
Comment Re:It was a good run (Score 1) 97

Assuming he only gets usual donation rates, then the guy should get an award. That is an impressive lifetime of service that I doubt anyone could even begin to aspire to. Sure it was a fluke of genetics probably, but he was consistent, and went every week...

Blood donors in Australia get $0.

Not entirely true. You do get a choice of a small bottle of orange juice or a bickie ("cookie", for the American readers).

Comment Re:Been around for centuries, will be around for m (Score 3, Informative) 356

My point isn't that they're right, but they have an idea.

It's an idea which has been disproven. That makes clinging to it dumb.

So let's ALL make some predictions and observations and see what works. [...] Spontaneous generation might still be proven right,

Yeah, if your experiment was dumb enough. That's the problem with listening to EVERYONE. Some people you clearly don't listen to about anything. For example, if they think the earth is flat, you clearly don't need to listen to their theories on fluoridation. Even if fluoridation did turn out to be a commie plot, they wouldn't have been saying so for any logical reasons. They would have been accidentally right, and it still would have been dumb to listen to them. And god forbid ;) that you should get into the habit of listening to them because they were accidentally right, because then just imagine how far down the rabbit hole you could get!

Comment List the most central dependency (Score 2) 521

If you're going to name via dependencies then why would you only list one of the dependencies in its name rather than all of them?

It's a matter of correlation. If a system has the dependency that forms part of a platform's name, then it's far more likely than not that the system has, or that its administrator can practically install, common dependencies of other applications for the same platform. By this measure, perhaps GNU is most central to server applications and programming tools designed for Linux, and X Window System to desktop GUI apps. Hence the names "GNU/Linux" and "X11/Linux" to contrast with "Android/Linux".

And what constitutes a GNU/Linux system?

Free Software Foundation acknowledges use of Linux apart from the GNU OS while intentionally declining to give a precise definition. This has led David Johnson to write an article titled "By Any Other Name" making the reduction to absurdity argument you may have been anticipating, largely by replacing GNU with an adaptation of the FreeBSD userland. But my personal definition, based on correlation with installable dependencies, is GNU Coreutils plus two other major components of GNU, such as Bash, GCC, glibc, and Emacs. This means that Cygwin, MinGW with MSYS, and Microsoft WSL are GNU/Windows, and a full installation of DJGPP is GNU/MS-DOS or GNU/FreeDOS.

And further to your question does an application written for the GNU C runtime not run on bionic for example or do you need to include that as part of your naming convention?

Some applications are specialized to run on glibc, the implementation of the C language and POSIX standard library included with GNU. Others will run on any reasonable implementation of the C library that provides varying level of support for POSIX, such as Bionic. But many applications built for Bionic have a more central dependency they can cite, namely the Android userspace.

Comment Preventing revolt of the guards or alternatives (Score 1) 185

Howard Zinn talks about a possible revolt of the guards: http://www.historyisaweapon.co...
"However, the unexpected victories-even temporary ones-of insurgents show the vulnerability of the supposedly powerful. In a highly developed society, the Establishment cannot survive without the obedience and loyalty of millions of people who are given small rewards to keep the system going: the soldiers and police, teachers and ministers, administrators and social workers, technicians and production workers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, transport and communications workers, garbage men and firemen. These people-the employed, the somewhat privileged-are drawn into alliance with the elite. They become the guards of the system, buffers between the upper and lower classes. If they stop obeying, the system falls."

And here is the inequitable financial reality of that system given wealth is control under capitalism:
"Wealth Inequality in America"

I wonder if the problem as seen by the ruling class may be that techies have their hands on the key infrastructure of modern society (including banking infrastructure)? If US techies were really well-off (e.g. all millionaires), techies might have some time and energy for creating alternatives. So, best to keep them down by making them insecure by importing cheap labor rather than train US Americans and provide them higher salaries, more benefits, and more equity. Techies may think they are doing well because they are doing better than the average US American -- but what they are paid in general does not reflect how key their contributions are these days to the digital infrastructure of control and surveillance.

I remember back in the 1990s when independent contractors got 2X to 3X what regular employees did. The H1Bs, even at prevailing wages for employees, also greatly undermined the earnings for contractors too. Many H1Bs don't really replace employees as much as they replace contractors.

Comment Re: Maximum Hazard (Score 2) 135

I'm not sure how revoking a dementia patient's license is going to help, it's not like they're going to know they aren't supposed to drive.

I've known a few people who lost their license due to dementia. None were so far gone that they didn't understand and most got rid of their cars.
Here in BC, you start having to be retested at 70 or so depending when the license expires IIRC.

Comment Re:flat earthers are dumb, but flouride is toxic (Score 1, Insightful) 356

Slashdot used to be full of smart people, what happened?

People have been drinking too much tap water all their lives. Their brain development may be hampered, but their teeth are shiny white.

http://www.fluoridation.com/c-... From the link:

"Only about 5% of the world population is fluoridated and more than 50% of these people live in North America.

That may sort of explains the political mess in the US then doesn't it. In most of western Europe, fluoride in water is banned; because they *do* actually read the research, such as the link that darkharlequin posted and don't just parrot others blindly.

Comment Re:It's the whiplash with a touch of insider tradi (Score 4, Interesting) 230

I still think Trump's primary focus (and desperate hope) is to get Xi to lean on Kim. I read Trump as desperate to get something out of the June 12th meeting, but the most likely scenario is that Kim is teeing Trump up for a YUGE punt. Actually, Trump already defined a game of reverse chicken, by claiming he will "win" by walking out if he can't get what he wants. Under the terms of Trump's own game, I'm expecting Kim to walk out first and claim the win. China's next response to Trump will go along the lines of "Tut, tut, tut, Little Donald. Let's not do anything rash."

That's predicated on the theory that China basically likes things as they are now. I think China sees a strong and unified Korea as a probable nuisance and possible threat. Unless China sees some substantial advantage in an actual peace treaty, they might as well leave things as they are. Meanwhile Bolton keeps braying about the "Libya model" and Kim knows exactly how that one worked out. No sane dictator would give up his nukes to follow Qaddafi's lead.

My reasoning certainly could be flawed. I actually expected China to make a move before this. I figured the Chinese would offer Trump a deal of North Korea for Taiwan. I still think China is confident that they can integrate Taiwan with little problem and enormous profit, while South Korea would be kept busy for decades trying to heal and integrate North Korea. The lack of official peace in Korea has been mostly harmless, but the establishment of an independent Taiwan would really piss them off.

However the troll did raise an interesting point regarding the insider trading, though I certainly can't take it on his say so. So how else could smart insiders profit from their phone calls with Trump if they don't want to be so obvious as playing with ZTE? Future contracts? Gambles on related companies, both suppliers and customers?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Thermal Stitch - Double Crochet and Half dc

Double Crochet Thermal Stitch or Half Double Crochet Thermal Stitch are exactly the same as (single crochet) Thermal Stitch, except worked with dc or hdc respectively.

[caption id="attachment_10644" align="aligncenter" width="800"] How to Crochet ... http://bit.ly/2GbU8gm

Submission + - es invités de Liz et Eden étaient pour une gâterie avec le petit (goodrobe.fr)

goodrobe writes: "Nous avons fait des guirlandes à pompons avec l'aide de quelques amis et les avons accrochées au plafond, J'ai décoré des pots de confiture avec des paillettes d'or pour les bougies chauffe-plat. "

"Notre table de mariage était drapée d'une couverture de mariage marocaine vintage que j'ai mise en ligne, Dans la culture marocaine, il est traditionnellement fait à la main par les femmes de la famille avec la mariée tout en partageant des conseils conjugaux, ce que je pensais approprié pour la journée, Nous avons également utilisé un pot de rangement en étain en forme d'étoile pour les cartes de Tin Design. Nous avons ensuite utilisé beaucoup de lumières de fées qui ont donné à The Ginger Fox une ambiance magique et confortable qui dépassait nos attentes. "

Les invités de Liz et Eden étaient pour une gâterie avec le petit déjeuner de mariage.

"La nourriture du Ginger Fox était délicieuse. Nous avons eu des canapés et du vin mousseux rose Sussex, suivis par un étonnant repas de trois plats qu'ils ont mis ensemble pour nous en fonction de nos aliments préférés, Nous avions tellement de gens qui disaient que c'était la meilleure nourriture qu'ils aient jamais eue lors d'un mariage, y compris notre photographe! "

"Ma mère a fait notre gâteau! C'est sa recette de gâteau de Noël qui a été transmise par sa famille, donc c'était très spécial. Nous l'avons décoré avec de la feuille d'or qui était étonnamment difficile à faire! Nous l'avons surmonté avec une photo de nous de notre tournage d'engagement. "


Comment Re: Psychosis / Mass Psychosis (Score 2, Informative) 356

It was never Christian land in the first place. The first crusade was to aid the Byzantines who had lost lands to the Turks. Christian Franks recaptured the land and didn't return it, went on to conquer Jerusalem, set up some puppet states and left. After that they got messier. The more things change ...

If you want to look at a cleaner example of pure faith-on-faith killing with the Christians as the prosecutors, try the Albigensian crusade from which we (supposedly) get the wonderful "Kill them all. God will know his own."

The problem is that while the average soldier may be faithful and sold on the idea of god, that's often cynically manipulated by leaders more bent on land and money. With the perspective of history that becomes more obvious. The same Muslims you claim kill for a difference of opinion will, seen through the same lens of time, turn out to be no different from the soldiers of the crusades - pawns whose faith was used to drive them to a war for land and money.

War. War never changes.

Comment Re: Opinion (Score 1) 522

When you use words like "can", then what are you doing?

Indicating a possibility.

Most entries in most dictionaries of most languages have more than one definitions. One word means many things. This much is irrefutable in the world of adult communication.

So a word " can " mean X it could mean Y.

If you avoid vague labels, you'd have to opt out of talking in human languages - they are made of nothing but vague labels.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Dos and Donts when styling your home | Nitan Solos

Decorating your own home might need your personal touch, but there are certain elements of design that are required to make it a success; regardless if you are trying to furnish a new home or a recently renovated home extension, here are some tips to get you started. http://bit.ly/2L1JBYq

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Journal Journal: The New Way to Market Online in the Digital Era | Top Management Tips

Consumer habits are changing at a fast speed, which means entrepreneurs and marketers need to rethink their strategies - while radio and TV played a more powerful role in marketing ten years back, today, with cutting-edge technologies, behaviour is connected to the internet world and the hottest gadgets. http://bit.ly/2Ifne42

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digisolutionns writes: Some travel agencies are provided Cheap Travel Insurance when some one book their tickets from destinations to another sources with some hidden conditions but here are no condition. Any kind of flights are booking through the passengers there are got free some facilities to connected people as well. The examples are very clear to every person who is not believe all these kind of the specifications. Whenever the tourist are booked their tickets from platform they will automatically eligible to get free insurance for traveling in different countries. Flywings is a travel agency which is create different kind of services who have not been produce still another agencies.

Comment Re: Psychosis / Mass Psychosis (Score 2) 356

Yes of course, it's just the government responding to militants. That's why the populace is so understanding of the plight of the civilians caught in the crossfire, right?

Hint, they're not. For example, here's a bit about the Buddhist monks who are stoking prejudice and ethnic tensions: https://www.economist.com/news...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Technological Advancements in Recent Times? | A Perfect Book

Industrial design, like other industries, have learned to change, adapt and evolve over the course of time; however, many of our favorites design styles are still present and still very much attractive, the design style themselves are currently evolving to reflect trends from the present time. http://bit.ly/2IgJGK4

Feed Google News Sci Tech: OnePlus 6 leak reveals more of its glass-centric design - Engadget (google.com)


OnePlus 6 leak reveals more of its glass-centric design
OnePlus has been dribbling out details of its next phone for weeks on end, but one retailer may have revealed more than OnePlus was ready to show. WinFuture spotted an Amazon Germany listing (since removed) for the OnePlus 6 that included full images...
OnePlus 6 images reportedly leaked by Amazon GermanyCNET
OnePlus 6 leaks in fullSlashGear
OnePlus 6 Renders & Price Leak On AmazonAndroid Headlines
9to5Google-Phone Arena
all 14 news articles

User Journal

Journal Journal: Top Interior Design Trends when Selling a Home | Home Trends Update

The property brokers in Redfin have rounded up some design features and materials which you should think about installing to have the maximum bang for your dollar on the current market, and some fads which are rapidly losing their fascination with prospective homebuyers. http://bit.ly/2rGbhcz

Comment Re:Yeah - it's all quant and cute... (Score 1, Informative) 356

I can't speak for others, but I certainly voted "against" Hillary and not "for" Trump.

There's no such thing as voting against Hillary and not for Trump. Your attempt to wash your hands clean of your actions is symptomatic of you and your ilk's unwillingness to take responsibility for any of your actions.

Not everyone who voted for Trump wears a MAGA hat. However, I would gladly wear a Hillary for Prison hat.

That's understandable. What's not understandable is putting even scummier scum into the presidency because of your petulance.

Comment Re:I don't know what's worse (Score 1) 230

Even if you didn't like what Obama was doing, at least it made sense. This stuff just does not make sense.

I mean, Trump was trying to start a trade war with China, just busted out of the Iran nuclear deal, and now he is talking about how bad it is that ZTE's troubles as a consequence of such sanctions is causing too many Chinese jobs to be lost? Might as well start talking about Chewbacca.

Comment Examinations are a joke (Score 2) 135

My Japense father in law had tunnel vision and still got his license renewed. And we literaly see Japanse elderly people have caused accidents every month. Usually they just hit a wall by putting the car mistakenly in reverse. The Japanese government should make it compulsory for elderly people to have car with driving assistance like anti-collision prevention. Those features are currently available for any small car at almost no extra charge.
User Journal

Journal Journal: The Advantages of Using Timber for your Next Project | Blitzhope.com

Timber is simply the best material you can use for constructing from an environmental perspective; should you take some time to take into account the impacts of wood versus those of other construction materials you will see that there's a very persuasive argument for constantly building with wood. http://bit.ly/2rElNRR

Comment Re:Been around for centuries, will be around for m (Score 2) 356

There are some good quotes in the article, explaining the viewpoints of the people involved. This one:

Fiona continued: "I think, being African Caribbean, you tend to live to a certain extent on the outskirts of mainstream society. It's something the majority of white people don't experience,"........That was probably the most reasonable thing I'd heard all day: If you've been marginalized and feel like you've been lied to by institutions and people you're supposed to automatically trust for much of your life, why should you trust what any of them have to say?

So to some of these people, it doesn't matter so much whether the earth is flat or round. They are there more to have a community of people they can relax with and feel good with. The science is secondary (or in this case, non-existent).

Comment Re:Tangent: Stallman says software is political (Score 1) 521

other widely-used OSes aren't called this way

I know it's not officially called this any more, but "Windows NT" comes very close, since it's Windows on top of NTOS. Most users interact entirely with Windows, not with the kernel. And many developers can get through an entire career without ever interacting with Ke or Ob.

Comment Re:Yeah - it's all quant and cute... (Score 0) 356

"In retrospect, most conservatives see George W. Bush as a big mistake."
That would be a fact smelling distinctly of 'pulled from your ass'. But nice effort.

Who - precisely has he 'screwed over' that 'doesn't kowtow'? I haven't seen a single person actually kowtowing. Or is this just more hyperbolic "facts I wish were true because it would validate my worldview"?

How's he going to be remembered?
Probably as the president that 50% of the public, 100% of the intelligentsia, and the media all hated despite:
- the US economy is roaring
- minority unemployment is at all time historic lows
- withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement - a ridiculous wealth-redistribution scheme based primarily on white guilt
- fulfilled his campaign promises
- recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital - something every president for the last 50 years has promised, and has been the defacto truth for at least a generation
- brought DPRK to the negotiating table for the first time in 20+ years (too early to say there's any substantive agreement; Clinton thought he had made a great deal too but was getting ass-fucked)
- got NATO allies to actually start (approaching) their agreed-upon share of defense spending, lol
- admitted he was wrong on Afghanistan and stopped disastrous withdrawal.

And people will wonder why the intransigent 51% were so irreconcilable.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 8 Skills of a Successful General Manager | Business News

The position of General Manager role might be one which, if not already set up, could offer a wonderful choice or alternative to a wave of retiring b senior leaders of a business; here is a list of some reasons why an overall supervisor may be a terrific solution for many builders or businesses in general. http://bit.ly/2Ifm8VY

Comment Re:Trump to take credit. Let's wait for the spin.. (Score 2) 217

That would be a good guess. That is pretty much how it always goes. The leaders on the stage strut around and bluster, while quiet diplomacy happens in the background. The strutting roosters step in and take the credit.

But what makes TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome is every one affected by it wants to blame everything on Trump. For instance there is a thread about flat earth convention some where. And some one just had to bring up a comprising with Trump. Trump has nothing to do with flat earth or any of that nonsense but people with TDS just can't help but bring it up.

Some people have TDS so bad they simply can not acknowledge the positive things that Trump has done. Nor can they acknowledge what is perfectly plain to every one else, even Trump critics not suffering from TDS, Trump is doing a good job as president and we are doing just fine.

Comment Re:Democrats in the US... (Score 1) 97

claims to uphold evidence-based wellness, though she doesn't actually cite any evidence.

Evidence is for suckers that believe the system's here to help them. I know I'm right, why? Because I say so. If I was wrong I wouldn't be saying this.

Don't believe those smarty-pants "scientists" with all of their "evidence" and "trials" -- they just want to experiment on you and get you to buy their product to help fund the system. So order from me now -- only $19.99 with free shipping!

Submission + - When you are lacking just as much accomplishment as you'd like at driving traffi (peakerr.com)

BorchHoughton90 writes: Use lists as far as possible. People love databases because they are easy to read and straightforward to move onto their good friends. If you produce blogs or articles with listings, those who discover the information you supply useful are more inclined to pass the website link on to other folks via Facebook or myspace, Youtube, or other social network site.Give a social network widget to your website to optimize publicity. Add a widget in your site to draw attention to your social networking campaign. In addition, it simplifies several procedures for your website visitors, like re-tweeting or voting over a competition.Use the strength of social-press web sites to get your business to the very top web pages of your own target market. On top of your own personal current web site, use Facebo

Comment Re:Gonna sound bad but.. (Score 4, Informative) 97

You don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about.

Children of Rhesus negative mothers and Rhesus positive fathers will be Rhesus positive and at risk of their mother developing antibodies to their blood (as as second child after the mother has been sensitised by the first child, or as the result of the mother being exposed to the child's blood). High risk of still birth or major problems for the child.

If this is prevented, they aren't affected. They go on to be Rhesus positive. Like the majority of the population. In as much as Rhesus negative is as low as 10% in some populations, by increasing the number of surviving Rhesus positive children you are _reducing_ the risk in the general population over time.

Comment Re:I don't know what's worse (Score 2) 230

We've always been at war with Eurasia.

I also find it remarkable how stable the level of support is in face of this madness. The administration has told us that 2+2=5 so many times that the opposition can't believe anything it says anymore, and so when you get reversals like this on ZTE's violation of the Iran sanctions the conclusion jumps straight to corruption, because even if there is a reasonable justification for playing nice with the Chinese there is absolutely no apparent coherence to what Trump is doing.

And on the other side, his supporters seem to love him shouting at us that 2+2=5 because that triggers snowflakes, and nothing seems to matter anymore. Rather depressing since sometimes reality likes to assert itself in extremely unpleasant ways, whether it be after a trade war with China starts blowing up businesses both here and there, or worse if it leads to shooting war with someone like Iran.

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