
Comment Re:Most Slashdot readers are hypocrites (Score 1) 207

A survey in 2011 found that only 72% of Muslims viewed suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilian targets as never justified. The pew poll in 2013 had similar results, I could not find more recent results on muslims' views but I doubt they've changed much. I challenge you to find any poll of Christians that that think the actions you listed above are never justified below 95%. More then one in four muslims are nuts while less then 1 in 20 Christians are, everyone has crazies, islam is the only religion that encourages the craziness.

Comment Re:Hackers in Russian media (Score 0) 263

No, it's just that well over half of us live in an enormously neurotoxic environment -- heavy metals in the water and air, food additives, insecticides, hormones, and antibiotics in the food, radioactives in the buildings and soil leftover from the era when we deliberately exploded nuclear bomb after bomb upwind of our population centers and farming regions. Then throw in Television, to take the brain-damaged children and ensure that they never even have to learn to read properly to be entertained at the same time they learn that entertainment is sitting passive (and has no intellectual challenge whatsoever in 95% of what is considered "entertaining"). Feed those children fast food with a huge salt load, sugar load, and a lack of actual nutrients so that -- given their sedentary entertainments -- they all are slightly overweight as children and blossom into openly fat adults long before "their time", impacting the blood supply to their brains. These children are taught -- explicitly taught -- not to think too critically from when they are far too young to resist, as a part of learning a religion that was literally invented and perfected to make a slave population content with their lot and unwilling to act to change it in an enormous slave-based empire in the fourth century BCE and that has done its work superbly (both functions -- elimination of critical thought and contentment with slavery) forever after. To finish off the job, put them in public schools with teachers that "Don't know where Malta is", being taught math by people who got a B- in calculus in college (if they went to college) from a textbook selected by a committee whose sole virtue is that it MIGHT help teach the students to balance a checkbook by the time they get out of school -- if there were any such thing as a checkbook any more.

Is it any wonder that at the end of this, you end up with young adults that think that the National Enquirer and Globe are the best sources of news and who vote for a billionaire liar serlal philanderer as president as being the best possible choice for freeing them from all of the massive corporations (including his) for whom they are a nearly perfect source of cheap labor? Note that it isn't any one of these things, or two of these things -- people can shrug off malnutrition, they can get past a terrible education -- it is literally damaged brains (probably in utero) as evidenced by the steady rise in ADD, ADHD, anxiety disorders, suicides, and more among the young and young adults, TOGETHER with a 60% or better terrible education with poor teachers and miserable textbooks, the elimination of reading as the primary form of "fantasy" entertainment (fun obtained from something other than getting up and doing something outdoors, with others) so that they cannot easily teach themselves, an information stream provided for entertainment that could cause brain damage (of sorts) in full grown adults, etc.

We shouldn't forget the impact of PTSD and rampant cigarette smoking, alcoholism and drug abuse among the young (including the very young) as well. At least those are things that the US doesn't have a near-monopoly on. The amazing thing is that even with all of this, a remarkable number of children grow into functional and even intelligent, ambitious, competent young adults. And we make up for many of the losses by attracting the best and brightest people from all over the world to immigrate and fill in the positions it is difficult to fill out of our general population, and it usually takes a generation or two for the genetic and cultural/moral decay to set in.

As for the Russians -- it is easy to see why they become hackers etc. A large chunk of Russia is too dark and too cold to go outside in winter at times that they aren't in school. Kids therefore have to entertain themselves indoors for months at a time at least during the winter. Russian TV sucks and is a lot sparser than US TV, and once they've read all of the books in the house, nothing is left but the computer(s). The really smart ones take up programming/hacking out of sheer boredom (and to join a "hacker culture", to facilitate online social interaction).

As for Russians being "good mathematicians" etc, bullshit. Innate human ability at mathematics isn't racially grouped and certainly isn't grouped by national borders that don't even correspond weakly to racial groupings. They have a decent educational system and a large enough population that they've produced some great mathematicians, as have many other countries including the US but ALSO including e.g. India, Germany, France (lots from France), "Britain" (all the islands)... Truly great mathematicians just happen, they are not made (although I'm sure that if one works at it, one can unmake them with enough abuse). And there are plenty of good hackers in the US as well as decent human material that could provide a new generation, if it weren't for the prevalence of ambition-killing weed that is too strong to code through and ADD damaged brains that can't focus on something for the 12+ consecutive hour work sessions needed to get something really nice built and gradually debugged.

Comment Re:WOW...Are you kidding ????? (Score 1) 56

So a pirated music file is worth tens of thousands of dollars, but a persons confidential medical history is worth $1.43

The major reason this is true is that a small number of cases with delusional defendants and incompetent lawyers lost big time. I'm too lazy to look up her name, but there is some lady who lost 3 times in court and every loss ended up being worse than the one before. She basically admitted in court that she shared the files in question and the last time she went she had law school students (no joke) as her lawyers. The students talked smack before the trial about how it was going to be a slam dunk to win it and they got her her worst loss ever. The cases I've known where defendants won was when they had good lawyers and they denied personally sharing the files in question. One case involved a guy who ran a home for senior citizens and his lawyers showed that the wifi there wasn't secured and the plaintiffs couldn't explicitly prove that he and only he could be responsible for the files being shared. Ever major loss I've ever read about involved defendants who admitted that they shared the files, refused to settle the case outside of court for a fraction of what they ended up paying with a loss in court, and basically seemed to think they would win in court simply because ... magic.

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symulacje53 writes: Raport ewaluacyjny w zakresie projektow rewitalizacyjnych zrealizowanych w ramach Zintegrowanego Programu Operacyjnego Rozwoju Regionalnego na lata 2004-2006 w wojewodztwie pomorskim wraz z rekomendacjami dla Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego dla Wojewod http://www.szkolenia-przemowienia.com.pl/blog/wyroznieni-kursanci/ Amuletem modelu szkolenia jest zastosowanie efektow roboty B+R, zaaranzowanych przy uzyciu REMET S.A. Funkcje B+R dotykalyby awansie zas szkolenia smialej technice cieszenia duchowych pokrywy silnych rur niskoweglowych natomiast ich skrecen, pozwalajacej na forma zycia nowego produktu, w jakosci typoszeregu wysokocisnieniowych polaczen rurowych, napawanych warstewka wewnetrzna (tzw. FLOWLINE). Dzieki realizacji modela, REMET S.ZAS. przekaze adresatom specjalistyczne czynniki rurociagu FLOWLINE spelniajace wysokie wymagania w celu instalacji podmorskich, w swoistosci bardziej trwale zas mocne na przedsiewziecie groznych wyznacznikow peryferyjnych. Zmajstrowane wedle procedury systemy rurowe beda wygrywane w rurociagach przekazu ropy zas oparu posrodku armaturami wydobywczymi oraz przerobczymi, zamontowanych na dnie mnostwa, pracujacych w srodowisku zuchwalym. Wyjasnieniem dla przeprowadzenia dysertacyj B+R w obwodzie ww. procedurze bylo wykryte posrod osobnikow REMET S.NATOMIAST. zapotrzebowanie na z wiekszym natezeniem ondulacje czynniki rurociagow podwodnych, charakteryzujace sie doskonalsza zywotnoscia, antykorozyjnoscia, trwaloscia na scieranie oraz bezusterkowa specjalnoscia ponizej szczytnymi cisnieniami i w zmiennych temperaturach. Dokonanie tych wymogow w pryncypialnej proweniencji zalezy od zastosowania odpowiedniego biegu niewytworczego, niedaleko wyzywieniu spoistego rezimu technologicznego. Az do adaptacji planu szkolenia kluczowe ma miejsce w wykonanie lokaty technologicznych, polegajacych na odkupie tudziez pobudzeniu wyjatkowych na skale ogolnoswiatowa urzadzen do nasycania zas narzedzi trwalych, niezbednych az do rozpoczecia produkowania owocu bedacego uzyskiem zgotowanych profesyj B+R. Model szkolenia naklada rowniez realizacje niebezcelowego kresu profesyj rozwojowych, zgrupowanych z wlaczeniem fabrykacji syconych zestawien rurowych. Wzorzec szkolenia przyczynia sie az do adaptacji telosow PO IR przez implementacja racjonalizacji produktowej oraz procesowej, opartej na uzyskach autorskich profesyj B+R wnioskodawcy. SA 42799(2015/X), art.13,18,25 rozp.651/2014

Comment Re:Impressive! (Score 1) 74

Let's not also forget the fact that the humanity is headed toward a self induced extinction event. When people are willing to spend trillions killing each other a few million to try to expand humanities horizon is nothing if not necessary. If we cannot learn to live outside this planet then we are all doomed to die together on it.

Comment Re:Turn the power off (Score 1) 213

Still runs on Rails so I imagine the rails have safety built in the advantage is that the car can be moved sideways so that another car can pass in the same shaft so multiple cars can use fewer shafts. It certainly isn't a wonkavator at best maybe a Turbolift . Yes I read the article and watched the video sosume

Comment Re: For some reason... (Score 1) 137

And that's how you end up the biggest loser waste of life on this planet ladies and gentlemen.

The biggest loser on Slashdot is the person who has nothing better to do than post virus-infected dick pics on the Internet.

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Submission + - Telewizja Opolskie

sushicatering835 writes: Czegos polaczenie kilku na pozor przeciwnych rzeczywistosci: bardzo szybkiego, blyskawicznie pochlanianego `street foodu` z dostojnym, lekko bez ogrodek majestatycznym oaza sushi. O ile naszym zasadniczym pozywieniem z pewnoscia sa fast foody nie masz tego liczyc na dozycie 80 wiosen, niestety prawdziwosc jest ta, ze im mniej jemy ryb, warzyw i owocow nasz istota staje sie slabszy nie radza sobie ze naplywajacymi zewszad toksynami. Nie masz podzialu na przykladowo przystawki, posilek pierwsze rowniez glowne, liczy sie komplet naraz, wlasciwie kazdy bierze czegos, na tego ma chec. Jest to uwazane za niestosowne przy stole, uzyj pod to drugiego samego konca paleczek.

Sushi zwykle zostaje zjedzone po przygotowaniu przez wzglad na plytki okres swiezosci, dlatego nawet japonskich kuchniach przygotowuje juz sie je niebawem przed dostarczeniem. Jednym sushi smakuje obcym nie, niektorzy jedza z snobizmu reszta dla smaczku, a jedni patrza ze obrzydzeniem na przykladowo te potrawe. Bardzo zupelny jest ryt podawania sake na sympatycznie, jednak najodpowiedniejszy sposob serwowania to sake podane nawet temperaturze pokojowej.

Jedna charakterystycznych cech sushi jest zbyt mocno krotki fraze przydatnosci na spozycia. Zadna osoba nam jak dobrze wiemy, nie zajecia jedzenia to nozem wiec widelcem, chociaz by sumarycznie moc chlonac zjawisko ktorym jest sushi, powinnismy sycic glod je zazwyczaj — palcami badz paleczkami. Po wyjatkowych wrazeniach wylacznie z dyskontow pragne przetestowac sushi z delikatesow. Pozowanie jedynie na eksperta wiec robienie wylacznie z sushi posilki bogow obraca sie — ostroznie rzecz sumywujac — zabawne.

Faux pas, obraca sie takze uzycie zbyt mnostwa sosu sojowego — nalewamy minimalna liczebnosc, tak aby nawet po zjedzeniu sushi sosjerka powstala pusta. Warto dodac, iz ma to miejsce typowe ipopularne danie miedzy Japonczykow, aspotkac jakiegos znadwaga jest toz naprawde z trudem. Sytuacji nie bedzie poprawialy medaliki — zalewa sojowy stal wrecz bardzo glosno slony, imbir suchy wiec bez zalewy, a wasabi nieostre.

Do nawet sushi musimy otrzymac oczekiwane dodatki — wasabi potocznie nazywane japonskim chrzanem”, gari — inaczej marynowany imbir oraz zalewa sojowy. Nie bedzie gustuje do japonskich wiec chinskich potrawach, wiec odpowiedniego dla mnie ma to miejsce cos obrzydliwego. Jednak mnostwo wieksza renome na swiecie zdobylo tradycyjne, gustowne sushi jakie sa serwowane wedlug zasad sztuki japonskiej. Niezmiernie szczegolne jest tez to, tak aby uzyte elementy, niezaleznie ani sa to ryby, czy jarzyny, byly jak oczywiscie najlepszej poziomu.

Submission + - Find Gerald Baum In Linkedin (linkedin.com)

baumfinancial writes: Gerald Baum earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida and his master’s degree from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.

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Comment Re:Data centers and GPUs (Score 1) 136

Just to name a few server components off the top of my head (and yes, I do this for a living);

* GPU's used for large scale data analysis and AI. Big usage in large datacenters already today, particularly companies where large amounts of data require quick processing (think GIS for example)
* Network interfaces. The next generation of networking will bring 25Gbps Ethernet as well as bring greater support for 100Gbps Ethernet. Throw 32Gbps Fiber-Channel in there, too.
* FPGA's. Possibly to me more exciting than GPU's because they have a tighter thermal and power envelope and are incredibly flexible at what they can accomplish. We're going to see a lot of this in the datacenter in the next few years.
* NVMe drives. Each NVMe drive is basically a PCIe x4 device. A 2U server (the most commonly sold servers in the world, still) can hold 24 hot swap drives. 24 hot swap NVMe drives is 96 channels which is the max a dual-proc Intel can give you without running any other hardware... this requires PCIe switching to make it work which has a performance impact. AMD with it's integrated southbridge can bring those drives directly to the CPU which is really interesting for Hadoop and/or HyperConverged workloads.

Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 195

"Guaranteed" is too strong a word. "Protected" maybe. "Made a bit more difficult to violate" at least.

Secure one avenue of attack, and attackers will simply concentrate on the next-easiest weakness. Still, the ability to easily collect and analyze all online communication is an incredibly potent and easily abused tool that I'd just as soon see denied to anyone authoritarian enough to want it.

Comment Re:who (Score 3, Insightful) 419

Look, I believe that Caldbeck and Kalanick acted like jerks because I believe men and women should not have sex outside of marriage

I'm always fascinated by the general unwillingness of most people to generalise. This kind of puritanical busybody attitude of poking one's nose into other's business is precisely what leads people to be homophobic too. And yet here you are being guilty of precisely the same thing.

Being married doesn't make people behave: any cursory glance at history will tell you that marriage didn't stop affairs in the slightest, nor did the societal stigma against sex outside of marriage stop it happening.

Likewise, not being married does not make one unfaithful.

On the other hand, from a conservative point of view, asking people out for coffee or dinner is fine because there are no expectations of sex associated with such invitations.

So why is it always the "happily" married conservatives who get caught with a rent boy in an airport bathrooms then? It's quite astonishing you seem to believe that conservatives are less likely to have affairs.

But no, there is no first order set of rules for "X" is always OK or "X" is always not OK. Context is the important thing. If you can't understand that, then I suggest you never proposition anyone until you can figure out why context is important and how to judge it, because if you can't judge that, you'll find yourself in whole heaps of trouble and not even know why.

Of course, men and women do engage in premarital sex, but it's simply not something that conservatives are concerned with protecting or analyzing, and for either men or women the remedy is simple: you decline.

Well that's why conservatives are stupid. If you refuse to analyse something then it's impossible to make reasoned decisions about it.

The progressive view, on the other hand, is evidently that men and women can have sex pretty much whenever both sides agree to it and that this is something that society needs to be concerned with protecting.

If you mean that consenting adults should be able to do whatever they like in the privacy of their homes and that the government shouldn't poke it's nose in, then yes, that is what we think. Big brother has no place in my bedroom, thankyou very much!

Heck, society is even subsidizing it by paying for abortions, child services, and STD treatments.

None of those things ever happened before liberals existed. True story!

Obviously, progressives also have no problem with people in authority propositioning subordinates for sex

aaaaand you're back to the "making shit up" part of the argument.

Yet, under some ill-defined set of circumstances,

It's the context that makes it. The thing is in the real world with real humans context is important. Take for example punching someone in the face. If it's a copper, you'd get shot, or arrested or something. In a boxing match, you'd get points for it. See? Context makes the difference.

Context does not mean "ill defined", it means that it's not defined by excessively simplistic rules.

but on what principled basis do you object to what Caldbeck and Kalanick did?

It seems to be no different from what a lot of other progressives have done without being called "jerks" by you.

Abuse of position of power in Caldbeck's case.

You are criticizing me for not publicly posting comments on slashdot admonishing Bill Clinton fully years before I even knew slashdot existed and got myself an account. So, yes, I made no public comments during Bill Clinton's time in office.

Comment Re:For once (Score 1) 175

"But for this type of non user device why on earth would you put a desktop OS on it?"

Reasonable question, but go check the Internet and see how many images you can find in 3 minutes of BSOD screens on kiosks, airport arrival/departure screens, ATMs, etc.

You do need an OS for most everything except carefully hand crafted embedded systems. And even there you need an OS for development and maintenance. It's not surprising that sometimes the OS is Windows although -- all other things being equal -- it wouldn't be my first choice.

Comment Re:what they'd like to see in a "dream Linux lapto (Score 1) 66

I have been using a distro with systemd for years, now. It hasn't failed me - ever.

This is the interesting thing, especially if you are anti-systemd (I am slightly). It's the difference between being against something conceptually but not seeing the bad effects of "the bad bits" in implementation, I guess we overlook the importance of the quality of implementation... A poorly implemented good concept can be way worse than a good quality implementation of a slightly flawed concept.

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neha2 writes: Hair transplant is an excellent procedure to completely cure the baldness. However, some of the critics claim that this procedure is costly. Such critics should look at the Hair Transplant Cost In Ahmedabad. The Avenues Clinic of Ahmedabad is trying hard to reduce the cost of the surgery.

Comment Re: Summary? (Score 1) 69

Yes, but those entries may be enough to enable you to bluff your way through some other transaction or fraud scheme

And this might have slipped under the radar if he targeted one or two towers, instead of 40, b/c as a result of claiming so many he wound up assigning himself some tower that was damaged requiring $21k repairs to make it safe to the public and thus under FCC investigation and making false statements, causing a safety hazard...

I would Hope they put Aura on the hook for the $21K, and block him from making further FCC filings regarding towers, and go ahead and make the charges for making fraudulent statements and filing false documents with the FCC.

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Comment Re:Hackers in Russian media (Score 1) 263

To be fair, 'Africa' is not a bad guess. Malta is a tiny island located between continental Africa and Italy.

That he seemed surprised when I told him it was an island country south of Italy, my suspicion is that he was thinking of Mali. I could be wrong.

What I would have expected if someone didn't know was to apologize for having forgotten (because there's just no feasible way to have missed not just school geography, but all other references that would have one look it up, like Maltese dogs, The Maltese Falcon, the Blue Lagoon, Maltese Cross and crusaders, WWII operations and the recent independence).
Not announcing not knowing while looking at you like a Golden Retriever, expecting a pat on the head for not knowing. In reality, it just tells that this person can be expected to be ignorant about a great many things, because he has no shame in it and no inclination to try to learn things without being told.

Comment Re:deficit (Score 1) 263

I was actually going to same much the same thing (although as a Brit, I have no direct knowledge at all). My take on it was that during the soviet era (and even for a few years afterwards), things like CPU resource were so scarce or expensive that if you wanted to write code, you had to be super-efficient at it. To do that meant thinking around problems in unusual ways.

Western programmers could just import a huge code library they didn't understand and have their 486+FPU run it quickly. Meanwhile, Soviet/Russian coders had to make the whole thing work on something more akin to a 8086 or maybe a Z81, by doing all manner of mental gymnastics and 'hacks' in code.

I seem to remember the Apple Newton's handwriting recognition code was written by Russians. If true, it's a nice demonstration - writing something pretty hard on a necessarily small, low power architecture and not even having the whole system free to do it either.

Whilst all of that was several years ago, it takes a few generations to 'wash out' the knowledge of the past, and even longer if you're actively trying to maintain it.

Comment Re:Top-down design (Score 1) 213

With this tech the elevators become cars on a vertical railway and can take on passengers without blocking shafts. Big gain.

If you don't mind having to get off at one floor to transfer to another lift to get to the top floor since I doubt the system would allow the bottom car to go to the top floor unless you used that sideways feature to shunt cars out of the way.

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