Verizon Announces FTTP Prices 384
ffejie writes "C|NET News.com is reporting that Verizon has announced its pricing on Fiber-to-the-Premises - it 'will cost $35 a month if purchased along with Verizon's local and long-distance telephone service', and more if bought on its own. The high speed internet service, dubbed Verizon Fios, brings speeds up to 30 Mbps to the home. FTTP could lead to a sweeping change, especially in the television industry. According to News.com: 'Verizon is considered the furthest along with its fiber plans. It reiterated on Monday its goal of reaching 1 million homes and offices by the end of the year...' It looks as if FTTP is coming to the masses."
Can the backbones handle it? (Score:5, Interesting)
A 2mbps to 5mbps Fios connection will cost $35 a month if purchased along with Verizon's local and long-distance telephone service. The service will cost $40 if purchased alone. A connection of up to 15mbps is available for $45 a month if purchased as part of the same telephone service bundle, or $50 alone. The company did not reveal pricing for the 30mbps plans.
That is subsantially less than the $210 I currently pay for my 3Mbps/1Mbps small business connection. I wonder how many of these will roll out as people like me jump to them before the major internet infrastructure starts to suffer? I mean, think of it: end point capacity could literally be upgraded by a factor of 10 in some areas. Will the backbones and their major tributaries be able to handle it?
Either way, I am looking forward to it.
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:3)
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:5, Interesting)
Um... Yeah... Dark Fiber... That's a bunch of fiber optic lines running along railroads (mostly), that doesn't have equipment on either end. The backbone isn't the problem. If one of the major provider's is low on bandwidth, they can just upgrade the current equipment they've got. (Fiber has so much available capacity, that when you want to upgrade, you normally just replace the sender/receiver, and the repeaters, and you suddenly have more available.) It's cheaper to upgrade the equipment than to lay new lines/
As to the dark lines in place? Backbone isn't the problem. It's the fact that no one can afford more than a single twisted pair to the office/home since laying fiber is so expensive. I've got a friend who works at an office where the building is lit up (which means fiber is run to the building and in use), and each company has 100Mbit ethernet to the fiber equipment, and a guarantee that the company has at least that much bandwidth (per customer) to all of it's peering points.
That's the power available with fiber. Once everyone's got that kind of connection, we'll see a sudden leap, from 256Kbps or 1Mbit up to 15, 30, 50, 100. Look at how far we've stretched copper already, and we're at the extreme end of what it can do. We're only at the beginning of fiber, and once you get it to your home, the service levels will increase much faster than lines do today.
Kinda makes me want to move back to the U.S... (though not if I have to live in Texas... ;)
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:5, Insightful)
No If you have a 30Mbps net connection you will rarely use it to it's full strength for some time. Possibly if you are doing Video communications will you use it up. It's more than enough for a small business website. It's more than enough current tasks.
As such ISP's will have time to upgrade the backbones to Internet II when it is needed.
In the future though I see a single communication line coming into your home. Off of abox installed in your house will come TV, Internet, and video Phone. Possibly using interchanged monitors.
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:2)
Thats not the future, thats the present. (Score:4, Informative)
And it sucks. Badly. Its a fiberoptic line running into their house. Phone, TV and internet come off it.
There's no option for any service other than that, nothing else was installed there. The problem is the telco they use is bankrupt, and hasn't upgraded anything in five years, so they've got horrid picture quality on TV since its all poorly compressed, comparably low bitrate digital, the internet is spotty, and they have the honor of paying for it all even if they choose to get satellite.
Re:Thats not the future, thats the present. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:5, Insightful)
And the game to watch is which of your existing services falls by the wayside. The DSL/Cable battle is just the first round. First company to put fiber in my house wins!
Next phase will be to eliminate current ridiculous bandwidth restrictions on servers because it will be more trouble to measure than the accounting costs are worth. Everyone can finally host their own unrestricted internet server. A lot of the smaller hosting companies will be put out of our misery by this and the only companies remaining will be those that need a room full of equipment to handle the demands of the large, popular domains, Google, MS, Yahoo and the like.
Net-centric computing will have finally arrived, and it will no longer be worth saving video, music, or even your own spreadsheet and text files on your local hard drive as they can be instantly downloaded from a server somewhere that is getting backed up regularly. In other words, current hosting companies will have the chance to transition from points of presence to storage, archiving, and application server facilities.
This will all demand an end to the nonsense of operating systems which can be easily hacked into. Microsoft will replace the Windows underpinnings transparently with something that is standards based (probably BSD variant), but Linux will continue to thrive for those who want to have complete control over what they do with their own hardware.
As the rest of the world tries to copy the connectivity nirvana achieved here in the US the world will enter a new era of peace and prosperity, except that all help-desk call centers the world over will still transfer to someplace in India...
And then I woke up.
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:4, Funny)
And then I woke up.
Not since my sister uttered the words, "There is no Santa Claus" had five words crushed my hopes and dreams so utterly.
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:3, Interesting)
This will all demand an end to the nonsense of operating systems which can be easily h
Cable companies do this already. (Score:2)
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:3, Interesting)
The problem I saw time and time again was that nobody could feed me enough bandwidth to max out my connection. I never knew what top speed it was capable of because
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:2)
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:2)
Not any time soon... (Score:5, Interesting)
Don't get too excited. It's only coming to one town in Texas, then California, then Florida- and "2005" was in there somewhere- and rarely do those dates, especially when given that vaguely- mean anything. It most likely won't hit most major population centers until several years later, if at all; fiber gear is even more expensive than DSL gear, and with the US's low population density, even less likely to be profitable.
This is what I like to call a Trophy Rollout. DSL was the same way for me; I live about 25 minutes west of Boston, next to one of the richest communities in the state(thanks to all the execs, doctors, lawyers etc from Boston living there), but because AT&T Cable is in town, Verizon didn't want to compete against them, or they had a gentleman's agreement- but our CO has been wired for at least 4 years for DSL. We also don't have a choice in cable companies- it's cable, or satellite.
Within the last year or two, Verizon is finally offering service- but ONE plan, and no other ISPs save Verizon are offering service. 1.2Mbps/128kBit. Yes, 128kBit upload. Ie, useless for "sharing photos" or "sending files to work" etc. All this costs MORE than 3Mbit/384kBit offered by AT&T, which Verizon makes up for by marketing as "a line you don't share with all your neighbors." Sorry, but AT&T actually has plenty of capacity now, and I routinely get things like OS X software updates -at- 3Mbit/sec, on the dot(a friend and I theorize they set the cap a teensy bit over 3Mbit to account for protocol overhead). Yay, wonderful- except AT&T is draconian with their acceptable use policy, and can't keep their mail servers up worth a damn.
If I lived ONE town over, Framingham, for example- I could have my choice among about 5 different major providers/subproviders, including Speakeasy, Covad, Megapath, and a couple of Worcester based ISPs..and about 10 different residential and business rates.
How sad is it that I live right next door to the technology center of the east, but I have next to no choice in high speed internet access?
Re:Not any time soon... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Not any time soon... (Score:2)
Re:Not any time soon... (Score:3, Insightful)
Deployment in Massachusetts (Score:3, Interesting)
They said they were prepping the street for Verizon to come in and lay fiber. Now I live in North Reading, and this guy claimed that mine is the first town in the state to be getting Fiber to the home. He claimed that they would be offering service in my area before the end of the y
Re:Not any time soon... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:5, Insightful)
Are there any restrictions on your small business service like running servers or reselling service? Residential broadband service has those restrictions plus upstream bandwidth is shared with other customers. You know it's shared and oversubscribed because they reserve the right to disconnect bandwidth hogs. That $210 is a third the price of a T1. With that you usually get a block of 15 IPs and no restrictions on servers, reselling service, or monthly usage caps.
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:2)
All in all, I think its worth the cost, but I might feel differently if it were coming out of my paycheck.
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:2)
Is the price really that bad, though? It includes a static IP (admittedly a cheap addition), but we have offices that pay twice as much for T1 based solutions that don't perform at the same level.
Re:Can the backbones handle it? (Score:2)
That really really sucks.
Bandwidth / byte charges (Score:5, Interesting)
Is this flat rate, or are there extra costs?
Are you allowed to run servers at home?
Re:Bandwidth / byte charges (Score:2)
Re:Bandwidth / byte charges (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Bandwidth / byte charges (Score:5, Insightful)
I will watch this very closely, as I would love these kind of numbers, but I unfortunately don't think it'll be without more cost than the purported amount.
30mbps down.... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:30mbps down.... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:30mbps down.... (Score:3, Interesting)
Will Fiber stand the test of time like copper has... copper has been on the go for over 100 years. Copper is now being used over 1000 times it's specification when it was designed (3kHz back then, way over 5MHz for VSDL etc).
To acheive the same result with fiber it would have to run at 622Gbps. Before you laugh, in 100 years we will probably be downloading the latest 'holographic DVD' off suprnova.org which will be 1PB
Business class... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Business class... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Business class... (Score:2)
Not $35 for 30mbps (Score:5, Informative)
A 2mbps to 5mbps Fios connection will cost $35 a month if purchased along with Verizon's local and long-distance telephone service. The service will cost $40 if purchased alone. A connection of up to 15mbps is available for $45 a month if purchased as part of the same telephone service bundle, or $50 alone. The company did not reveal pricing for the 30mbps plans.
Humbug (Score:5, Insightful)
I'd definitely pay for it
"FTT"P sounds like... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:"FTT"P sounds like... (Score:2, Funny)
Really, now? For a while there I thought that Bill The Cat had a hand in it.
Monthly Bandwidth Limit (Score:5, Interesting)
A note to everyone: (Score:5, Insightful)
going to smoke cable (Score:5, Interesting)
Re: (Score:2)
How much for a static IP? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:How much for a static IP? (Score:2)
Too Bad Verizon is Evil (Score:5, Interesting)
Verizon already restricts people using Verison DSL. SMTP traffic is filtered unless it goes through their server and if it does go through their server, you can only use a verison.net email address.
Plus Verizon is the local telephone monopoly in this area, I don't want to voluntarially give additionnal business to any monopoly. They've sucessfully challanged the law which requires them to share their wires with competitors.
So, while FTTH is an excellent idea, bundling it with a lot of services I don;t need isn't.
We need a regulated monopoly to bring IP to the home and then allow companies to compete in providing services over that wire. The regulated monopoly *must not* be allowed to compete in ancillary services.
Re:Too Bad Verizon is Evil (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Too Bad Verizon is Evil (Score:2, Insightful)
I would rather have airlines that have to compete in a marketplace, evolving their business models to the most efficient ones possible. That's what a free market is for.
Airlines aren't de-regulated. You're not allowed to fly from Love Field on Southwest to a state not contiguous with Texas, because of a thirty year old law against healthy airline competition.
I say if American Airlines is in such bad financial straits, let Southwest
long distance (Score:3, Interesting)
Too Bad Verizon is Evil? You pay for the fiber! (Score:4, Insightful)
Yes of course. This is obvious. But remember that Verizon is out there as a publicly traded company to make money. So while "lockin" may not be so hot for you if you like to shop a la carte, it is a necessary evil if you want to big for-profit company to pay for the infrastructure.
Re:Too Bad Verizon is Evil (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Too Bad Verizon is Evil (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Too Bad Verizon is Evil (Score:4, Interesting)
This is misleading. I have Verizon service (POTS and DSL) in Monroe, WA, and they don't touch my traffic and don't give a fig about what servers I run.
See I have DSL service from Verizon, but they are not my ISP, so I don't have to put up with assanine ToS. I get my internet connectivity from blarg.net [blarg.net]. Verizon just provides the backhaul from the DSLAM to Blarg! And, to their credit, Blarg! doesn't use MTU-mangling PPPoE. Just one long virtual circuit private "electonic highway" onramp for me (well, a dedicated lane on that onramp, if you really want to push the analogy -- work with me here :-)). My "always on" connection is very much always on.
Verizon sucks rotten eggs, as far as serivce is concerned (took 'em forever to acknowledge that, yes, I had an international long distance plan, and no, my calls to Canuckistan were not to be billed at $0.75/minute), but I'm stuck with them as a telco. So, I subscribe to what little I can. In this case, that means just the data pipe from me to my ISP.
There is a bit of a downside, of course, and that is price. But, it is not unreasonable: instead of some $30 a month for neutered dynamic IP access, I pay them closer to $40 a month just for the pipe and another $35 a month or so to Blarg!. Static IP? No problem (well, it costs a bit extra, included in the above price). NATed hosts? No problem. Inbound SMTP? No problem (but don't relay please: the IP address is ours and we like to keep a clean anti-SPAM reputation). Inbound telnet? Hey, it's your security, do what you want. Sure. Inbound HTTP? It's your box you're Slashdotting, not ours.
Now, of course, there are a few things I shouldn't do that'd hurt Blarg!, like run a busy site at the end of a DSL link, but those kinds of things would be bad to me too. Still, no one is going to cut me off for opening up port 80 for a day or two of private testing.
So, yeah, sure, sell me a fatter cheaper pipe Verizon. If all you can do with a modest degree of competence is sell pipes, do that.
sounds good... (Score:3, Insightful)
they could add p2p... (Score:5, Funny)
Why does stuff go to middle of Noplace first? (Score:3, Interesting)
Wouldn't make more sense to launch it in MA where nearly the entire Easteren half of the state is sreaming for this kind of thing... or in the Valley In CA...
Tech savay places that could really take advanage of things like this...
Re:Why does stuff go to middle of Noplace first? (Score:5, Insightful)
Why is it that Cable and Telcos always luanch these things in the middle of No place...
When the inevitable FUBARs happen, there are less pissed off people and less stuff to fix. Then when they've worked out the deployment bugs, they can try a larger market.
Re:Why does stuff go to middle of Noplace first? (Score:2, Informative)
There's a lot of tech types who live out there (who work in Dallas, etc.), so they probably figured that makes it a nice place to start as well due to demand.
Re:Why does stuff go to middle of Noplace first? (Score:2, Informative)
Tampa bay has very high population density (Pinellas county being one of the most densly populated areas in the country). A small geographic rollout will be able to service a very large population of people.
I am sure that Tampa has lower regulatory overhead than other large population centers like New York, etc.
We were one of the first areas to get cable modems as well (Road runner) for this reason.
Re:Why does stuff go to middle of Noplace first? (Score:5, Informative)
What about Upload speed? Static IP? (Score:2, Redundant)
Never near me... (Score:2)
Now the choice... the peace and quiet of small town life... or an uber fast internet connection... I think I'll stick with the small town life, stray bullets [zwire.com] and not too bright criminals [brendangrant.com]
FTTP (Score:2, Funny)
Never in Washington (Score:2)
Re:Never in Washington (Score:2)
Deal with it. luser.
Bandwidth is unnecessary for 1 way connections (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Bandwidth is unnecessary for 1 way connections (Score:2)
Re:Bandwidth is unnecessary for 1 way connections (Score:2)
Re:Bandwidth is unnecessary for 1 way connections (Score:2)
Fine Print.. (Score:3, Interesting)
A 2mbps to 5mbps Fios connection will cost $35
towards the end of the article. It's not exactly $1 per mbps.
Still, exciting.. More competition is good. Lets hope the upstream capabilites are very good as well.
Pricing (Score:3, Interesting)
Is this supposed to be a joke? (Score:2)
I'll never see broadband out in East Bumble. (Score:2, Interesting)
Some more details (Score:5, Informative)
5 Mbps down
15 Mbps down/2 Mbps up for $44.95 a month as part of a calling package or $49.95 a month stand-alone.
30 Mbps down/5 Mbps up , pricing will be announced at a later date.
Next stops on the rollout after Keller, TX (which is already rolled out) are Huntington beach, CA and Tampa, FL.
Finally.... (Score:2, Funny)
Pr()n at the speed of light... literally!!!
Re:Finally.... (Score:2)
Is it symmetric? (Score:2)
FTTP vs. FTTH (Score:4, Informative)
Re:FTTP vs. FTTH (Score:3, Interesting)
"Pedestal" perhaps? (Score:3, Interesting)
Granted, "premesis" makes it sound like it's coming right up to your doorstep. I'll bet there's a greasy
How do you spell "NO!" ??? (Score:3, Interesting)
No, no, no! No DSL, no ISDN, just forget it. I will be taking my eternal dirt nap before Verizon brings me any fiber.
Stability? Redundancy? (Score:2)
Then, sometime later, the batteries WERE exhausted. What did the cable company do? They got their trucks with generators and parked them by the distribution nodes and fed them p
Just called (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Just called (Score:3, Interesting)
I didn't need the $20 when I asked, but the guys couldn't find any pairs. My Comcast cablemodem has been
Re:Just called (Score:3, Interesting)
To put it in more useful units... (Score:5, Insightful)
Hmmm... You know, that's actually an interesting milestone. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was actually using a 300 baud modem. This is a five-orders-of-magnitude increase in something like a decade and a half.
Cynical point of view (Score:3, Interesting)
In this case, I take the cynical point of view that, for the power user or system administrator (so, most of the reading audience at Slashdot), it'll turn out to be little more than a speed benchmark. I'd rather hear what you're allowed to do with this line rather than just a speed and cost figure.
And the upstream will still be 300kbit.. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Article text for the lazy (Score:4, Funny)
Last time I do that.
Re:Article text for the lazy (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Article text for the lazy (Score:2, Interesting)
Did I miss something? (Score:3, Interesting)
I read the article, and don't remember seeing anything that implied to difference between upload and download speeds.
Is there any reason to believe that this isn't a plain old 30Mbps pipe? (2/3rds of a DS3?)
Further, it there any reason to believe that this will be anything other than FastEthernet over fiber, with some rate limiting?
Re:Did I miss something? (Score:3, Interesting)
What's going on here is that they want to attract more consumer business, not cut into business business. The average consumer is not interested in high uplink rate, because what they are doing is downloading (pr0n?).
This is intended as a consumer product, to get consumer accounts. If it is used on the business side, you can assume beca
Re:Inducement of copyright infringement? (Score:2)
Re:Inducement of copyright infringement? (Score:5, Interesting)
1: Large-scale distribution of material to which *I* own the copyright. Maybe I wrote a book, maybe I made a movie or a videogame, or maybe I wrote some usefull piece of software.
2: Large-scale distribution of copyright material with the express permission of the copyright holder(s). (for instance, Linux ISOs)
3: High-Speed distribution of files from my computer at home to other computers around the world (kind of like an external hard drive that I dont have to carry).
4: Downloading something that I just bought (software, in the future perhaps a movie) in seconds instead of minutes/hours.
5: Downloading something free in seconds/minutes instead of hours (Linux ISOs, patches & updates for various software applications)
6: Network no longer a consideration or limitation in the implementation of video games, this also decreases the need to waste CPU power compressing & reformatting the data for network transmission.
7: Set up a media streaming service that allows me to watch any movie or listen to any song that I own from anywhere around the world (authentication required so that its only me)
8: Run permanent servers for all your favorite games all at the same time (one or two per computer, times how ever many computers you have)
9: Infinitely many fascinating new uses for global-scale networks that nobody ever thought of because the amount of data generated was so absurd that it was dismissed as "try again in 2150"
10: Really interesting new types of distributed computing, such as the SETI project, which can have individual machines on the network communicate with each other during processing. It will now be possible to send both to the initiating server and to other clients, large quantities of data generated from whatever the current "work unit" is.
11: Name anything that a business might want with high-speed internet service, add the words "home-based" in front of the word "business"
12: This message would post to slashdot in nanoseconds instead of milliseconds, or something like that.
I need to get back to work, so I will leave this list off here, but if I had to I could go on.
I'm dead serious about this too... It'd be really cool to have my external hard drives with me wherever I go without having to lug 7 pounds of crap with me, just because I have 200 GB of stuff that I might want. Just because people would use the item to commit crimes does not mean that it is a criminal device.
Consider: A crowbar is used for more than just theft.
A gun is used for more than just murder.
A camera/photocopier/scanner/printer/... is used for more than juist making illegal copies of printed materials.
A computer is used for more than copyright infringement.
The internet is used for more than copyright infringement. In fact, it is used for legitimate businesses all the time. (see Amazon.com, or iTunes Music Store, or eBay, or
-- Fareq
Re:Quantum Leap? (Score:3, Informative)
A switch from 300 bps to 2400 bps dialup modems does not qualify as a quantum leap, because the 300 bps was not an inherently fixed rate. The "300 baud" modems did not actually constrain the bit rate arbitrarily. They used Bell 103 FSK modulation, most commonly at rates of 110 and 300 baud, and less commonly at 134.5 and 450 baud. The m