of issues.
Can you assign a $ ammount of wealth to software in terms of property (not revenue from selling)? If so, then you could assign a value to any type of software, regardless of how much was paid for it. Thus, if you use software that didn't cost you anything, but is important to you/your company and contributes to the profits that your company generates, then the Tax Man will assign a $ ammount of value to it and tax you every year for simply owning the software.
Of course, this begs other questions. Since almost all software is licenced (including BSD, GPL, etc) and ownership of the IP resides with the creators (or the FSF), does that mean that GPL software authors (who retain copyright, or the FSF if givn to them) will be on the hook to pay all the taxes assesed on their software?
This is a bad, bad law.
Re:Well, duh. (Score:3, Interesting)
The (IIRC antitrust) school settlement was valued by MS at over a billion dollars. Never mind that it's cost was very minimal - it was mostly software. MS complained bitterly about having to provide hardware - claiming that providing software was the same value.
I'm not sure I disagree with your point, but it does seem ironic that these same companies who oppose said taxation, use the "valuation" of their products to look good when they give it away, or have their copyright protections infringed.
It's clear that when it's to their advantage to talk about the IP as a real asset with real valuation they do. When the tax man rolls by, they rush out screaming that they couldn't possibly value said IP for tax purposes!
What hypocrites! [Sheesh!]
I do think there are some reasons to tax IP. Since we're moving to a service and knowledge base economy, then the tax laws ought to move to tax the activity. Tying tax law to physical assets rather than IP makes this quite difficult. Lastly, said companies want the government to protect their IP, but not tax it too?
This is a subject I would need to think about more, but I do believe that there would be a fair way to tax IP.
Re:Well, duh. (Score:3, Insightful)
True, as do a lot of other companies. I remember Sun getting into a lot of stick because they claimed that Kevin Mitnick cost them "billions" (or maybe it was lots of millions). IIRC The IRS came sniffing around, basically saying "Oh really? Why haven't you reported these 'billions'?" I think Sun quickly retracted their statements.
As for taxes, property taxes are a really squishy area. It depends all on how the gov't decides to assess your "property." Of course, they're the ones assessing and collecting, so it always smacks of a conflict of interest. I say stick to taxing the things that require no guesswork. Tax monitary transactions (sales taxes) and income if you have to tax. Maybe property in terms of real estate. But that's about it. IP is a very, very, very vague thing that would lead to a lot of abuse (both by the gov't and large corperations trying to dodge it).
The gov't here in VA is already values my car more than the market would should I sell it now (and taxes me accordingly), I don't want some gov't accountant telling me that the software my company creates is worth $X (for very large values of X) and tax me annually on it (above and beyond the sales taxes, income taxes, SS taxes, etc that we already pay)
Re:Well, duh. Huh? (Score:3, Interesting)
Well, your Cola explanation does make sense, maybe I'm thinking too little.
If I'm Amish, and I make furniture, would I be taxed while I'm building the furniture?
R&D is not taxed, ie. Blueprints.
But actual progamming is? The manufacturing process is taxed?
That just doesn't seem right. I don't even have any income until the product is finished and sold, and I've already been taxed on it.
Re:Well, duh. Huh? (Score:2)
Re:Well, duh. (Score:2)
Creating software is not margianally different than creating a book, creating a movie, creating a song, creating a picture, or creating anything else on a computer. Until there's a finished output, for all intents and purposes, sitting in front of a PC is feeding input into the machine, letting it think, and extracting the output.
Unless you want to see a tax on creating content in general on a PC?
Re:Well, duh. (Score:2)
If you create a tax at the point of creation of intellectual property, then the tax applies whenever you create anything of value through the expression of thought into written or electronic form. If software creation is a tax-incurring activity, then so is (or should be) the creation of the written word, music, speech, jokes, etc.
In other words, suppose I have a conversation with a friend of mine, and we both put intellectual effort into choosing our words. Not only have we have each created intellectual property, we have also demonstrated its value by engaging in a barter transaction. Suppose we talk for two hours, and it can be claimed that a professional conversationalist would earn $20/hour. We have created $80 worth of intellectual property at prevailing market rates; and, if we are located in Washington State, we each owe the government perhaps $5 to $10.
Note that this might already be the case under current IRS code! If intellectual property is "goods" then we have created and exchanged "goods for hire" through a barter arrangement. Imagine that over the course of a year my friend and I spend 500 hours talking to each other. We have each created "goods" worth $10,000 and exchanged them as barter - so we have to file Form 1099s on each other, pay an extra $3,000 (or so) income tax, and we will probably face legal action for our failure to withhold payroll and Social Security taxes from each other!
The scary thing is, this is probably a valid legal argument.
Re:Well, duh. (Score:3, Insightful)
You may argue that these costs are covered some other way, and I might even agree with you, but the city does provide many things for the company.
Companies (and the rest of us) want it both ways. Provide me a great place to live - no pollution, friendly people, good schools, open space, parks, recreation, low crime, chicks in thongs (oops I digress) and I don't want to pay.
These things cost money. Someone has to pay. If you live there, or have a business there, you should have to pay too.
I think this idea, though it may not be a good one is a way to help allocate costs to those that are there, even if they find a way to shift the monetary activity elsewhere.
Re:Well, duh. (Score:2)
Of course! (Score:5, Insightful)
A tax on creative thought; why is programming different than graphic design or writing or arhitecture? Tax them all!
Once that tax is in place, any thought process not related to the obvious benefit to society (watching or reading commercials) should probably be taxed as well.
Heck, if the tax laws are properly written so they can't be understood by anyone without national debate, the IRS can pick up anyone they choose for tax evasion (forgetting to file form 1040-1984 for a non-approved thought).
excellent! profit from thought crime! (Score:2)
Code is speech (Score:2, Interesting)
Does this have a chance of passing constitutional muster? This is like the government saying, "you can speak, but we will assess how much your words are worth, and tax you for it." To me, this looks like a pretty clear violation of freedom of speech.
On the other hand, the government could simply tax speech which retains copyright protection. If you want to speak tax-free, surrender your copyright.
The Man is already getting his share (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:The Man is already getting his share (Score:2)
Washington has no state income tax. - but even if it did, slaries are generally and expense, and would not be taxed at the corporate level (since they are a deduction to revenue).
Re:The Man is already getting his share (Score:2)
Your legislative dollars at work. (Score:2, Insightful)
"Taxing the intellectual property of software companies makes about as much sense as taxing the thought process of a university professor, said Rep. Jeff Morris, D-Anacortes".
So, all teachers, writers, musicians and similar should be tax-exempt?
At least nobody would think of taxing the thought process of a representative. It just wouldn't be worth it.
Re:Your legislative dollars at work. (Score:2)
They already have the power to tax income from intellectual property in terms of taxing corporate revenue; IP isn't special in that way.
However, taxing IP *as an asset* is tricky because of the difficulty of assessing it. What is the fair value of the copyright of Microsoft Windows 2000, for instance? One can assign a cost of a *license*, but that's not the same thing. That particular copyright hasn't been up for grabs for a while, so establishing a fair market value would be incredibly difficult.
In some areas, like Allegheny County (PA/USA) there's enough trouble assessing *land*, which does trade hands sufficiently often at a variety of levels so that in theory assessors could do a half-decent job of estimating how much people's property is worth. It's the source of perpetual local complaining regarding who got screwed over and who didn't.
Re:Your legislative dollars at work. (Score:2)
Teachers shouldn't be taxed for creating tomorrow's lesson, writers shouldn't be taxed for using their typewriter (or word processor), and a musician shouldn't be taxed for writing sheet music. They already pay taxes in other ways: sales tax, income tax, property tax, etc.
I'm not sure about the specifics of the tax in the article. They call it a "business tax", but then say that they want to tax software companies as manufacturing. I say that if they're not mass producing anything physical within the city limits, they shouldn't be taxed by the city (as a manufacturer). If all they're doing is software development, then they fall under the R&D exemption. But what do I know, IANAL.
If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet. (Score:2)
Tax bar napkins (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Tax bar napkins (Score:2)
Why is the dividing line the form of media used? What if the software creators only published in assembly language form, in a book? Do you tax the book? Ok, what about magazine articles that contain code snippets? Do you just wait around until someone presses that code to CD and then tax them? Do you tax the CD creator or the code creator?
Once you allow flawed, uninformed logic like this into the legal system, it has all sorts of unintended consequences. If Seattle really wants to share in software creators' profits, they need to work a little harder to come up with a reasonable taxation method that demonstrates they "get" the nature of software. Not just this hand-waving "Hey! You with the pocket protectors! Gimme your lunch money!"
What about other engineering and service jobs? (Score:2)
If all service are taxed then software development should be also, otherwise it shouldn't be. I never understand why people try to make special laws for digital media (or software as this case is)
No big deal (Score:5, Funny)
Re:No big deal (Score:2)
And have you heard some of the logic spouted by the lawyers in the anti-trust case? Microsoft is nothing if not creative.
What's the Difference? (Score:2)
Who am I talking about? Nike? Kathie Lee? Disney?
or Microsoft?
In many ways, Software companies are already much like manufacturing companies.
Keep your lies consistent (Score:4, Insightful)
Quote 2:...Microsoft Corp., are pushing for an amendment to a municipal tax-reform bill to block the taxation of such intellectual property.
Microsoft's talking out of both sides of their mouth again.
Nothing new!!!!
Re:Keep your lies consistent (Score:3, Insightful)
I have to agree with Microsoft on this one. This is one bad law.
Should Authors be taxed by the gov't for the gov't's perceived value of an Author's work? If a book is out of print and no longer being sold, should the gov't have the right to continue to tax the author simply because the gov't feels that IP has value?
If I create a GPL'ed program, retain the copyright to it many folks the world over find it to be an incredibly useful bit of code (one that helps lots of companies save money / generate revenue) should I (as the owner of the IP) be taxed year after year because the gov't determines that bit of code has value?
That's called copyright renewal (Score:2)
If a book is out of print and no longer being sold, should the gov't have the right to continue to tax the author simply because the gov't feels that IP has value?
Yes. This is called a "copyright renewal." It was a feature of the Copyright Act of 1909, abolished for new works in 1976 and for all post-1964 works in 1992.
If I create a GPL'ed program, retain the copyright to it many folks the world over find it to be an incredibly useful bit of code (one that helps lots of companies save money / generate revenue) should I (as the owner of the IP) be taxed year after year because the gov't determines that bit of code has value?
After ten years, how much value do you still perceive in that code? You could just donate the code to the PD and stop paying the renewal fees.
Lawrence Lessig [stanford.edu], a law professor and author of popular books about thought monopolies, has advocated a return to copyright renewal [globetechnology.com]. Here's my slightly modified version of his system: Make copyrights on new works last 10 years. Then every 5 years, you have to file an extension to keep your monopoly, you can only file an extension a small number of times (I'd say 13 times, for a maximum term of 75 years), and after 25 years have expired, compulsory licensing under RAND terms for both verbatim copies and derivative works comes into effect.
Re:That's called copyright renewal (Score:2)
Was this a fee that was paid for renewal, or a tax on the percieved value of the copyright? (I'm asking because I honestly don't know). From the sound of it it sounds like the former, and that's different than a property tax.
After ten years, how much value do you still perceive in that code? You could just donate the code to the PD and stop paying the renewal fees.
Linux is 10 years old (I think NT is close, if not already 10). I still see lots of value in both products.
Taxes are different than fees. Paying a fixed fee for a copyright is different than paying taxes on a percieved value of said copyrighted material.
Re:Keep your lies consistent (Score:2)
MS is trying to convince congress (and the world) of the fallacy of open sourced programs. One of the arguments they offered is that commercial software companies pay taxes -- the implication being that GPL'd software and the creators of thereof cannot be taxed. Then the second a governmental body tries to tax MS, MS is out in fighting force saying "Hey don't tax us and our innovation!!!"
So, my question to MS is do you want to pay taxes or not? If yes then, the sit down and pay the IP tax. If no then, don't try to convince people about how great commercial software is because you can tax it and how bad GPL'd software is because you can't.
In House? (Score:2, Insightful)
The city's business and occupation tax is 0.215 percent of gross receipts, minus credit for money spent on research and development, he said
This seems contradictory doesn't it? I mean I would consider software development R&D too... I don't really think that is going to be effective at all. But governments have a wierd way of making the most hair-brained schemes appear to work.
So, if all your software development costs are actually R&D, this is worthless... they'd have to tax something else, like publishing software. But that can all be done out of state.
A careful comparison (Score:2, Interesting)
Heck, why not tax students for going to school!? (Hmm, maybe that is already being done? - that's why we see more money in the detention system than in the edutcation system).
The folly of taxing labor and capital (Score:2, Insightful)
This is just reductio ad absurdum of the concept of taxing labor at all.
Writing software or digging ditches or making Beanie Babies with your own labor and the people you employ is a right, not a privilege. You shouldn't have to pay the government for exercising your natural rights.
Obviously, when you tax something people will do less of it. Does Seattle really want less software to be written there? Fewer widgets built? Fewer ditches dug or Beanie Babies made?
We should be taxing pollution, use of resources, taking up space, and all other forms of Privilege.
Tax bads, not goods.
Re:The folly of taxing labor and capital (Score:2)
Right on!
Let's tax the sh*t out of all those Lexus SUV's and Land Rovers, single occupant vehicles every one, driving onto the Micro$oft "campus" every day!
Re:The folly of taxing labor and capital (Score:2)
Let's tax the sh*t out of all those Lexus SUV's and Land Rovers, single occupant vehicles every one, driving onto the Micro$oft "campus" every day!
How about slashdot posts? Might cut down on the trolls.
Re:The folly of taxing labor and capital (Score:2)
Of course it should (Score:3, Insightful)
Software companies may be more or less subject to the various pressures imposed by such taxation on other forms of manufacturing activity - including the tendency to move their operations overseas. However, software shouldn't be any-more-exempt for these reasons than any other business.
Re:Of course it should (Score:2, Insightful)
Don't be absurd (Score:2, Insightful)
This is as repugnant as the 'bit tax' proposed in the early nineties. If you don't remember, legislators were considering taxing every digital transmission that related to business. That's right, every fax transmission, every X-Y-ZModem upload and download, every corporate communication on CompuServe or Delphi. It never made it into law because everyone realized how insidious it was.
Or, if you prefer, consider the continuing debates about whether or not to tax commerce via the internet. If we allow this, we open the door to taxing everyone who purveys the internet, in order to assure the state that they will recieve the required money not provided by rogue internet brokerages.
From a human rights point of view, this law is about as nasty as you can get. What's next, taxing mathematics! Remember, software is just controlled mathematics.
Okay, okay, end rant
Re:Of course it should (Score:2)
What if all of these - salaries, sales, and so forth - take place in communities outside of the reach of the locale where the actual programming facility exists?
The point is - the facility uses community resources, so it should contribute tax revenue to the community. If that means levying a tax on the act of generating commercial code itself, well, that's less than preferable but it is clearly within the purview of the city.
In Other news.... (Score:2)
This appears to only pertain to Seattle at the moment, though Microsoft is gunning for it. Probably don't want other cities to think they can do the same thing. Lawmakers occasionally push a little too hard when trying to tax stuff. Usually after the affected company or companies threaten to leave, the lawmakers rethink their strategy and everything goes back to normal.
But... think about it for a second here... an "Intellectual Property Tax..." I'd love to see the companies represented by the RIAA assesed for the value of their property and handed a tax bill for several billion dollars. Never happen since they own the lawmakers, of course, but it'd be mighty amusing...
Tax all intellectual activities (Score:2)
Then, since laws raising taxes like this bring money into the state coffers, they should impose taxes on legislators who raise taxes...because the result of their "intellectual" activity is increased revenues for their organization.
Well, I can at least dream, can't I?
For everyone without a... (Score:3, Insightful)
Micro$oft is based in Redmond, WA -- which is not, I repeat, not, Seattle, WA
(Thank god...)
Who's in Seattle?
I think Real (Audio..) is, and Adobe is still...
Re:For everyone without a... (Score:2)
Sauce for the gander (Score:4, Insightful)
If they want to claim Intellectual Property is the equal of Real Property in terms of legal protections, etc., then they should carry the same tax burdens. Property tax, creation tax, whatever. It's time for that corporate free ride to end.
My only concern is that a poorly-written law that targets predatory monopolies could also affect sites that just provide Linux or BSD mirrors (if there's a tax fee per download), or worse would cover the "lone wolf programmer" who just wants to write a better widget for some OSS application.
More generally, there's the issue of whether other services are also taxed. I know some states charge sales tax on *everything* - including the hourly charge for the car mechanic and plumber, for the lawyer, etc. Again, this law should be fair - only tax programmer time if lawyers and accountants are also taxed. Only tax volunteer services if other volunteer services are taxed.
But on this particular issue, if the producer gets as pissed off at you sharing a copy of their software as they would if you set up a family picnic on their campus headquarters, then the IP and RP should either both be taxed or neither be taxed.
Violation of the constitution. (Score:2)
Overall one of the dumbest things I have ever herd of.
It's only fair.. (Score:2)
Hah! (Score:2)
The question of whether it is appropriate to tax software creation like manufactoring is another matter, but simply from a competitive standpoint, this is a really, really dumb move.
I bet it made tech leaders in countries like India happy!
imagine the loopholes (Score:2)
Obviously this bill is aimed at MSFT. Like them or hate them, I would think their lawyers might employ similar tactics to get around the letter of the law. They're selling "services"
Once again, only penalizing those of us who can't afford big-bad lawyers with even larger price tags.
Just what is the issue supposed to be again? (Score:2)
You cannot draw a parallel here. Manufacturing operations don't have to pay taxes on the materials they need to make finished products. Software operations, however, DO have to pay taxes on the materials they need to make software; Development tools and the like. Sure, there are people out there making money using nothing but free tools, but those aren't the organizations we're worried about anyway.
The solution is just to tax all the finished products in the same way. There's no room to complain, there. As for providing services; Isn't that what property taxes are supposed to be for? Income taxes pay for personal services, and property taxes pay for services to establishments or businesses. At least, this is how it's supposed to work, right?
In other words, if you own property, you want it to be protected by police and fire. You want the paramedics to come if someone is in trouble on your property. I dunno why they decided to get school money out of property taxes, except that a school in your neighborhood (a loosely defined term if ever there was one) is supposed to raise property values. On a personal level, some of your taxes go to pay for police, fire, and schools et cetera as well - This is to cover you, personally (or can be seen this way.)
So if you own a house and live in it, you are paying for both your coverage and your house's coverage between your personal income taxes and the property taxes on your dwelling. If you just rent, then your property owner is expected to take care of their share of things, and then you pay for yours. It's not complicated, conceptually.
One of the problems is that cities court tech companies by giving them tax breaks to convince them to move into the area, and then they discover that, shock amazement, the tax break inhibits their ability to provide services that those taxes would ordinarily pay for. You can have your cake right up until the point where it is eaten, and then you don't have it any more. Seattle has discovered this, and they want to make up new rules that allow them to basically steal the ingredients they need to bake another cake by changing the rules.
This is of course the risk any company runs and must weigh before opening their establishment - How likely are these people to actually end up screwing themselves over and then pass the screwing on to me? But it's still immoral. They made the bed, and now they want someone else to lie in it with them.
Software != physical stuff (Score:2)
I've also read comments saying that some taxes are base on the perceived value of a good.
I believe that we cannot apply the same rules to software that to physical goods. Why? It's very simple, physical goods requires money to produce (I'm talking about construction and assembly of physical goods, not the creation - as in R&D - of physical goods). However, software don't cost anything to produce (ok, if you produce physical package to distribute your software it does cost something). Because it's only information, you can reproduce it at no cost.
How is value of a good determined. In general, R&D is not a big factor (it is but only when the product is introduced), the cost of producing the good vs demand is the way to fix the value of a product. Because software cost 0 to produce, even if there is strong demand, you can fulfill it at virtually no cost. So how does one one calculate the value of software... You can't (based on current economic principle).
As we transition in a new kind of economy (note that we will, probably, never completly leave the current economy behind), new laws and new economic rules should be created. The current way of trying to apply the same concept to software (and intellectual property for that matter) will never work. At some point, the system will collapse and new rules will be built.
I don't know the timeframe for this, but I'm sure it will be a lot sooner that we think.
Interesting (Score:2)
For the case where software creation is regarded as a typical industry, their efforts could be seen as a form of Value Added Tax, about which, I believe, our colleagues in the U.K. could comment further.
The interesting part is where in the equation free or open source software enters.
While I believe that much of the free software I use on a day to day basis provides me with much "value", does it really possess value, if I haven't paid for it?
And, if free software does have value even if it is given away for zero money, if it is to be taxed, then one might well argue that other similar creations would be subject to taxation, such as artwork, literature, acting, music and scientific research that is openly published.
Hello, Morons: (Score:4, Informative)
To the morons here in
To the morons in Seattle who thought this was a good idea: That sucking sound you hear is hundreds of high-tech businesses leaving your city.
Re:Hello, Morons: (Score:3, Informative)
software as service (Score:2, Interesting)
Seattle misuses so much of its funds (mass transit, anyone?) that I guess the politicians are desperate to get more money even though it will certainly hurt its future. Remember a few years ago when every city was boasting about its incentives for software companies and coming up with moronic names like "Tech Alley" to get companies to move there? Now they're apparently trying to get rid of them.
The core issue here... (Score:2, Informative)
Politicians here, at every level, are trying anything they can think of to maintain their revenue streams.
Government at all levels here in Washington is under a tremendous pressure to reduce taxation thanks to several populist initiatives written by Tim (I'm a liar) Eyman, and passed for the most part very succesfully by the voters each time one has come up for a vote.
The State legislature has just passed a $0.09 per gallon gas tax increase, and they are down in Olympia squabbling at this very moment about whether they dare let the voters have the final say-so on the tax increase by voting for it in a referendum some time this spring.
Most of the career politicians don't have the backbone to let the public vote, because they know people will vote it down.
So it's not surprising Seattle is going to tax thinking.
They tax just about everything else...
Re:The core issue here... (Score:2)
The politics are just as bad as any other state, they will screw you over any way they can to make a buck.
What happened to sales tax? (Score:3, Interesting)
"The business tax"? Shouldn't the tax be applied to the business's profits, and be dependent on where the business is headquarted?
If I own ABC Software, and I'm located in Seattle, I can contract programmers in India, and contract a manufacturer in Taiwain, and sell the software all over the world. But the profits are going to be recorded in my ledgers in Seattle, and are therefore subject to any local, state, and national taxes. Am I missing something?
Of course you can't tax this! (Score:2)
First Boeing, Then Microsoft (Score:2)
Go ahead, Washington State, tax those jobs right outta there!
Why, I think I here something... sounds like a phone ringing. Hello, Chicago?
MS isn't affected (Score:3, Funny)
This could very well change if they extend the tax to include innovation. oh, I forgot, we're talking about MS.
Washington Taxes (Score:2, Insightful)
With Washington having the second highest unemployment rate in the country, 7.5%, with oregon being the highest, 8.0%(Current Data Jan 2002, Bureau of Labor Statistics), the situation here is beginning to get downright nasty.
Coupled with all the layoffs in the hard hit sectors(Boeing, etc) and the anti-tax inititiatives by Tim Eyman that have been passed, such as the ones that limited car tabs to $30, or the one last year limiting property tax increases to 1%, the state legislators have been forced to seek other sources of revenue. Granted, they always find loopholes to nullify the anti-tax initiatives, or to get at least a portion of the tax from the areas.
Anyway, to get back to the point, many of the people of Washington really enjoy the services the government provides, yet due to the way taxes have been handled in the past few years (Especially in King County, the largest country) people are rather stoicly opposed to any new taxes. So, the government is forced to try and find additional sources of revenue. Right now, they're working on cutting any extras from the budget, borrowing against Tobacco settlements, and implementing a gas tax. These won't be enough to cover the projected deficit should it actually turn out as projected, so at least legislators are looking somewhere(instead of the infamous bickering they're known for), though I don't believe Software is the best solution.
only if...... (Score:2)
quite amusing actually (Score:2, Insightful)
Keep this in mind (Score:2)
I dependant upon every level of government to either raise money or close up shop. The only means that government has to do this is to take it from constituents (by force). How to do that fairly is an extremely subjective area. Taxing manufacturers who export goods has the effect of passing the tax burden onto people not voting for the current people in power. Hence, the popularity of hotel and restaurant taxes. The locals are happy, since their property taxes aren't raised, but what they don't realize is that the manufacturer passes the losses onto the employees by forgoing hiring, raises and benefits. This is one more case of politicians looking for more money without being up front about it.
Most governments give *breaks* for this! (Score:2)
Plus, as if the highest sales and gasoline taxes in the nation aren't enough already...
Re:Most governments give *breaks* for this! (Score:2, Insightful)
This is Seattle. We have Adobe [adobe.com]. We make Utilikilts [utilikilts.com].
The dark land of Redmond is home to Microsoft. There, across the many miles of lake, the dark lord Bill G reigns over all his minions.
And here we have had our State, which is suing us over this, force us to build two stadiums we the city voted down, and force us to pay taxes for them. One for the dark prince Paul Allen who lives partway across the lake in his tower on Mercer Island.
Cry no tears for the dark minions of these two masters - they reside not here in our fair emerald city of Seattle.
that's a weird way of putting it (Score:2)
A good idea! (Score:2)
They just want to be more European (Score:2)
Australia just killed about 20 of the silly little taxes and put in a 10% GST (one of the lowest in the world outside of the US) an claimed they would be getting rid of other taxes soon. Now everything has 10% added to the prices and there is a long chain of paying and claiming taxes that is much more complex than a typical US state's sales tax. The resulting paperwork is causing some small businesses lots of problems.
Companies do not pay taxes, YOU do. (Score:4, Insightful)
If we completely did away with all corporate taxation and replaced it with a national sales tax, properly calculated, the net cost of living would be the same. The differende would be that we would KNOW how much tax we were paying. Congress wouldn't like that at all. Educated citizens (oops, sorry, I meant "consumers") are the last thing they want.
Re:This will reduce bloat OR make all software fre (Score:2)
Re:No wonder (Score:2)
Re:Okay, so how do they plan on CATCHING them? (Score:2)
Re:Okay, so how do they plan on CATCHING them? (Score:2)
Then I'd relocate the company the fuck out of Seattle. When the company produces bits, it doesn't matter where it's incorporated.
There's a reason why lots of companies are based in Delaware and the Bahamas, regardless of where their employees work. A damn good one.
And in the case of MSFT, depending on how much Washington State wanted to loot from Gates, Gates could physically relocate the development work to an offshore haven. "Work for Microsoft! No tax to pay, 'cuz we own the island country of Billgatus! Nature provided the sand, sun, and surf, and Gates.gov provides the schools and computers! Best of all, Billgatus' largest employer, Microsoft, now offers its shareholders a better return-on-assets because even with the added expenses of providing services to its employee/citizens, it no longer has to pay tribute to the feudal lords in the States who thought they could tax the production of bits!"
(That said, the sight of Steve Ballmer in a thong on a hot sunny beach isn't one I'd care to contemplate. But hey, if it's good for the shareholders, I could put up with it.)
Re:Excellent news (Score:4, Informative)
You obviously don't understand Washington's B&O taxes. It's a tax on income (not profit). If you're writing open source and not charging for it, there's no income to tax.
Excellent Idea... If you want to kill your economy (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Excellent Idea... If you want to kill your econ (Score:3, Interesting)
If a software company has many Seattle employees yet it sell nothing from it's Seattle location then it pays no Sales or B & O taxes (the taxin the article) and Washington has no income tax so why should this software company get a free ride while everyone else has to pick up the cost of roads, fire protection, etc???
Grow-up and stop free loading. We all have a responsability to where we live.
Re:What it is (Score:2)
Since this is the home state of Microsoft, maybe it would be nice to see what it is like reduced to pure feudalism. I'm sure Microsoft would love that until the absence of police and fire departments force them to house all the employees in a secure compound, until the streets decay and become useless, until the unemployed and homeless rabble organize and try to take stuff from the 'winners' of the game. At that point they might like feudalism a bit less.
I'm just glad I don't live there, is all I can say.