You may not care to install new app stores to access content. I don't care to have, and never had actually, a facebook/meta/instagram, X/Twitter, TikTok, accounts. However, a lot of people do, even when they are told they are giving away their data, which in turn can cost them real money through personalized targeted marketing, pricing, etc. So while there will be people who won't trust content from non-Apple store, many will eventually cave to be able to play with their friends. No different than people paying for multiple video streaming subscriptions, so they can access the series they want to watch. Furthermore, while today Epic is trying to attract people with free games, I can absolutely see them eventually charging a subscription for their app store which will grant you discounts on games, some free games, or perhaps both. Some newest games will then require the subscription to the app store, furthering the enshittification of games. Just like video streaming, except with potentially worse repercussions, because apps stores are granted security privileges no streaming app has today, meaning they have the potential to compromise your phone security.