Comment Legal responsibility (Score 2) 179
It would take the willingness of a human being to vouch for it and take legal responsibility for any wrong answers that it gave.
It would take the willingness of a human being to vouch for it and take legal responsibility for any wrong answers that it gave.
In my observation, the most multi-ethnic and multi-cultural places in the world become, the worse they become with more conflict.
In my observation, it depends when it happened and how minority cultures arrived.
In the US, Spanish and British culture arrived by colonisation, and African culture arrived through slavery. But most cultures that arrived through free immigration during the 20th century seemed to do okay.
Similar story in Australia, although Australia might be an unusually successful example of multiculturalism. Almost all of the racism is directed at indigenous people.
To the extent that Palestinians have a distinct culture, that culture is not "Hamas".
The thing that I don't get is why anyone thinks "the Israelis" or "the Palestinians" are homogenous. The vast majority of citizens of both areas are just people who want to be left alone to live their lives.
I miss the days of Rabin and Arafat.
By the way, I don't understand the "Palestinians were never a people" argument. Neither were "Canadians". Hell, it's part of Russia's official line about Ukraine. I'm highly dubious about what role ethnostates should play in the 21st century. They are, at best, a hack to try to get a peace deal now
Surely the end goal of any 21st century country is to be multi-ethnic and multi-cultural.
It's hard to take the Palestinians seriously.
If it helps, consider that Hamas did not win a majority of the vote in the last election, which was held in 2006. (Although, admittedly, they got a higher vote than Likud did in the last Israeli election...)
It can be simultaneously true that the current Israeli government is an oppressive settler-colonial regime, and Hamas are straight up terrorists. It can be simultaneously true that neither the Israeli nor the Palestinian "leadership" have a clear democratic mandate.
Even if that were true, at least you know where you stand. Twitter is now run by a self-described "free speech absolutist" who sucks up to dictators and persecutes whistleblowers.
Exactly this. Twitter's only value proposition is that pretty much everyone was there, such as any company that you might have a grievance with. As they jump ship, only something like the union of the FB ground and the Fediverse could possibly serve the same function.
Like JavaScript was created by Brenden Eich.
Truly it was Smalltalk for the 21st century.
That was never the whole point of Java.
Java was originally called Oak, and it was designed for set-top boxes. This is why it had the theorem-proving class loader and SecurityManager.
The whole point of Java, which everyone seems to have forgotten, was to run untrusted code downloaded over a network.
(It was also the one thing it was never very good at.)
randomly assigned pseudonyms
Those bastards.
I have no great love for Boeing, but parody is still legal there.
In the open source world, the most exploited language (measured in CVE count) is PHP.
Optimising software for the cloud provider bill is a very common sport these days.
"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks