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Blackberry Businesses

BlackBerry Cuts 250 Workers, Calls It Efficiency 68

First time accepted submitter Dawn Kawamoto writes "Want to become more efficient? Try lopping off 250 workers. That's what BlackBerry did this week — saying it was a move to become more efficient. From the article: '“This is part of the next stage of our turnaround plan to increase efficiencies and scale our company correctly for new opportunities in mobile computing. We will be as transparent as possible as those plans evolve,” says Lisette Kwong, a company spokeswoman.'"
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BlackBerry Cuts 250 Workers, Calls It Efficiency

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  • Efficiency (Score:1, Troll)

    by Chas ( 5144 )

    Yep! All those sweatshop programmers in China and India are more efficient than the three people left at RIM's office in Canuckistan.

    Next week, they'll announce that they're moving their office to the local StarSchmucks'.

    • Yep! All those sweatshop programmers in China and India are more efficient than the three people left at RIM's office in Canuckistan.

      Next week, they'll announce that they're moving their office to the local StarSchmucks'.

      Of course the sweatshop programmers are different in one way from the 100 North American people. They cannot afford to actually buy BlackBerries on sweatshop salaries.

      Then again, neither can the people who are now jobless.

    • "Whenever I cut someone, I call it fun." — Jack Ripper

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 25, 2013 @05:57PM (#44385915)

    You know, laying off staff can improve efficiency if they're not doing anything useful or have become surplus to requirements. There's a reason it's called "being made redundant."

    P.S. Fuck you Dice, /. was a news aggregator long before you ever came along and probably will be long after you've folded. If I wanted to read half-baked op-ed pieces I'd buy a fucking newspaper.

    • You know, laying off staff can improve efficiency if they're not doing anything useful or have become surplus to requirements. There's a reason it's called "being made redundant."

      I've always felt that way about board members; all I ever see them do (on the rare occasion they even show up) is go into catered meetings and bullshit with each other.

      And those dickheads are being paid millions for... well, to be honest I have no fucking idea. Wearing suits, I guess.

      P.S. Fuck you Dice, /. was a news aggregator long before you ever came along and probably will be long after you've folded. If I wanted to read half-baked op-ed pieces I'd buy a fucking newspaper.

      ^ making me wish I had mod points.

      • by lgw ( 121541 ) on Thursday July 25, 2013 @09:14PM (#44387397) Journal

        So when your manager says "I don't understand what you do, so it must be easy" he's some kind of genius, right?

        Mostly board members are due diligence on the senior execs. If everything is going well, and the CEO's not trying to make any big changes this quarter, they don't need to do much. If the company didn't make it's numbers, they're the ones who can fire the CEO if he doesn't appease them (and I've seen the CEO of a company I've worked for fired twice now -it really does happen). If the CEO wants to re-org the company, make an acquisition, or add some new line of business, he has to sell that to the board.

        "All" the board members do is use their judgment - but they have lots of money at stake, and CEOs are champions bullshitters as a rule, so the decisions are rarely easy or obvious.

  • It's almost enough to make me wish Roland was still around.
  • by NoNonAlphaCharsHere ( 2201864 ) on Thursday July 25, 2013 @06:02PM (#44385961)
    See: "auger in"
  • by multiben ( 1916126 ) on Thursday July 25, 2013 @06:21PM (#44386103)
    I didn't know there was even 250 blackberry users let alone staff.
    • by musikit ( 716987 )

      they recently cancelled their playbook.
      the aspect ratio on the q10 is a 1:1 why? wth? now i have to support 3 aspect ratios in my games? umm no.
      their dev environment isnt that great.
      uploads to devices are capped at 1meg per sec.
      i can't kill -9 a process. so i need to reboot the phone whenever i put an infinite loop in.
      they really should have loaded their software on top of android and been done with it. immediate developer support in a slightly better dev environment.
      MS and BB are really two companies in th

      • by narcc ( 412956 )

        they really should have loaded their software on top of android and been done with it. immediate developer support in a slightly better dev environment.

        You're either unfamiliar with BlackBerry development or unfamiliar with Android development.

        (Android development is a nightmare. WTF was Google thinking?)

      • Re:250?! (Score:5, Informative)

        by Octorian ( 14086 ) on Thursday July 25, 2013 @11:07PM (#44387959) Homepage

        i can't kill -9 a process. so i need to reboot the phone whenever i put an infinite loop in.

        That's because the QNX command for this is slay [], which does work and basically does the same thing.

    • [] by IDC's last figures 32.5Million shiments. Blackberry is suffering right now, but they are sill selling lots of phones. The trend is the real problem...its down.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        omg. a tuppe666 post that isn't attacking Apple or cheerleading Google. are you sick bro? Did your Chromebook Pixel break?

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • 250 got out with their lives and only lost their jobs

  • by sribe ( 304414 ) on Thursday July 25, 2013 @07:02PM (#44386507)

    It is efficiency. They're cutting testing & qa staff. That's what customers are for!

  • And predict more cuts in the future.
  • by mark_reh ( 2015546 ) on Thursday July 25, 2013 @07:49PM (#44386897) Journal

    the CEO got a bonus for coming up with the idea.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Suddenly this makes this Lisette all hot, I am feeling an irresistible urge to fuck her.

  • Heck, BB can just get the carriers to do product testing.

    Oh wait. That would require carriers who want the product badly enough. So, that's Rogers. Anybody else? Zimbabwe Mobile? Dunno.

    Actually slashing R&D is what you do when you are out of ideas and plan to rebrand as something that doesn't need R&D. Like just becoming an App. Or a sub-brand, like Sony Experia Zeta 99 powered by Blackberry. Kinda like the Facebook phone. And that worked out just fine, right?

  • A opinion piece with clickbait headline? That's what we're getting here alongside our daily ration of infoworld articles?

    I really need to take my own advice and not bother coming back - but somehow, I still end up doing it every week or two.

  • Blackberry makes good business devices. I prefer their tactile keypads over a touch screen any day. However, I found it weird when kids and casual users were getting BB phones. Suddenly BB was trying to be all phones to all people. BB gained traction because the business world saw their devices as a useful tool. They ought to focus on that market instead of trying to gain bigger market share. If you try to be all things to all people, you will get nowhere. Stick with the business crowd, make apps and tools
    • Apparently BB devices were mostly popular with suits in the US, but overseas their low-end models were really popular with teens. Probably for the same reason the Sidekick used to be; hardware keyboard and good instant messaging software.

  • Is Blackberry still sending wheelbarrows full of money to their "Global Creative Director", Alicia Keys?

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no substitute for a good blaster at your side. - Han Solo
