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Comment Re: Why is anyone still using MoviePass? (Score 2) 65

Old person here. Back when I was a teenager, before you could stream movies and almost nobody had a "big screen tv", we would often just drive to a movie theater and pick something to watch based on the posters on the wall. We did end up watching a lot of shitty movies, but also a lot of great movies we otherwise never would have seen. There was also something abouy going into a movie having absolutely no idea what it was about or if it was any good. Overall, I miss the experience.

Comment ok (Score 1) 70

IMO, TypeScript is the only good thing Microsoft has ever produced (well their old corded mouse was decent). It emits readable JS, given that I don't see the risk. If they do something bad with it then I can just work off the compiled JS files.

Comment what's in a name? (Score 2) 521


Stallman is looking at the naming as an issue of who gets credit. For everyone else, the point of the OS having a name is primarily to denote where something can be run. If I have some software package that "runs on Linux" that means it runs on Linux, whether or not it depends on some other available software that also runs on Linux. That is why Android isn't "Linux", even though it uses the Linux kernel - Android software depends on things that are only available on Android. Likewise, "GNU" doesn't mean anything, software written for "GNU/Linux" will not run on Windows even if you have all the GNU tools installed, whereas it's likely to run on Linux with musl and busybox.

Comment oh well (Score 1) 336

Sad but completely foreseeable, or at least it should have been by them. Of all tht things that could hinder Linux adoption, requirements to use Windows-only proprietary software is the one thing that can't be overcome in a reasonable fashion but should also have been easy to quantify. What were they expecting to happen when their organization apparently depended on hundreds of different Windows-only applications?

Comment best? (Score 1) 300

The laptop with the "best" keyboard is one of the ones that has a mechanical keyboard in it. They exist, but it's a bit impractical. Short of that it comes down to how much you're willing to sacrifice in terms of size and weight, and that will be different for everyone.

Comment Re: Wonderful (Score 1) 98

Maybe there isn't a void. I've never lived in a "food desert", but I've been poor, and I would never buy produce. It's expensive. It goes bad quickly, so a lot of it just ends up getting thrown out, unless you're making frequent trips to buy them, which is expensive and time consuming not to mention the time-consuming preparation. Every now and then the produce is bad right out of the store and the money was just wasted.

I've never had a can of Spaghettios go to waste because it was rotten on the inside, or because I was too busy to use it within three days after I bought it.

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