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Comment Re:guess nothing can be done then (Score 1, Troll) 106

Obviously a war with either China or Russia is not desirable for planet Earth. But what kind of argument are you trying to make? Is this a "well they have nukes, so nothing can be done!"

The world should be ruled by whatever country has a nuke and is willing to violate international law and treaties? That's certainly a possible future, but not one I would promote we work towards.

Just so people here understand, currently in America we're hearing the Cult Of Donald Trump people make this very argument, right now for the Ukraine-Russia war. Basically it's "We don't want WW3, so just give Russia EVERYTHING they want!" So it wouldn't be difficult to see those same people make the argument twoards China. Although if Trump gets pissed off against China (very likely) and/or Russia (less likely but not impossible) they'll also be the loudest voices arguing to blow those people off the planet now.

Comment Re:MAGA? (Score 2) 145

Is anyone else as puzzled as I am about how this is supposed to be serving American greatness?

No, because if it actually becomes a thing people care about, the Trumpers will just lie about it and the MAGAheads will believe the lies. You would not believe the crap I see constantly on Facebook from MAGAheads. One college fraternity brother seems to have completely lost his mind and among other things believes that Ukrainian president Zelenskyy was "put into place by the CIA under Obama" despite being elected president in 2019 during Trump's first term. Another guy I konw retweeted some crap RFK Jr. supposedly said that amounted to "Ivermectin great vs. COVID, vaccines bad". I'm sure Putin "promised" Trump that Russia would stop the attacks and Trump believed him, so that's probably driving this. Lots of people warned that re-electing Trump would be very bad, but some black men hate black women, some legal immigrants want all immigration stopped including legal immigration, some Gen Z white guys got pissed for being blamed for crap that happened before they were born, and then 5 years ago Kamala Harris gave an interview and made the moronic statement that the government paying for prisoners to get free gender change surgery was unbelievably awesome, so here we are.

Comment It will go down how it always does at IBM (Score 3, Insightful) 49

If you use the term family loosely, I have a family connection to a US based manager at IBM. I guess he's been there for over 30 years and most of that time he's been in management. Based on talks with him some time ago, I'm sure this will go down how it always goes down at IBM.

No US manager will lose a job. Even if they lose all of their direct reports. Management will be saved!
As few foreign employees as possible will lose jobs and the vast majority of jobs lost will be to Americans. Even if some of the people in the to be closed area are H1-B holders, somehow IBM will find a way to save their (cheap) jobs while Americans hit the streets.

Best quote I ever heard about IBM was from a former co-worker. He said "You may find better elsewhere, but you'll never pay more!"

Comment Re:I can't see anything. (Score 1) 28

Even with the arrow pointing at it in the first picture I see nothing there.

Yeah, I thought something similar at first. Our takeaway from the photo is that the amorphous blob is the lander inside a crater. That much we can tell. But we can't see enough to actually tell that it's on its side. That's simply a guess based on that lander's inability to communicate any more.

Comment Think they got the MLS comment wrong (Score 1) 27

From the article post:
Technical implementation varies significantly across competitions -- some MLS stadiums have fewer cameras available for review than others -- creating inconsistent application.

As an American and MLS fan, it's my understanding that this is how things were in MLS but not how they currently are. Apple TV+ has, since 2022, been the broadcaster of all MLS games/matches. While it was true that prior to the Apple contract that MLS stadiums could be wildly different in terms of numbers of cameras because cheaper owners wouldn't pay for more cameras, I've been told by a writer who covers a team in the league that now all MLS games/matches meet the same standards for camera angles. But yeah, prior to Apple having the contract it was pretty bad. Before every match/game the refs had to pick which of the available cameras they would use and they weren't allowed to use them all because this was somehow 'unfair" (no joke here) to the cheaper teams that had less cameras. If I remember correctly the refs picked 3 or 4 cameras and couldn't use any others. We did have several instances where a camera not picked for replay had the needed angle on a play and it got ignored by the rules at the time. That was pretty stupid.

Comment Re:Meme (Score 2) 77

There's a photo going around of an iRobot store in a shopping mall with a wall of floor cleaners and a young woman in front of said wall with a dust mop cleaning the floor.

iRobot is paying rent in umpteen shopping malls and can't compete with Chinese vendors putting their money into manufacturing and R&D?

I guess I'd need an MBA to figure this one out.

"90% of innovation happens on the shop floor".

iRobot doesn't have any stores, at least not in the USA. Maybe not anywhere. They do partner with a lot of resellers. The photo is either fake or it's a dedicated iRobot section of another store that happens to sell them.

Comment What's the benefit to Trump? (Score 0) 67

So for this to work, there has to be some kind of benefit to Trump. He's not going to run for president again. In fact, I think he will refuse to step down in 4 years and simply declare himself president again, saying he is "owed" another term because of the "cheating in 2020". But that's another story. So what exactly can SBF give Trump? He's not running again, so he doesn't need SBF's help. As far as I know, Gen Z doesn't worship SBF or think he's been unfairly treated. Maybe if SBF can convince Musk or someone else in the inner circle that he's a victim of the evil Democrats it might work, I guess. The Tate brothers got released from custody in Romania and fled and Trump claims he doesn't even know who they are, which is possible, yet the whole thing smacks of somebody in the administration asked for them to be freed and somebody in Romania thought it was a good idea. I mean if those scummy guys can get freed, yeah, I suppose it could happen to SBF.

Comment What the hell was his job at Disney? (Score 2) 96

The article says Matthew Van Andel lost over $200,000 in bonuses. What the hell exactly was his job at Disney? A few years ago I was working for a Fortune 500 company and you'd have to be at least 2 levels above my manager - and I was a drone, not in management - to have a salary around that kind of money, let alone get those kind of bonuses. The article makes it sound like he was just some kind of average joe programmer, but he was a very highly salaried employee to have bonuses of over $200,000. Were they paying him a million or more a year in his job? What the hell exactly was he doing? He seems to have no internet history besides this report. There's no Linkedin profile for him that I could find. Does this make sense? Is it all bs and lies to get money for some kind of GoFundMe scam?

Comment Re:Virtually unknown? (Score 1) 64

Never heard of them (I'm Dutch). When I google search on "bird ai dutch" all I get are news headlines and somewhere on the second page I find a couple of companies which have 'bird' in their name and apparently do AI things. I'm not impressed with their SEO efforts (maybe they are AI based).

I'm not Dutch, but doing your search a little differently, I think I found them at bird.com. The "ai" in your search is throwing off the results. Try using instead "cloud communications" where you have "ai" because I looked at the article and found a reference to "cloud communications". I have to ask this - Did you ever see the US TV show (not the original British one) called "The Office"? They have an episode in season 7 called WUPFH.com. You might be able to find a short clip on YouTube from it explaining what WUPFH is if you haven't seen it. Bird.com is trying to do WUPFH apparently. My guess is that this business isn't working very well for them, so the "We're leaving over AI rules, bitches" talk with Reuters is Bird playing Reuters and getting some free publicity by tricking Reuters into thinking they're a major player when they aren't. Again just guessing, but they probably grabbed 5-10 IT people in the company at random and said "Make us do AI stuff".

Comment Re:It Might Work... (Score 2) 69

That being said ... venture funding is already one step up from gambling, and even with the standard model something like one in ten startups fail. Also, building AI company does require substantial up-front investment.

I'm pretty sure that it's one in ten startups succeed and not "fail". Back in the 2000s I changed jobs to join a startup that did succeed and got bought out by a Fortune 500 company and it was a pretty interesting experience to be part of a successful startup, even if joining late in the "startup" period. I can't believe most startups make it. After we got bought out, all our top management left by choice. The acquiring company was willing to give them jobs, but they chose to move on. Shortly after, various groups of them started several new startup companies and every one of those failed. I think the most successful one lasted maybe 2 years. They poached a small but noticeable number of our employees for those startups and when they failed, most of the ones who left came crawling back to the Fortune 500 owner begging for a job and they did get re-hired.

Comment Re:Wow looks like a wannabe (Score 1) 122

So odd how he comes off as a wannabe. Like dude you are one of the richest people yet you look like an insecure imitator. Comes off so very uncomfortable in his own skin.

This. Sometime in the previous decade, he made a big deal about how he was killing animals prior to eating them and insisting that if you didn't do the same thing, you were some kind of poser to just buy your meat the grocery store. At that point I realized that he was completely detached from how normal people live so I stopped respecting him.

Comment Re:Trying to prevent a run on the exchange maybe? (Score 2) 64

Saying you are covering a 1.5 billion loss and doing it are two different things. I imagine this is to prevent a run on the exchange which should happen since there is no deposit guarantees in the crypto currency world.

Been a long time since I had any mod points, so I'll comment since I can't mod you up. You're likely right. I'd like to predict that within 4 days Bybit - Never heard of them before - is toast and out of business and they can't actually cover it.

Comment Re:Insecurity by security components (Score 1) 28

I mean firewalls as attack vectors, really? These cretins (at Palo Alto and others) urgently need liability for their crappy products.

The reason is that probably a significant number of outsourced IT shops don't do any checking on access from the firewall to internal servers, so you get on the firewall - bam! - you have unrestricted root/administrator access to the servers behind it.

Comment Re:The first state with high speed rail? (Score 1) 222

So is this the first state in the US with a high speed rail?

I know you're joking and it is a good joke, but I want to point out that Florida has working private high speed rails run by Brightline that reach a top speed of 125 MPH between north Miami and Orlando. Brightline is currently building a Las Vegas to Los Angeles line that will top out around 200 MPH. There was talk of Brightline building a line to connect Tampa and Orlando but those plans are on hold for now and it's unclear if it will ever happen.

Comment This is probably what's going on (Score 2, Interesting) 356

I didn't vote for Trump in the last 3 presidential elections so I'm hardly a fan, but here's probably what's going on with the NASA decision.

Trump always has a plan. Many people that dislike him think he doesn't but this is quite wrong. The plan may have only been thought of yesterday and/or it may be terrible, but there is always a reason for what he does. In my opinion, NASA has been run really well at least since the first Trump administration if not longer. The last couple of heads of NASA were terrific and Isaacman may end up being excellent too. Trump does actually care about space and his own legacy. We were already supposed to be back to the moon under Biden, but as always happens, there are always some kind of delays that push stuff out and Biden just shrugged them off. I think Trump is going to force NASA to get its crap together and get people back to the moon. There are plans for a permanent moon base. It would be a huge accomplishment for Trump to actually get this stuff done, so my guess is Isaacman pointed out that NASA isn't a problem and hasn't been a problem and keeping its employees around is a better way to get us back to the moon than randomly laying off people who work there. We need to get back to the moon and if Trump and his buddy Musk can accomplish that goal soon instead of the usual "Gee, maybe in 10+ years we can think about doing it" stuff that we've been getting, then more power to them.

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