Battlestar Galactica Season 2 Premiere 492
fanblade writes "As if slashdotters needed another reason to stay home on a Friday night, the 20-episode second season of Battlestar Galactica premieres tonight at 10/9C on the Sci Fi Channel. The series, a 're-imagining' of the original 1978 TV series by the same name, made history as the highest-rated original Sci Fi Channel program ever. The first episode of the second season, 'Scattered', won't be televised in the UK until October, but I seriously doubt that will be a problem for the show that 'killed broadcast TV'. There's also excellent coverage on Wikipedia for those eager to brush up or catch up on the first season."
Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:4, Insightful)
I think it depends on the demographic you are after. I don't think they are shooting for 18-24 year partiers;-)
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:3, Funny)
Well, back when I was 18 to 24. I didn't leave the HOUSE until 11pm. Now that I am older and wiser, I have trouble staying awake past 10pm.
Oh, Sci-Fi Channel, Why do you do this to me???? Change the time slot to 9pm! Then I can stay awake.
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:2)
I'll probably "miss" them tonight but I'll watch em tommorow.
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:2)
Well, I'll probably be watching BSG at 10pm, but I already have the Tivo set for 11pm. It's Battle Mackerel [] on the Iron Chef. Michiba is such a bastard. I hope he loses, big time.
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:4, Funny)
8:00 - SG-1 starts, sit down and crack a beer
8:30 - Commercials, order delivery for diner (mmmm dumplings), beer #2
9:00 - Atlantis starts, food arrives, beer #3
10:00 - BSG starts, throw leftovers in fridge, beer #4
10:30 - Commercials, change into 'outside' clothes / brush teeth, etc. beer #5
11:00 - Sci-Fi friday over, full stomach, nice buzz, ready to hit the town
All in all it's not a bad routine for a friday, not that much in the party scene at school gets going before 10:30 - 11 anyway.
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:3, Informative)
Sounds like an ideal evening. However, at my age, I substitute "bed" for "town", and add "If I can get the toddlers to bed before 8 at the beginning".
Friday's are throw away slots (Score:3, Interesting)
On the other days there might be good shows a geek wants to watch. Don't make me pick between galactica and CSI, that would kill me to have to chose only one or the other. CSI wins out over stargate in my mind too, so why pick a fight you can't win?
So given a choice between crap and a
Re:Friday's are throw away slots (Score:5, Informative)
Good geeks know of this mystical device called "the VCR", which can record one show while you watch another. In fact, just about everyone knows about the mighty VCR, and owns one to boot!
But even better geeks know of "BitTorrent", for those times when you forget to set the VCR. Or for catching up on shows that you didn't clue in on until the second or third season. This is how my wife and I got up to speed on West Wing, Alias, and yes - even CSI! Without BitTorrent to provide the seasons we'd missed (not big TV fans) we'd never have watched the shows on regular TV. We hate jumping into shows mid-stream.
Of course, we didn't bother with BitTorrent until BSG aired in Britain. That was the straw that broke the camel's back for us. But once we took the leap...well, there's really no going back. We watch more TV now than we have in decades. If we happen to miss an episode, so what? We can always catch it with a download and be on track again before the next week's episode airs.
No doubt the network goons will soon be kicking in my door for these public admissions. It won't matter that we watch MORE TV now, only that we've used BitTorrent in acts of "piracy"....
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:2)
Only B&B Star Trek dies on friday nights... (Score:2)
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:2)
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:2)
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:3, Insightful)
(never mind that the story doesn't depend on how the spaceships move).
Give BSG a chance. It's the best SciFi that I've seen this DECADE.
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:2)
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:2)
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:3, Insightful)
Oh, and by the way, they're thirsty too.
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:4, Informative)
They had about 50,000 people that needed water. I don't disagree that water is common, and it could have been manufactured, but is harnessing some water from, say, one comet going to be enough for the 50,000 to replace their tanks of 60% they lost.
To quote TFS:
"Baltar: I've calculated that the rate of consumption regarding basic foodstuffs for the civilian population, this is based on information available to me at the time. The current civilian population of 45,265 will require, at minimum, 82 tons of grain, 85 tons of meat, 119 tons of fruit, 304 tons of vegetables and... 2.5 million jps of water."
According to TFS, that's per week. Galactica lost 10million jps from the explosion. I don't think comets or even manufacturing could have cured the thirst.
P.S. I don't know what a jps is, or even if it's a real term. I assume it's fake and that it's roughly equivalent to a gallon.
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:5, Insightful)
So, sure, water in some form is abundant in space/planets, etc. But they need water "now", and probably dont' have facilities to collect hydrogen/oxygen to make water, or to do a "moisture vaporator thing" - they had to support some 45,000 people - they had to get it fast, and worry about being caught by cylons on top of all that.
Hell... the colonel was upset that the water they found was salty - aparently they couldn't deal with even that.
So now you're on a search for potable water - and that has to be much more rare than water in any form. And it has to be in large quantities - and somewhat accessible in a quick manner.
I mean, imagine you're just 100 people, crashed in eastern Afghanistan, and you're being hunted by Taliban. Oh yeah, and you don't have enough water to get anywhere. So, sure, you could set up all kinds of ways to collect water - even in an erid environment. But, few of those will lend themselves well to being on the run and resource-poor.
It's really not that much of a stretch.
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:4, Interesting)
Second, about the water. I hear what you're saying about water being plentiful, but there are any number of reasons why a large, relatively pure liquid body of fresh water is imensely preferable to what you'd find in asteroids etc... For one, it's one stop shopping. They don't have to spend precious time which they have none of to locate and mine H2O from a myriad of astral bodies. They don't have to mine squat actualy, just drop a hose and suck. It's very concievable that they didn't have the facilities avalable to extract H2O from any but the most simple source.
Think of it this way: When people first started extracting oil from the ground they looked for shallow sources of "clean" low sulphur low byproduct oil. Because the technology wasn't available to locate, extract, and refine anything else. Today they can drill miles vertically and horizontally and modern refineries can extra useable product from the nastiest of crude. The same can be said for water. Without sophisticated extraction and filtering equipment we wouldn't be able to use a large % of the water we use now because it's located miles underground in aquifers and needs to be cleaned by high-tech ultra efficient filtration systems. Now imagine that Galactica didn't get lucky enough to rescue a Britta(TM) FilterShip(TM) when they were running from the cylons in the first episode...
In other words, they needed easy water because they hadn't the time or the equipment to deal with the hard water...
Re:Proof there is life after ST- DS9 etc. (Score:3, Informative)
Uh, as an actor who has done TV, movies, and radio, let me tell you that the people who do voice-only work _well_ are definately acting.
In fact, they're often far better than people who don't do VO work. why? because the people who do it are used to telling the entire story, and showing the entire range of the character with... get this!
Hard to believe, but it's true!
Just ask some real actors...
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:3, Informative)
That's not the point. Again, you didn't pay attention.
They needed an atmosphere to support the manual labor they needed to operate the cobbled-together systems - they didn't have the automated equipment. That is what put them in the risky political situation of having to convince the convicts to cooperate and provide a labor force to purify the water before they put it into the ship fi
Tape Atlantis, so you can skip the bad parts (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm waiting till about season 3, if the crew hasn't gelled by then it will be off my list completely.
Re:Tape Atlantis, so you can skip the bad parts (Score:5, Interesting)
Also, the Wraith are the most boring bad guys ever. They're entirely, "Aargh, we're miscellaneously evil! Aaaaaargh!"
Sadly, they occasionally spit out a pretty good episode, so I can't give up on it entirely. Also, I have nothing else to do.
Re:Tape Atlantis, so you can skip the bad parts (Score:3, Interesting)
I've watched season 1 and whatever seaon it was of SG1 and after 20 episodes or so of it that was the conclusion I came too.
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:5, Interesting)
the acting is on par with B-movies like "The Toxic Avenger"
Are you kidding me? How can you not like Dr. McKay or Dr. Zilenka(sp?)? Especially when McKay gets on Sheppard's case about playing "Captain Kirk" with the alien ladies? Or when Zilenka gives his whole speech (in Polish, no less!) about Atlantis rising from the deep? ("You didn't say anything classified, did you?"
Atlantis is great entertainment! Sure, it's not a gritty drama like BSG, but that's okay. Too much drama makes one depressed and boring. Try enjoying the lighter side of entertainment every once in awhile.
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:2)
the acting is on par with B-movies like "The Toxic Avenger"
SG1 is much much better!
and of the better remakes I've seen ever.
Atlantis is only entering into its second season.
With the exception of Firefly, and maybe BSG, I can't think of a sci-fi series that didn't have acting issues for the first two or three seasons, including SG-1.
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:2)
Re:Also Stargate SG1 & Atlantis! (Score:5, Funny)
And if so, does she use her powers for good or for awesome?
The classics preventing innovation? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:The classics preventing innovation? (Score:2)
Re:The classics preventing innovation? (Score:2)
For the record, they didn't remake Herbie. They merely picked up the series sometime after it last ended. But yes, I am annoyed that Disney is messing with my childhood memories.
the last few boxoffice productions out of Hollywood have been remakes
FWIW, the best of these is probably Batman Begins. If you haven't seen this movie, GO SEE IT NOW. All the previous Batman movies were lame, but this one was an absolute RIDE from beginning to end! The characters are beli
Re:The classics preventing innovation? (Score:2, Interesting)
Reading the old comics, I always imagined Gotham as a Great Lakes city along the lines of Detroit or Chicago, rather than New York. I think there was a reason why DC chose to use fictional cities like "Metropolis" and "Gotham." I never thought they were supposed to be nearly as directly analogous to LA and NYC as some people choose to think.
Re:The classics preventing innovation? (Score:2)
Gotham was a New York-like city, but Metropolis was actually supposed to be a Chicago-like city. i.e. The city itself is expansive, but it's surrounded by areas of farmland and the like. That's Illinois to a 'T' once you get out of Chicago. (Which is damned hard to do in a timely fashion. Chicago is BIG.)
Nothing new under the sun... (Score:5, Insightful)
I wish these London playhouses would spend enough resources to bring in some truly creative people and get some new ideas rather than just rehashing the same old stories over and over and over again. I mean, really, how many more beatings can this dead horse really take?
Re:Nothing new under the sun... (Score:2)
Re:The classics preventing innovation? (Score:2)
don't know what I will do without Richard Dean Anderson's (Jack O'Neil) comedy
Re:The classics preventing innovation? (Score:5, Funny)
It's O'Neill. Two L's.
Re:The classics preventing innovation? (Score:2)
Re:The classics preventing innovation? (Score:5, Insightful)
BUT (huge but)
This show is the exception. After watching this, seeing the old show would be like watching a disney version of "A Clockwork Orange". The new BSG is so much more than the old show. I'm sorry, Glen Larsen had great ideas, but the production never lived up. This is how the show should have been done from the beginning! Dramatic, epic, lots of intrigue and suspense.
And I don't think Dr. Who is a remake. More of a continuation. There have been, like, a bajillion of those guys. I think the BBC just took it out of mothballs and brushed it off. Kinda like what "Enterprise" was to "Star Trek".
Re:The classics preventing innovation? (Score:5, Insightful)
Yeah, except Dr. Who doesn't suck.
Confused about the HD version...? (Score:2)
How long will it be until the new season hits Universal HD? I'm trying to judge if it is worth waiting or if I should take the plunge and watch it without all the detail to see it early.
Re:Confused about the HD version...? (Score:2)
Re:Confused about the HD version...? (Score:2)
Favorite complaint (Score:5, Funny)
"Starbuck is supposed to be a womanizing man, not a womanizing woman!
Re:Favorite complaint (Score:5, Funny)
The problem with that change being
Re:Favorite complaint (Score:3, Funny)
I also believe in our right to watch it on film.
Maybe with that blonde Cylon chick...yeah...
Re:Favorite complaint (Score:2)
Re:Favorite complaint (Score:2)
And in tribute to the original, she is a cigar-smoking mananizing woman who knows when to waggle her cylon fighter.
zerg (Score:2)
Podcast commentary (Score:5, Informative)
Friday night at 10?! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Friday night at 10?! (Score:2)
I'm interested in seeing if the download numbers are the same as last season.
We've lost a few easy-to-use torrent sites since last season. Yeah, there are still other sites out there, but they're far less public, and their websites suck as far as usability.
wow (Score:2, Funny)
am i the only one? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:am i the only one? (Score:2)
Re:am i the only one? (Score:2, Insightful)
Isn't NBC picking it up? (Score:2)
Re:Isn't NBC picking it up? (Score:2)
Re:Isn't NBC picking it up? (Score:2)
Is it being shown on both?
Not that I truly care, as I don't watch it. Its main problem being it looks not a damn bit like the original BSG, which while corny, I grew up with.
If there's not a cylon with a cylclops red eye, you can kiss my daggit.
Re:Isn't NBC picking it up? (Score:2)
I've tried to watch the new version, and I continue to TiVO it, but I can't get beyond how they totally gave up on SciFi and just decided that the cylons "have evolved to look like us". WTF? They're just actors getting paid once to act in two different roles! I enjoy how dark it is, how maneuverable the fighters ar
Galactica 1980 (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Galactica 1980 (Score:3, Funny)
Who Cares? (Score:4, Insightful)
vivid memory of childhood (Score:5, Funny)
They interrupted both shows because Isreal and Egypt were signing a peace agreement. And my mom sent me to bed.
Egypt and Isreal had been fighting for hundreds of years... couldn't they have waited one more day? Think of the children.
Re:vivid memory of childhood (Score:2)
i can't watch the current show. the damn handheld-look gives me motion-sickness
It almost makes me want to watch TV again (Score:3, Interesting)
Ouch, that hit kinda close to home.
Of course, with TiVoToGo, "watching TV" is just another label for me sitting in front of my laptop. *sigh*
But seriously (?), the new show is excellent -- give it a try if you can find the spare hour here or there.
Dammit! (Score:2, Funny)
Can I pick this up... (Score:3, Interesting)
I've heard nothing but good things about this show and I want to start watching it!
Re:Can I pick this up... (Score:2)
Wikipedia Page Trashed (Score:4, Interesting)
Maybe we should try locking any wikipedia pages before actually releasing the news post into the /. wild?
Just in time for my new DVR! (Score:2)
I'm looking forward (Score:2)
Best show on tv (Score:2)
Tough decisions ahead (Score:2)
Yeah, it's a tough one, I know...
Budget (Score:2, Insightful)
It still doesn't get any better than Sci-fi Friday.
Galactica is a bit better (SPOILER-Season 1) (Score:5, Interesting)
I've watched some Stargate Atlantis, but could never stick with it. There's no moral ambiguity in the show; the main character, the Colonel, responds to everything with a clear-cut moral choice. Everything has to be done based on principle - no compromise with reality, and it always seems to work out in their favor.
Battlestar Galactica portrays things in a much more "gray" way, forcing characters to make terrible choices where there's no morally superior answer (i.e. in "33" when they blow up the Olympic Carrier). This, mixed in with the Cylons looking like humans, feeling like humans, makes the entire of the show even more amigious, which is what sets it apart from most of the other shows on TV. There's no clear cut enemy - no clear "us" and "them," and thus, much more realistic. Even with the advanced technology/sci-fi nature of the show, it manages to portray human behavior/moral dilemmas much more realistically than the mainstream shows set in the present time on Earth.
I'll paraphrase a quote I heard from somewhere, "I'd rather watch plausible human behavior in an implausible setting than watch implausible human behavior in a plausible setting."
Cool... (Score:2)
Come on, finish the DVD set already will ya! Its the only way I will end up seeing all of it.
Friday nights are just not a slot I can reliably have in front of the TV. Miss one episode and I am screwed for the season.
Not a reaosn to stay home, but a reason to go home (Score:2)
Is it on in Canada??? (Score:2)
Re:Is it on in Canada??? (Score:3, Informative)
That'll be just fine, as long as everyone on the internet promises not to talk about BSG on any forum or blog until then... okay?
Arrgh. I think BitTorrent is about to become much more popular in Canada.
A Geek's Wetdream... (Score:2, Funny)
All we needed was one on Battlestar Gallactica... thanks Slashdot!!!
The Weapons are realistic (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh, Babylon 5 was one of the few good ones also. The way they tracked the beam weapons and sliced things up was believable and cool.
Re:The Weapons are realistic (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:The Weapons are realistic (Score:3, Funny)
A Note to the "I HATE BSG" Crowd... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Timeslot (Score:2)
Re:Timeslot (Score:2)
Real geeks have PVRs (Tivo, MythTv, etc)
Re:Timeslot (Score:2)
Maybe people who have lives, but these are geeks [] and nerds [] we are talking about.
Re:Timeslot (Score:2)
The obvious solution to this problem is to purchase a Tivo. Of course, there is a potential downside to Tivo/DVR's. That would be the six episodes of The Sopranos from the spring of 2004 that I STILL haven't watched.
Re:Timeslot (Score:2)
Re:Timeslot (Score:2)
However, there is still hope. I'm going to dust off the old VHS and fire up the record timer. It's been years since I've done this. I hope I can remember how. Any suggestions? ;)
Damn how did a person like me ever get an account
Re:Timeslot (Score:3, Funny)
unplug it... oh, wait...
Re:What? (Score:2)
Monk, and now Battlestar Galactica, are on at 10/9c on Friday. On top of that, they are the ONLY two shows I'm watching right now...
How did that happen?
Dude, that's like complaining about The Daily Show and The Oreilly Factor being in the same time slot.
Re:Season 2 SPOILER WARNING! (Score:3, Interesting)
I think the Cylon meant either Zack (Apollo's brother) or Bill Adama's wife (Apollo's mother). I would expect that either would screw with a few heads.
Re:Orginal Series? (Score:2)