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BitTorrent Community After SuprNova Shutdown 377

prostoalex writes "Folks from have researched the BitTorrent world after many popular destinations (SuprNova among others) have been shut down. Since BitTorrent always relied on the presence of trackers and servers hosting them, MonkeyMethods decided to see whether the shutdown impacted the BitTorrent community. So has the shutdown of centralized SuprNova had any impact? "In this case, centralization is a feature, not a necessity. Just look at most popular and you'll see BitTorrent sites every couple days, as people uncover new places to find the files they're looking for.""
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BitTorrent Community After SuprNova Shutdown

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  • by mg2 ( 823681 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @01:50AM (#11580571)
    Since the MPAA went on its rampage, finding the stuff I've personally wanted has become more difficult.

    It's funny, though, that they would tear down SuprNova but somehow TorrentSearch slipped through the cracks, and so there is still some activity out there.

    The big question now is whether or not exeem will be worth a damn.
    • the MPAA will NEVER completly shut down Bittorent, or p2p in general. 2 things will happen, first, other sitea will emerge, and second a modification of the bittorrent protocol will allow searching without relying on websites.
      isoHunt ownz
      Shareaza is the best client for windows ever, though I wish there was a port to linux. One last thing, can anyone suggest a good (full-featured)Client for linux?
    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 05, 2005 @02:11AM (#11580680)
      well, suprnova has been replaced by mininova []

      Exeem, well that looks like it is a bit of a failure in my opinion. They have allowed people to rate downloads and attach comments etc. It has become a place to advertise and exeem also contains spyware. Edonkey nostalgia basically..

      I doubt that the (MPAA / RIAA)'s efforts will have a lasting effect since suprnova was replaced fairly quickly and I think the replacement is actually better.

    • Exeem will be a failure. By keeping the source locked up and Windows-biased, you alienate that very segment of users whose OSes are stable enough to actually stay running for more than 24 hours at a time.
      • Regardless of the troll against Windows in the parent, he's right. Exceem is a failure. They not only made it closed source, but they made it spyware, a la Kazaa. Having it on Linux with the adware still inside would *not* have made it an attractive alternative.

        It also connects to a centralized server, which really defeats the point of a decentralized tracker.

        Buy "Bob" []
    • I've never had any problem locating content on bittorrent.

      Large files quite often do download faster than they do from the web so it's a major bonus.

      My impression was that SuperNova was mostly full of links to illegal material, and hardly the point of bittorrent - even though many used it for that.
    • i really think exeem has the same problems that plagued kazaa and edonkey and such. it has spyware, its possible to put fake files onto the network even with the comment system, and it even has a central server you have to connect to before you get onto their decentralized network. while it has a better file downloading system based on the bittorrent protocol, i really think its relying on the bittorrent and suprnova names to be effective enough. i think any p2p app has to have a few major features to be e
  • full text (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 05, 2005 @01:50AM (#11580572)
    Monkeyin' Around: Is BitTorrent Dead?

    Date: January 10, 2005

    WARNING: "Monkeyin' Around" contains rambling and wild speculation on the future of digital media. Do not operate heavy machinery while reading. Read the first edition here. Visit our blog at
    What the heck is this article about?

    After the recent shutdowns in the BitTorrent community, notably the popular site, many were left wondering if BitTorrent was on its last legs. You can read some of the coverage here . Since this happened, many people are asking: How big of a blow are these shutdowns? Is BitTorrent dead or dying?

    Well, we had the same questions too, and decided we wanted to understand the distribution of torrent files on the Internet. Using this information, we can examine issues such as centralization and other important factors.

    (If you want an introduction to BitTorrent, please read this Wired article and this FAQ)
    Okay Sherlock, what did you guys do?

    Well, first thing, we have some pretty interesting data lying around. One of the initial projects we decided to do as part of Monkey Methods was , which is a true crawler-based BitTorrent search engine. Unlike other sites that simply mirror either Google's torrent search functions (try "filetype:torrent induce" for example), SuprNova, or some other site, we wanted to build a real search engine that crawled the Internet automatically. We'll write more about this project soon, but you can give it a whirl right now.

    As part of the backend, has a database of links to torrent files, which we realized could be used to understand the distribution of files on the Internet. This would tell us a couple important things:

    How centralized are torrent files on the Internet?

    Do torrent sites follow the 20/80 rule?

    How long is the Long Tail?

    These questions are all important because they concern vital (and interesting) differences between BitTorrent and other P2P protocols. Unlike Kazaa, Gnutella, and any others, BitTorrent has a fundamentally "web-based" interface. That means you go to a website in your browser (preferably Firefox), click on a link from that trusted site, and download. So you would expect these sites to vaguely follow the same distributions as websites on the Internet.

    Also, through the same mechanisms, the architecture of BitTorrent is far more centralized than other P2P networks. For each file, there is a central "tracker" that keeps track of what clients have what pieces of the file, so clients can talk to each other and download efficiently. Kill the tracker, and you kill the ability of any client to trade files with each other. It is for these reasons that BitTorrent is almost more similar to a direct-connect protocol like FTP or HTTP than a P2P network like Kazaa.

    All of these architectural differences make it interesting to look at the data. To answer the questions from above, we did some UNIX pipe-fu to dump out the pages from the database, aggregate them, sort them, and put them in an Excel friendly format, all in one step. 5 minutes later, we were analyzing away.
    What did you find?

    We found a lot of interesting things. First of all, it should be noted that the dataset was from early December, and thus preserves the distribution of torrents before the recent site shutdowns. It may be interesting to look at this data again in a couple months and see how it has changed over time.

    The first thing we did we to simply take the mean, median and mode:




    Wow. That's a very skewed distribution. It's clearly biased towards a smaller number of sites with many torrents, followed by a long, long tail. In fact, 1 torrent at a domain is the most common statistic. Let's take a look at the graph:

    Figure 1:

    Ah ha! We can see that this is the classic Zipf Law distribution, at least it looks like it from first glance. How close
  • by Seumas ( 6865 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @01:51AM (#11580577)
    Instead of everyone focusing on SuprNova, people have found new places that they otherwise never would have bothered with. There are a number of smaller quality sites out there now. Most of them seem to be hosted in Sweden, Netherlands, Brazil, Russia and elsewhere.
    • Additionally, a few large sites have sprung up - loki torrent is the obvious example I think. Although it may not as large as supernova, it is pretty close.
    • by Inda ( 580031 ) <> on Saturday February 05, 2005 @04:43AM (#11581141) Journal
      I'll say it then because no one seems to have the bottle around here.

      SuprNova was nothing special. It was not the best thing since sliced bread. It was a below-par site.

      There, said it.

      SuprNova was the Kazaa of websites. It was full of broken trackers, passworded files, membership only trackers and your crappy re-encodes. People from other sites used it to advertise their own trackers; stick a few torrents up for a week and watch the traffic flow to your site. SuprNova was a site that was too busy and only served the average masses who wanted The Incredibles in Real video format.

      That was my opinion of SuprNova.

      • I respectfully disagree.

        I do agree with other comments, the web page was crappy, javascript and frames and popups and crap, but not your comments. Also others did use them as advertisement for thier own trakers.

        But, Suprnova required no logins, I almost never found passworded files, almost everything I found there worked without difficulties. Did I mention no logins? That's why I used them.

        Combine that with them being one of the more popular sites, that meant they were more likely to have the wierd th
  • Thanks! =D (Score:5, Funny)

    by EvilCabbage ( 589836 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @01:51AM (#11580578) Homepage
    I needed a few new links!
  • by bob301 ( 552317 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @01:51AM (#11580579)
    The only effect SuprNova's shutdown had on me was to force redundancy on me- now, I get my files from a variety of sources. Sure, it's a little bit harder to browse what's new from 5 different pages, but it also keeps me focused on what I went looking for in the first place.
  • Let's start posting torrents in slashdot comments. I'm probably going to get in a lot of trouble for coming up with the idea but hey, genius can be a curse. :-)

    • Since they "fixed" the sid=anything "bug", this is a bit harder. Before, an amusing extention to the bittorrent protocal would have been to post the torrent file contents as a comment under sid=hash, and then if the tracker went down to post a new comment under the same sid with the new tracker.
  • SUPPLY AND DEMAND (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 05, 2005 @01:58AM (#11580609)
    Supply and demand, dammit. People just never understand this. The laws of capitalism don't refer to things that are necessary to create a capitalist economy, or things that are a good idea. They are natural laws. You can't escape them. There is no way out of the iron cage.

    And the laws of supply and demand don't go away just because you try to put laws in their path. You barely even slow them down. The old Soviet Union found that out when black markets sprung up to provide the things the Soviet Union's system couldn't. And the ??AAs of America, much as they try to ignore it, are currently finding that out with the things that are springing up to provide the copyright cartels won't.
    • Exactly right.

      The heroin market is a perfect example of this, and lately methamphetamines. Recently there was a prominent article in one of the major papers (either LA or NY Times I think) about the growing Meth underground economy. In fact it's gotten so bad, several of the Midwest states are in the process of enacting laws to limit over-the-counter allergy pill sales and have drugstore clerks record the identity of purchasers. We're talking about Nyquil and Tylenol Cold here, pretty innocuous stuff. But

      • Re:SUPPLY AND DEMAND (Score:2, Interesting)

        by zmollusc ( 763634 )
        Throwing millions of dollars at a film doesn't stop it sucking ass.
        If the filesharing doors were truly thrown open, then you could still make a big budget film and make money on it. How? By controlling the supply. Sell tickets in advance for 'jaws 5' and start filming when you have got $90,000,000.
      • Re:SUPPLY AND DEMAND (Score:5, Interesting)

        by G-funk ( 22712 ) <> on Saturday February 05, 2005 @04:38AM (#11581130) Homepage Journal
        Movies will still get made, but they will be low budget indie-type movies made by artists for art's sake. And they will, 99% of them, suck donkey dick. I've seen low budget films, and they are just BAD. Good movies require millions of dollars to make. Name the last 10 really good movies you saw. Or 20, or 50. How many were low budget (something you or I could make) and how many had budget in the tens of millions?

        You've already answered this. Supply and demand. If enough people really want to see $100 million plus movies, they'll pay to see them. They'll realise pretty quickly that if they don't pay to see spider man, there's not gonna be a spider man 2. And if they refuse to pay, then they didn't want to see it so badly in the first place. Most importantly: All the future unmade movies have no right to exist. If the movie industry ends, so be it. I like big some big budget flicks, and I pay to see them at the cinema, even tho I have a broadband connection and azureus and I don't have to.

        Besides wich even if copyright were thrown out monday morning, the ??AA are still free to excercise whatever technological means they please to stop (most) people copying their garbage.
      • Maybe the demand is not manufactured and not natural. This is especially true in movies where demand is created by marketing before the product is even known by anybody.

        Anyway in the end it's all about entertainment. If nobody made movies people would entertain themselves in other ways. Maybe theater would make a come back, maybe people would read more, maybe they would just go out in the park and play more.

        People have found ways to amuse themselves for thousands of years without movies and they would do
    • by hadronzoo ( 838327 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @04:52AM (#11581165)
      Economics also says that marginal cost of production equals price in the long run. If the marginal cost to produce (i.e. copy) media is only the cost of moving bits, the price will tend towards zero.

      Any attempt to artificially prop-up prices will be defeated by the black market (ergo BitTorrent).
  • Dupe (Score:2, Insightful)

    by PIPBoy3000 ( 619296 )
    Perhaps we could work on the centralization of articles [] on Slashdot as well.
  • Exeem! (Score:2, Redundant)

    by NEOtaku17 ( 679902 )
    Exeem [] is the declared heir to the SuprNova throne. But yeah there are new Bittorent trackers opening up daily.

    Conclusion: BT is not going anywhere anytime soon.

    • Re:Exeem! (Score:5, Informative)

      by ltwally ( 313043 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @02:24AM (#11580730) Homepage Journal
      "Exeem is the declared heir to the SuprNova throne."
      I have two replies to that statement:

      Firstly, Exeem is ridden with adware and spyware. I can't speak for everyone out there, but to me, this does not exactly keep on in the spirit of Suprnova.

      Second, because Exeem is decentralized, it will eventually become just another Kazaa, Morpheus, etc etc, as the *AA starts seeding fake files.

      As to the statement that BT is not going anywhere soon... well, who knows. BitTorrent has known issues with NATs and firewalls... and hopefully some future generation of BitTorrent (or a similar product) will be able to find solutions to these common ailments. As it is, leechers are a significant problem for many torrent networks.

      • Re:Exeem! (Score:3, Informative)

        by blonde rser ( 253047 )
        As it is, leechers are a significant problem for many torrent networks.

        Are you certain that is true? It seems the protocol deals with the leacher situation pretty effectively already. I mean you just have to try bring in a bittorrented file with out the proper port forwarding to see how slow things move for leeches. The only other leech issue I can think of is people who close their client as soon as the transfer is over. But again the protocol deals with that. I would say my share rating is general
      • Re:Exeem! (Score:4, Interesting)

        by dj245 ( 732906 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @03:11AM (#11580868) Homepage
        As it is, leechers are a significant problem for many torrent networks.

        Except Empornium []. Empornium has a permanent user share ratio that when it fall below a certain amount, (like .2 or something) you can only upload data. Empornium has several problems, but leechers isn't really one of them.

      • BitTorrent has known issues with NATs and firewalls

        Which is something that sysadmins working at sites that get charged for download volume are happy about. If you don't have control of the firewall and don't have a good reason to give to whoever is as to why you should have a tunnel in for large amounts of traffic, then you shouldn't be using it. I use bittorrent myself - from home. If people have reasons other than purely personal ones to download torrents at work, which will happen in the future, it is

        • I rather pay for more computer gear than traffic costs for some loser that downloads porn DVDs at work then emails them home.

          Would'nt emailing the porn home defeat the purpose of downloading it at work? The crafty abuser of company bandwidth would burn a disc or transfer the porn to their iPod/pocket drive :)

          I'm just sayin'
      • Re:Exeem! (Score:3, Funny)

        by bairy ( 755347 )
        Firstly, Exeem is ridden with adware and spyware. I can't speak for everyone out there, but to me, this does not exactly keep on in the spirit of Suprnova.

        I disagree, suprnova became rather overrun with ads by the end, I would say eXeem keeps exactly in the spirit.

  • by ABeowulfCluster ( 854634 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @02:03AM (#11580632)
    Bittorrent was designed to just host large files to a large number of people using a distributed system. It's the 'large number of people' thing which makes it bad for illegal file swapping. If 100 file sharers can find illegal content easily, then so can the copyright holders of the illegally copied content. If they want *privacy* with their fileswapping, then fileswappers should put a proxy function into a separate 'file swapper' client to allow you do download 'thru' another computer which would make tracking down the original user impossible... but a proxy function just increases the total sum of bandwidth used, which isn't what Bittorrent was designed to do.
  • by Stevyn ( 691306 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @02:03AM (#11580633)
    I used to use Suprnova. Then it went down. Now I use Lokitorrent and I get much better transfer rates. It just goes to show the RIAA/MPAA that when you stop one website, another will take it's place and probably do better. This is the same as Napster to Kazaa.

    I understand that Loki was around while Suprnova was still up, but I never used it. Now I use it.

    • by Aredridel ( 93503 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @02:25AM (#11580735) Homepage
      It's its, not it's, unless you meant it is, then it is, otherwise it's its that's its.
    • Suprnova had no tracker. It was just a listing of torrents from multiple trackers all over the net.

      You compared Suprnova to LokiTorrent as if it was slower when you mentionned the "much better transfer rates".
    • (Score:4, Informative)

      by bit trollent ( 824666 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @03:47AM (#11580975) Homepage []
      No logins. No bs. Just lots of torrents.
  • by mrwoody ( 856093 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @02:14AM (#11580689)
    ... but [] is also quite good...
    • " ... but is also quite good..."
      What, are you trying to help the MPAA out or something? TorrentReactor got its domain hijacked months ago. The correct link to TorrentReactor is []

      Someone mod this guy down... he's either flat ignorant or actively trying to screw over TorrentReactor. Either way, he's a prick.
  • by Lord_Dweomer ( 648696 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @02:17AM (#11580702) Homepage
    This is kind of like what happened when Napster first went down. Everybody panicked, but once people started communicating, people started to learn where html sites were that linked to songs or FTP servers. Then Kazaa came along and all was good again.

    But once all the other P2P apps came along, again we lost some of the consolidation of files. But people still adapted, and people began learning what networks were good for certain types of files.

    Today with bit torrent, we are able to have entire trackers devoted to types of content, such as anime, tv shows, etc, and even before Suprnova and others went down, I still checked a few BT sites for all my files. However, I have to admit, it was pretty damn convenient to just go to Suprnova (which I think easily had the best interface and site mapping) and take a gander at what had been added that day.

    I hope mininova takes off, because I enjoy it, but it really doesn't have the traffic or variety it needs yet to be a big competitor. Torrentreactor is still going strong, and so are several others. Frankly, I wish there was a markup language for bit torrent files that could include info such as what type of file it was (tv show, movie, song, album, etc), and possibly what season/episode, recording method, duration, etc. That way that info could be used with an RSS feed and I could REALLY tailor a personal site to all my needs without having to check each of the seperate sites.

  • by Frennzy ( 730093 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @02:24AM (#11580732) Homepage
    I got an email from someone I don't know (or maybe I read it on the net somewhere)...but I only use the tracker at

    Strangely, I haven't gotten a full download yet...everything seems to be corrupted, but I suspect that is a problem with my mach$#AESDFCVB...

  • by kidoman ( 835979 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @02:25AM (#11580738)
    See if you added fullblown adware to the soup that eXeem is, then probably it would frustrate u as much as Kaaza does. However, one very critical improvement that eX(eem|lite|.*?) has is that it uses the Bittorrent protocol internally. So as long as you get the file with enough downloaders and seeds (which happens very quickly to gamez/moviez/pr0n) you are almost assured to get the file very quickly.

    No more waiting as in eMule. And I dont think I have successfully downloaded any file from Shareaza recently.

    Also the built in comments/rating system is the thing that will prevent the network from being MP**'s playground. If aint work work for you, let others know.

    Personally, I am gonna implement a Java/.NET based client for this as soon as the protocol stabilizes (which should happen in a couple of months when we hit 1.0.)

    ~~~ 0wn3d
    • Strange, other than flakyness with the actual phone lines, Shareaza has been the most reliable for me. It also does the mule thing (not that I got the eight plus hours to wait for a download to start that's only going to crap out after a few dozen K) as well as bittorrent.
      Admittedly I'm not to fond of how they took out the sort on collum feature, but it was causing issues for a few people.


    • You do realise that the "waiting" in emule is directly related to the amount of stuff shared. The protocols are pretty much exactly the same, except emule encourages sharing more files, and is more distributed.

      This is why Ive always found it quite stupid the pirates us BT, edonkey is a much better p2p protocol. Again, it is only because there is so much being shared that you have to wait so long.

      But think about this, if everyones upstream is the same in both BT and emule (which it is), then the overall th
  • In a word... (Score:5, Informative)

    by ltwally ( 313043 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @02:33AM (#11580763) Homepage Journal
    "So has the shutdown of centralized SuprNova had any impact?"
    In a word... No.

    Sure... Suprnova was a great place to meet your warez/gamez/moviez/mp3z needs... but it wasn't exactly the only Torrent site out there -- it was just the largest. As the *AA continues to go after every target within their lawyers' reach, the Torrent sites in Sweden, Russia, and other places are growing at break-neck speeds.

    Basically, as long as their are "safe-harbors" for the trackers things will continue.

    For all you pirates out there that want a good laugh, check out The Pirate Bay's legal responses to the *AA [].
  • by bergeron76 ( 176351 ) * on Saturday February 05, 2005 @02:33AM (#11580766) Homepage
    Why not create a .torrent file that contains a list of servers. Have a few people (that are held in high-esteem in the community) moderate it and circulate it. Other people could be added as moderators as they proved their committment to promoting the torrents.

    It's a very socialism-meets-meritocracy (aka (Bergeronian) idealogy, but it would certainly work.

    • Why not create a .torrent file that contains a list of servers. Have a few people (that are held in high-esteem in the community) moderate it and circulate it. Other people could be added as moderators as they proved their committment to promoting the torrents.

      That's actually what I'd assumed Exeem was going to be - it's the natural and logical successor to a moderated torrent list like Suprnova. But don't worry I have a feeling that it's one of those ideas that's too good not to happen sooner or later.
  • Google! (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 05, 2005 @02:33AM (#11580767)
    just add filetype:torrent to you google search.
    • Re:Google! (Score:4, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 05, 2005 @03:12AM (#11580874)
      Nice one. And the del.ici.ous tip sounds good too.Can't imagine how a loophole like that can ever be closed. I mean how many references away from the file can you possibly go from a legal standpoint? Y
      You can possibly close a tracker and you could even censor Google I suppose, but there's no way you can stop people from simply checking out where all the traffic is going. The only solution is to simply shut down the Net or accept that the consumers themselves are, in fact, the real owners and controllers of the media.
      Read 'em and weep.

      Here's the trackers I've found mentioned in the responses to this article so far and that seem to be working.






      Besides SuprNova was any other tracker closed at all? Sounds like this shutdown is all nothing more than self congratulating hype from big media.
    • Because they'll go after Google...

      De-centralization is key here.

  • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Enjoy (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 05, 2005 @03:08AM (#11580859)
    Anime large
  • Yes (Score:3, Insightful)

    by YrWrstNtmr ( 564987 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @03:39AM (#11580944)
    So has the shutdown of centralized SuprNova had any impact?

    Judging by many of the replies in here, it has had an impact. Just not a negative impact, as the article implies.

  • by jpnews ( 647965 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @03:47AM (#11580970)
    I don't know if it's had any effect or not. The torrent I started downloading 2 months ago hasn't finished yet, so I haven't looked for anything else.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 05, 2005 @03:59AM (#11581010)
    LawyerDrone #252272 on phone to ExecuDrone #45435:

    LD: John! Guess what my secretary just printed out and gave to me! It's the latest issue of SlashDots, the pirate newsletter!

    ED: Lay it on me Earl, I just got back from golf and I'm ready to get to work, fightin' pirates!

    LD: Okay. A prostate surgeon name "alex" just posted the Bit-Torment "master list" we've been looking for: it's at someplace called "". As soon as my secretary gets out from under my desk, I'll have her check it out!

    ED: No need Earl, entering "" into Mosaic now ..... woo, amazing! It looks EXACTLY like a food store. Fruit baskets and all. Those pirates are certainly crafty. I wonder how you get to the list? Probably a secret password. I'll try a few..

    LD: Don't bother. I'll have the FBI pick up their computers and bring 'em right to you! Because I have that power John. Just a phone call away. BWAH HA HA HA !!!!

    ED: Earl, DO IT! If those pimply-faced pirates have their way, I'll have to play golf in that club where they allow black people!

    LD: Ouch! Hey, aren't we really doing this for the poor writers and set designers? HA HA!

    Together: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Go with MUTE and they can't stop you!

    Technology that protects your privacy.
    Now with three clients for all platforms.
    Free, GNU, Open Source and a growing network. ads/ [] []
  • It's Not Dead. (Score:5, Informative)

    by Alien Venom ( 634222 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @05:03AM (#11581188) Homepage
    No, I don't think it's dead.

    Tons of torrent sites still exist: For everything (music/movies/games/etc):
    ISOHunt [] (both BT and IRC)
    VIP Torrents []

    For TV:
    BTEFNet []
    TV-Swarm []
    TVTorrents []

    And for those who are only into "legal" material:
    LegalTorrents []

    Not to mention, most Linux distributions offer a BitTorrent alternative download method for obtaining the ISO.

    So it's definitely not dead...
  • No comment really, just thought of that and gave myself a chuckle, might be good for a sig.

    Well, one thing is linux really needs another alternative to azureus. My system is running like a pig right now because of it. And yes I'm Java 1.5, helped a bit but not much.

    I've searched but haven't found much, I even tried bitcomet in wine but no go.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 05, 2005 @06:54AM (#11581437)
    Suprnova was never shut down by the RIAA or the MPAA. The operators of Suprnova voluntarily shut it down after being payed by the company that developed Exeem.
    Suprnova was conveniently taken down during the MPAA crackdown and was replaced with an advertisment for Exeem. Suprnova's operators effectively sold out its entire fanbase.
  • by AmVidia HQ ( 572086 ) <> on Saturday February 05, 2005 @07:29AM (#11581558) Homepage
    With my work on indexing BitTorrent sites, I can shed some light: nothing changed.

    From []

    You can see smaller sites on the list relative to Suprnova (it had more than 30,000 torrents online at any one time), but total torrents available didn't change (60,000+ online). As I keep adding more sites, index size is getting bigger than before SN died actually, online torrent count is close to 70,000. Peers also remain at above the 1 million mark.
  • Rock is dead (Score:3, Insightful)

    by hozozco ( 856621 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @08:22AM (#11581739)
    It has been said that 'rock is dead' and many people predicted the demise of radio, cinema and TV. No, I don't think bittorrent will last as long as they have, but it's far from dead. When it does die it won't be missed - another P2P protocol will take it's place. In the meantime, leech away my friends - but give back what you take.
  • by superultra ( 670002 ) on Saturday February 05, 2005 @10:07AM (#11582122) Homepage
    In unreleated, more recent news, just received a cease and desist letter from the MPAA. The MPAA told reporters, "All people had to do was look at most popular and they'd see BitTorrent sites every couple days, as people uncovered new places to find the files they were looking for."

"I'm not a god, I was misquoted." -- Lister, Red Dwarf
