Where Will IBM Drop Windows? 501
TurboProp writes "An article by the Associated Press on Friday (1/09/2004) Says that IBM has plans to abandon Microsoft operating systems on it's internal desktops by the end of 2005. The news originated from an internal IBM memo published by the Inquirer, a British technology news site. Further stories from the Inquirer, indicate that IBM May already have begun dumping windows. While this all bodes well for Linux users, and would seem to be a good PR move for IBM, executives at IBM seem to be trying frantically to put a much milder spin on the story. They say that the memo was taken out of context. I really can't imagine why they wouldn't be posting it on billboards."
Rumor has it... (Score:5, Funny)
No, you don't get it ... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:No, you don't get it ... (Score:4, Insightful)
My hope (Score:5, Funny)
Re:My hope (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh man! Zing!
I think it's great news. I like that they're playing it cool too; seems like maybe they're positioning themselves to represent "levelheaded business people" who are making the move away from MS.
All the basic functionality of the Office Suite is there in Free form, so all MS has to play up are advnaced features that require you to drink their kool-aid on an enterprise level. Many corporations are now realizing that locking their data to one provider isn't necessary anymore for "great moments in business" to happen.
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:IBM makes the G5 (Apple) (Score:5, Insightful)
G5 sales are a nice feather in IBM's cap, but Apple makes the money when a G5 goes over the counter. The R&D is more what IBM is interested in, they get to use lessons learned in their POWER line.
That's where they'd like to be making their money, in the high-margin low-quantity areas like server clusters and high availability.
Maybe someone here who's read IBM's SEC filings can tell us where their money actually comes from.. The PC business must move a lot of machines, but I'm forced to wonder if there's any profit in it at all, the market being as cutthroat as it is.
Heh, and don't forget to include Java as a platform IBM can fall back on, they've put a lot into WebSphere.
Re:IBM makes the G5 (Apple) (Score:5, Interesting)
* Mainframes, mainframe software and mainframe support. DASD. Backup equipment (ATLs)
* RS6000s of various flavours (pSeries NUMA machines are $$$)
* AS400 still has a strong presence
* WebSphere (and MQ / MQ Integrator), DB2.
* Lotus Notes!
* Services - they charge mountains of cash if you want to outsource something to them. Ask them to tender, and weep. Then pay.
We don't use IBM PCs.
I reckon IBM make most of their cash in low volume / high margin. Linux is probably a way to turn the desktop into high volume / medium margin (support).
Re:IBM makes the G5 (Apple) (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:IBM makes the G5 (Apple) (Score:5, Insightful)
IBM has never been big on selling software. They are fairly OS agnostic.
They see OSes for what they are: tools to get the job done with the hardware you have. This is why they have such a large girth of OSes that they deal with: MacOS, Linux, AS/400, Windows. They don't give a damn what their customers do with the hardware they purchase from IBM, they just want the customers to be productive with their products.
Re:IBM makes the G5 (Apple) (Score:3, Insightful)
Could have fooled me. Watching U.S. football playoffs today, I lost track of the number of IBM Linux commercials. Strangely, I didn't see any IBM MacOS commercials, nor did I see any IBM AS/400 or IBM Windows commercials.
A lot of people like to use the word agnostic as meaning "not supporting one side or the other".
I prefer the version by the guy who most famously brought it to light, Professor Huxley in 1869.
in a nutshell, "we are incapable of knowing"
so if i'm agn
Re:My hope (Score:5, Insightful)
I agree. I think this is very important for Linux. If they played it up and ran humorous BSOD ads on TV proclaiming their switch, other "level headed business people" would probably group them with the zealots and wackos (us).
By treating this switch as "business as usual", it gives the distinct impression that desktop Linux isn't just for hobbyists and college students anymore.
Just my 2 cents.
Re:My hope (Score:5, Interesting)
Since I retired and went back to school, I have discovered large groups of people that use Excel as a general-purpose everybody-has-it environment for numerical computation. They make heavy use of tools like the embedded Visual Basic and Solver (general nonlinear constrained optimization). Some of those features, such as Solver, will be quite difficult to duplicate. If an OSS alternative uses a different algorithm, for example, it may have quite different convergence properties that cause the alternative to get different numerical solutions than Excel. Similarly, an embedded programming language that is almost-but-not-quite Visual Basic will break a large number of existing spreadsheet applications.
Are there OSS apps that provide "sophisticated" compatibility?
Dream on (Score:4, Interesting)
There is no way that we could read enough of OO's source to check that it was always telling the truth, we'd still have to test it. And every time we got a new version, we'd have to check all that source code all over again.
I agree, to some extent, that we shouldn't use Excel for safety related stuff, but, not for your reasons. Spreadsheets are inherently uncheckable - any random cell in a 30 Mb sheet could include the following pseudocode
The way I get around that is to write robust cells that handle all exceptions, and copy them down the whole sheet. Also, most of my work is correlation based (ie testing analytical models against real data)- so algorythmic errors would tend to show up.
Matlab would probably be a better bet.
Perhaps a more fundamental question is why do I trust Excel more than OO?
Well, if you see the discussions of OO here they usually claim it is a reasonable Excel substitute - despite its obvious lack of speed, stability and features. If the people making those claims are being honest then they can't be pushing it very hard. Therefore they aren't really qualified to comment.
I'm a bit puzzled by people's problems with various levels of Excel, I use 97 at home and a couple of different versions at work, my sheets and VB seems to work fine on all 3 installations.
There again my stuff is big rather than fancy.
Re:My hope (Score:5, Informative)
The reason they're playing it cool is because it's ridiculous. I hate to rain on the parade, but I can assure you, Lotus Notes hasn't been dumped, and it isn't available on Linux except as an internal skunk works project running on WINE (and it doesn't run any too good, either).
Notes isn't the only problem. There's all sorts of applications we use internally that aren't (yet) available on Linux. The panel they showed listing the internal apps available doesn't even begin to compare to the necessary apps that are available on Windows. There are something like a hundred apps available on Windows that are frequently used by employees, and dead few of them are can be replaced by anything available on Linux.
Additionally, as services is now our largest business, many, if not most of us, work on customer sites. And that means we have to be able to exchange documents and file formats with our clients, and I sure don't know of anything in Linux world that's compatible with applications such as Microsoft project.
The only Linux desktop available internally is an (unsupported) hack of RedHat 7.2, and my experience with it was that it isn't even close to an acceptable replacement for the Windows desktop.
In short, this is a wildly exagerated claim. While it's entirely possible that IBM will eventually support internal use of Linux, it's highly unlikely it's going to be anywhere near to replacing windows by 2005.
I love Linux as much as the next
It's just not gonna happen anytime soon.
Re:My hope (Score:5, Informative)
Notes runs in some ways better under wine and Linux than under Windows (Notes under wine is the way I've been doing it for well over a year now). Zap-Notes (when Notes misbehaves) is nearly instantaneous when you're on Linux, and at best it's killed the instance of wine when it really screws up -- never my whole computer.
Ditto for MS Office under wine (not to mention there are MS-free alternatives).
Most everything else is web-based.
Maybe it depends on what you do and what your perceptions are, but honestly Notes and Mozilla is probablly *all* the software that a good chunk of IBMers need to do all of IBM's business.
What doesn't can be made to run under wine (and I think for large entities it's cheaper to have a small army of people making sure everything needed works under Linux than paying MS licenses).
What about remote administration? Windows still pales to UNIX from decades ago, and is a joke in this department compared to Linux (and people bemoan X's network transparency).
It's far from fanciful -- Linux on the desktop inside of IBM makes, IMHO, practical and financial sense, and it's made more sense in large entities like IBM and governments than Windows for quite some time now.
Are you using the RPMs available internally (there's *tons* of more software available than what the screenshots show in these articles, BTW -- including office and Notes pre-wrapped in Wine, ready for the C4EB Linux internal, totally unofficial but tolerated, linux distro).
I know I have more stringent software requirements than management and secretarial people, BTW, and I've been running Linux exclusively and painlessly at work for well over a year. Esoteric DOS apps run great under dos emulators (take your pick), and Wine does a ton of things already without any tweaking or even seeing a command line (download "installer.exe",click on it, and shortcuts even placed in "start" menu). I run and have installed several engineering "windows only" apps literaly this easily.
I added the Ximian desktop to the RH7.3 (I'm pretty sure it's RH7.3 based -- maybe you tried it a really long time ago?) I run, and even based on aesthetics and usability Linux has left Windows behind.
Anyways, another viewpoint from "inside".
Yes, sharing documents with the outside world is important, but is this really an issue anymore? I'm constantly in touch with outside vendors, and it's just never been in an issue for me (Word, Excell, e-mail, PDFs are the bulk of communication for my line of work -- and none have ever been an issue for me).
I realize that we work in pretty different enviroments, but maybe all that means is that, today, IBM could only switch 50% of it's employees to Linux (not sure what the breakdown is). I would also question your assertion that the bulk of IBMers work at customer sites -- maybe it's where the biggest revenues come from, or maybe it's where the biggest profits come from, but I do think that it's enabled by the fact that IBM makes everything under the sun hardware related (that's armies of research, development, and manufacturing engineers that never visit customer sites, not to mention management, techs, secretaries, manufacturing *complexes* with 100's of operators, etc.)
Re:My hope (Score:3, Interesting)
We use the Aventail client for VPN connectivity from the customer site. Yes, I know there's a Linux version. No one at our site has yet gotten it to work.
That's something that about six thousand IBM employees where I work don't use at all ever.
To get into the client's network, I need to have access to the VPN they use
again, not applicable to the tens of thousands (hundred thousand?) IBMers that never v
Re:My hope (Score:5, Interesting)
"A quotable quote in the Wall Street Journal has an IBM spokeswoman claiming that it's...."
Riiiight. Is it just me or is the writing online much, much worse than in newspapers and magazines?
Re:My hope (Score:5, Funny)
Or should I say, "the verbiage utilized in news media tends to be horrific as of late."
Re:My hope (Score:4, Funny)
First Post! (Score:4, Funny)
Pussyfooting (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Pussyfooting (Score:5, Funny)
You just like saying that word, don't you? : )
Re:Pussyfooting (Score:5, Funny)
If you have pussyfoot, is it illegal to wear open-toed shoes?
Re:Pussyfooting (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Pussyfooting (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Pussyfooting (Score:5, Interesting)
if Longhorn is delayed longer than the early 2006 the best estimates have as of now;
If Apple & IBM make the Mac the fastest desktop during those years ( think dual core PPC980 based G6 @ starting >3.5 Ghz by this time in 2005 );
If Apple continues making OS X better at the same level and gets to true 64 bit-ness in time;
I think Apples market share will grow to 15~20% by the time Longhorn arrives.
A year ago, no one could even see Apple where it is now. They were universally dismissed as a cult and a joke. Now IMO they have the greatest mind share in computing right now, and it's only going to get better. HP decided to switch than fight the iPod, and if others get on that bandwagon, look out. Apple may actually win this time.
Re:Pussyfooting (Score:3, Insightful)
It doesn't matter when Longhorn shows up, nor who makes the fastest computer, nor how good OS X is. The 15-20% you're talking about are going to come from mom and pop types, not hardcore users of either Wintel or PPC, and these mom and pop users are still using Wintel - why would they switch when the hardware and software is
For Apple, 5% share would be optimistic (Score:3, Interesting)
According to the Mac News Network [macnn.com], independent sources put its latest sales figures of desktop systems at around 3.8% market share.
CNet News.com [com.com] puts Apple's latest (3rd Quarter 2003) market share figures slightly lower: "Apple, meanwhile, saw shipments rise, but not as fast as the market. The company's U.S. market share is now 3 percent, while its worldwide share is below 3 percent."
While it is true that Apple has taken as much as 7% market share in the laptop market of the US in some months (see this [applelinks.com]
Re:Pussyfooting (Score:5, Interesting)
"IMO it depends on three things
if Longhorn is delayed longer than the early 2006 the best estimates have as of now;
If Apple & IBM make the Mac the fastest desktop during those years ( think dual core PPC980 based G6 @ starting >3.5 Ghz by this time in 2005 );
If Apple continues making OS X better at the same level and gets to true 64 bit-ness in time;
I think Apples market share will grow to 15~20% by the time Longhorn arrives.
Flashback to 94/95
1.) If Chicago aka Windows95 is delayed longer and summer 1995 is the best estimate.
2.) If apple made clones and increased its marketshare
3.) IBM continues to make os/2 available to the mac and powerpc for true 32-bit trueness
4.)If Motorolla gets those powerfull 604 processors and makes them 133mhz by 1996
I hated MS with alot more passion back then because their products were much much more flakier and unbearable back then. Does anyone remember how to get out of an infinite loop in Windows 3.1?
Hit the reset button. What if it took 5 minutes to log in due to a crappy network configuration? 3 infinite loops in your program cost you 15 minutes of time! incredible! This was my highschool by the way a decade ago.
I assumed the world would switch to OS/2 and MacOS to escape this hell that is Windows/DOS and these primptive CISC processors.
You know what?
THe world chose Windows and pentiums got faster. Same will happen here. It already is happening with AMD64.
Windows will be here forever and ever and will never go away. Not to sound trollish but how many million upon billions of VB code and MCF C++ code is lyeing around offices world wide? How many corps invested millions to upgrade their networks for Active Directory?
As hobbiests its one thing But IBM cores market is WIndows and they want a single platform they can support. Now which will have they chose already? You get the picture.
Same in 94 and same in 2004! Hell more so today with legacy Windows systems around.
They do not want Linux. Companies use Linux secretly or because they need stability or security. WIndows is improving and with palladium will be secure enough to kick it out. Stability wise Windows2k and 2k3 are as stable as Unix. Ask anyone who adminstered any MS boxes. Yes NT4 was not.
IBM needs Windows and will be hurt without it. Why oh why did they make that horrible deal with Microsoft 25 years ago? why?? They are still stuck and can not leave.
Re:Pussyfooting (Score:5, Insightful)
So what becomes a tough internal target to meet can become a PR failure for a product they're trying to push.
"We're increasingly using Linux on our own desktops" is good.
"We're now using Linux on all our desktops" is great.
"Weren't you going to have Linux on all your systems by now? What happened to that?" is a disaster.
Re:Pussyfooting (Score:5, Insightful)
don't worry. (Score:3, Interesting)
They already committed in Munich. There's no going back. They either believe what they say or they don't take advantage of free software in house. They can't have it both ways.
The chances of failure, by the way, are slim to none.
A guess (Score:2)
Re:Pussyfooting (Score:4, Insightful)
IBM simply could not COMPLETELY migrate.
For one thing, they still have to support tons of Microsoft enabled applications like Notes. Tivoli (my former boss and IBM company) needs to support Windows.
The art and marketing folks couldn't possibly switch to Linux without support from major software applications like Photoshop, etc... Likewise, the ubiquitous use of MS Project is also a barrier.
Even exclusive use of Linux on the backend is problematic for the same reasons. IBM does IT services and must have Microsoft servers to at least TEST with.
Complete migration to Linux is probably only possible in organization with very narrow missions that require applicances (cash registers, input terminals, bank teller machines, etc...) as opposed to general purpose swiss-army computers.
As a matter of fact, any application that previously used OS/2 is probably appropriate for a switch to Linux.
A total switch to Linux would take decades. What IBM has to do along with Unix vendors is enhance cross platform tools that allow deployment of generic apps to either Linux or Win32. So IBM needs to support toolkits like Qt, Mono and Lindows. These will allow organizations more opportunities to convert desktops to Linux. Also a specific domain knowledge for getting Win32 apps to run on Linux is also necessary. IBM needs to promote this area and get books on the shelves that help people write Win32/Linux apps.
If they do this, in five years PhotoShop and other popular apps may run on Linux as well as on Windows with identical code bases. Then such a transition will be 100% possible.
Re:Pussyfooting (Score:3, Interesting)
One word explanation (Score:3, Interesting)
Microsoft shouldn't be expected to take something like this lying down. You can expect the folks in Redmond to dig into their bag of dirty marketing agreement tricks and find a way to punish IBM. Things like not giving them preferential pricing for installed Microsoft software unless IBM publicly renounces use of Linux on internel systems, that sort of thing.
Microsoft wasn't able to force IBM out of the OS and applications market by offering technically superior products; they did it by using th
ABOUT TIME!! (Score:4, Insightful)
What were they thinking???
Re:ABOUT TIME!! (Score:2)
Re:ABOUT TIME!! (Score:4, Informative)
In some ways. The desktop is more advanced. Other than the single input queue which really sucked, no matter how good it looked on paper. The drivers though? 16 bit only. If your drive won't run on a 286 it won't run on warp. (not true strictly, you can write 32 bit drivers if you want to go through a lot of work interfacing to the 16 bit system, figguring out for yourself where your memory is and all that. Not worth it)
If IBM had out half the effort into OS/2 that MS does into windows it would be a lot better yet, but as it stands windows is catching up, and in some way surpasses it.
Re:ABOUT TIME!! (Score:2, Informative)
Re:ABOUT TIME!! (Score:5, Insightful)
Those who forget history...
But, yeah, it's a *much* better product now that it runs on Linux... Whatever. I would kill for a platform that had a UI as powerful as the Workplace Shell. Object oriented since 1992. I hear BeOS is very similar, but I'm tired of being stuck with dead operating systems! :)
Re:ABOUT TIME!! (Score:3, Informative)
They will drop it where appropriate... (Score:5, Interesting)
In all likelihood, I would suspect that the vast majority of their servers already run Linux... Domino runs on Linux (and has for a while), and most of their webservers are likely to run Linux.
However, while desktops may get replaced, I would think that the engineers would be a prime target for Linux desktops well before, say, secretaries. But I wouldn't think it impossible that "where appropriate" will include Ms. Jane Q. Secretary in another year or two...
Re:They will drop it where appropriate... (Score:5, Insightful)
The people I worry the most about are accounting and other professionals who rely on deeper parts of the os on a regular basis.
Re:They will drop it where appropriate... (Score:3, Interesting)
What the actually title for this story should be.. (Score:3, Informative)
Re:They will drop it where appropriate... (Score:5, Insightful)
In the mid-90s, I was working a place where Unix (no, not Linux, Unix - we were in academic business, probably had huge discounts) was standard on the desktop. Things worked all right, and everyone was mostly satisfied. There was one exception, our house-economist, which needed more tools. Today, even he would be satisfied, I guess.
Anyways, the administration increased in size, and at some point, someone decided that we, too, should go the Windows way. Needless to say, tecnical staff was less than satisified, including me.
We had two secretaries. I did a little mini-poll on what they would prefer on the desktop? The answer: It doesn't matter, as long as it makes communication with the tecnical staff easy.
Well, it seemed for a while like we were going the Windows route. Then, one day, over lunch, one of the secretaties dropped the magic line: "I think I would prefer this. Now, I've learnt it, and don't really want to switch at all".
This seemed to have done the trick. Not long after, the course changed, instead of standardizing on Windows, one standardized on formats that made it easy for everyone to choose for himself. Nowadays, people are using Windows or Linux depending on what they like, and as long as you avoid the lock-in-traps in Microsoft,this is quite possible it seems.
So, yes, a mixed environment is possible, but don't automatically assume that the secretaries will be slow picking up Linux. They will use whatever tool makes them do their work best, given choice. As should everyone.
Re:They will drop it where appropriate... (Score:5, Insightful)
The issue for a secratary, Linux and IBM is whether NOTES works. It's also whether a suitable replacement for Word can be deployed that retains the interface concepts and speeds transitions.
Outside of the geek world, no one really gives a fuck about the internals of an operating system. They just want something that helps them get their work done. Windows has the most software so it will suit more needs.
For IBM, the biggest milestone will be porting Notes to Linux. Good luck. If the interior looks ANYTHING like the exterior, it will be an INCREDIBLE task.
Re:They will drop it where appropriate... (Score:3, Insightful)
I would have to disagree with the statement that engineers would be a prime target before secretaries. Engineers are less likely to have software that will run on multiple systems (like custome chip design software), than a secretary running pretty generic out-of-box software that is more likely to be available on multiple platforms (word processing, excel spreadsheet, etc...).
Re:They will drop it where appropriate... (Score:2)
Re:They will drop it where appropriate... (Score:2, Insightful)
The idea that secretaries are typically technically incompetent is one of the strangest ideas that persist around tech web sites.
IBM won't dump windows anytime soon... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:IBM won't dump windows anytime soon... (Score:5, Insightful)
Totally, but the point isn't that they're going to stop shipping windows desktops and laptops; the point is they're going to stop using it internally for themselves.
You're right that the process will take a lot of time, but this is big. It basically send a message to the business IT community; "Yeah we'll sell you this crap pre-installed. We don't use it ourselves; but hey, the customer is always right..."
This is the kind of think that can help tip business desktops away from MS in large numbers by giving local IT managers confidence and evidence that kowtowing to Redmond isn't a prerequisite to success. A 10% shift now will precipitate a lot more movement a year or two down the line. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
Re:IBM won't dump windows anytime soon... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:IBM won't dump windows anytime soon... (Score:2, Informative)
Example [obspm.fr]
Personally, my Thinkpad has everything working except:
Wireless Networking - Intel to release driver Q2 this year I believe
Modem - Never tried it
Power Management - Troulbe with suspend to RAM
Other than the above which I'm confidant will be worked out sooner rather than later it works fine with Linux (Gentoo to be specific).
Re:IBM won't dump windows anytime soon... (Score:2)
Who is worrying?
Commerical (Score:5, Informative)
Magic dust sprinkle (Score:5, Insightful)
So what about their past sins [jargon.mu.nu]?
Re:Magic dust sprinkle (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Magic dust sprinkle (Score:5, Funny)
Because it's our hype word. Duh =)
What about the IBM/Linux TV ads? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:What about the IBM/Linux TV ads? (Score:3, Funny)
Or maybe one on how they're "Thinking Differently" now?
Let's see something new!
Why not announce this on billboards? (Score:4, Insightful)
IBM does *billions* of dollars of business selling Windows systems, and this declaration would be tantamount to throwing that all away.
The first rule for growing a business is to preserve the existing business above all else. Then you can figure out a way to obtain new business opprtunistically with an alternative offering.
Re:Why not announce this on billboards? (Score:3, Interesting)
IBM is not going to stop selling thier customers MS Windows hardware or services that wan
Eat your own dogfood, IBM. (Score:4, Insightful)
It's easier to sell something to someone if you already use and prefer the product.
Re:Eat your own dogfood, IBM. (Score:2)
What I've found is that all the pieces exist for a perfectly functioning Linux office right now...the only problem is dealing with those 1 or 2 windows apps floating around.
Re:Eat your own dogfood, IBM. (Score:2)
Replacing Blotus Notes for Linux may be the largest obstacle IBM faces here.
Prelude to eventual hardware switch? (Score:5, Interesting)
If IBM drops Windows and adopts a Linux desktop, they're no longer tied to the x86 architecture. Of course, all the machines they have will still be useful, but what chip does IBM design and fabricate?
PowerPC [ibm.com]
Now, I don't expect anything to happen immediately, but with the 970 aimed firmly at the desktop market, having a Linux desktop sure would make hardware migration a lot simpler--essentially transparent to the end-user...
Re:Prelude to eventual hardware switch? (Score:2)
However, Linux and free compilers should ideally make the hardware transparent to the end user, unlike Windows, which locks folks into whatever architectures MS decides to support.
Re:Prelude to eventual hardware switch? (Score:2)
There are two reasons (Score:5, Insightful)
"We want to sell you this Linux server."
"I heared you guys tried Linux and had to swich back, why would I want to go through that."
"No we use Linux on lots of server systems its desktops that we had to go back to windows for."
"So windows works better then I want a windows server!"
"No Linux is a better server OS most of the time."
"I am calling HP bye."
If I was IBM I would much rather make the swich under the radar incase things don't work out and then tell the world what a great success the swich has been if it does. If not then it never happend.
Why they're not posting it on billboards (Score:5, Interesting)
My company and many others don't want to hear that IBM is de-prioritizing their Windows products, and that's why IBM isn't making such a big deal out of this.
not surprising (Score:2)
i can imagine quite well. whatever IBM wants to use internally, they still have to sell their desktop and laptop systems with windows preloaded (or at least as an option). while they do have a firm grasp of the server market, a loss of windows on their desktop would be a huge hit. and if MS hears definitively that big blue has a nefarious plot afoot to destroy windows, i'd bet MS would find a way to get out of their contracts to IBM
Re:not surprising (Score:2)
Why? It's not like they kept any PS/2's around dispite the fact that all the documentation included lifetime free techsupport.
Re:not surprising (Score:2)
i take the ps/2 case as a bit different. desktop hardware becomes obsolete all the time - in the ps/2 days IBM may not have had such a firm grasp of that concept. i'd be
I welcome IBM as (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm still lusting after the Mail implentation that was recently on /. - more stuff like that, all over Linux, and I might be convinced.
IBM is not doing this for your satisfaction (Score:5, Interesting)
IBM is simply too big to not sell Windows so they don't want to make this rude. IBM needs to make money from the whole market to support IBM. They do not want the more childish Linux Element posting to the web every time they see a non Linux machine in the hands of one of their reps.
The move is hugely important because it will help them hammer out all the kinks in their understanding of the software. It will help them see where business oportunities lie, more than anything else. They will then be in a position to share how they do it with the rest of the world.
They are not doing it to insult Microsoft. They are doing it because they have more control and bigger margins when they sell Linux.
IBM will run _all_ prevalent operating systems as long as there is an IBM. They are just too big not to.
sigh. (Score:5, Insightful)
IBM is a thousand companies within another. Each with seperate financials, goals, etc, etc...
This memo was issues to a select number of small groups within the company and was not indicitive of a company wide shift.
consulting business (Score:4, Interesting)
Billboard worthy? Not even. (Score:2, Insightful)
Likely because outside of the slashdot / computer professional crowd, Linux is either unknown, looked at skeptically, seen as an outsider, and/or seen as a tool solely for the computer geek. You all may view Linux favorably, but the OS still has a long, long way to go before the common consumer truly embraces it.
Besides, the move away from Windows only affects employee laptops and workstations. Why would most of the rest of the worl
TV-worthy though (Score:2, Insightful)
Why? Those IBM commercials with Linux as the "adopted kid" that have been running during the NFL playoffs. There have been other commercials mentioning Linux in the past couple of years (from IBM and Dell), but this is the first one that emphasises it.
Any commercial that features such diverse talents as 95-year-old ex-UCLA baseketball coach John
Uh, the landfill (Score:3, Funny)
The dumpster would seemto be the obvious answer. Although that could backfire when the rest of the garbage gets up and walks out of the dump in protest.
What IBM needs... (Score:3, Insightful)
I agree with the comment that IBM is soft-pedaling the memo to avoid public timelines. This would be a huge transition, and needs to be taken at its own pace. Good luck, Big Blue.
Re:What IBM needs... (Score:2)
Is Windows really necessary in a business? (Score:3, Insightful)
Sure, Linux systems cost money to operate, but they tend to be more secure, as the system administrators must be better trained. Overall, huge long term savings can be made by using an operating system that can be maintained without a serious upgrade every 3 years as the company that sold the operating system decides not to support it. Anyway, many companies outsource their IT don't they?
The other advantage is that there is more profit. By offering to support an operating system by up to 10 years, the supplier can charge more, as the customer will save money, as they don't need to spend money on re-training or new hardware. By adopting Linux across the business, IBM can show their customers how it can be done. Remember, that many older versions of Windows software can be made to run on Linux through the use of WINE. Yes, there will be some re-training, but not as much as the operating system will be better tailored to the customers needs.
The bottom line is that IBM is re-adopting the old white shirt principle. This is where systems were designed to meet customer's needs, not enforce new requirements on customers. Remember, the customer is always right.
IBM just now replacing Token-Ring at RTP Internal (Score:2, Interesting)
IBM, SCO, MS... (Score:4, Funny)
see? it all balances out!
Not to be an ass, but... (Score:3, Informative)
From the comment:
Just a quick note that we all should remember:It's a rule we can live by ;-)
No billboards (Score:3, Insightful)
Remember that IBM is supplying the chips for the next X-Box. It probably isn't too late for Microsoft to switch to someone else. THey piss off Microsoft by braggin that they aren't using Windows any more and that would certainly make Microsoft start looking for alternatives.
So... (Score:3, Insightful)
Finally MS free notebooks? (Score:5, Interesting)
IBM can't throw this in MS's face (Score:4, Insightful)
If IBM declared war on King Bill, they'd face Least Favored Nation licensing terms for Windows (maybe even an embargo), which would hurt their ability to compete with HPaq, Dell, and Gateway. While many /.ers would love to see IBM boxes shipping without the Windows tax added into the price, mainstream corporate purchasers would be far less happy, and the SOHO market - many of whom actually think of MS as the swell people who "innovated" all these nifty technological geegaws - would come to regard IBM as a freakish Big Bad Blue monster.
They're trying to get a better deal from MS (Score:4, Insightful)
IBM makes a lot from selling Windows products and supporting Windows so they don't want to rock the boat too much with MS. So they are in a tough position balancing their need to make money on Windows and Linux.
Re:They're trying to get a better deal from MS (Score:4, Insightful)
However, IBM isn't a monolith, and various groups inside IBM might go off in their own directions. It's possible that some parts of IBM will take the deal from MS and go with the cheaper licenses for Windows.
But IBM would be an ideal company for rolling out Linux everywhere: they have so many employees that they stand to save a whole bunch of money (on license fees they no longer have to pay), they can get computer consulting from their own consultants, and they can use the resulting success as a marketing tool (to help them sell consulting services). I think the only real question is "when", not "if".
P.S. Naturally they will always have some Windows desktops running somewhere. As long as they sell computers running Windows they will need to have Windows in-house for testing, for one thing.
Chill Out, Penguin Dudes ! It's a huge-ass problem (Score:5, Insightful)
Next you have to insure that all of your custom desktop apps are rewritten OR - run under Wine or VM32.
Then you have to create a build and tune it for your network.
Then you have to push all of the legacy apps maintenance to sunset their own apps. You will need to do this for several years unless you plan on migrating entire business divisions at once.
Then and this a BIG thing, you need to train a desktop support infrastructure to maintain it. That includes break/fix, troubleshooting and helpdesk.
And Oh - you also need to develop national language support for all the desktop code, world wide in about 20 different languages including DBCS support and all the supporting documentation.
A Sound Move... (Score:4, Insightful)
I wouldnt be surprised if the reason they are not making a big deal about this is due to the impact this may have on their Microsoft revenue stream. Its surely must be a blow to Microsoft that one of the largest tech companies(IBM) is publically ditching microsoft on their internal desktops. My guess is they dont want to harm their non-linux revenue streams , and at the same time avoid any rumbles with redmond.
This also has to be a good thing for the maturing of Linux as a desktop OS. A company such as IBM is going to be able not only to see what problem areas exist with linux as a desktop machine, but due to its commitment to the os will actually be able to input and contributions actually fix some of the issues its internal users will discover.
This is a sound move and one that shows just how strong Linux is becoming, and shows without a doubt that you dont need Microsoft to run your business no matter how large or small.
Re:It's in commercials! (Score:2)
That's an old comercial... if I wasn't so lazy i'd find an old slashdot story on the subject.
Dispite the fact that I don't watch alot of the hip new shows... I've seen this comercial before.
Re:Talk about jumping the gun (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Talk about jumping the gun (Score:3, Insightful)
You don't get it, do you? IBM will invest tons of money into making their own version of Linux one hell of a corporate desktop.
It's in their interest and it's in their customer's interest. I can think of few organizations the size of IBM who will not review their own desktop strategy after seeing Big Blue making the move.
And different from OS/2 way long time ago, this time the alternative to Microsoft is the