Comment Re:guess nothing can be done then (Score 1, Troll) 106
Obviously a war with either China or Russia is not desirable for planet Earth. But what kind of argument are you trying to make? Is this a "well they have nukes, so nothing can be done!"
The world should be ruled by whatever country has a nuke and is willing to violate international law and treaties? That's certainly a possible future, but not one I would promote we work towards.
Just so people here understand, currently in America we're hearing the Cult Of Donald Trump people make this very argument, right now for the Ukraine-Russia war. Basically it's "We don't want WW3, so just give Russia EVERYTHING they want!" So it wouldn't be difficult to see those same people make the argument twoards China. Although if Trump gets pissed off against China (very likely) and/or Russia (less likely but not impossible) they'll also be the loudest voices arguing to blow those people off the planet now.