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Microsoft To Exhibit at LinuxWorld Expo 772

Earendil writes "Linux Today has a confirmed report that Microsoft is going to be an exhibitor at LinuxWorld Expo. One can only guess at what Microsoft's motives might be. It will be interesting to see the reaction to the appearance of a Microsoft booth." No doubt this means that the more childish among us will make us all look bad. Sigh.
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Microsoft To Exhibit at LinuxWorld Expo

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  • Oh oh, I know, a broadcast floos of NetBIOS and ActiveDNS requests on the exhibitors LAN!!!
    • FUD, .net, their 'rent our code' initiative, and of course, details about their enterprise wide lisencing schemas in order to properly confuse education IT pros and such forth that are finally looking at an open source solutions as a sincere posilbility.

      There are some things I fear though;
      1) A MS Distro with proprietary libraries and a proprietary office product
      2) officially renting a floor space in order to be able to make official complaints regarding the 'competitions' advertising practices.
      3) They want to Buy you. Not win you over, not get you to trust them, straight up, here's a free copy of XP, try it out. I've seen this at the chicago CIO conference, where it was brutally succesful.

      Of course.. we all know what will really beat MS in the long run, better pr0n harvesting utilities... at least if the succesful net sites are anything to go by.

      Foot, meet mouth, mouth mrrphrmmm...
      • 3) They want to Buy you. Not win you over, not get you to trust them, straight up, here's a free copy of XP, try it out. I've seen this at the chicago CIO conference, where it was brutally succesful.

        Not to offend you, but your average CIO would be won over by one of those pens with a the lady whose clothes disappear when it is clicked. A CIO confrence is a long shot away from LinuxWorld.

        And anyway, whats wrong with free copies of XP? Most hacker and porters I know end up needing a copy of Windows anway, and I would much rather receive a free copy than have to pay $100, know what I'm saying?
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • My fear (Score:3, Insightful)

      by nullard ( 541520 )
      My fear is that Microsoft writes something like wine and sells it for Linux. They don't need you to buy their OS, they get you to buy their propriety compatibility layer and their software. Just think how many places that use Linux will be willing to pay $50 for the ability to use Windows apps. Microsoft will make money, and increase market penetration w/out giving anything to the community. Getting Linux users to run Microsoft software may be their first step in fighting Linux.
      • Re:My fear (Score:5, Insightful)

        by JordoCrouse ( 178999 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @02:17PM (#3816591) Homepage Journal
        Just think how many places that use Linux will be willing to pay $50 for the ability to use Windows apps. Microsoft will make money, and increase market penetration w/out giving anything to the community.

        Lemme ask you something.. What the hell is wrong with Microsoft, as a commercial corporation, writing an emulator layer for Linux? They're not going to be able to take over the kernel. They're not going to be able to force their opinions or policies on anyone who doesn't use their brand of emulation, and to tell you the truth (no offense to the WINE folks), I'll bet that they will write a pretty damn good emulator. The only thing evil and borgish thing that they might do is to modify their Windows software to only work on *their* emulator. And I bet if they knew how to prevent WINE from running Windows apps, they would probably have already done it.

        There is a huge market for Windows apps, even amongst Linux geeks. It might be a game that only runs on Windows, or it might be an specialized app, or it might be solitare for all I care. The fact of the matter is that there was obviously a need for WINE / WinForLinux / VMWare.

        As for not giving back to the community - well, there is a long list of folks who have taken from the community without giving back. Part of software freedom is the understanding that there will always be people who take and never give.

        • Re:My fear (Score:4, Interesting)

          by MadAhab ( 40080 ) <slasher@aha[ ]om ['b.c' in gap]> on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @02:44PM (#3816906) Homepage Journal
          I agree, up to a point. But an emulator might be an interesting "viral" technique for them. For one thing, it gets onto the desktops where linux might be a threat, like in large installations of workstations for, i dunno, the peruvian govt.

          Once they get into your machine that way, well, there's all kinds of little features, e.g. sound, that might "accidentally" break here and there unless you are using a particular linux distro. With whom they would naturally have a partnering agreement, since somebody's got to do the support for that. What's next? Gee, you need to use this "drm-approved" sound driver if you want our emulator to work. Sorry. Pretty soon they've taken over your allegedly free system in any way they please.

          It doesn't have to work all that well. It shouldn't, in fact. It should work just well enough that it gets adopted, but badly enough to make sure it doesn't outshine their own OS.

          • Re:My fear (Score:3, Insightful)

            by JordoCrouse ( 178999 )
            Gee, you need to use this "drm-approved" sound driver if you want our emulator to work. Sorry. Pretty soon they've taken over your allegedly free system in any way they please.

            The important thing is that Microsoft would be entering this thing as a player on equal footing with other competitors. In the past, Microsoft has been a competitor, but has also been the ruling body for the competition itself. Products like WordPerfect would come in, and lose because Microsoft could change the underlying operating system to suit their whims.

            Now, I understand that they can still rise to the top of the emulator market, because after all, only they have access to the secret APIs that even the WINE folks can only dream about. And I understand that they will do everything to try to switch the situation over to their favor.

            But two important things still remain - if you choose not to buy into the Microsoft way of life, you can still use Linux, becuase while Microsoft can play games in their little corner of the Linux world, they still can't influence change in the kernel without giving it back to the community.

            There is only one Windows, and it comes from a single point somewhere in Washington. You either use Windows from Microsoft or you don't use it at all. There are multiple Linux distros, so you are not forced to use the Microsoft approved (TM) distro if you don't want to (and I expect that if they play their usual games, then few people will want their distro, even if it means using a less compatible solution).

      • Re:My fear (Score:3, Funny)

        by happyclam ( 564118 )

        ... my fear is that Microsoft writes a Linux emulator for Windows.

        <theory type="conspiracy">
        They will make it available for free to show the world how open they are. They will make it so easy to download and install that every eMachines owner will get it immediately. Hell, they may even include it with their next Windows update.

        It will be SO buggy and error prone that all those Windows users will conclude that they will never switch to Linux.

  • by gosand ( 234100 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:34PM (#3816125)
    No doubt that their display will consist of Linux running on an Xbox.
  • by iONiUM ( 530420 )
    It's a linux expo? I mean, I have nothing against Microsoft, but I'm pretty damn sure they don't have a linux distrobution (God forbid the day of a "Microsoft Linux").
    Anyways, I guess they're just going to try to show the competition.... but that makes absolutely NO sense because, again, it's a LINUX EXPO.
  • Childish (Score:5, Funny)

    by Wrexen ( 151642 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:35PM (#3816132) Homepage
    No doubt this means that the more childish among us will make us all look bad. Sigh.

    Hi pot, this is kettle. You're looking mighty black today!

    • Re:Childish (Score:2, Insightful)

      by albalbo ( 33890 )

      What annoys me more is the insinuation that if you don't behave as if Microsoft would be welcome, then you're being childish. I don't see any reason why we should welcome the poster-child of proprietary software to a GNU/Linux show.

      • Re:Childish (Score:3, Insightful)

        by neuroticia ( 557805 )
        Er. Why wouldn't MS be welcome? I mean, of COURSE they're going to come with something Linuxey. I mean. They know that if they try to show MS Windows there they'll be lynched. >=]

        Honestly, though. Other proprietary vendors are welcome. (Think Maya, XSI, and a variety of other software vendors) Yes, MS is a bit over the top but... If they develop something for Linux why shouldn't they be welcome?

        Note that "Welcome" is hinged upon their developing something for Linux, and "Unwelcome" would be their showing up as the KKK at an African American march. Preaching "Open Source is Evil" would be bad manners and quite likely be met by geekily violence.

      • Re:Childish (Score:3, Insightful)

        by pr0t3uS ( 586517 )
        "...why we should welcome the poster-child of proprietary software to a GNU/Linux show."

        Because we are open and free comunity! Let's show them (M$) that we are diferent then they are and don't exclude them or think of them as a threat which they are not. Why they would not be welcome? They will come to "our" house so let us behave like good hosts. Let them show that we can live with them if they can live with us. If they will insult us just show them the way out but let's not insult them for no reason.

        Respect your enemies and newer underestimate them.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Since Microsoft has in the past said that Linux itself was "viral", look for everyone at the M$ booth to be wearing environmental protection suits, and of course refusing the shake hands.
  • I wonder... (Score:3, Funny)

    by T3kno ( 51315 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:36PM (#3816150) Homepage
    Does mooning their booth make the community look bad?
  • by simetra ( 155655 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:37PM (#3816158) Homepage Journal
    Bill G in a dunking booth. That would be funny.
    Their theme could be "Hugs, not Hurts."
  • by bahamat ( 187909 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:37PM (#3816160) Homepage
    to see what the more childish among us do!
  • by bigpat ( 158134 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:37PM (#3816161)
    We have finally assimilated them!
    • by emil ( 695 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @02:37PM (#3816834)

      It is probably best that we get this all talked out now, and treat them as fairly as possible. However:

      • Have a whole bunch of guys show up with arms in plaster casts and signs on their necks with "Compaq," "Gateway," "Dell," "HP," "IBM," etc. Just mill around their booth.
      • How about a coffin with "Digital UNIX on Alpha - Rest In Peace - BRING THE MICROSOFT MURDERERS TO JUSTICE!"
      • I love Slashdot's "Bill the Borg" logo. How about a T-Shirt? Sold from a booth right next to them? Who has the booths right next to them? Will they play along?
      • How about a T-Shirt like this:
        Windows NT Server $1,000 = Linux Free
        Microsoft Office $300 = Openoffice Free
        MS SQL Server $5000 = Sybase Free
      • Another T-Shirt: Microsoft DRM - We've got all your money, now we want your civil rights.
      • How about Thomas Pensfield Jackson as a keynote speaker?

        There are lots of things that could be done to convince Microsoft that this is a really bad idea.

      • by Kefaa ( 76147 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @04:07PM (#3817652)
        There are lots of things that could be done to convince Microsoft that this is a really bad idea.

        Yes there are, and this would be the ideal time for them to happen. Then the PR machine would roll...
        "Would you trust your business to..."
        "Do you want your government run by..."
        "This is what you can look forward to as a Window's user when you work with Linux..."

        They have millions to spend on spin and are waiting for their "Rodney King" moment.

        We have to be at our absolute best. Showing the business world that we can them in any mixture of Linux/Windows/MAC/UNIX/MVS, that meets their business needs. That the Linux community are the technologists who can improve the business model while reducing costs.
    • by HeUnique ( 187 ) <hetz-home AT cobol2java DOT com> on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @02:54PM (#3817015) Homepage
      It could be...

      It could be also that they'll demo SFU 3.0 (windows Services For Unix) - which was actually Interix until MS bought them (it was a very nice product, although the stuff there was ancient - X11R5, etc..)
  • by srmalloy ( 263556 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:38PM (#3816171) Homepage
    And they're making Windows open-source...
    • Odd as it sounds, I actually fully expect that to happen someday. It is ESSENTIAL to the future health of the technology industry that the de-facto platform that people use is open source, and people are finally starting to realize that.

      When the tidal wave of people switching to Linux hits -- and I do believe it will within the next couple years -- what else is Microsoft going to do? Their proprietary licenses just won't cut it. They will NEED to make Windows open source to keep control of the platform people use, to keep people from dumping it like a hot potato, and to make a market for their other products.

      Of course with, they'll even have trouble with THAT. :)
  • by jsimon12 ( 207119 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:38PM (#3816172) Homepage
    I am sure they will be pushing .NET, with Mr Gnome following close behind. Oh well hopefully people will have sense to stay out of the clutches of the evil empire.

    Though being a huge corporation with mounds of cash they might just have some Hot Booth Babes .
  • Hmmmm... so THIS is why Licoris decided not to call it "Redmond Linux" anymore...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Hey, Taco, have a look in the mirror, LEGO-boy.

    Oh, but don't forget to take off your Darth Vader helmet first.

  • childish? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Pave Low ( 566880 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:38PM (#3816185) Journal
    No doubt this means that the more childish among us will make us all look bad. Sigh.

    Well, Taco you can start making slashdot look less childish by using a decent Microsoft icon, instead of the Bill Gates borg.

    • Re:childish? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by alienmole ( 15522 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:45PM (#3816253)
      Using the Bill Gates borg isn't childish - aside from the fact that it communicates /.'s bias honestly and concisely, it also satirizes aspects of Microsoft's real-life conduct. Not so much childish as chillingly accurate.
    • > Well, Taco you can start making slashdot look less childish by using a decent Microsoft icon, instead of the Bill Gates borg.

      How about Gates as "Uncle Pennybags" from the Parker Bros. board game whose name escapes me at the moment...
  • by wrinkledshirt ( 228541 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:38PM (#3816186) Homepage
    First they ignore you...
    Then they laugh at you...
    Then they fight you...
  • Interesting. I note that Redhat is not listed among the exhibitors. Now that's a funny moment. Microsoft exhibits at Linux convention, while Redhat stays home.

    Hell ... is ... getting ... chilly ...

    (unlike Boston today.)

  • Interesting (Score:5, Informative)

    by rhadamanthus ( 200665 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:40PM (#3816203)
    According to the floor plan [] Microsoft is placed just across the way from Codeweavers (booth 1289). What an amusing prospect...


  • by MarvinMouse ( 323641 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:41PM (#3816207) Homepage Journal
    an alcoholics anonymous booth at a beer convention?

    Or do you think MS is going to actually give in to Linux?
    • Is this like an alcoholics anonymous booth at a beer convention?

      More like a Miller Lite booth at an AA convention.

      Or do you think MS is going to actually give in to Linux?

      The first part of the phrase is "embrace", right?

  • Causing a reaction (Score:4, Insightful)

    by zeus_tfc ( 222250 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:42PM (#3816222) Homepage Journal
    My first question after reading the headline, and even after reading the article was "Why?" Does Microsoft expect to try and win converts? I seriously doubt it, and I don't think anyone will believe that they have something to contribute. So, why?

    I think they are trying to cause a reaction and get people upset. They can point to this and say, "Look at how uncivil and mean these people are. Do you really want to be associated with them?" This will give them more leverage in the business world, where professionalism means quite a lot. Remember, MS is more about marketing right now than solid products.

    I dunno. Just a thought.
  • What??!! (Score:4, Interesting)

    by bogie ( 31020 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:43PM (#3816234) Journal
    "No doubt this means that the more childish among us will make us all look bad. Sigh"

    Considering Microsoft has called the GPL a "Cancer" and attacks linux publicly whenever possible by telling outright lies, how can we ever look bad?

    Microsoft is publicly out to destroy linux and whatever their motives, they have a lot of nerve to show up in the first place.

    Feel free to pelt them with eggs, because that pales in comparison to their attempts to spread FUD and eventually make our OS illegal or impossible to use. Feel free to mod me down, but nothing I said is a lie.
    • Quote:
      "Considering Microsoft has called the GPL a "Cancer" and attacks linux publicly whenever possible by telling outright lies, how can we ever look bad?"

      Have you been reading Slashdot comment? I'm surprised folks won't be throwing their own feces!
    • Re:What??!! (Score:4, Insightful)

      by totro ( 99112 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @02:12PM (#3816543)
      >Considering Microsoft has called the GPL a "Cancer"
      >and attacks linux publicly whenever possible by
      >telling outright lies, how can we ever look bad?

      Despite the truth that only the informed few know, the ignorant masses will much sooner believe Microsoft because **money talks** (trough PR).

      Anyone throwing eggs will be branded an anarchist, terrorist, you name it, just like most protesters protesting anything these days. The excellent points about MS trying every dirty trick imaginable to defeat Linux will very likely not make it to mainstream news sources. Throwing eggs will give Slashdotters a chuckle, but will do little to forward the cause of Linux and like-minded projects. It will just give the rest of the world more ammunition to ignore our legitimate concerns.

      A little maturity goes a long way towards credibility, people!
  • by Subcarrier ( 262294 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:45PM (#3816256)
    The personnel manning the stand must have balls bigger than their brains. This deep into hostile territory they ought to have air support.
  • *cough* *sputter* (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Gannoc ( 210256 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:47PM (#3816281)
    No doubt this means that the more childish among us will make us all look bad. Sigh.

    Isn't that usually you? Seriously, nothing personal, thats what the site is about, but your comments after most story submissions tend to represent the worst elitist, one sided opinions of the community.

  • Rumor: (Score:5, Funny)

    by vegetablespork ( 575101 ) <> on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:47PM (#3816283) Homepage
    Their booth will be right next to the exhibit floor exit, with a big sign that says "WE HAVE THE WAY OUT."
  • ya gotta admit that Office for Linux would be a useful thing to have around.
  • Not know what Microsoft will exhibit(Office XP for Linux?), I would guess that they view this as an attempt to get a feel for the crowds and a list of the attendees. Co-opting to show? Maybe. Or maybe they view the Linux market as mature enough to support porting their Windows apps.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Say what you will about all their software (the Soft in microsoft), but they do make some pretty decent keyboards and mice which Linux users can make use of.

    They'd best emphasize the hardware over the software; a Linux crowed is not the most recentive place for the software anyway.
    • by Andy Dodd ( 701 ) <atd7 AT cornell DOT edu> on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @02:30PM (#3816732) Homepage
      There is ONE type of product that M$ does well, and makes an honest living with - Input devices. This is the ONLY area where I've seen them actually innovate. (Mouse wheel, first company with an all-surface optical - The grid-pad opts from Sun don't count).

      As long as they stay far away from software, they're golden.
      • There is ONE type of product that M$ does well, and makes an honest living with - Input devices. This is the ONLY area where I've seen them actually innovate. (Mouse wheel, first company with an all-surface optical - The grid-pad opts from Sun don't count). As long as they stay far away from software, they're golden.

        Perhaps you've never heard of the monstrosity called the [] xbox []?
      • I've heard MS described as a killer mouse company with a software division.
      • There is ONE type of product that M$ does well, and makes an honest living with - Input devices.
        You've apparently never taken one of "their" input devices apart. Do so and learn. Last I checked, they're all made by Mitsumi. Who the heck knows how or by whom they were designed. They're just branded OEM products. I like the keyboard design reasonably well, but Logitech makes much more ergonomic mice IHMO.
  • So? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Wakko Warner ( 324 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:49PM (#3816307) Homepage Journal
    They've been running ads, along with UNISYS, for a while now, about a certain offering []. Who doesn't expect this to be the focus of their exhibit?

    - A.P.
  • by gatekeep ( 122108 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:50PM (#3816312)
    ... to do so would only result in no further invitations to similar conferences, and getting them bad press amongst a market I'm sure they see as potential customers.

    More likely, I expect they'll have information about their Microsoft Windows services for UNIX []

    Showing off services for Unix goes much further toward generating revenue for Microsoft than trying to tell people why *nix is bad or somehow inferior. It actually shows that Microsoft cares about interoperability with *nix. True of false, that's probably the message they'll try to convey. I'll withold my opinions on the validity of that message.
  • Rember... (Score:2, Informative)

    that MS does have a unix kernel. They use it in thier migration from Unix to Windows stuff I think. MS does do some *NIX stuff, they just don't like to admit it. It will be interesting to see what they bring to the *NIX table though.
  • by Nomad7674 ( 453223 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:51PM (#3816325) Homepage Journal
    Well, it would not be totally out of the realm of possibility that MS might form a Linux Business Unit in the same way they already have a Macintosh Business Unit []. If they did that to churn out MS Office editions for Linux, it might head off the insurgency of OpenOffice [] and ThinkFreeOffice [] and maintain their place as the #1 provider of office software.

    Remember, in the end MS is out there to make money. Ruling the world is just a means to that end.

    • I disagree? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by drew_kime ( 303965 )
      Remember, in the end MS is out there to make money. Ruling the world is just a means to that end.

      Then why is Bill giving away so much to charities? Just for PR? Maybe.

      I think it's more likely that the Microsoft coporate personality is more like a control freak than just greedy. Money is the way they maintain control, not the other way around. Remember, money is power.
      • Re:I disagree? (Score:4, Insightful)

        by MAXOMENOS ( 9802 ) <[mike] [at] []> on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @02:25PM (#3816664) Homepage
        Bill Gates is NOT Microsoft. What he does with his own (pracitcally unlimited) money is one thing; he can use $100 bills as toilet tissue for all I care (although I admit that I'm glad he's spending some of his billions on charity).

        What Microsoft does with its money is quite another thing, and is subject to intense scrutiny from investors, analysts, and federal investigators. Investors and analysts want an aggressive, cutthroat control freak, and that's what they're going to get, too.

    • by Asprin ( 545477 ) <> on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @03:40PM (#3817404) Homepage Journal
      I believe (based on my own highly irrational speculation as well as anecdotes from the MS & IBM OS/2 collaboration - where MS apparently understood OS/2 internals better than IBM's engineers ever did.) that MS probably does have a secret Linux unit operating right now tearing through the source code and gathering 'information' - hell, they probably know more about the Linux kernel than Linus does. I suspect they're also porting unofficial hush-hush Linux version of Office and IE, and probably also a .Net CLI, .Net server and Exchange Server, maybe even their own desktop environment running on top of X. With their R budget, they'd be nuts not to, especially considering that they consider Linux to be a threat.

      Now, for those of you who think I've gone all loopy: NO, I don't expect that we're ever going to see 'MS Office for Linux', 'IE for MS-XWindows' or 'MS' or anything similar at Comp-USA. If any of this stuff exists, I am quite certain MS is working on it to make their own platform better, and not to join the Linux universe - look how they strung out the Java platform.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:54PM (#3816353)
    1. That $200000 prize for Linux on X-Box is just too tempting.

    2. Office on Linux.

    3. DirectX compatibility-layer for Linux.

    4. .Net for Linux.

    5. Finally, a unifying desktop environment for Linux: 'LIN32'.

    6. A new kernel, now featuring Palladium (tm).

    7. No product, they just want to say goodbye to all of us before new laws make Linux illegal. Possibly they'll be mooning _us_.

    8. The booth contains a powerful explosive, set to go off as soon as a keep-alive timer from a PC running Windows XP fails. Talk about a 'blue screen of death'...

    9. They are not yet aware that they are invited to a _Linux_ expo. It is all a weird joke by Larry Ellison.

    and finally... (drumroll please!)

    10. They have ported Microsoft Bob to Linux!

    • 10. Bill's wallet is a little heavy. What better to do than leave a couple of billion at the Sourceforge booth?

      9. Steve Ballmer has a pengiun fetish. It's just not the same since "Bloom County" was cancelled. Time to get another fix.

      8. They think it is a Microsoft expo to which some Linux folks have been invited.

      7. Microsoft loves trekkies. Going to be a lot of them there at any Linux event.

      6. Its like "A Christmas Carol". The Ghosts of OS's Past, Present, and Future have finally convinced Ebenezer Gates of the error of his way.

      5. Due to budget cuts in Redmond, they are really sending the booth crew to collect a load of free pens from the other booths in order to supply the home office.

      2. (don't look for #4 and #3. They were lost due to an XP bluescreen). They are there to market the amazing new LinuXbox.

      1. Yes, certainly. Giving out free copies of those surplus Windows 3.11 5.25" floppies will win over all of those Linux hippies.
    • by happyclam ( 564118 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @03:25PM (#3817293)
      1. They really want that Peruvian government contract.
      2. They felt that Linux users around the world were deprived the added vacation time enjoyed by Windows users, so they are appearing to show off their three new Linux-based viruses.
      3. It was part of the "community service" they have to perform as part of their antitrust settlement
      4. They will be collecting names of attendees... their software license audit list is getting short and they need to keep the pipeline full
      5. Their marketing department has automatically signed them up for every "expo" in the country because it has the letters "xp" in it.
      6. Their booth will actually be empty. They just wanted to thumb their collective nose at the Linux community with their $44 billion in cash reserves.
      7. They've ported Clippy to Linux.
      8. It's a new form of hazing for all the fresh-out-of-college marketing employees.
      9. The network on the show floor has always been impervious to viruses; putting a whole bunch of Microsoft Outlook boxes on the network will solve that problem.
      10. It is classic cold war, arms-race tactics. By showing up with the biggest booth and the biggest budget, soon they will dominate and co-opt the entire show, and the little fish won't be able to show up any more. In five years, LinuxWorld Expo will be dead, or at least turned into a sidelight for another Microsoft lovefest. I wish it weren't so.
  • At least there is one addition this year. Last LinuxWorld I was at was terrible. Was half the previous size and the remaining companies were just holding on.

    Pretty soon they'll be holding it at the VFW...
  • by dimator ( 71399 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:57PM (#3816395) Homepage Journal
    Does anyone else picture RMS and BillG sitting at a dinner, speaking of the Undiscovered Country?

  • Times are a changing (Score:3, Informative)

    by StarTux ( 230379 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:58PM (#3816409) Journal
    Just bomabrd them with questions about applications on Linux, and mention you're not interested in their OS.

    Personally know some MSFT techies, not bad people by and large, they have no issues with Linux. Their management, well different story.

    Could be very interesting in my opinion.

  • beware... (Score:3, Funny)

    by 0WaitState ( 231806 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @01:59PM (#3816413)
    If Microsoft is giving away pomegranite seeds at the booth, run away, far away...
  • Are they going to be plugging this creature []? They are testing it against RedHate Linux [].
  • if the M$ booth was politely ignored as offtopic :)
  • Microsoft's Booth [] is right between "Cybozu Corporation" and "LTrix Engineering". Oooo. Prestigious location.

  • Microsoft Mktng Geek: "Hi, this is Microsoft. We'd like to buy a booth at LinuxWorld."

    LinuxWorld Sales Geek: "Damn kids, quit calling here. I don't know who the hell you're trying to amuse. It's not funny, and you're wasting my time."

    You KNOW this happened.
  • here is (Score:4, Funny)

    by waspleg ( 316038 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @02:11PM (#3816538) Journal
    a map of their exhibit from linking to linuxworldexpo /f loorplan/floorplan.cvn?b=224&amp;exbID=118

    might be helpful so you know where *NOT* to be standing when the ticking mechnical suicide penguin bombs come waddling in
  • by cybercuzco ( 100904 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @02:17PM (#3816593) Homepage Journal
    I hear alot of people saying something to the effect of "I hope that the MS booth gets trashed because MS Sucks" This is probably EXACTLY what microsoft wants. Think about it, MS has done all it can to portray Linux as a system designed by crackers and script kiddies, one stop short of terrorists. How do you think the government will react if MS get physically attacked at a trade show? MS Will say: "See, we told you that those Linux geeks are all hackers, you cant trust them to make secure systems, but you can trust us, were the victim here." Which is what will happen im sure.
  • Fools! (Score:3, Funny)

    by back@slash ( 176564 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @02:17PM (#3816596)
    The real reason is so that linux geeks everywhere will lose hours of productive time wondering why MS would have a booth at LinuxWorld.
  • by wazzzup ( 172351 ) <[mf.liamtsaf] [ta] [camortsa]> on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @02:20PM (#3816626)
    I guess if I were Microsoft I would want to be there to "gently reeducate" those IT guys that run MS shops but are considering Linux.

    If I were an IT guy going to the show as a seeker of answers, I would see what Linux has to offer and ask people why I should switch my servers over - get their real life experiences from those that made the switch. If I were an MCSE, possibly investigate how much I'll have to learn to make the switch.

    If I saw the Microsoft booth, I'd then want to ask MS why I shouldn't switch my servers over to Linux and then weigh the pros and cons in the days/weeks/months after the show, probably do a little more investigation. If the booth isn't there, I might not ever ask MS what the cons would be to making the switch.

    The booth might be there to spread FUD/pro-MS information to those on the fence about considering Linux for their servers or recommending Linux to their bosses.

    Plus it doesn't hurt when some kid is mooning your booth while you're talking to one of these on-the-fence guys so you can say "You're gonna trust your company's servers to these kids?"
  • two words (Score:4, Funny)

    by TheTomcat ( 53158 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @02:35PM (#3816810) Homepage
    No doubt this means that the more childish among us will make us all look bad. Sigh.

    Tesla Coil.

  • by jellomizer ( 103300 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @03:14PM (#3817192)
    Some of the big Open Source Developers are almost violently opposed to Microsoft. And if MS in on the turf and they do ack like children then the Buisness people who are there to determin if Linux suits there needs sees this behavior they may just leave with the opinion that Linux hasent matured enough for the buisness class. Or better yet for MS a crazy Open Source Developer attacts a MS representivie, then that is one more OS(Open Source) developer put into jail and one less OS programming. So if we act like a kids that are acting like the level of my writting (probably 2nt grade). Then MS looks good.

    And if we are all professional which I think may be closer to the truth then MS will have the opertunity to give their side of the story. Eather way it is win win solution for MS.
  • by twoslice ( 457793 ) on Wednesday July 03, 2002 @04:05PM (#3817628)
    Codeweavers (Booth 1289)
    Does Microsoft feel that they are their greatest threat or is this just a conspiracy theory???

