Comment Re:Rumors that humans are being replaced are false (Score 1) 94
They're certainly working on the sorting, packing and shipping parts. Even organising robotic contests.
But they aren't there yet.
They're certainly working on the sorting, packing and shipping parts. Even organising robotic contests.
But they aren't there yet.
>(you can safely assume it will be maximised since nowadays almost no website works if it isn't, sadly).
What kind of strange sites do you browse ? I haven't maximised my browser ever since I upgraded my 800×600 screen. And that was quite some time ago.
Store page says
1e+09 Units in Stock
I might get this mouse, if it's big enough to fit comfortably in my shovel-like hands.
Same problem here. How I'd wish to get a double size mouse. Or at least double width.
It's not a problem for regular desktop use. But for gaming, my major problem is my pinky dragging on the mouse mat. Apparently all the people designing mice are eight year old asian girls.
Why are we still using a ball or laser on a cable to point on a screen where we want to do stuff?
Because poking at the screen only works for 10 minutes at a time and trackpads are much less precise ?
My Razer Mamba would beg to differ. Although you can *also* plug it in and use it on a wire if you like (which is some pretty good design IMO).
Did you check to see if al0ha hadn't turned off the internet ?
10 weeks to learn how to install Windows Vista and set up printers and file sharing.
*Weeks* ?
I've never installed Vista, much less set up printers and file sharing, having never used Windows as a server (more of a Unix guy) but I'm fairly sure it wouldn't take me 10 weeks.
I'm pretty confident most casual users could do it in a couple hours by poking around a bit.
Well, even a Portuguese dictionary would not have helped. You don't find "1234" in a dictionary.
Is there a dictionary for luggage combinations ?
Fifty bucks says the password is GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!
It was probably salted with vuvuzelas though.
This belongs in a fucking contract, not a goddamn patent.
I thought Bezos has already patented contracts. Obviously he had to find something different.
All this will do is rake in registration $$$
That's the point. You nailed it in one.
Anyone have any solutions to suggest to Facebook?
To go f* themselves ?
With seven you can finally key drivers in from the computer's front panel, the way it was always intended to be (or so I heard).
But even if it's safer, I'd love to see someone try to explain it to a LEO why they were driving at night with the headlights off...
But they can't see you from Low Earth Orbit if your headlights are off !
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.