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Comment Re:Qt is a bloated heap. Start over. (Score 1) 137

I would love that, a little piece of me dies every time I have to convert a QString to a std::string or vice versa, have to do a clean & rebuild because because the compiler decided I didn't need to re-moc, or have to explain to PFYs the joys of forcing all UI object manipulation onto a single thread.

Comment Re:He's making the choice yours, not the governmen (Score 1) 279

Car makers do not drive the cars they make, the people do.
Car makers do not buy the cars they make, the people do.
Car makers will change the cars they make to suit the desires of the people. Which is why few sedans are being made in the US
If you want a car that pollutes less you can choose to buy it, car makers can't force you to buy one that pollutes more. So how exactly do you have no control over what car makers do?

Comment Re:Less spying: The local city government has cont (Score 2) 230

You should take a closer look at your local politics, there is all sorts of corruption. Large public works projects always seem to choose contractors that are friends or family. Any land that needs to be purchased always seems to get bought up by local government members before the project is announced. All this happens and people still reelect them because of the R or D next to their name.

Comment Re:Orders have poured in, (Score 1) 156

You are right cost is king. There have been analysis do on the viability of electric semi's. The weight of the batteries means less cargo can be carried, the claimed operational cost benefits can not offset the loss of cargo being shipped per trailer. There are very specific circumstances where an electric semi makes sense but the technology still needs to mature to make it cost effective on a wider set of applications.

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