TrekUnited Reports Mission Successful at Trek Rallies 413
Lord Prox writes "TrekUnited.com has the scoop on the LA/Paramount, Tel Aviv, and New York rallies. Surprises include a group of donors pledging a resounding $3mil and the appearances of cast and crew members. Reuters and Wired have details on the rallies and I took a few snapshots as well."
God no. (Score:2, Insightful)
we need a 20 year break from teh Trek.
Re:God no. (Score:4, Insightful)
The forgotten ones (Score:3, Insightful)
What about those of us who want to watch it, but only if it doesn't suck? We're getting screwed!
Re:God no. (Score:2, Funny)
by Landru, Thou art forsaken
Re:Have a Break & Save Star Trek (Score:2, Funny)
Yeah. Fucking great.
Star Trek doesn't need great acting just less time travel, space Nazis, sucky theme tunes, and transporter cock-ups. Shatner. I rest my case.
Want to save Star Trek? Call JMS.
How did this get modded insightful? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:How did this get modded insightful? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:How did this get modded insightful? (Score:3, Insightful)
You may have failed to read my post carefully. I may or may not agree with the original poster. I may or may not like strawberries. I may or may not like T'Pol. You have no idea. And I expressed no opinion in my post.
I simply wanted to answer the question "why did [the original post] get modded insighttful." I was explaining why the criticisms contained in there were legitimate. The trollish nature of the question is obvious when you look at its structure and see that it (1) attacks the judgment of
A Few Notes: (Score:5, Insightful)
1 - To BSG fans, while it may be a good show, it's still not Star Trek. It's not set in the familiar setting and universe that Star trek fans like and know.
2 - Why is having only one good sci-fi show on good enough
3 - To all of you who watched the first couple of seasons, it's a gotten a lot better and is hardly the same show. I stopped watching midway though the second, but came back in the fourth and it's much better. If it continues the way it has gone in this past season it should easily pass Voyager in quality and could potentially reach TNG standards
I also watch BSG and the two Stargate shows, but I also like Enterprise, and would like as many options as i can get.
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:2, Insightful)
Unfamiliar universes are great for TV shows and uncouple you from the constraints that familiar settings build up over time.
2 - Why is having only one good sci-fi show on good enough
It's less likely to get cancelled.
3 - To all of you who watched the first couple of seasons, it's a gotten a lot better and is hardly the same show. I stopped w
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:5, Funny)
Let me get this straight - After 4 years (or however long it's been running) you're saying it's not even better than Voyager yet, and not up to the standards of TNG?
You're only reinforcing the reason i'm not watching it...I'll just stick to my slow acquisition of the DS9 box sets instead.
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:2)
Voyager, though it had some lame episodes, was 10 times more watchable.
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:2)
Plus the Skipper was a far less nasal and annoying leader.
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:4, Funny)
My favorite Voyager was the episode where they make a warp drive out of coconuts.
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:3, Funny)
By that argument, Voyager was crap too. They had a bald hologram. Surely they could have programmed him some hair.
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:2)
Good that they took it off the air.
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:4, Insightful)
Nah; remember, when they made the Final Fantasy movie, something like 25% of the rendering time was due to Aki Ross's hair?
I'm sure they could have given the Doctor in Voyager hair that was long, shiny and bounced around like something from a shampoo ad- but only at the cost of consuming 99.99999% of the onboard computer's power, leaving them just enough to play 'Super Breakout' on the viewing screen.
And don't give me some explanation as to how this wouldn't happen because holograms work differently or something. IT'S NOT REAL. IT'S A DAMN TV SHOW, and I don't want a 20,000 word explanation using pseudo-science that some scriptwriter invented to let Wesley Crusher get Captain Picard out of trouble in the final five minutes of a first-season ST:TNG show. AAAWWRGH!!!
Frankly, I'd rather spend the time learning about quantum theory, or whatever....
And BTW, Voyager *was* crap because of the hologram; not for the reason you mentioned, but because the hologram/holodeck was a grossly overused plot device by that time.
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:2, Insightful)
Baldness can be a choice. However, wearing eyeglasses in the 24th century (they'll be obsolete in 20 years, I think) is just a stupid anachronism.
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:3, Funny)
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:3, Funny)
I thought Voyager lost serious credibility when the captain thought the prime directive applied to what was clearly a post warp culture.
My take (Score:5, Insightful)
2. ENTs4 > DS9
3. ENTs4 =~ BSGs1
I just watched the last episode today, and I'm loving it. All 15 episodes are great.
And my take: Doctor Who > Blake's 7 > all.. (Score:4, Informative)
I'll see your chain of US Sci-fi and raise you British Sci-fi:
Doctor Who > Blake's 7 > Red Dwarf > all the takes-itself-too-seriously-American crap
(Am actually a fan of the TITSAC so don't burn me too badly. Also haven't seen the new Doctor Who yet, which may suck relative to Tom Baker, so will have to wait and see.)
Why Tom Baker? (Score:3, Interesting)
Hey Sinatra (Score:2)
Re:Hey Sinatra (Score:2)
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:2)
I think you have Voyager and TNG mixed up. The TNG was terrible, and Voyager was 10 times better.
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:5, Interesting)
Note how everybody here who is defending it is solely defending Season 4? That's because Season 4 is *good*. More than that, it addresses all the problems you had with it.
Re:A Few Notes: (Score:3, Informative)
It was a two-parter:
Earlier in the season it was revealed that Dr. Soong (great-grandparent of the one who made Data & Lore) had raised some leftover embryos of the genetically modified humans who caused the trouble back in the Eugenics Wars. There was some interaction with the Klingons, and the Klingons decided that in order to compete with genetically-m
The trouble (Score:3, Informative)
It's dead, Jim.
Not good (Score:3, Funny)
Spoiler warning.
Better? You call this better? Because I live in a TV-backwater, I just got to see the last episode of season three, which I had been led to believe was one of the good ones. What I got was a cliff hanger with time travel and Nazis. Please. All we're missing now is that they introduce a little kid...
I'm sorry, they screwed around with the background story too much in the firs
Re:Your parents called.... (Score:5, Interesting)
As long as we keep trying to maintain the old franchises, there is no incentive for new material.
Re:Your parents called.... (Score:3, Funny)
It's so good... (Score:5, Funny)
bring back shatner! (Score:4, Funny)
Re:bring back shatner! (Score:3, Funny)
Now If Only They Could Do This For Good Shows (Score:2, Insightful)
In Case It Goes Out... (Score:2, Informative)
Rallies draw attention on fan efforts / TrekUnited fund passes 50,000$
Posted by: Chris R. - 02.25.05
As fan rallies in Tel Aviv, New York City and Los Angeles to protest the cancellation of Star Trek: Enterprise have come to an end, first reports indicate a "Mission successful!"
On Thursday, Israel-based Star Trek fans met inside Tel Aviv University for an information lecture and Star Trek screening, as a first of several global rallies voicing support f
In a word, fascinating (Score:5, Insightful)
But I tell you, this outpouring of support is amazing. Say what you will about the quality of the show, or the usage of the money - and I know the flood of comments about what a pitiful waste of capital this is will be starting soon. Hell, I'd like to have $3 mil to blow on [name of pet project] - who doesn't?
But here on Slashdot we love to piss and moan about the state of the entertainment industry and how people ought to vote with their money. I, for one, see this is a perfect example of some devoted fans doing just that. Too bad we didn't get this for Firefly - but we've got a film [serenitymovie.com] coming, so...
Bravo, fans!
I just find it that much more discouraging. (Score:4, Insightful)
"Enterprise", you say? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:"Enterprise", you say? (Score:2, Flamebait)
To paraphrase Blackadder, the ape creatures of the Indus have mastered counting higher than 5.
Unless of course you're an agent of the Temporal Cold War and know something about the next 65 seasons that we don't!
okay, do they have the $3mil or not? (Score:5, Insightful)
What about grants? (Score:2, Interesting)
I have a friend who is a grant writer. She does work for charties applying to government agencies and private foundations for to get money.
I think there is a good chance of supporting Star Trek through the use of grants from the government and from charitable foundations, the way PBS
Re:What about grants? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:What about grants? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:What about grants? (Score:2, Insightful)
[Captain Tanneal]Well, YOU'RE WRONG! Star Trek is just a TV show based on fantasy escapism embraced by misanthropes who self-medicate with daily feasts of snack foods and justify their existence with baseless arrogance! Let's get it on![/Captain Tanneal]
(To avoid flamebait mods,
Re:What about grants? (Score:2)
Now if someone would resurrect Blake's 7 as a new series I'd be happy.
Re:What about grants? (Score:2)
Remember, this is the channel that brought us John Edwards and Scare Tactics.
If we're going to dream the impossible, how about a lineup of Enterprise, Firefly, and BSG.
Re:What about grants? (Score:2)
Farscape (5th season), Stargate (9th season), Firefly (2nd season), BSG (2nd season), Stargate Atlantis (2nd season) and Enterprise bringing up the rear.
I'd gladly substitute Andromeda for Enterprise if Andromeda can show signs of life......
Sorry, Enterprise is just too......boring. The characters on these other shows are much more compelling.
Nooooo (Score:4, Funny)
Please, I'm eating. Oh good, the server is dead...
R.I.P. (Score:3, Funny)
http://www.western-alliance.net/lordprox/trek/ [western-alliance.net]
If they fail... (Score:5, Interesting)
Theres a good chance they won't raise enough money, and a chance that even if they do the studio won't be interested or they won't find anyone to air it.
If such a thing comes to pass, what happens then?
Re:If they fail... (Score:2, Informative)
If the Trekkies' efforts fail, all the money will be refunded to donors, minus the PayPal transaction costs and minor legal fees, Brazeal said.
Re:If they fail... (Score:2, Informative)
If the campaign fails the money will be returned to those who donated. If the campaign succeeds overwhelmingly, the excess raised (over the cost of producing another season) will be donated to the Tsunami Relief Fund. So if the campaign fails, you get your loot back. If you succeed
Re:If they fail... (Score:3, Funny)
The obvious answer is "strippers." But, since we're talking about Trek fans, I'm going to guess "strippers with funny ears."
Why (Score:2, Insightful)
Don't get me wrong, I'm a big trek fan. I've probably seen every episode of TNG. I at the very least found all of the movies to be entertaining, even if they weren't that great. I actually liked Voyager a lot. But, Enterprise j
Re:Why (Score:2)
He's dead, and I want a quality Sci-Fi show (which in Season 4, ENT definately is) to stay on screen.
Re:Why (Score:5, Funny)
Or, they could give the money to an improvished school so that they could enough money for a desent computer lab.
Or, they could have given the money to an impoverished school so that they could have enough money for a decent spelling and grammar class.
Re:Why (Score:2)
Or more to the point, can you really save a show by subsidizing its production? If it doesn't draw advertisers, they're still not going to show it...
Re:Why (Score:3, Interesting)
Because it's not unpopular at all. The *lowest* ratings that ST:ENT has ever recieved amounted to 5 million viewers. That may be poor for network TV, but it's great for cable. Even BS:G averages around 3-4 million.
Scotty !! (Score:5, Funny)
Mistake (Score:5, Interesting)
Had my doubts, should I get my hopes up? (Score:3, Interesting)
I agree with everyone who said that the first couple of seasons sucked, although it had its moments; season three was sometimes pretty cool, definately an improvement. The lack of other good shows on TV (I hate reality TV) kept me watching.
Now that Coto's in charge, season four kicks ass! Too bad so many people already wrote the show off. I just saw an episide that explains beautifully why Klingons looked different in the original series, and even fits in with Worf's comment in the DS9 "tribbles" episode ("We don't talk about it"). That's the kind of thing they should have done from the get-go, rather than screwing around with that "tempral cold-war" crap.
Here's hoping the show can continue!
Planet Vulcan to Lord Prox... (Score:2)
Transmission from planet Vulcan to Lord Prox... thousands of nerd-like beings are trying to access your data... *bzzt, crackle*... Malfunction! Malfunction!
New shows need to pick their battles... (Score:3, Insightful)
how do I suppress these posts? (Score:2)
better news (Score:2)
Stop the propaganda machine (Score:3, Insightful)
There is no creativity to this, it is simply hearing whats on the news and putting it in a Star Trek Universe. If they go back to exploring then it might be worth saving.
Re:Stop the propaganda machine (Score:5, Interesting)
Enterprise got a bit blatant with the unprovoked attack on earth that wiped out half of the US and the subsequent hunt for the cuplrits, but it's just following a pattern that's always been there.
"F" Enterprise (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:"F" Enterprise (Score:2)
Failing those options, or a comb
Give It Up! (Score:5, Insightful)
In the case of "Enterprise," I have to wonder. People are talking about funding an additional season on a network, in a serious fashion. And I do believe it is only a matter of time before a series is, at least in a significant part, funded by fans. I hope it is a quality gem that is given a truly raw deal by a major network.
However, I don't think "Enterprise" is it. It was given numerous renewals on the strength of shaky ratings. It's storytelling and acting are relatively weak. It has had some strong moments, but overall, I always found it lacking.
It's main redeeming quality has been that it is "Star Trek." Even that has almost been a detriment. When it tries to close a continuity loop with the other series, it does so with too much of a wink, and too much hype. It never felt much like "Star Trek," from the types of stories to the sets and costumes.
But it is this "Star Trek" connection that probably has given this campaign series traction. There is likely a noteworthy percentage of people who are rallying, raising funds, etc, for this simply so that Star Trek stays on the air, not "Enterprise." To them I say, "is this the Trek you really want to put your money into?"
Suppose it works. There might be one more season. But, unless you can truly identify and resolve the reasons for the poor ratings, you'll either have delayed the cancellation, or have to pass the hat one more time.
The only upside is that you'll prove the viability of a fan-supported show. And, one day, there will be a not-even-one-season wonder that benefits from fans funding the balance of a season/a second season. With luck, this provides the show a better audience, both by the simple fact it is still on, as well as because it gets a lot of publicity by being fan funded. A third season may become self-sustaining, perhaps even providing some dividend to the fan investors.
So to the people who want to fund "Enterprise" only to keep "Star Trek" on the air, I ask that you save your money, and get behind a new Trek show (already rumored to be in development (think 2006 or 2007)), or one of the new SciFi shows that demonstrates quality worthy of your devotion.
Hundreds at the L.A. Rally? (Score:2)
It's funny/sad just how inflated that number is.
I was there on Friday morning for about ten minutes as a photographer [blogging.la], and there were only about a hundred fans. Hell, StarTrek.com [startrek.com] puts the number at about 120-150 fans.
A friend of mine stayed and documented the Enterprise rally with his videocamera, taping several
Maybe a fan "subsidized" concept is in order? (Score:2)
How would the rights and revenues of a totally fan supported series work out? As far as I can remember from when I first saw the $32M number, it was supposed to cover production, but it isn't offset by whatever revenues would come from the advertiments aired during the shows, syndication, DVD revenues, sponsorships, etc. (Tang
Starship Exeter (Score:2, Interesting)
I can't help but think that the dudes who put together "Starship Exeter" could probably get a lot more bang for the buck with that $3 million that anything Paramount could ever come up with.
Sure, the acting was obviously amature. Those guys are no professional actors. Strangely enough, it wasn't really that much worse than the average Shatneresque episode, and you had to give them credit for putting their heart and soul into those 35 minutes. And
Where are the viewers? (Score:2)
I'll voice my support for Enterprise as well.. This season, is by far the best one i've seen yet.. The reason I like it, is because the episodes are more closly intertwined. Last season there were a couple of shows that deviated slightly from the main storyline but the overall theme seemed to be better han
Star Wreck (Score:3, Interesting)
If you take a look at the history of the Star Trek franchise, the show's quality started out remarkably good (considering it was a campy 1960's wagon train in space). They got a good diverse set of writers to write about topics of the day and tried to both produce fluffy entertainment AND slip a few social messages through the censors.
When TNG was created, Gene Roddenberry had the chance to tell the kinds of stories he wanted to tell back in the 60's, but without the overwhelming concerns of money and the delicate ears of the country. The success of the original show in syndication(!) and the movies gave him all the clout he needed, and so he made a show that revived ST and fired it up for years to come.
Expanding the franchise, he came up with the ideas for DS9 and Andromeda. DS9 would be a story about the invasion and corruption of the Federation, possibly culminating in its fall. The show that is now Andromeda was originally to have been the story of what happened after the fall of the Federation.
All well and good. Unfortunatly, he had Beavis and Butthead -- errr... Breman and Braga as assistants from TNG days. As his health started to decline, he was forced to hand over more and more of the day-to-day operations of the show to them. When the network balked at the idea of the Federation collapsing, they rethought the whole dominion wars aspect of DS9 and came up with Voyager as a way to explore a galaxy without the Federation.
By that time, B&B had taken the helm and thrown the idea of social commentary out the window. They believed in old-schoold demographics. Ratings slipping? Ok, Hire 7 of 9 and put her in a illogically tight jumpsuit.
Just as DS9 was supposed to be about a seedy and corrupt corner of the Federation, and Voyager was supposed to be a dark Federation-less corner of the universe, Enterprise now took on the challenge of being the 'Really-Dark-This-Time' Trek. Pre-Federation, we wouldn't have to worry about Prime Directives, or about fleets of starships showing up to save them. Transporters were supposed to be flaky and unreliable. Phasers were supposed to be little more than laser guns. Communication would be limited to launched probes.
Instead, we got a captain who (through no fault of the actor!) has a split personality -- swinging back and forth between concerned pacifist and vengeful hitman. We got a hot vulcan chick who could have developed into a really interesting character -- if she were allowed to do more than change uniforms every season. And we get to encounter most of the familiar alien races which act much the way they acted towards us in the future... even though it should have been first contact.
I'll say what I said with Voyager. If Paramont wants to save the franchise, they must fire Breman and Braga and hire people who care about the show, not just the ratings. I can't remember which one (does it matter?) but one of them actually bragged about having never seen the original series.
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Star Trek is worth saving when... (Score:5, Interesting)
This complaint always cracks me up. Roddenberry's purpose with Star Trek was to find a setting for social commentary that would let him present his moral agenda without incurring the ire of the studio censors... When fans don't see that in the older series, that's likely more because much of the original moralising was over issues that are now reasonably dated.
For instance, it's hard to see the episode where Kirk and Uhura kiss as having any purpose as social commentary unless you're aware of just how controversial interracial relationships used to be, and that is perhaps one of the most blantant ones.
I can hardly think of ANY episode of any Star Trek series that hasn't been dripping of moralising about at least one issue.
Even the structure of the Star Trek universe is so blatant in it's use of entire species as plot devices to set the scene for morality plays where the individuals involved doesn't need to be well known to the viewer because he or she can either distinguish the role of the people involved from their species, or the very point of the story is why or how a particular individual deviates from the species standard behaviour, and what consequences it has.
Star Trek is about moralising. Deal with it. It's been part of what made it a success, but it's also part of what sometimes makes it extremely obnoxious whenever it gets too in your face and you either completely agree or completely disagree. It's at it's best whenever it hits you with issues you haven't really considered or haven't made your mind up about, where it is what creates a great story because it keeps you thinking.
Getting that balance right might quite possibly require someone other than Berman, though, even if I've never quite understood the raw hatred he is sometimes met with from some people.
Re:Enterprise sucked anyway. (Score:2)
Networks are stupid. Anything actually good gets run, it dies. It's like a law or something.
Re:If Star Trek was any good, people would watch i (Score:2, Insightful)
"These days"? I must have missed something - at what point in time was watching Star Trek up there with "Freinds" or "Seinfeld"?
Re:If Star Trek was any good, people would watch i (Score:2)
Re:If Star Trek was any good, people would watch i (Score:5, Insightful)
Thing is, networks doesn't fund shows because of the desire of making a quality product (most of the time, at least). They want them to make money. That's why you see so many teen-soap-operas and reality shows: they have a limited life, but they milk every cent out of them in the meantime. When the cash cow is dead, they just raise a new one. Quality shows do have it's place and audience, it's just not big enough anymore.
It's a pitty. To be honest, i never cared much about Star Trek, but i hated to see Firefly go - similar deal. I just got hooked on BSG, and like it a lot aswell; The shield is another show (outside sci-fi) that i love unconditionally. I hate to never know if they're gonna be cancelled out of the blue someday. Hell, it happened to Family Guy.
Re:If Star Trek was any good, people would watch i (Score:2)
How many people subscribe to HBO these days, again? The market just isn't on the networks anymore.
Re:If Star Trek was any good, people would watch i (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Oh my God! (Score:2)
Eh?... Dagnabbit... (Score:2)
Dern kids playing on my lawn again - I'll teach them!
Look, while you're at it, why not rail against the major networks for continuing their focus on crappy 'real life' series like Survivor or Fear Factor? Seems to me this sort of stupidity T.V. has FAR more worth fighting.
Re:If it has to be Trek... (Score:2)
Re:"Star Trek: Enterprise' ... is quality televisi (Score:2)
Re:"Star Trek: Enterprise' ... is quality televisi (Score:2)
Re:Enterprise is not the series I was looking for (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Enterprise is not the series I was looking for (Score:2)
Re:Why send money (Score:2)
In the latest episode broadcast here they just disappeared off into somewhere they can't get out of where ships loot each other for spare parts. Sound familiar?
TBH it isn't worth saving.
SUCKERS! (Score:5, Insightful)
Pay for production, get zero points in the profit. What a great investment!
Re:SUCKERS! (Score:5, Interesting)
They will pay to advertise a brand that already sells them products with insane profit margins, that already hammers them with incessant and mindless ads any occasion it gets, and they pay to do it both to themselves and to others...
Once you've seen that, the Chewbacca defense makes perfect sense.
Re:GET A LIFE (Score:3, Insightful)
At least have some balls... Posting AC and making fun of Trekkies is pathetic.