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Comment Re:Wait, what? (Score 1) 50

MS got burned by Intel on the original x86 Xbox because Intel prefers to keep the price point high and sell you faster hardware for the same price. If Intel had simply sold MS the same CPU for lower and lower prices, the XBox 360 may well have stayed x86. MS got burned because Intel wasn't on board with the typical console pricing evolution. So they switched to a CPU provider that was more comfortable knowing that the price would evolve downwards over the years.

Comment Re:I've been in the game a while... (Score 1) 60

I don't recall any overly stupid "duplicate site" rules. "Geographic regions" were the worst for this sort of thing. You'd have people with,, and they were all handwritten HTML with multicolor comic sans, and yeah, we didn't want to list all three because we're fricking human beings who can recognize your crappy family of websites. No doubt some well meaning people tried to codify that.

But yeah, that's way outdated. It's not like anyone's eyeballs are scrolling through the category any longer. Google basically killed that idea with shockingly good search results.

Comment Re:I was an editor there.. (Score 1) 60

Every time I log in I am horrified at the enormous backlog of submissions.

The last time I logged in, apparently about 10 years ago, I was horrified at the enormous backlog of everything. And I could look at everything, because I was a metaeditor.

The last time there may have been any balance was when it was easy to become an editor and the site hadn't become a peer to Yahoo. Most editors weren't malicious, might add their own site if that's all they wanted to do, and buzz off. Of course they'd be keyword loaded crap, but there might be someone else around to fix it.

Those halcyon days may have ended somewhere in 1999. Once it became clear that sites needed to be in there for good SEO rankings, there was absolutely zero volunteer will or throughput to deal with that tsunami. And given that there was basically a dialtone on the other end when it came to submitting sites, people simply applied to become editors and *that* backlog became ridiculous and unresponsive too. Made worse by the fact that the solution to malicious editors getting in was for the meta-volunteers to insist amongst themselves that they spend tens of minutes on editor applications that we at one point reviewed in tens of seconds.

It's been interesting in the ensuing years to see sites like Wikipedia, Stackoverflow, Reddit, and Quora deal with reputation and hierarchies, and anointing people with too much time on their hands.

I have to tell you, being blessed with superpowers is a lot more fun before they start bogging things down in process. I'm pretty sure I was the first root editor of "Business" and had what they called catmv permissions, so at that point I could just create and move categories based on 1-2 opinions. Having all the tools available to fix the problems that you identify, and simply being able to do it... nice. A few years later and not being able to do it without a forum thread... less nice.

Comment Re:DRTFA (Score 1) 166

Reminds me of something that happened while I was waiting in line at a DIY store. Some guy had two coupons for 20%-off, two for 15%-off and he was demanding 70% off in total. Why didn't he just wait until he had two more 15%-off coupons? I swear to this actually happened; I didn't even spice it up.

1*.8*.8*.85*.85 = .4624, so even if they could stack, he'd be entitled to 53.76% off

.4624*.85*.85 = .334, so stacking two more 15% coupons would still not quite get him to 70% off.

So yeah, even if they stacked, do the math. Common error with combined discounts.

Comment Re:IBM strategy (Score 1) 71

And herein lies a big chunk of the problem for IBM's hardware group and the rest of IBM after that group goes away. When there is a bid involving software and/or services together with servers, the servers get cut to the bone or sold at a loss to advance the welfare of software and services. This is due to a partially self-fulfilling prophecy that being in the hardware business is low margin and therefore should be screwed over to make room for the more successful parts of IBM. Part of IBM's hardware failings is because they make it fail because they think it is failing. Keeping in mind IBM continually wants to do this and executives force STG to take the hit for the sake of SWG and GTS, what happens when STG products are no longer under the same executive umbrella? Those suicidal discounts won't happen anymore because the external vendor doesn't answer to some executives that want to see IBM succeed at all costs.


I would guess their logic is that customers in the segments they divest don't actually care about the hardware, and if they do really want Thinkpads or IBM x86 hardware, they can pay a little more to get it from Lenovo. Hard to believe with Thinkpads being gone, but the strategy seems to be to keep the hardware that customers demand to the extent they're willing to pay.

Deal to lenovo is done:

Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, and Armonk, New York - 23 Jan 2014: Lenovo (HKSE: 992) (ADR: LNVGY) and IBM (NYSE: IBM) have entered into a definitive agreement in which Lenovo plans to acquire IBM’s x86 server business. This includes System x, BladeCenter and Flex System blade servers and switches, x86-based Flex integrated systems, NeXtScale and iDataPlex servers and associated software, blade networking and maintenance operations. The purchase price is approximately US$2.3 billion, approximately two billion of which will be paid in cash and the balance in Lenovo stock. IBM will retain its System z mainframes, Power Systems, Storage Systems, Power-based Flex servers, and PureApplication and PureData appliances.

$2.3billion isn't much. Sheesh.

Comment Re:IBM strategy (Score 5, Insightful) 71

I'm kind of curious what the PowerPoint jockeys think about this sale including *all* x86 servers. Blades?? "Enterprise" servers? They will draw a line somewhere that keeps some x86 server architectures in the IBM stable, I'd guess. Just like you can buy a glorified desktop from IBM as a "tower server" rather than having to go to Lenovo, a line will be drawn somewhere, and the "enterprise" servers will likely stick around IBM. At least until the margins suck on those, too.

Comment Re:bad example (Score 1) 156

If TSMC isn't keeping up with Moore's Law, that's not a problem with Moore's Law. It's a problem with TSMC.


Waaaay towards the end of TFA, it mentions that it's GlobalFoundries who inserted finFETs into the same BEOL (wiring) as their 22nm node and called 22nm+finFET "14nm." It's buried at the end, but it's what supports the whole argument that nodes are "just marketing."

To my knowledge, the node's name was based on the DRAM half pitch. But yeah, it's not that any longer. And in defense of GlobalFoundries, finFET does literally add an extra dimension to the calculation of FET geometries.

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