A Criticism of Race Portrayal in Games 141
Joystiq points out (and comments incitefully on) a two-part examination of African-American roles in videogames on the site Black Voice News. Series author Richard Jones takes the videogame industry to task for the numerous poor images that young black people have to compare themselves to. He singles out Carl Johnson, the protagonist of GTA: San Andreas as an example. Jones also acknowledges that 'the video game industry is all about money', pointing out the unfortunate lack of black designers and illustrators in the industry to sway the creative choices of publisheres and developers. He gives a call to arms to black players, saying they should focus some of their passion on the skills required to make games. They'd get rich, he says, and work to reverse some of the negative stereotypes that non-whites are subject to in games. The Opposable Thumbs blog takes a critical look at his argument, offering up another side to the story. While it's obvious that Mr. Jones doesn't have a great grasp on the games industry itself, he would seem to make a few valid points as well.
I doubt that... (Score:1, Insightful)
If rap music is any indicator, the trend for negative stereotypes in video games won't change that much regardless of the game designer's skin color. Besides, with a few big name exceptions, who gets rich in the video game industry anyway?
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Comment removed (Score:3, Funny)
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huh? (Score:4, Insightful)
And in that blog we get this line:
Which honestly, is a ludicrous assertion. MAYBE if you limit "taking on the role of a character" to RPGs, but most games have you taking on the role of a character, and most of them don't allow any customization whatsoever.
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inciteful comments (Score:2)
Gordon Freeman, anyone? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Gordon Freeman, anyone? (Score:4, Funny)
Caucastic? Is that like some brand new description of Charlie Brooker [wikipedia.org] or something that I haven't heard yet?
"He's caustic...he's sarcastic...he's CAUCASTIC!"
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It doesn't matter who develops it (Score:2, Insightful)
For the most part, Rap music has the worst portrail of black people and it is created (for the most part) by black people
Simply having more black people in the industry is not going to change how black people are represented in games
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For the most part, Rap music has the worst portrail of black people and it is created (for the most part) by black people
It's marketted and sold by white people to other white people. The largest rap market is surbanite kids/wiggers. It's chosen to appeal to this fairly insipid group. Just as GTA is targetted at this infantile audience.
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It might be that way NOW, that's definitely not how it began, and how it was for years during the "worst" portrails, bands like NWA, Easy E, 2 live crew, remember those groups?
GTA:SA might be a bad example.... (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm not saying that the GTA series is a good role model, but I don't see how it is inherently racist that the PC is a black man.
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Now there's an understatement.
The last 3 GTA games (GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas) was paroday games where they tried to apply as much as cliche's and prejudice things into the game. It's probably the worse example for any serious virtual world real world analysis.
They might start with the music industry first.... (Score:3, Insightful)
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African-Americans play a BIG role in the music industry
Define "BIG" - while rappers, R&B singers, and certain producers are visible on TV, the great majority of executives, A&R reps, and producers are white, even at hip-hop labels like Def Jam and Roc-A-Fella.
so you have to wonder why so many of them persist in portraying themselves in such a negative fashion there.
Again, define "so many" - popular artists =/ most artists. And these guys are popular because white teenagers are buying so m
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Gangsta rap has been the worst thing for race relations since the acquittal of the cops who beat up Rodney King...
Gansta rap predates the Rodney King fiasco by a number of years.
How about random/user-defined populations? (Score:3, Interesting)
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Which makes games where you don't get to choose and are just stuck in a white body gunning down dark-skinned folks all the more bizarre.
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Yeah, but them was cracka dwarfs and mages and elves.
Yeah, Elves are not as cool as people think (Score:3, Funny)
Previous Games (Score:5, Informative)
The GTA games have always had a heavily satirical slant to them, and anyone who has actually played the games would be able to tell you that.
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Because it requires just a little bit of actual intelligence to realise that something is a joke, there will always be some people who miss the point. Those few people, whether themselves or via third parties with anti-games agendas, cause a disproportionate amount of trouble.
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I couldn't agree more -- this is much ado about nothing. It's
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FF7 Berret Quotes (Score:2, Funny)
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Minorities (Score:2, Insightful)
The real solution? Dilute North America so far that we all become one race.
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Hump white women for world peace? I'll (try to) do my part!
I can't but think (Score:3, Insightful)
I personally never noticed in a game about shooting thugs what their race are. It's a shame that racism still exists. Even the blatantly biased commercial for the superbowl about Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith. What really keeps racism alive is these arguments about it. How many people have played Max Payne or Dead to Rights and really take notices of the color of the digital skin of the guy you're shooting? The links in the summary surely will open up heated debate. In the article "Psychologists agree that if your race is always the thief or killer, then after a while you start to think that's how you should be, or you think that's how your people are."
I'm not saying that Mr. Jones is incorrect. I'm saying it's how you are raised. You can't just blame things on games and movies. Society needs to change and become more acceptable. Take a lesson from Star Trek.
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Daikatana (Score:1)
Moo (Score:1)
One good example - Guild Wars Nightfall (Score:3, Interesting)
Second Life (Score:2, Interesting)
I'm green. When people meet me, they usually say "Whoa dude, you're green". Fucking stupid. Why NOT be green? It's bizarre that most human characters in second life are boring human colors which you can just go to the mall to see. And if they're animals, they are just big versions of things you can see at the zoo.
Why don't Second Life people d
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Animal Crossing (Score:2)
Why don't Second Life people dress up like animals that you can see at the grocery store?
Because SLers have already experienced that to death in Animal Crossing games.
I don't recall ever seeing a cow in Second Life either. Or a chicken.
Probably because some cow or chicken in AC pissed them off?
Everybody's a [with] covered fox or kitty it seems.
Does the fact that fox and kitty were the villains in Pinocchio [wikipedia.org] have anything to do with it?
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Why NOT be green?
Because, as a great philosopher [msu.edu] once said, it's not easy being green.
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side note:As an MSU Spartan fan, I can attest to that!)
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There's cow avatars out now, I've seen a chicken, and a penguin. Various anthropormhic animals of course, the usual cats and foxes as well as jackals, rats, racoons etc.
It's a Good thing... (Score:5, Interesting)
Oh wait...
And of course the Arabs and Persians and Jews all get off scott-free because they control the media...
Of course the gay characters are _never_ stereotypes...
And the "sex workers" of the world are always portrayed in the most positive and even-handed light possible...
And the "spics" and "rice burners" were perfectly valid and even-handed portrayals of racial norms as well...
(And we all know that cops are just corrupt dealers and killers with legal enforcement powers that can be convinced to leave you alone if you change your clothes or drive your bike through just the right spot in the local mall parking lot.)
I don't hear this guy protesting the treatment of and message presented to the youth of any _other_ "minority".
The sad fact of the matter is that GTA wasn't portraying "black people" as anything, it was portraying the "black gansta stereotype" and it was _even_ somewhat even-handed since the main character was "acting against type" by trying to straighten out a mess as much as make one.
And before you re-stub your emotional toe on the word "stereotype", please keep in mind that every non-proper noun _IS_ a stereotype. Teacher. Cop. Politician. Meter Maid. Brother. Sister. Nun. Clerk. Priest. (etc od nausium). Every single damn one of those words come with a precompiled message and set of expectations. That's all a "stereotype" is. "Baseless racial stereotype" is a different concept all together.
The actual problem is that the "gangsta" movement has deliberately manufactured a stereotype that someone doesn't like, but this is being hoist on their own petard. Heck, the members of that self-created group probably thought the portrayal was totally cool.
You cannot save people from their own damn selves, nor should people who make a bad image for themselves garner sympathy.
As far as the "game makers", well, they know that a game based on the law-abiding middle-income family guy from suburbia, who goes to work and pays bills on time and attends a baseline church and plays a friendly game of poker once a month with "the guys" WOUDL MAKE A TERRIBLY BORING VIDEOGAME.
I'd say "They tried to make a good game, so sue them" but I am sure somebody somewhere with a bruised medula would do just that.
And P.S. I didn't like or play the game when my roommate brought it home because _NONE_ of those stereo types interested me. I kind-of liked Vice City because the soundtrack was interesting and the action wasn't skewed beyond the empty plot of Miami Vice. But I didn't whine about the game much either, except when it was interfering with me using the TV for something valuable. (I'd say "like NASCAR or Pro Wrestling" but I fear the irony would be lost on the stupid and someone would take that seriously and dub me "raciest" without regarding context, so let me put "watching firefly" here instead.)
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You mean The Sims? Yeah, people hated that...
But seriously, you're right. Video games should be held to all the same standards as movies. Why should CJ in San Andreas be held to a different standard than Samuel
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E.G. once someone made "The SIMS" so nobody els
Sims Crossing (Score:2)
Re:Sims Crossing is IMMATERIAL (Score:2)
My immediate point was that nobody could make another "The SIMS" (particularly to model the boring life of some accountant.)
My larger point implicit in the thread as a whole is that a "first person" game about some random law abiding person would not sell.
As a matter of fact, not all The SIMS are "law abiding" and for that matter "The SIMS" doesn't follow an
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What about the 5,000 or so knockoffs of Wolfenstein 3D?
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Before you answer, let's recap:
We are talking about what I will, for the lack of a better name, call "second person shooters" where we follow the development of _specific_ (thats singular for you ESL people) character. This is a kind of interactive literature sort of game. I bring up the literary uninterestingness of such a game centered around an accountant who is living an uneventful law-abiding life. Said game being uninteresting for the same reaso
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actually it sells pretty well...
Ok so you can't be an accountant (yet) but you can be a lawyer:
http://www.kudosgame.com/ [kudosgame.com]
And you can even be a waiter, a shelf-stacker in a grocery store, or a taxi driver.
I think there is actually a market for games that feature people of every race without going into clichéd stereotypes. The thing is, most game designers, producers and biz people will not make them. I've worked
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yes, this _clearly_ is the perfect drop-in replacement for GTA on the PS(x) where I can sit down and follow the rich action experience of...
oh wait, this is a "turn based strategy game where you..."
So there isn't a plot, as such.
Oh, I see, this is a completely different kind of game, but I can totally see how it would just draw in the GTA crowd because nothing says "fast action" and "good story telling" like an open-ended turn-based strategy game. Gee, let me at it. I can hardly wait to throw off
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You're right, two wrongs do make a right!
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I'm pretty sure I said "no wrongs make for a complete failure of marketability".
I'm also pretty sure that I said that people who cherry-pick their outrage from within a complete festering scab of outrageousness are not worth taking seriously because selective rage about something no worse than the background noise was crying wolf in a crowded theater full of sheep... or maybe not that last one...
I think it _would_ be safe
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It certainly would. And The Sims already has that market covered!
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Read before Post
Read before Post
Read before Post
That's quite alright (Score:2)
At least you apparently got the point, and on slashdot that makes you totally a new thing.
Woe betide the Hispanic on the 360 (Score:1)
I played the demo of the new 360 shooter "Crackdown" on the weekend. From a race relations perspective, on the plus side you get to pick the race of your character and have a fairly wide range of options.
On the negative side, you then spend the next hour of the demo killing latinos. Lots of them.
One example does not an argument make, you say? Arguing from analogy is bad logic, you postulate?
Well, t
Equal-opportunity killing (Score:2)
Both Crackdown and Saint's Row certainly have your fair share of hispanic thugs that you take down. But to be fair, they also have several other gangs of various ethnic types. Saint's Row has your stereotypical rap-listening, gold-chain wearing African-American gang that you have to take down, as well as
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Why can't the reality of street gangs and inner-city skid row neighborhoods finally be brought to
Jade from Beyond Good and Evil (Score:2)
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As for being on topic... I think these people just want to be heard. They pick the main character of a sequel to complain about. Sorry, but that character DOES fit there. No stereotypes needed. Just like the first GTA games. Those characters fit, too.
It reminds me of the complaints about the nose on th
Reverse Racism? (Score:1)
It's all Black or White (Score:2)
Every time you read some self-centered interest group going on about the treatment of (fill in ethnic, racial, religious) group in a game it's hard to decide what's worse; the whining or the fact that the game makers are taking advantage of these fractures in American society.
What is most depressing is that there doesn't seem to be any possibility of resolution within anyone's lifetime. I'm no
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About a decade ago, I lived in the US (Southern California, to be specific). I said something about an Oriental friend to a coworker whose grandparents had been born in China and brought to the US when they were infants. He immediately got offended at the use of the term "Oriental," and said that I should use Asian-American. After I pointed out to him that the subject in question wasn't actually American, I asked him what was wrong with the term Oriental. To the bes
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But my preferred term of address is just "American".
It's not big deal if you want to use the "Asian-" prefix if there's a need to specify my race or racial features for additional identification detail. Otherwise I'd prefer to just be considered American since I was born and raised in New Jersey.
Elephants in the living room (Score:1)
1) Why is it perfectly mainstream and acceptable to link sympathetically to a site called "Black Voice News", when if you did the same thing for a site called "White Voice News", you'd be instantly accused of wanting to gas 6 million people?
2) "The video game industry is all about money"... um, ok. Like any other form of media, it's an immense power that has a small ability to make some money on the side. The ability to shape the minds of millions of p
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Because the USA hasn't really got over slavery yet and is very touchy on this race topic. I couldn't even order a coffee there without getting called a racist and a sexual deviant by a white waitress ("long black" is the description of a lot of strong coffee without milk)
Not a good way to start an objective article (Score:1)
FF12 (Score:2)
GTA is a bad example? (Score:2)
I don't think GTA:SA even has kill frenzies any more.
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Yep, you have gangwars instead. They fit the theme of the game way more than the kill frenzies.
But besides that. What is evil? It's a game afterall, nothing is real. It's an alternate reality, so concepts of evil can be the other way around. For example would you say Che Guevara was evil or good. It depends on your perception of reality.
Games portrayal of terrorists (Score:2)
If games have a blind spot about race, I'd have to admit that it's the appearance of Indians, Muslims, Sikhs and the other eastern peoples as "terrorists" in most situations.
Darn straight, we need to have more diversity among our terrorists or budding lesbian Latina Shinto suicide bombers will suffer from depressed self-esteem.
(Sidenote: Aladdin, in his zillion incarnations. The entire freaking cast of Prince of Persia. You can play as Tehran Airlines in Aerobiz, and if you manage to get p
Are you sure? (Score:4, Funny)
In my games when japanese girls fight agains enourmous tentacled monsters they don't go kung fu fighting. I think my games aren't stereotyped.
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I'm an Orc, you insenstive clod.
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This is not happening with black people, of course. We're all Homo sapiens sapiens.
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In short, different species don't exchange genetic information with
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Races exit, and I'm not talking about homo sapiens only, they are less defined than subspecies, but that doesn't mean they are SOCIAL constructs (any clasification is a construct).
There is no white and black races, there are about 4 "black" human races and 3 "white" ones, and lot more "yellow" and "brown". I agree that the clasificacion itself is not static, just like when talking about dogs, the classification of a dalmatian or a dobberman is a contruct by an organization (having several definitions of t
Fe de erratas (Score:1)
"black" homo sapiens races and
attribute that should not be or is not even related at all
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Are you for real?
Humans migrated across the globe in an era when separating meant limited or no contact (or breeding) with groups elsewhere. Specialization to the environment -- basic evolution-in-the-small --, and traits being exaggerated through group inbreeding, measurably changed each group in ways much greater than skin color. Some
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Race is a social construction.
Then why do different "races" have different physiologies (eg: asians have less alcohol tolerance, negros are more susceptible to certain diseases, etc) ?
There is such a thing as race (Score:2)
Of course, much as we can discuss "is there such a thing as a chair" (or any choice of labelling) all day long without any results, we can try to obfuscate the reality of human genetic differences all day long using word games like "there is no such thing as race".
In everyday use though, there is indeed a social component - what is considered "black" in the US might not be considered "black" in Nigeria. For everyday use though, th
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Again, I would say that the concept behind affirmative action (which includes sex, by the way, not just race - since it has to do with the problems facing women in hiring, etc. as well) is not racist in concept. The idea behind it, as I mentioned above, is that if left to their own devices, people with hiring power had and have a tendency to skip over qualif
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Thank you both for your mature and balanced comments regarding Affirmative Action. At risk of appearing off-topic (though I think this would fall into the realm of the original discussion [at least peripherally]), I must state that you both have valid points but fail to see the true nature of the affirmative action beast.
It is a concept that has great intentions, but is so poorly implemented that there seems to be little use for it but to enrich a few individual African-Americans'
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"it is a psychological barrier that I feel most African-Americans cannot get over. Lashing out in anger..."
Why? I'm not being glib here; I genuinely do not understand what the problem is. I can understand and empathize with someone that lived through your mother's generation and I certai
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This is a recent article regarding affirmative action, and a strict meritocracy enrollment, in some colleges today.
From the link: "But 10 years after California passed Proposition 209, voting to eliminate racial preferences in the public sector, university administrators find such balance harder to attain. At the same time, affirmative action is being challenged on a number of new fronts, in court and at state ballot boxes. And elite colleges have recen
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And I do agree with the problem of receiving your education in a disadvantaged minority district. There are clearly bigger problems that are also a major piece of the puzzle. It's a very good point though, there is no single thing that can solve everything. Even if affirmative action were to work perfectly, there would still be the problems out laid out.
Anthropology (Score:2)
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