Slashback: GSM, Buffy, Wobble 330
Macrovision, everyone's favorite killjoy. byteCoder writes "Apparently Macrovision marketing is trying to put a good spin on Intuit's plan to eliminate the use of Macrovision's DRM software for pre-paid copies of TurboTax (as discussed last week here). This reminds me of the classic Monty Python line: "I'm not dead yet!""
That's got to be some spin -- An anonymous reader points to Eric Hellweg's Tech Investor on CNN, which suggests that the backlash which triggered Intuit's copy-protection reversal may have cost the company $100 million.
Can I use my Go Phone there? An anonymous reader writes ""In a follow-up to the Slashdot article 'CDMA vs GSM in Post-war Iraq,' The Reg has a story about how MCI has won the contract to rebuild the mobile phone system with GSM. This is a good thing for the people of Iraq that GSM is being used, GSM is the world standard and several U.S. companies (AT&T for one) are switching to GSM."
Adding Money to Insult. Neophytus writes "Remember the 'Star Wars Kid' that found a couple of weeks ago? Well after over a million downloads the guy has been found. His name is Ghyslain, a 15-year-old tenth grader living in Quebec. Jish contacted him and got a brief, but interesting, interview."
No unlimited copy privileges in jail. the-dude-man writes "As reported here A 19-year-old pleaded guilty to costing DirectTV for leaking information about the secrets of DirectTV's most advanced anti-piracy technology to hacker websites. As part of the plea deal, Serebryany admitted to copying and distributing 800 megabytes of scanned documents from DirecTV, costing the company $68,000 in investigatory costs. Both sides stipulated to sentencing factors that carry six months to a year in prison under federal guidelines -- assuming no prior convictions. The sentencing court can depart from the guidelines only if the judge finds that the proposed sentence doesn't adequately reflect the facts of the case. According to court records affidavit, Serebryany's adventures began when he found himself with access to some of DirecTV's most coveted technological secrets while working for his uncle at a document imaging company at the office of a Los Angeles law firm, Jones, Day, Reavis and Pogue. The firm was representing the satellite TV company in a lawsuit against NDS, the makers of the smart cards DirecTV uses to control access to its signal."
For every 11 discontented customers, there's one of these happy oddballs! RedWingsSuck writes "A few weeks ago, I asked /. users what they thought about the wobble my 12" Power Book has developed. Last week Apple Care told me that I could send my laptop off for repairs. I decided to drive to the local Apple Store, about 15 minutes away, and drop it off. They had my laptop for less than 3 days. When I went in to pick it up, they told me that it was sent in and the BC (bottom cover) was repaired. It doesn't wobble anymore, so I am happy. I was really surprised with how fast it was fixed. I didn't mean to sound like I regretted my AiBook purchase in the last post, and now I even happier."
Relax, it's a television show. HardcoreGamer writes "Buffy creator Joss Whedon responds to questions from New York Times readers on Buffy the Vampire Slayer as it comes to the end of its 7 season run. He also discusses the now-canceled Firefly and concludes with one of the key reasons why the show is ending: 'I'm simply too tired.'"
I'm sure the fact (Score:5, Interesting)
Dawn the Vampire Slayer (Score:5, Funny)
Witness vampires and miscellaneous other creatures of the night defeated as Dawn petulantly screams. For instance: "Get out, get out, get out!"
Puffy the Vampire Slayer (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Dawn the Vampire Slayer (Score:3, Funny)
the war on drugs?
global warming?
the sad thing is that I'd still be watching.
Re:I'm sure the fact (Score:2, Funny)
Dawn the Vampire Slayer... So each week we just watch a sunrise? Boring.
Dawn the Vampire Slayer... So *that's* what the blue liquid was in Blade.
Come on ... (Score:2)
Re:I'm sure the fact (Score:5, Interesting)
However, Season 6 contains some of the best writing and dialogue, and while not everyone likes the plot arcs used (too dark for so many tastes) they actually touched on some really interesting stuff that's true to life. You could really see Joss and Marti's early-20's angst just pouring onto the screen, darker and more disturbing than *Buffy* had been before. The lighthearted edge that fans loved through the highschool and early college show really *couldn't* be there as much when Buffy herself was to disillusioned and depressed. The writing and dialogue was as good as ever, but with the harder edge and lack of as much softening lighthearted stuff too many longtime fans were put off.
But think of all the great things that happened in Season 6. The finale episodes, with the death of Tara and Willow's evilification, were some of the most riveting of the series--even if Tara's death *was* hard for a lot of fans, particularly in the lesbian community. The musical episode, obviously, stands on its own and is so highly acclaimed by critics and most fans that it's high on the list of Best Episodes Ever. Even if the Doublemeat Palace episode was mindnumbing on many levels, it accurately captured the awful experience of being an underling at the menial jobs so many people work. Buffy and Spike had one of the most intense and incredible love scenes in the whole series, and we got to watch their relationship decline into the degradation that really does happen in abusive or unhealthy relationships. There was so much great stuff there--great, but often too dark for most *Buffy* fans.
As for "Dawn the Vampire Slayer"--God, I was so hoping that the big "show you the world" speech Buffy gave Dawn at the end of Season 6's finale would turn into more screentime with the maturing Dawn, but it really didn't go very far. The Potentials ended up with the instruction that Dawn was seemingly going to get, based on Buffy's remarks at the end of the past season. Mmmm, little Dawnie really butters my toast! Hey, Michelle Trachtenberg *does* turn 18 and legal this year.
Re:I'm sure the fact (Score:4, Insightful)
Continuity with prior seasons was abandoned, both in terms of character and in setting. The most egregrious example was magic becoming addictive. Wouldn't Tara or Giles have ever mentioned that magic is the equivalent of crack to Willow, especially since there are "dealers" and magic crack houses? The magic addiction arc is especially frustrating as it not only hijacked the promising power corrupts arc for Willow, but it was completely useless as part of the dark Willow arc since it was Tara's death, not magic crack, that made Willow the nemesis in the final episodes.
The writing has many other flaws such as Buffy coming to an epiphany every week about her depression then ignoring it the following week and Spike going to get his chip out (which not only the dialog implies but the actor was told was to happen) but ends up with a soul. Let's take a quick look at the dialog. Some of the worst dialog ever on the show again comes from the addiction arc, especially in the final episodes when Willow's saying things like "I'm so juiced," and at the very end, Xander saving the world with his yellow crayon speech was just embarrassing.
There were many ideas with great potential in season six like the dark Willow arc we almost saw, but the execution was so poor that it's almost impossible to enjoy them. It's not the issues they brought up, such as depression, bad boyfriends, or even addiction that were the problem, but how they handled them compared to earlier seasons.
Look at how they handled the deaths of Joyce or Miss Calendar compared to Tara. Both of the prior deaths carried so much more meaning and emotion for the characters. The ending also lacks originality. We just saw Willow go off for revenge after Tara was hurt at the end of last season, and we saw Giles do the same when Miss Calendar died before that. The "dead lesbian/evil lesbian (saved by the good man)" ending has been done dozens of time in other books and movies, with Alyson Hannigan not only playing that ending in Buffy that year, but she also played that in the movie Rip It Off just before that. And of course, Willow has to destroy the world; we're not quite sure how that comes out of her character, but Buffy villains do that so she has to do that too. Why couldn't they have done something remotely original?
Slain (Score:5, Funny)
Yes, seasons six and seven are certainly evidence that somebody was "asleep at the wheel." In fact, they were quite reminiscient of an enormous vehicular accident...
Will Joss Slay Again? (Score:5, Insightful)
Consider the "First Evil" arc. They started that one over four years ago []!!! Yeah, I know we you like the way he plants clues and goes for a slow buildup. So do I. But that buildup looks like the workers were drunk and AWOL half the time!
The whole series is full of stuff like that. My favorite villain in all of genre fiction is Glorificus, The Fashion Queen from Another Dimension. But I was only able to enjoy her arc by nodding at the plot inconsistencies you could drive a truck through. A willing fan can do that for a while (hence Star Trek), but Buffy fans have less patience.
I think if Joss Whedon is going to remain a major player (and I do hope he manages to revive Firefly) he's gonna have to rethink his working style. TV and movies are collaborative media, yet he insists that all the big insights be his and his alone. That prevents people from hijacking his vehicles (as happened with the Buffy movie) but also prevents people from telling him when his clothes are no invisible, but missing. No wonder Buffy got so far off track.
Re:Will Joss Slay Again? (Score:2, Insightful)
I disagree. The best TV series ever (Babylon 5) was mostly a gigantic effort from one man: JMS. He had collaborators, just like Joss has, but the bulk of the work was his, and it showed. I say power to Joss all the way.
Re:Will Joss Slay Again? (Score:2)
Re:Will Joss Slay Again? (Score:4, Interesting)
Yet in the Article, he states:
"It would have been impossible for me to predict where Buffy's character would go by the end of the series because the character is informed by so many things. You have to find out what people respond to, you have to find out what works on the show, what aspects make sense, what your meaning is. "
So, that would seem to suggest that there's a fairly substantial feedback loop going on there between himself, the viewers and others...
I don't think he goes it entirely alone... And for the most part the real issues with the last couple of seasons have been with the actual dialogue or more specfic things with episodes, which come about from the actual writer of the script, and Joss doesn't seem to have written many of the later episodes at all.
Having said that the final season (I don't know what episode you're up to in the states, but we're only part way through in Aus) has been by and large painful to watch... It's really being that bad. I've been watching the last season of Angel, as I had stopped watching that, and I'm finding it FAR more enjoyable than the current Buffy.
Re:Will Joss Slay Again? (Score:2)
Didn't seem to hurt Straczynski on Babylon 5.
Re:Will Joss Slay Again? (Score:3, Informative)
Yes, Straczynski planned for 5 seasons originally- but towards the end of season 4, it really looked like #5 wouldn't get made (the current network was dropping it, and no one was found to take it up until the last minute)
So, he squeezed many of the concluding events into the 4th season, in case it turned out to be the final one. That
Re:Will Joss Slay Again? (Score:2)
You know, I hear people dis season 6 all the time and I just don't get it. Season 6 was beyond brilliant -- it was utterly sublime. Was it painful? Hell yeah, but so is life. It was supposed to be painful and disjointed and hearbreaking. If they'd just made season [insert number here] over and over again it would have been dead boring, I think. Season 6 made the characters grow and it made the audience grow as well.
Re:Will Joss Slay Again? (Score:3, Insightful)
Didn't you learn anything from Dilbert? The lesson is that marketing departments suck.
Re:Slain (Score:2)
It may not be the inverter, it could be the bulb.
the real reason Buffy is departing..... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:the real reason Buffy is departing..... (Score:5, Funny)
It's not like it'd be so far off where the show is now...
Wait a minute... Did I just think that, or did I post it to slashdot? D'oh!
Firefly (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Firefly (Score:4, Informative)
I also saw that Gina Torress [], from Firefly, was in the Matrix Reloaded. It creeped me out because she's in every one of my favorite shows that gets canceled. I felt a bad vibe about the Matrix, but was delighted to see her.
Re:Firefly (Score:3, Funny)
And Morena Baccharin [] is sexy in that exotic Asian kind of way. Maybe that, or it's because she played a whore. Mmmmm ... Morena ...
And yeah, Gina Torres [] is the sexy woman who played Jasime, the Devourer (a decidedly un-nasty, disgusting freak of a beast in Angel).
Let's not forget Jewel Staite [] ... her character Kaylee was sexy in that innocent, home-girl kind of way, though it was revealed in one of the episodes how she got her position as mechanic wasn't exactly innocent! (Screwing the previous mecha
Re:Firefly (Score:2)
Firefly! Firefly! Firefly! (Score:4, Interesting)
Possibly he thinks he could have saved the series if he hadn't been so overcommitted (three active series, and development work on two more). Probably not true: I think a lot of Fox people either didn't understand Firefly or just didn't think such a high-budget series could be profitable. (Reality shows are so much cheaper to produce!) Still, it would have had a better chance if Whedon had been able to fight the network's creative meddling and idiotic scheduling.
I once read an interview with him, where's he's standing on the bridge of Serenity (the set is a complete mockup of the ship) and proclaiming that he's in "Geek Heaven". Ever since Fox pulled the series, I've been watching the news for reports that the set has been broken up. Unless I missed that report, he's keeping that set around, which must be costing him a mint. If he gives up and gets rid of the set, then we'll know that Firefly is dead, no mouth-to-mouth, no resurrection spell!
Father O'day -- Give us a break (Score:5, Funny)
I'm gay. Blah blah blah.
--Some Priest
Good for you!
--Mister Apple-Impersonator.
And there ya have it! Go back under the bridge trolls.
Re:Father O'day -- Give us a break (Score:2)
Due to a rather unusual mix-up with my apartment complex's main office, I didn't get the package until a few weeks later, but that's hardly Apple's fault.
Keep in mind, that was a PowerBook 5300. The
This should silence Iraqi reconstruction critics (Score:4, Funny)
Re:"Self-Bias" is appropriate in this case. (Score:2, Insightful)
BUT, what if Saddam just would have stepped down, and let the so called democracy pour in, would US companies still have first say about re-building the country? Is that bias based solely on war-efforts? In this case, war efforts seem to make US tech bit more better by effect than european.
And the moneywise situati
Re:"Self-Bias" is appropriate in this case. (Score:3, Funny)
I sure hope none of the money goes to Alcatel! Not because they're a French company, but because their stuff is crap.
Re:"Self-Bias" is appropriate in this case. (Score:2)
So if you destroy something you are also allowed to rebuild it the way you see fit? I suddenly see that the whole 11/9/2001 thing as a scam for Osama Bin Laden to get cheaply access to an in-the-middle-of-New York-so-very-expensive land-area to rebuild his own offices there!
Re:"Self-Bias" is appropriate in this case. (Score:3, Insightful)
The US will rebuild what it needs to, and not one brick more. Even when it is building schools and hospitals, I think it is more because of the PR than because of any inherant philanthropic impulse. (How is Afghanistan doing these days?)
The Min
Re:"Self-Bias" is appropriate in this case. (Score:3, Insightful)
Oh, [] really? [] Try []
a news service which is not American. Because no-one could accuse USAtoday or the Wall Street Journal of being partisan.
Oh BS MAN! (Score:4, Insightful)
The US taxpayer is not footing the bill!
1) Iraq has a mountain of debt to pay because as a result of the end of the war everyone is coming in with their bills. INCLUDING the US.
2) The money laid out now by the US is coming back from oil revenue.
3) The GSM standard is not just a French standard, but a worldwide standard. CDMA could have been a worldwide standard, but Qualcomm has its head stuck up its butt.
Do you want to know what the main concern now is? That Iraq will be crushed under their debt. They did some stats and found out that when Iraq is pumping oil at its peak, that will only account for 20 billion dollars. That is not even close to being enough money to pay back everybody. And the concern is that it could turn into a world war 1 fiasco.
Re:Oh BS MAN! (Score:3, Interesting)
You wrote: Misleading nonsense. The major claimant is Kuwait, which
The last time I checked, Suadia Arabia and Kuwait were not generally considered to be western countries.
You again: If you calculate out the Kuwaiti and Saudi claims, the remaining debt becomes quite manageable.
I agree. It *is* quite managable to a country with the resources of Iraq. Which is why I think that the US's push to cancel the 7 billion in debt Iraq it owes to Russia (and a
Re:"Self-Bias" is appropriate in this case. (Score:3, Informative)
You do know that the puppet-iraq gov is going to hand over untold numbers of oil contracts to american firms eh? this is the real prize here... how many years of pumping cash out of the desert is going to goto the US-Oil now that you've invaded and occupy Iraq?
The present bickering about 'reconstruction contracts' is missing the really big show. Thats going
Flamebait?! (Score:3, Informative) u lfwar []
Check at the bottom, under "The Cost". While Kuwait and Saudi Arabia paid the lion's share, I just listed France and Germany (plus Japan) because they're the ones being daemonized by the US, even though they contributed more financially to the first Gulf War than the US.
The real reason they quit (Score:5, Funny)
ANDREW: Illusions? Against a burninator? (chuckles)
GSM is NOT the future... (Score:3, Interesting)
Eventually all carriers will have to move from whatever they're using to either WCDMA or cdma2000. The transition to WCDMA is not simple, and there are doubts that WCDMA will deliver on its promised performance. On the other hand, cdma2000 is much simpler to adopt, and has been proven to work (in Korea, for example.)
GSM is dead. R.I.P.
Re:GSM is NOT the future... (Score:4, Insightful)
being technically superior does not automagically grant you standard status. christ, by youre logic one should never deploy anything because there is always something almost ready thats almost better.
Re:GSM is NOT the future... (Score:2, Insightful)
Just because GSM is mandated to exist in most parts of the world does not mean it is either superior or will be in existance forever (or maybe it can if you want 2.5G forever).
All future 3g standards are based on CDMA (UTMS,WCDMA, CDMA2K, etc.), if not direct decendents. Qualcomm owns most if not all patents on those technologies. Not only that, but a terrain as sparse as Iraq, should not use GSM, but CDMA.
I live in the countryside of North Carolina, and I can
Can't agree (Score:5, Insightful)
GSM is implemented throughout the Middle East - allowing roaming and phone exports/transfers over the border.
GSM is well known to technicians.
GSM works well in environments like Iraq. You might live in some isolated part of the huge US of A where GSM sucks but Iraq is an urban and concentrated country. Most people live near the cities or the river valleys.
GSM does not suck. It allows clear voice transmissions and gives an acceptable data transfer rate (not for internet browsing but for email okay).
Iraq does not need an expensive data network with bells on it. It needs one that works. And GSM works excellently - as Europe can testify.
GSM is not the future. But its the working present.
GSM/GPRS (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:GSM/GPRS (Score:2)
That's what Sprint offers.
They use CDMA.
The sad thing about the geek kid (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:The sad thing about the geek kid (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:The sad thing about the geek kid (Score:3, Interesting)
Don't forget to donate his iPod (Score:2, Interesting)
A good thing for GSM? (Score:4, Interesting)
It's not a good thing for Iraq for GSM to be implemented. GSM is really aging. The only way to get even moderately high-speeds is using the piggy-back GPRS. Reconstructing GSM to be 3G is very difficult transition path. If it weren't for Quallcom's patents on CDMA, nobody would be using GSM which is based on TDMA.
I really like some of the stuff GSM has done with respect to the phones themselves, such as the use SIMM card for storing the phones information. But CDMA is by far the technically superior solution, however patent incumbered. Building an infrastructure from the ground up on TDMA technology is just brain-dead politics.
Re:A good thing for GSM? (Score:2)
Re:A good thing for GSM? (Score:3, Insightful)
W-CDMA is the 'true 3G' step after GPRS/EDGE, which is CDMA based.
Re:A good thing for GSM? (Score:5, Insightful)
This is not wholly accurate. TDMA is old, obvious, and proven technology, requiring nothing more complicated than a uniform source of timing, and is possibly less demanding on the handset hardware than CDMA. Telecommunications carriers tend to be conservative, because the upfront investments are astronomical.
Secondly, according to Qualcomm's own information, CDMA by 1995 offered only 10x improvement (over analog cellular) of the bandwidth utilization. By contrast, TDMA offers somewhere from 3x to 8x, so the case for ripping out all your expensive network hardware is not as compelling back then.
Today in Iraq, starting from scratch, the equation is obviously different. When GSM's time comes, however, it should be remembered as a reliable workhorse, not something that was always inferior to CDMA except for patents. GSM was the first mobile phone system that offered global roaming, a feature taken for granted today, but causing so many problems back then that several horribly expensive satellite based solutions were built.
SIMM card
Only one "M". It stands for "Subscriber Identity Module".
Welcome to the real world (Score:2)
Leaving aside any technical arguments, grasping your ankles for Qualcomm would be even more brain-dead.
At least this way their phones will work in most of the free world.
Uhm priorities? (Score:2)
and we still dont' have bin laden or hussein and no one seems to notice or care
but we like the terrorism alert colours, they're alwyas fun...
Re:Uhm priorities? (Score:2)
Re:A good thing for GSM? (Score:2)
Well, I live in Brazil, and my mobile phone uses CDMA; and I'm told there are CDMA networks in other countries in South America.
However, your points stand, as global roaming for CDMA phones is pitiful indeed, especially compared to GSM. And one thing that irritates me is how many features GSM phones have that CDMA phones don't even dream of having...
GSM vs CDMA (Score:4, Interesting)
GSM is everywhere largely because of European licensing agencies requiring GSM, and those same restrictions are built into the licenses for 3G spectrum (with UMTS). NOT because GSM is a better technology. CDMA gets better efficiency (more users per channel per cell) than GSM, especially in lightly loaded areas.
I don't see why GSM-everywhere is so desirable. The conveinences everyone claims that GSM has (eg SIM cards) are already being standardized in cdma2000, and will be here soon. GSM is a beast from the past, pushed only by government regulations. For those who say AT&T's switch shows that GSM is the future, remember that AT&T is switching from a TDMA network that's technologically equivalent to GSM (and hence inferior to CDMA), and that AT&T is having all sorts of network problems as a result, since they have to hard-block their frequencies, effectively creating a huge fragmentation problem.
Re:GSM vs CDMA (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:GSM vs CDMA (Score:2)
Yep, that's right. And that's the reason they're going with GSM there. But the parent is merely pointing out that while it might be the correct solution to use here, GSM is not technologically superior to CDMA in any way.
Most people in Iraq don't even have a computer, let alone a portable one).
But I believe the point is that they will soon have
Re:GSM vs CDMA (Score:2)
For now, but wouldn't it be better to prepare for the future?
Re:GSM vs CDMA (Score:3, Insightful)
Yea, because consumers have always waited for the perfect technology, rather than adopting a marginally worse technology that exists today.
Oh, wait, VHS was before Betamax and was worse. Oh, wait, the PC was before the Macintosh and had less usability. Oh, wait
I can go on and on. If CDMA was truly better enough today, it would've been standardized in every aspect like GS
Re:GSM vs CDMA (Score:2)
CDMA2000 networks are also a heck of a lot easier to deploy than WCDMA ones, since CDMA2000 base stations are backward compatable with CDMA(IS-95) phones, and vice versa. To deploy WCMA, which is not backward compatibale with GSM, an operator has to either use new frequencies (not
Re:GSM vs CDMA (Score:2, Insightful)
Even if CDMA is technically a better system its still not the one in use by the majority of the worlds population.
And while you might get better data rates using CDMA but GSM users still get all the cool phones to make use of it. Well ok, not all of the cool phones are GSM but if you've even been to Japan, Europe, Australia, etc you'd have to have seen the equipment everyone was using.
My family in the US think its odd that everyone in my family here (in Oz) has a mobile phone.
Re:GSM vs CDMA (Score:3, Insightful)
Where can I get one? (Score:2, Funny)
I think I'll release... (Score:5, Interesting)
All joking aside, from the interview, Ghyslain (the starwars kid) acted quite mature for someone his age... aware that his not-meant-for-public-viewing is now world famous he chose not to be bitter or overly proud of this. He seems to just let it pass as a page in his life story.
Anyway, he did make me laugh, and what a way to start what is anticipated to be a loooong busy day.
Thanks Ghyslain!
Re:I think I'll release... (Score:5, Interesting)
Star Wars Kid (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Star Wars Kid (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Star Wars Kid (Score:2)
Completely detached.... (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm sure I am not the only one who was continuing to watch it because he "invested time into watching the 5 previous seasons that were really cool and I need to know how it will all end"... the ending of season 5 when she closes the portal by jumping into it was least 10x better than yesterday's serie ending.... Its a good thing that this show finally ends eventho I was a big fan the 5 first seasons. When I see shows like family guy, B5 crusade and firefly being cancelled and see crap like this season's of buffy still on, it makes me wonder.
Now I just hope the Angel show doesn't go the same way.
One show that I really enjoyed this year was John Doe, is there a second season of this? this is probably one of the good findings this year, new actors good story, just enough "fiction" to keep it "real", I like the balance and the general concept.
Re:Completely detached.... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Completely detached.... (Score:2, Informative)
Re: Completely detached.... (Score:3, Insightful)
> I was absolutely astounded when FireFly got cancelled and the absolute mind-raping garbage that is John Doe stayed on the air.
But at least it gives you some insight into why the RIAA is publishing what it does these days.
For some, Sturgeon's Law isn't an observation, it's a marketing plan. Crap draws bigger audiences than stuff that challenges people.
DirecTV security through obscurity? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:DirecTV security through obscurity? (Score:5, Informative)
DirecTV's security blunder (Score:2)
Insert dumb lawyer joke here...
Re:DirecTV's security blunder (Score:3, Interesting)
Relevency of Buffy (Score:4, Funny)
Doesn't every nerd have a huge poster of Sarah Michelle Gellar next to their Matrix poster?
Re:Relevency of Buffy (Score:2)
Re:Relevency of Buffy (Score:3, Funny)
I don't think so...
I bet you're still living in your parents' cellar
Downloading pictures of Sarah Michelle Gellar
Posting "me too" like some brain-dead AOLer
I should do the world a favor and cap you like Old Yeller
You're about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller
time travel? divination? (Score:3, Funny)
That's a pretty good trick... care to tell me how you do it?
Re:time travel? divination? (Score:3, Funny)
coincidence (Score:2)
Star Wars kid... (Score:2)
Re:Star Wars kid... (Score:2)
Interview (Score:4, Funny)
Cowboyneal? (Score:4, Funny)
So long, Buffster. Thanks for all the writing. (Score:2, Interesting)
CDMA sucks. (Score:2, Interesting)
These phones are lightyears behind GSM phones.
Also, saying that the US is "CDMA territory" is simply wrong. Cingular, AT&T and T-Mobile (VoiceStream) are 3 of the top providers in the US, Sprint and Verizon being the other two.
Hate to break it to the CDMA biggots here, but there are more GSM subscribers in the US than CDMA.
I've used both over many y
Best Willow quip of the night (Score:2, Funny)
"...I could lose control. And I don't mean like 'my girl-friend's got a tongue-ring losing control'"
Dawn, a few minutes later:
"OH! Tongue-ring..."
Anyone notice reference to Trogdor in Buffy? (Score:4, Insightful)
Did anyone notice the reference to Trogdor the Burninator [] in Buffy? It was rad!
Amen to Intuits Screwup... (Score:2)
Apple's repair rules (Score:2)
BTVS Finale: Reader's Digest Version (Score:5, Funny)
Buffy to Spike: Here's a magic amulet. Let's shag.
Buffy to Willow: I need a spell.
Willow: I'm scared.
Buffy: Don't worry. The writers didn't bother to look up the latin. All you have to do is sit and look constipated.
Willow: I can do that; I had bran today!
Wood to Faith: I'm better looking than you, skank.
Andrew: I'm a geek. Wheeeee!
(Inside the Hellmouth)
Kennedy: Look at all the vampires.
Buffy: Don't worry. Willow's spell made you all slayers.
Kennedy: Why didn't we do this in episode 3 this season? Then we could have had time for some good episodes.
Buffy: Shut up ho, and kill uber-vamps.
Kennedy: Hey, how come one of these uber-vamps kicked Buffy's arse six ways to sunday for two episodes, yet now we're killing thousands of them.
Faith. Shut up and kill uber-vamps.
The First: Neener neener neener
Buffy: Beat it, bitch.
Spike: Woo hoo, me necklace is killing all the uber-vamps.
Kennedy: Shame angel couldn't have brought it in episode 3, then we could have...
Spike: stuff it, wanker.
Anya: Hey, how come I have to be the only one to die?
(Above ground)
Dawn: Hey look, the whole town's gone, fallen into a pit.
Cordelia: I always said Sunnydale was a pit.
Xander: Beat it, slut, you're not in this show anymore.
Cordelia: oops.
Willow: So, what do we do now?
Buffy: fuckifiknow.
(Fade to black)
Re:BTVS Finale: Reader's Digest Version (Score:3, Insightful)
Xander: Where's Anya?
Andrew: She's dead.
Xander: Oh, just wanted to know.
Am I the only one bothered by the fact that no one, not even Xander seems to care that Anya's dead?
He was a lot more upset about the death of Tara, Joyce, and even Jenny Calendar that he was about Anya. He barely showed any reaction to Anya's death.
Quit yer whinin' (Score:3, Interesting)
The U.S. has a horrible track record of going with non-standards in order to try to lock out foreign competition - or at least make them build a different widget just to sell in the U.S.
Here are some examples:
U.S - TV uses NTSC, the rest of the world uses PAL, so TV and VCR makers have to make a completely different product to sell here.
U.S. - HDTV over the air uses 8VSB (because of political lobbying), an inferior modulation method to COFDM, which the rest of the world uses because of its technical merit.
U.S. - uses the English system of measure whereas the rest of the world uses the more intuitive metric system
U.S. - drives on the wrong damn side of the road
I'm sure there are hundreds, if not thousands of other examples..
What I'd like to know is - how the *F* did the U.S. make such a logical and sound conclusion as to what network to use in Iraq?
Re:Lightsaber kid (Score:2)
Re:A Bad ending to a bad show, however... (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes, and the show gets -10 points for reusing an old Running Man one-liner. But don't worry, I'll get a -1 for talking smack about Buffy on
The problem with the show as a "drama" is that it completely loses credibility with the amount of trite humor written in to each script. Drama, without a doubt, needs humor. A perfect example is the doorman in MacBeth, or Dogbury i
Re:Jedi Kid is really one of the lost Stick Ninjas (Score:2)
yeah thats dangers, bunch of cars speeding along at 2 MPH. OTOH Texas is the 'he needed killin'" state.