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Comment Deregulate (Score 1) 227

And the company wants to bank the credits for future years when emissions rules get tougher -- especially if a Democrat beats President Donald Trump in 2020

Perhaps the reason we have a regulation-busting president is *because* the people are tired of having the government meddling in the fuel efficiency of automobiles (and everything else). "Government is not the answer to our problems; government *is* the problem."

Just let the industry work it out for itself. Regulations only make the problems worse. If they keep insisting on government meddling, the citizens will respond by continuing to elect regulation-busting leaders.

Comment Re: Meh, just come right out and say it (Score 1) 89

Butthurt much, libtard? The only reason there was an investigation is because Obama and Hillary were trying to overturn the results of an election. Combine that with the dozens of scandals Obama had during his administration and it's clear that Trump has single-handedly saved the United States from certain destruction.

If that bothers you, move to Venezuela. After starving for a while you'll be begging for Trump's America.

Comment Re:Meh, just come right out and say it (Score 1) 89

Your post demonstrates exactly what is wrong with the voting public. You've been brainwashed by the liberal media to think that conservatism only survives because of Christianity and racism (and some of you don't even think there's a difference). Conservatism is about individual liberty, free market capitalism, and a government that doesn't regulate how many tissues you can use when you blow your nose. But you're still trapped in your own little safe space where identity politics are the only thing that matters. Turn off CNN and learn how the world works. The people of West Virginia seem to still get it.

Comment Just remove the IFE entirely. (Score 1) 182

Now that airplanes have wifi, and EVERYONE brings their own screens with them, the seat back IFE is obsolete. They should just remove them entirely. Just give me a damn charger port, and if you want to sling some crappy entertainment my way, that's fine too, but the screen in the seat back just isn't needed anymore.

If they want to make the screen actually useful, maybe put Android Auto and Apple CarPlay into it, and let it be a second screen for my phone while it charges.

Comment IFE's are obsolete (Score 1) 113

With in-flight wifi on its way to becoming ubiquitous, and everyone already has a screen with them at all times, the airlines should just remove IFE's completely. There is no reason for them to exist anymore. Give us good wifi and a charger port at every seat, and we're good to go. All of us.

But if there is going to be an IFE, at least outfit it with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, so we can use it as a heads-up screen while we charge our phones.

Comment It isn't 1997 anymore, people. (Score 1) 175

Cue the predictable tired old rants of slashbots who haven't figured out that it isn't 1997 anymore. They don't get much more penguin-headed than me, and I'm typing this message on a computer running Windows. Guess what, people: WE WON. Linux runs the whole world except for the conventional desktop. Look at it this way: if Microsoft hasn't taken over the rest of the world by now, it's not going to. At the same time, if Linux hasn't captured the conventional desktop by now, it's not going to. In other words, it's safe to use a Windows desktop now if it's less friction for you. You don't have to be ashamed, you don't have to be afraid that you're contributing to the downfall of computing. Linux owns 100% of supercomputing, the lion's share of the cloud and mobile, it runs the Internet, it's the embedded OS of choice, and it dominates the IoT. Don't worry about the desktop -- it simply isn't important anymore.

That having been said, I'm not sure why one would want to run Windows on a Raspberry Pi, since as others have pointed out, it fails to provide the #1 benefit of running Windows: the vast library of x86 Windows software.

Comment Re:Something else (Score 1) 115

Anyone watching the likes of PewDiePie is a drooling zombie who probably also wastes a lot of time on Facebook. The rest of us are enriching ourselves with how-to videos, learning new skills, scouring the site for videos where we can discover fascinating things about our favorite subjects.

My only regret is that YouTube is way too much power concentrated in one space.

Comment Self-driving cars == "picture phones" (Score 1) 91

Throughout the entire second half of the 20th Century, we were promised "picture phones" -- you'd be able to SEE the person you were talking to! Self-driving cars are going to be the same way. It's going to take 50 years for it to truly arrive in a usable fashion, and when it does, it's not going to look anything like they predicted.

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