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OpenAI Threatens To Ban Users Who Probe Its 'Strawberry' AI Models ( 43

OpenAI truly does not want you to know what its latest AI model is "thinking." From a report: Since the company launched its "Strawberry" AI model family last week, touting so-called reasoning abilities with o1-preview and o1-mini, OpenAI has been sending out warning emails and threats of bans to any user who tries to probe how the model works.

Unlike previous AI models from OpenAI, such as GPT-4o, the company trained o1 specifically to work through a step-by-step problem-solving process before generating an answer. When users ask an "o1" model a question in ChatGPT, users have the option of seeing this chain-of-thought process written out in the ChatGPT interface. However, by design, OpenAI hides the raw chain of thought from users, instead presenting a filtered interpretation created by a second AI model. Nothing is more enticing to enthusiasts than information obscured, so the race has been on among hackers and red-teamers to try to uncover o1's raw chain of thought using jailbreaking or prompt injection techniques that attempt to trick the model into spilling its secrets.

OpenAI Threatens To Ban Users Who Probe Its 'Strawberry' AI Models

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  • We'll overlook the fact this "artificial intelligence" isn't smart enough to manage its own security.

    • They don't want you probing it, because the secret is actually horrific. All of the things you type are read to an array of heads in jars that quickly process the information and spit out the answers. Kind of like Futurama, but more slavery involved.

      • Re: (Score:2, Flamebait)

        by dgatwood ( 11270 )

        They don't want you probing it, because the secret is actually horrific. All of the things you type are read to an array of heads in jars that quickly process the information and spit out the answers. Kind of like Futurama, but more slavery involved.

        More likely a million contractors in some third-world country — kind of like slavery, but more capitalism involved.

  • Is the Strawberry name connected to ChatGPT:s inability to count the number of r in strawberry?
    Straight from the AI:s mouth []
  • corporate insecurity (Score:4, Interesting)

    by BishopBerkeley ( 734647 ) on Wednesday September 18, 2024 @05:39PM (#64797621) Journal
    Apple and Microsoft pay bounties for people to find bugs. Open AI, instead, goes out of its way to discourage users from finding bugs. How insecure are they about this "reasoning" system? Is strawberry too naive and fragile?
    • I wouldn't call probing AI systems as "finding bugs". The overwhelming majority of the probing of AI models isn't done by white hats for bug bounties or to make a better product. It's to get the AI bot to agree that Hitler was an all around nice guy so you can post the result on social media, or for competitors to determine what is a component of the underlying model.

      And before you said I Godwin'd this thread I invite you to scroll up where someone literally already used the holocaust to try and prove that

  • Where have I heard that before?

  • OpenAI hides the raw chain of thought from users, instead presenting a filtered interpretation created by a second AI model. ... OpenAI has been sending out warning emails and threats of bans to any user who tries to probe how the model works.

    "Pay no attention to the AI behind the curtain!"

    (Apologies to the Wizard of Oz [].)

  • by gweihir ( 88907 ) on Wednesday September 18, 2024 @06:13PM (#64797713)

    No surprise. Their claims about that model are insane and disconnected from reality. Hence it is clear they are faking things. Obviously, they do not want people to fond out how.

    • Obviously, they do not want people to fond out how.

      Well obviously we can’t just have users deglazing the proverbial pan and tasting the special sauce inside, you could guess what went into it otherwise.

    • No surprise. Their claims about that model are insane and disconnected from reality. Hence it is clear they are faking things. Obviously, they do not want people to fond out how.

      This is gonna end up being another "there's a bunch of humans in a far away country answering" things. Isn't it?

  • They're giving Orwell's Ministry of Truth a run for their money with that branding.
    • by Meneth ( 872868 )
      I wonder if they could be sued for fraudulent branding.
  • how many r are in strrrrawberry?

    > There are three "r"s in "strawberry."

    that's not what I asked

    > I see what you did there! You were going for a playful twist on the word. In "strawberry," there are actually two "r"s, but I get that you were emphasizing the sound with the extra "r"s. Clever!

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse going from open source to closed without disclosing basic facts about your models to lobbying against open source. Now users are being threatened if they dare try and peek behind the curtain.

    OpenAI is an embarrassment.

  • "Open" AI ... laughable.

The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness. -- John Muir
