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Comment Re:American Culture (Score 1) 274

Yes, it can be a random mutation. However, when you deliberately grind up the carcass of a cow with said mutation and feed it to other livestock, you are then transmitting this mutation. Then it becomes an infection. Lather, rinse, repeat... we have an epidemic.

The math isn't hard here.

Comment Re:Common Sense, anyone? (Score 1) 788

I think you missed the key word here: far. Progressive taxation is supposed to prevent a huge income disparity. Consider that the minimal amount you can make (ignoring debt) is $0. From $0-$350K, we have 99% of our earners, who earn up to $235K.

For the remainder, I would venture quite a number aren't sitting at $350K. In fact, it's probably over a million on average considering what CEOs, etc are paid. They can also invest pretty handily and boost their own wealth. This puts them at many multiples of the next tier below. Progressive taxation as it stands today has failed to bridge that divide.

Comment Re:Common Sense, anyone? (Score 5, Insightful) 788

The top 1% earn 24% of all income. Top 1% represents over $350,000, but we know of individuals who are making millions. Billions. The remaining 9% of your top 10? They make what, $100-$350K/year? They pay between 28-33%/year, or $28K-$115K, leaving them with between 72-115.5K. That's still pretty decent bank.

For one of those biggier bonus folks (let's say a nice $1M a year to be conservative), we're looking at $770K of wealth left.
See the difference?

If we taxed those guys 50%, they'd STILL have far more than the remaining 99%.
That's the point.

Comment Re:Depends on the location (Score 1) 976

According to the Oregon Driver's Manual of 2010-2011, "Round Yellow – Do not enter the intersection if you can stop safely. Pedestrians facing a yellow light must not start across the street unless a pedestrian signal directs otherwise."

In your instance, then it's considered valid since to stop would be unsafe. In most instances (i.e. when jackasses plow through instances to beat the red), a traffic violation has been committed when the motorist is entering the intersection on the yellow.


Spy Act of 2007 = "Vendors Can Spy Act" 309

strick1226 writes "Ed Foster over at InfoWorld describes the Spy Act bill (H.R. 964) as having the same relation to the prevention of spyware that the CAN SPAM Act had to the prevention of spam. It allows exceptions for companies to utilize spyware for any number of reasons; if this bill had been law when Sony distributed their rootkit, they would have had perfect cover. Most troubling is that the bill would preempt all state laws, including those more focused on the privacy of people's data, and disallow individuals from bringing suit. It is expected to pass soon with 'strong bipartisan support.'"
The Courts

Judge Says RIAA "Disingenuous," Decision Stands 195

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes "Judge Lee R. West in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, has rejected the arguments made by the RIAA in support of its 'reconsideration' motion in Capitol v. Foster as 'disingenuous' and 'not true,' and accused the RIAA of 'questionable motives.' The decision (PDF) reaffirmed Judge West's earlier decision that defendant Debbie Foster is entitled to be reimbursed for her attorneys fees." Read more for NewYorkCountryLawyer's summary of the smackdown.

Netcraft Shows Smartech Running Ohio Election Servers 688

goombah99 writes "Netcraft is showing that an event happened in the Ohio 2004 election that is difficult to explain. The Secretary of State's website, which handles election reporting, normally is directed to an Ohio-based IP address hosted by the Ohio Supercomputer Center. On Nov. 3 2004, Netcraft shows the website pointing out of state to a server owned by Smartech Corp. According to the American Registry on Internet Numbers, Smartech's block of IP addresses – encompasses the entire range of addresses owned by the Republican National Committee. Smartech hosted the recently notorious gbw43.com domain used from the White House in apparent violation of the Presidential Records Act, from which thousands of White House emails vanished." Update: 04/25 01:24 GMT by KD : ePluribus Media published a piece called Ken Blackwell Outsources Ohio Election Results to GOP Internet Operatives, Again on election eve 2006, when a similar DNS switch to Smartech occurred. They have been investigating the larger story of IT on Capitol Hill and elsewhere for two years.

AT&T to Target iPhone to Enterprise 315

narramissic writes "AT&T is reportedly preparing to market the iPhone to business users and is scurrying to ensure that its backend enterprise billing and support systems will accommodate the device when it ships. Analysts are baffled by the move. In addition to running an OS X-based operating system, which enterprises may be reluctant to adopt, the iPhone is also expected to have a number of shortcomings for business users, including not having a removable battery and not having buttons, which would make it difficult to dial while driving says Gartner's Ken Dulaney. Avi Greengart, principal analyst for mobile devices at Current Analysis, also thinks the iPhone won't be a good option for enterprise customers because enterprises won't be able to write applications for the phone."

Atom Smasher May Create "Black Saturns" 423

David Shiga writes "If we ever make black holes on Earth, they might be much stranger objects than the star-swallowing monsters known to exist in space. According to a new theory, any black hole that pops out of the Large Hadron Collider under construction in Switzerland might be surrounded by a black ring — forming a microscopic 'black Saturn'. This could happen if extra dimensions exist, as string theory suggests, and if they are large enough." An evocative excerpt from the article: "...there is an outside chance that in a few years in a tunnel near Geneva, physicists will make a black hole far smaller than a proton and circled by a squashed four-dimensional black doughnut."

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