
Comment Re:Exactly what rights do illegal immigrants have? (Score 2, Informative) 302

I don't doubt that this does occur. Any time you have kids even in public school, abuse will occur. Most of the abuse though is occurring among the immigrants themselves. We've reached the point where children are being used for crossing then sold back for another trip. The thing people don't appreciate is when you make it easier for people with children you incentivize this kind of thing. I don't see these people as refugees either... They are at best economic migrants

Comment Re: Exactly what rights do illegal immigrants have (Score 1) 302

Oh god, I thought AC shit was not allowed anymore.
Thank you for devolving a discussion and proving Godwin's Law yet again.
Well done.
The fact is that Germany treated their prisoners of war rather well until they started running out of food, for themselves and for their prisoners. Can't say the same for the Vietnamese, but then you were invaders and you did your own fair share of raping and pillaging and erasing villages full of innocents. Agent orange, Napalm, depleted uranium shells, cluster bombs, the list goes on. But let's not think about the bleak side of America invading countries illegally and raping and killing and bombing weddings and journalists and that sort of negative thing. Fuck no, everyone hates America because of Freedom Fries.

Submission + - SPAM: When you have a web site that you would like to en

LiKaas3 writes: Make time to respond to the feedback from the buyers. If you are interested in building a productive business, your clients have important information to share. The problem most companies have is simply because they are the ears without any response. When consumers know you happen to be replying to their demands by way of their opinions, they will want to proceed operating.Utilizing YouTube in your business's social media advertising technique can assist you in acquiring the sort of website visitors you want. Youtube . com works well to draw in new individuals to your site, because your submit
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Comment Re:Exactly what rights do illegal immigrants have? (Score 1) 302

1) It is ABSOLUTELY a crime to cross at ANY point other than a port of entry. For ANY reason. Period. Case closed.

The law disagrees with you. Read the first sentence (actually, read all of it, but the refutation to your claim is in the first sentence): https://uscode.house.gov/view....

2) Almost all of these "immigrants" that are seeking asylum are hitting the border with false motives.

That's for a court to decide.

Comment Re: Valet parking (Score 1) 135

There's one engine that takes it a step further - teh 5.7 L Hemi engine with roller lifters. Needle bearings go bad and the roller has a ton of slop and grinds a groov in the camshaft. Who knows where the needle bearings themselves end up.

It probably seized and acted like a typical lifter. That would certainly wear out the cam faster. I suppose it could have gotten loose and the lifter pushed it up into the top of the head and ended up in the oil pan. Or it just got ground into the cam lobes. Not sure what else it could to. But it's not good.

Ours had a v6, and it was tight. A 454 must have been a joy to service. REminds me of a Buddy who put a 429 in a Pinto. Scary.

Yeah, it wasn't a fun engine bay to get around in. I had a friend who put a 429 in a Maverick as well as a couple friends that put SB and BB Chevy engines in Monzas. I remember the big block in the Monza was a bitch because standard long tube headers would have gone out into the fender well too far and rub the tires if the wheel was turned too far. I think he ended up using some kind of hugger headers. My favorite was a 383 in a Corvair.

I always thought that closing Saturn was a bad move. My father had one and it was a pretty nice car. But GM - especially Chevy makes some strange moves.

Agreed. I thought the SC's were pretty nice when they came out, but by the time I was in the market for a car they had been around for too long and lost some of their appeal. They're stall pretty good used cars even though they stopped making them in 17 years ago.

Submission + - Really Good Real Estate Investment Ideas And Advic (naver.com)

WelchMcgee21 writes: Having knowledge is crucial to any venture. You can make quite a bit of money with real estate investments if you choose good properties. This article will help you get started in real estate investing.Take time to properly access the market before you go out and make a real estate purchase. It is best to compile information on at least 50 properties from your target area and put this into a spreadsheet. You should take into account things like repairs, rental potential, and desirability of location. This will allow you to target the right properties.Never give up if you ever experience a setb
User Journal

Journal Journal: Newark, NJ Receives Bottled Water Due to Lead Poisoning

Officials admitted that the filters designed to keep lead out of thedrinking water supplyhave not worked, so they have turned to Plan B. In 2018, the City of Newark (New Jersey) distributed over 40,000 water filters to local residents, in response to extremely high lead levels in the public water supply. But a random test https://www.napolilaw.com/article/newark-nj-receives-bottled-water-due-to-lead-poisoning/

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Recession Warnings Grow As Stocks Slide Following Weak Economic Data From China, Germany - HuffPost (huffpost.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Trudeau reacts to ethics report, says he cannot apologize for... - Reuters (reuters.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Alleged Christchurch mosque gunman sends letter from prison cell - CNN (cnn.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Agent's Take: How Dak Prescott fits into QB market, franchise tag price and what rejected $30M offer could look like - CBS Sports (cbssports.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Neanderthal's Got 'Surfer's Ear' A Lot, Study Says - D-brief - Discover Magazine (discovermagazine.com)

Comment Joe Biden (Score -1) 26

Did ya hear Joe Biden the other day? That's right, folks, Joe Biden said "we've discovered a cure for tuberculosis". Yeah Joe Biden. Favorite son of Pennsylvania. What Joe doesn't realize is he didn't discover anything. Did Joe Biden discover tuberculosis? I don't know, maybe he'll discover tuberculosis someday. Do you think Joe Biden would take credit for discovering tuberculosis if it got him just one little donation more? Of course he would. Lock him up. Take Joe Biden, please. Folks, Joe Biden is a disgrace. I'm telling you he's a DIS-GRACE. And he wants you to let him pass laws allowing Joe Biden to make decisions for you. I guess the democrats want Joe Biden going through their mortgages and physicals (I'm in excellent health by the way). But Joe Biden, well. Isn't he the face of fear? Can you imagine Joe Biden looking through your window in the middle of the night. I'm a big guy, I live in the White House. I'm not afraid of much. But yeah, I shivered a little at the idea. He's probably not a bad guy. He probably just wants to get some photos so he can compare what you have to what he has. Cmon Joe, tell me I'm wrong. So Joe says yeah I can cure - you hear that? He can CURE - tuberculosis. So why Don'tcha cure tuberculosis Joe? What's stopping you? He wants your money. And then, after you give him your money, guess what? Oh, I'm sorry folks, it turns out... There was a little mistake... We weren't able to cure it quite yet. Yeah, we need more money, more democrat votes. There he is now (points to man with MAGA shirt and Biden mask). Joe Biden ladies and gentlemen, I love you all, good night. God bless America!

Comment Re:This is why I worry about polution first (Score 2) 128

Storage is likely to supplant the need for peaker generation and it's going to cut the top off power prices (decimating power company profits on their unregulated commercial sales).

Natural gas is pretty cheap. It's not only cheap but it's an energy source. Storage of any kind is an energy sink, because there will be losses. Natural gas has an inherent ability to store electricity, it's stored as fuel in the tanks. Electric storage offers the ability to shift electrical energy in time but, again, with a loss and only if there is another source of electricity. You want to tell me that electricity storage is going to drive natural gas off the market? Then where is this electricity coming from that is supposed to be cheaper even after the cost of storage is taken into account?

And Wind (particularly the vast offshore wind resources in the northeast)/Solar along with existing Hydro are likely to provide all the power needs the US needs, provided sufficient storage is built and efficient long distance transmissions lines are built linking the countries many disparate grids so excess power in the various regions can flow to the other regions in deficit.

I will not dispute that wind, water, and sun can provide all the energy that the USA needs. I only question how much this will cost. Here is a place that can give an idea: http://www.renewable-energysou...

You think that offshore wind will replace natural gas? Offshore wind is one of the highest cost energy sources we have. It only exists because of government subsidy. Solar, hydro, and onshore wind are pretty cheap but the costs listed on the link I gave do not include the cost of storage.

For example Texas and California are now running into situations with negative power rates on high generation days because their renewable resources are over generating for the service area. If this energy could be moved efficiently across the country via high efficiency long distance transmissions lines this issue would likely be negated.

How much does this expanded grid cost? So, you offer energy from wind, water, and sun, which needs electrical storage and a "smart grid" to meet minute by minute shifts in electrical demand. Why would we want this? Is there some reason why you left nuclear power out of this plan of yours?

I keep hearing on how with economy of scale and advancement in technology we can bring down the costs of offshore wind and electrical storage. Sure, I'll go with that. This can also happen with nuclear power. Nuclear power isn't as cheap as wind, water, and sun right now but it also doesn't need expensive storage to keep the lights on. With some research and development we can bring down the cost of nuclear power. Storage will no doubt be helpful with nuclear power matching supply with demand, just like it would with wind, water, and sun.

You think that electrical storage technology only makes wind, water, and sun look good? I believe that if there is a cheap storage technology on the market then that makes nuclear power look absolutely awesome. Nuclear power can run at 100% rated output for 18 to 24 months at a time before needing to shutdown for refuel, inspections, and maintenance. Add some kind of battery to that so that it can match the variations in demand over the day and there's nothing that can match that. Get a fleet of nuclear power plants to allow for continuous output as each reactor goes through it's refuel periods and there's no need for expensive and unreliable solar or offshore wind.

Offshore wind with storage simply cannot compete against nuclear power with storage on costs, reliability, environmental impact, or just about any metric you can think of. Some new electrical storage technology won't make offshore wind more competitive, it will drive offshore wind out of the market.

Submission + - SPAM: Social media sites can be a new trend you must use

Dyhr16Haley writes: If you choose to use a marketing and advertising firm to assist you to with social media marketing, be cautions. Most of these organizations are fraudulent and scam business people. These businesses use a huge number of bogus Fb, YouTube and Twitter accounts employing proxy web servers that automate registration at these sites. Although you will observe large quantities of process, and will cover it properly, your ads will likely stop being looked at by any person by any means.Take time when deciding what your current approach will integrate. Should you just chase fads without any unified stra
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Comment Re: I just deleted Slashdot from my bookmarks (Score 1) 108

I've heard of the paper but never looked. Just read some of their About Us page:

"People's Daily Online is 12-time winner of the China News Prize, with its credibility, influence and comprehensive disseminating power topping the list of China's news websites for a long time."

I literally laughed out loud.

Submission + - Scientists Have Created a Vaccine For Cat Allergies (gizmodo.com)

An anonymous reader writes: People unjustly kept away from feline companionship due to an allergy are rejoicing this week, after news resurfaced of a potential vaccine that makes cats less able to cause allergies. But while this research is promising, a finished product won’t be available any time soon. The vaccine in question is being developed by Swiss-based Hypocat and is the company’s lead experimental and namesake drug. This April, Hypocat published results from a study on the vaccine. And it’s this news that the internet has, for reasons lost to the void, started to buzz about again.

The study, published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, details a very clever strategy to tackle cat allergies. The vaccine doesn’t try to desensitize the immune system of people allergic to cats, as other existing immunotherapies like allergy shots do. Rather, it attempts to train the immune system of cats to go after a specific protein, or allergen, that they naturally produce called Fel d 1. It’s supposed to accomplish this trick by hitching a genetically modified version of the protein to a virus-like particle derived from a plant virus (only being a particle, it shouldn’t be capable of causing disease). Some 90 percent of people with a cat allergy produce antibodies to Fel d 1. So if successful, the vaccine would basically turn cats hypoallergenic by greatly reducing the amount of Fel d 1 they make and eventually spew into our noses and mouths.

Submission + - SPAM: Real Estate Investments: Tips And Tricks For Succe

BankeVilladsen67 writes: Being good at real estate investing takes a lot of patience and knowledge of how the market works, but in order to do that you need to understand a few basic tips. Thankfully, the article gives you all the basics of how to succeed in real estate. If you want to learn more, then proceed to article below.Make sure that you set realistic goals based on the budget that you have. You should not set a goal to buy ten houses in the span of a month if you only have a hundred thousand dollars to your name. Set reasonable expectations to avoid setbacks at all costs.If you're going to want to do some hom
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Comment Re: CA did it first. (Score 1) 111

It made a difference on Maui. I visited there before and after the ban. Before, there were fence-like accretions of plastic bags on sugar cane field edges near roadways. After: clean. I will guess that there was deliberated effort to clear the stranded bags. I believe that HC&S subsequently stopped growing cane and refining sugar.

Closer to Pakistan, on a visit to Bangalore in 2006, bags were everywhere on the ground. Within a short walk from the tech-plex along Hosur Road, there was a bedraggled cow tethered to a utility pole, eating plastic bags, which were littered all around. I will also guess that a $70 fine in Pakistan will act mostly as a license for a reduced fine in the form of a direct bribe.

Submission + - The Basics Of Creating A Great Campsite (ariscool.com)

Trujillo48Trujillo writes: Are you ready to go on a camping trip? Whether you're staying for a night or planning a week away, it is essential to have a plan. The following advice can make any camping trip that is fun for all.Let everyone of your family members have a campsite. Talk about where you would like to go to.There are a lot of choices in the United States that it may make it hard to choose just one. You could even pick three or four possible destinations and allow a few places to have the family vote from there.Take a first aid class, especially if children are camping with you.Make sure you do your research.Pr

Comment Re:Beer (Score 2) 59

Some people are capable of having a beer and not assaulting a coworker.

I gave a talk at a co-working place once. Before I went up to the podium they handed me a pint. It was an unusual experience, but not an unpleasant one.

Actually, it's not a bad idea. Free beer in the office. If you're not mature enough to handle it, you're fired.

Submission + - SPAM: If you've been looking for a method to get your or

ManningBooth93 writes: Employing Fb can be the best way to market your business. Facebook or twitter lets you connect with your target market. If you use Facebook or twitter appropriately, it is possible to communicate with your audience in a friendly approach without having pressuring them to obtain anything. If folks hook up to yourself on an individual stage, they're very likely to be interested in your business.Use a variety of multimedia to activate your potential clients when social media marketing. Having photos, online video, and video games can increase the attractiveness of your page a whole lot to the peo
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Comment Re:Good for them (Score 2) 302

They apparently believe some very inaccurate and some debunked false claims designed purely to outrage people. So, they are're not so bright if they are so easily manipulated by the media. Heck, you probably want them out of the company so they don't end up sabotaging the product, or the company, or do something even more desperate "for the cause". Google should let them resign in protest - "We understand you are not willing to work for the company doing business with the US government. We respect your choice. Here is your final paycheck."

Comment Re:Exactly what rights do illegal immigrants have? (Score 1) 302

>Can you, not like, you know, read?

Oh boy. Treating legalese as "like just read a book bro".

The law gives discretion to the government via the Secretary of Homeland Security and particularly the Attorney General.
8USC 1325:

"Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers,"

If immigration officers say "go to ports of entry". Then that means "Any alien" must go through port of entry and any entry not through ports of entry are unlawful.

Comment Re:Exactly what rights do illegal immigrants have? (Score 2, Insightful) 302

Then why didn't they apply for refugee status before illegally crossing the border? The reality is that most of the people crossing are not eligible for refugee status, and they know it. Why would they risk their own lives and those of their children in such a way otherwise? I don't blame them for wanting a better life, but does that mean America must now accept ANYONE who feels like coming to America regardless of whether they are refugees or not? The fact is these children were forced to accompany their parents who were hell bent on committing illegal acts, do you think they would be better off with their parents? Don't forget, the people doing the illegal crossings are the dregs of society. They have no education, they have no prospects, otherwise they would have applied to enter legally and been accepted if they met the criteria. Sure, they are all desperate, and they are all looking for a better life. But without entering legally all they are doing is placing a further burden on Americans. They don't pay taxes, since they are not registered, but you can bet they will end up in medical clinics when they get sick, placing a further burden on legitimate tax payers. Why is this something anyone would want to allow? You can stand on your soap box and say "they would have asked for refugee status" but the fact is they SHOULD have. Trying to cross before getting permission using illegal means is fucking illegal. Criminals should be locked up, and their innocent children should be separated from them and placed into decent care. Unless you think that potential refugees/criminals should be treated differently to American citizens? Because separating children from parents in prison is the norm.

Comment Re:Irrelevent (Score 0) 302

Appeal to utopia fallacy right there.
Your logic seems to be "There exists at least one case where perfection is not obtained, therefore the system is corrupt."
That doesn't logically follow.

In every country that I've ever been to, when approached by government representatives, you need to produce documentation for some thing or another. Be it a birth certificate, passport, driving license etc.
In your scenario, anyone can come into the country and must never have proof of who they are. Good luck avoiding identity theft.
Also, good luck finding out who's carrying out criminal acts. What you're proposing is essentially an anarchy. And that usually ends with things being run by the people with the best guns and the most brutal personalities; society by and large is a balanced agreement. We agree that we have some ability to be identified, and agree not to do some things that generally would cause grief to others. In return, we get people looking out for us, and trying to stop the odd rogue entity trying to take advantage. No, it's not perfect, but it's as good as can be managed in an imperfect world.

User Journal

Journal Journal: A better way to handle immigration

Think about it: if someone wants to emigrate to the United States because they're starving to death in their own (failed) Country, then what is the logic behind insisting they have a bunch of money to bring with them? Call it what it is: discrimination. May even be racist; claiming it's all about money (i.e. government assistance) is (pardon the pun) whitewashing it.

Comment Re:Investors see something ordinary people dont? (Score 2) 59

A financial columnist pointed out in an article I read recently that the rich have such giant piles of money that they're having trouble finding things to do with it. Interest rates are essentially zero so if you don't want to just lose it to inflation you have to invest it. Throwing money at stupid startups has the advantage that if they bomb the losses are tax deductible, and who knows, one might hit it big.

Submission + - SPAM: Personal finance includes so many different catego

HoodMcCallum40 writes: Going out to eat is one of the costliest budget busting blunders many people make. At a cost of roughly eight to ten dollars per meal it is nearly four times more expensive than preparing a meal for yourself at home. As such one of the easiest ways to save money is to stop eating out.Live below your means. Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck. This happens, because we are spending as much as we are earning or in some cases, more. You can break this cycle by leaving yourself a lot of room in your monthly budget. If you only need a smaller percentage of your income to pay your living expense
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Comment Re:Exactly what rights do illegal immigrants have? (Score 3, Insightful) 302

I'm genuinely curious where you see this trend going. Trump will be out of office (in 2020 or 2024 who knows) but either way due to US politics the pendulum will swing back way left.

We will be a first world welfare nation bordering a bunch of..not first world countries. We will effectively (if not literally, gotta worry about that $50 fine if you're caught!) have open borders.

Now please explain how you can have a first world welfare state with free health care and guaranteed welfare if you can get a food across a very porous border and not have people by the _millions_ flood in and eventually overwhelm the standard of living of those in the "first world" country.

Hint: You can't explain it, it's a natural and inevitable consequence.

Submission + - SPAM: If your business is not experiencing the quantity

Ford96Cannon writes: Spend some time to respond to the comments through your customers. If you are searching for creating a productive enterprise, your potential customers have valuable info to talk about. The problem many businesses have is simply because they are all the ears with no response. When consumers know you are answering the requirements via their responses, they would like to continue operating.If you use Twitter as part of your multimedia marketing and advertising prepare, generate tweets rich and assorted in articles. Tweet tips or recommendations associated with your kind of business. Showing prior
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Comment Re: Exactly what rights do illegal immigrants have (Score 1, Troll) 302

By definition, you mean this one?
"A place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution."

Where large numbers of people are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities... Sounds pretty much like we we have down there. Just cause it makes you uncomfortable to call a spade a spade, doesn't mean you get to finger wag and go bury your head in the sand. Those facilities weren't built for this, and policies enacted by the current administration are such that they deliberately contribute to making the situation worse.

Comment Re:This is why I worry about polution first (Score 1) 128

Per capita is meaningless. The world is dying IN TOTAL.

If this matters to you, do something to reduce your personal contribution and encourage your government to reduce your regional contribution.

If you can demonstrate success at this, then please give your expert advice to the rest of the world... until then, stuff it.

Submission + - SPAM: Social network is a effective instrument that coul

GuptaEverett5 writes: Use social networking to direct people to your web page. Social networking has limitations in comparison with exactly what a internet site may offer. As an illustration, you are unable to immediately sell something from your web page on social media marketing, however, you can from the internet site. Performing this can lead to a direct selling by making use of social media.When participating through advertising and marketing with social media marketing, it may be beneficial to permit your present consumers know. Whenever your existing customers adhere to you on most social networking internet
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Submission + - SPAM: Video games sure have come a long way from the lar

RutledgeSvendsen80 writes: To perfect online game perform in shooter video games, master your weapons. Know everything you should know about each and every tool type within the online game. Every single weapon performs exceptionally well in particular ways, but tumbles short in other folks. When you are aware the pluses and minuses of every weapon, you can use them to complete benefit.The ESRB score is a great resource to ascertain whether or not a game is safe or not for your child. These ratings enable you to learn what games are best for your kid's age level to help you stay away from improper information. It may hel
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