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Comment Re: So if your C code is already memory safe ... (Score 1) 75

Slashdot and old gray beards in Unix hate anything new and it is strange how they attack Rust when everyone else including Microsoft and Google love Rust and have no quarrels, SustemD was cool for awhile too and one comment on slashdot freaked out the whole Linux community for 10 years. Smh.

Solaris and Apple went with event driven init systems so stuff can move to the oudcand be flexible for a decade. Rust is superior in never way and while slashdotters love to blame Microsoft for writing insecure operating systems it was C that was the cause of it. Unix was avoided due to issues with buffer overflowa thanks to C and VMS and even Mac classic was used for the military for these reasons

Comment Re:There's no AGI yet (Score 1) 231

Have you seen real estate prices today! They have doubled in 3 years. It is insane. How?

Airbnb, plackrock, and every millionaire wants in as a retirement plan to own 10 homes as they faster than inflation due to a lack of supply.

There are more people than homes and apartments today. UBI will make everyone but the owning class broke as rents will sky rocket and people will be homeless again

Comment Re:Recipients valued work more (Score 1) 231

I have seen research into happiness and lottery winners as well as former olympic athletes.

What is shown is when a millionaire earns his or her money over time and sacrafice and risk, they have a higher satisfaction and happiness and pride than if they won the lotto.

Sure some people might start a business. I would if I won or at least try to form an idea I had in 2010 and take a look if it is even feasible. But more than likely it will fail compared to if I invested out of my own life savings through blood, sweat, and tears.

In essence yes I would work harder if I earned it vs if I had it. That is what the study fails at showing.

I am in favor of a Star Trek TNG like economy since I was a kid wher epeople are scientists, coders, artists, or doing jackly sh** with their lives in peace. But we need replicators, free energy, homes, and a system to distribute things. We do not have that in the early 21st century, so we have to suck it up and work and cross our fingers and provide to our economy if we want to get anything back from it. We are not there yet as all UBI will do is inflate prices not seen since Vennuzeula as entry level work will need to entice people to get off their couches.

Comment Re: Recipients valued work more (Score 1) 231

Inflation from 2020 to 2022 where prices went up 40% for cars and housing are directly correlated to free money given for broke people to purchase limited scarce resources so sellers doubled their prices.

Even food went up 25%!

TARP payments + paying people not to work after COVID took their jobs away for 2 years + rental eviction bans caused businesses like McDonalds and the local grovery stores to pay $20/hr for $10/hr jobs. What happened? Rent went up lol.

The great resignation was not a cause of inflation but was BECAUSE of inflation according to researchers as peopl'es rents kept going up and their employers refused to pay more to cover the basics.

Your argument doesn't fly as evidence like UBI will cause 100% inflation for services like janitorial work, farming, warehousing, and other crappy jobs no one wants to do them when they can do nothing at home instead? Prices will need to go waaay up to entice people. This means rents will double even higher as limited supply since everyone can get an apartment now means they can charger higher prices to Amazon and Walmart raising prices. Hotels too have maids so rooms will double overnight as well. And the tax payers also will have less money to pay for those not to work.

Theoretically in an idealistic world with replicators and free homes like in Star Trek it could work and we can all be artists! IN the real world we do not have that and need food and products and services to survive. $40/hr will be the new $20/hr.

Comment Re: And? (Score 1) 177

I remember from over a decade ago on here when I visited slashdot more often as a left wing guy I identified with.

There is nothing evil for the first 1 million. Except maybe real estate investors who caused a 200% spike hoping to get rich on desperate folks looking for a simple home.

Dave Ramsey and others provided the vast majority of wealth is simply saving and investing. Teachers are the 3rd or 4th most category of millionaires! Engineers first.

People need to stop buying new cars and homes that are more than 50% take home and wonder why they are broke. Learn to cook. Brew your own coffee. Pay cash for cars.

Do that for 40 years and put 15% in 401k and crypto and you will be a millionaire in a decade or 2.

This lady was a lawyer and bought new cars at $1300 a month and cute shoes during her working years and wondered why she is broke

Comment Re:1960s nuclear was safe enough (Score 2) 80

It was not. The problem is the water is used as a moderator and if it boils too much the radioactivty goes wild which leads to run away reactions.

Sodium based reactors do not have this problem and is a more efficient (as the water in a legacy reactor never touches the generators and instead goes to a radiator with a 2nd body of water which touch the generator) and when it overheats cools itself as cenvtion currents takes away the radioactivity.

Bill Gates is investing in some of these. You do not have to worry about the pellets in the rods overheating on these.

Comment Sodium based reactors (Score 2) 80

Bioling water is so 19th century based on steam from burning coal. Liquid sodium on the other hand actually cools itself when it overheats due to the change in convenction currents inside the reactor. It is also more efficient in transfering heat as the radioactive water in a legacy system never touches the generator. It only goes through a radiator with another tank of water which actually touches the generators.

Comment Austrain Painter AI (Score 1) 204

I do not know about you but some of the AI shit on youtube is the funniest thing I have ever seen in a very long time. Sponge Bob singing Korn is hysterical. My ultimate favorite of all time is a certain Austrain Painter singing the Soviet National Anthem brings me to the floor laughing every time!


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