Oldest Supported Software? 245
Dave Santek writes "In development since the early 1970s, the McIDAS [Man computer Interactive Data Access System] software celebrated its 30th anniversary in October 2003. McIDAS is used to integrate and visualize weather information. The software was originally run on a Datacraft /5 and has gone through 4 major hardware configuration changes over the last 30 years. It is a supported software package that remains in use at more than 100 locations worldwide. A history of the first 25 years (pdf) is available. A freeware version of the software is also available."
Here's another ancient one that DOES impact you... (Score:5, Interesting)
These displays fail regularly--according to controllers and technicians. At each en route center, which may have 30 to 60 PVDs in operation, it is not unusual to replace two to four of these units a day. When a PVD goes dark, the controller at that station rushes to another screen and urges the controller there to alter his or her display to include aircraft previously tracked on the failed display.
PVDs slipping out of adjustment also cause the size and clarity of the alphanumeric type they display to vary--fuzzy type makes controllers confuse 3s and 8s, which can lead to errors, an Indianapolis controller told IEEE Spectrum. And the units themselves are unstable. Their aging ceramic connectors are brittle and falling apart. Insulation on the wires is brittle, too. The vibration caused in moving a display, as is necessary when a replacement must be brought in, often disables it when fragile connections are broken.
Meanwhile, the Host and ARTS computers that drive the displays are problematically obsolete as well. The Host computer computes radar tracks, maintains a database of flight plans, and issues safety warnings--such as a conflict alert, when two craft are in danger of violating separation standards, and a minimum safe altitude warning, when an aircraft is at risk of hitting terrain. It contains half a million lines of Jovial code and assembly language that was first installed in 1972 and ported from IBM 9020 onto IBM 3083 computers, starting in 1985.
But Host has at most only 16MB of RAM, a serious limitation. And it badly needs replacing. (The ARTS computers in the Tracons are also severely limited in memory, but those are scheduled for replacement.) "The Host software is our biggest problem," a controller from Chicago told Spectrum. "There are so many patches, no one knows how it works. We can't change anything; no one dares touch it, because if we break it, we're gone."
In the mid-'80s, a multibillion dollar effort was started to update both the en route centers and the Tracons by replacing their displays and computers with networked workstations. (Airport towers use feeds from Tracon computers for radar tracking of airborne craft; they use separate surface-monitoring equipment for aircraft on the pavement.) That 10-year effort failed and has, for the most part, been abandoned. Called the Advanced Automation System, the program was sunk by unrealistic specifications and human factors difficulties, among other problems. New efforts to help controllers and pilots are under way, but have yet to make an impact on the present system. Here's the rest of the story from MIT [mit.edu]
If you look in the latest Linux Journal though you'll see that Linux has made inroads in this area [linuxjournal.com].
Re:Here's another ancient one that DOES impact you (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm not surprised they're failing if they're at least 1025 years old!!
Seriously, though, this is the kind of situation that really scares me. Rarely is such a problem solved with money alone -- a project of this scale and importance needs to be supported by the best.
The IT industry is characterised by too many enthusiasts and too few professionals.
type (Score:2)
I originally thought of this as a troll, but people are marking it insightfull rather than funny.
That should have been 10~15 years. It was a cut and past from the refrenced article, but the paste of the non-ascii character was eaten by SlashDot's ever-helpful (not) filters. (sigh).
Ah, for the days when 'security' meant telling people "don't do this (oops)".
Re:type (Score:4, Funny)
You mean back before the big guy said they could eat from any tree in the garden except that particular one? 'Cause I don't think that just telling them has ever worked since.
Re:Here's another ancient one that DOES impact you (Score:2)
Re:Here's another ancient one that DOES impact you (Score:2)
JOVIAL Lives! website at Hill AFB [af.mil]
Scroll down the page to the section marked: "Available Products".
Re:Here's another ancient one that DOES impact you (Score:2)
Re:Here's another ancient one that DOES impact you (Score:5, Insightful)
Canada basicly had the same problem as the US with an aging air traffic control system and basicly at the same time they started doing mostly the same thing. And a few years later they discovered that they where not advancing much, so they called in that guy who at the time worked as a consultant and he is supposed to have basicly turned aroudn the whole project and completed it..
Anyways, the interesing point of his conference was on iterative VS waterfall processes. At first everyone though that the "waterfall" approach was right. First write a good specification, then code, then test, then release.. But it was discovered that it didnt work. So Kruchten basicly transformed the project to use iterative techniques were they would go over 3 months of specify, code, test, and they do it again until the project was completed...
The part that I dont understand was... Why arent americans buying the Canadian system?
Re:Here's another ancient one that DOES impact you (Score:2)
Count the number of large scale commercial airports in Canada. Do the same for the US. Now, count the # of flights that pass in/out of each of those airports in Canada on a given day. Do the same for the US.
The flight congestion problem in the US is literally orders of magnitude greater than Canada. An air traffic control system that was created for Canadian airports and the average levels of flight congestion for thos
Re:Here's another ancient one that DOES impact you (Score:5, Informative)
You guys have more airports and more aircraft but also more sectors and more controllers. The net effect is that the number of flights handled at any one display is roughly constant (and limited by human capabilities).
The real reason the FAA isn't using the Canadian solution is that it's not complete. As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, we are replacing systems one component at a time using emulation on modern hardware. Our components aren't interchangeable with your components due to differences in system architecture. They might do well to consider following our approach to the problem, but I doubt the resulting systems will ever converge.
Re:Here's another ancient one that DOES impact you (Score:5, Informative)
The British have already purchased a few ATC support systems from Canada and are considering more of them. Since they are running on similar hardware, there's a good chance that we will see common software running on both sides of the Atlantic by the end of the decade.
The FAA has looked at some of our systems. As the parent post said, however, they no longer know how their own system works and are terrified at the prospect of changing just a portion lest the whole house of cards falls down.
BTW, with reference to the topic at hand, we are just now replacing our 30-year-old ATC weather system. The original OIDS system ran on an Interdata-70 system with core storage and tape I/O. The only significant changes in the last 30 years was the switch to TTL memory and the addition of a floppy controller (that simulates a tape device). We still boot the machine using the binary switches on the front panel.... The replacement system runs on a network of NT4 machines and has been installed at about half of our facilities. I'm hoping the old system is donated to a computer museum.
Re:Here's another ancient one that DOES impact you (Score:2, Informative)
There has been a lot done to upgrade the Terminal software in the last 8 years and continues to be updated. Since the FDADs at the New York TRACON were failing they were updated with a new color displayed called an ARTS Color Display:
http://www.lockheedmartin.com/tss/products_service s/services/services6.html [lockheedmartin.com]
The old ARTS computer in some of the TRACONs now have been updated with the new off the shelf hardware and software that was converted from the old software that ran on the IOPs. This system whic
Re:Here's another ancient one that DOES impact you (Score:3, Interesting)
I have worked on "Host" or NAS as it is formally known (National Airspace System) in the UK. (so yes I know Jovial and BAL assembler). Its REALLY fun programming with nearly every variable being global, using hollerith instead of ascii, and being limited to 7 characters for variable names, and missing many basic programming constructs (no while loop for example). Jovial's memory overlaying techiques were ahead of its time though, and is probably the reason these old systems have been able to keep up pe
Re:Here's another ancient one that DOES impact you (Score:5, Funny)
The Microsoft line of products is still supported. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:5, Insightful)
Yes, I know of places where Windows 3.1 is still used (legacy database anyone?), and problems still arise. Even in 2003, I have troubleshot Windows 98, 95 and 3.1. And I'm not trying to be all high and mighty about Open Source, RedHat is putting their customers through the same bullshit.
To make the all too common analogy, if you have a car, and 5 years from now it breaks down, you bring it to a mechanic, he says "sorry, this model isn't supported anymore, time to upgrade!", what the hell do you say to that? The problem of software companies to stop supporting their products is ridiculous. If you're going to make something, do it right, don't pussyfoot around making a good product, and at least have the balls to admit to your mistake and fix it when the shit jumps off. Screw you all software engineers. Where the hell is my abacus?
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:5, Insightful)
That's a terrible analogy. If your car breaks down five years after you bought it, and you return it to the dealer, do you know what he's going to say? "You only have a five-year warranty on parts and labor. Go find a mechanic." The mechanic is much more akin to service-oriented companies like Progeny who are offering commercial support for products that have been EOLed.
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:2)
Third party support of a closed source application is like having a mechanic try to service your car without opening the hood. Virtually impossible.
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:2)
Far more than any software vendor's required to do. Heck, software usually disclaims any warranty to perform even its intended task - how many car companies could get away with that?
Software written for an industry in 1990 will be ill equipt to handle changes in regulation and other external forces. It may have implemented the meta function of 'sells widgets to customers in 1990' perfectly, but it will decay in its abili
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:2)
To qualify for California's Partial Zero Emission Vehicle (PZEV) status, the emissions control systems have to have 15 year/ 150,000 mile warranties. If you to seel cars in California, a certain percentage of the cars need to be PZEV compliant.
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:2)
For example, my father has no problems finding parts for his 1950's Fords and GM cars. The problem with the Toyota Paseo is that not too many people bought any, and whatever spare parts that remain have likely been bought up (and sold at high cost) by one of the companies who specialize in old/hard-to-find parts.
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:2)
I have a 1992 Toyota Passeo and it is getting harder and harder to find parts for it. There are regulations that vary from country about how long a car has to have spare parts available for it.
Funny, I have no problem with parts for my '78 Cutlass. Of course, foreign cars still have a parts availability problem compared to american cars, but the situation seems to be improving. A quick google shows dozens of links.
Software written for an industry in 1990 will be ill equipt to handle changes in regul
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:3, Interesting)
Not really, I just make a distinction between obsolescence and wearing out. Obsolescence is a condition of having a functionality that is no longer useful, while worn out is a failure to perform a function (useful or not).
Now, with that defined, I can still see your point to the extent that worn out and obsolete are both in the broader category of things that are now useless.
However, unlike worn out which can be fixed by buying exactly what you had before, obsolete can only be solved by buying something
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:2)
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:4, Interesting)
It depends on what you mean by break down. If you're talking routine maintance that would suck. If you are talking about a major failure such as an engine or transmission then it would be wise to evaluate the cost of a new car, cost of a used car, vs the cost of fixing the old car. In my case, I have a 1998 nissan sentra, were I believe it blue books for about $4500 with a trade in value of $3000. A good mechanic would take this into account.
But as far as cars vs computers go, every year is equilivent to 10 years in cars. Basided on this logic a good mechanic wouldn't waste their time, "dude it's not worth it, time to buy another one". You can either accept that answer, or reject it if you really love that specific car.
Computers are little diffrent. When the cost of supporting older stuff gets too high, a wise person considers an upgrade or replacement. However, I take STRONG exception to cases where the software is still good, useful, but the company folded and the copyrights are owned by some back somewhere who couldn't care less about actually looking into selling the rights to it resulting in the problem of can't buy nessicary addon cause no one sell it.
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:2)
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:2)
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:2)
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:2)
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:2)
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:2, Informative)
Don't play this holier than thou, " there is no excuse for dropping support for it. Ever." game. Software (especially operating systems) get EOS'd and EOL'd for good reasons. They're de
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:5, Funny)
Sure it has! They have changed "edit" "options" to "view options" in the pull down menus. Win95 there was a "find" fuction that has since changed to "search" however f is still the hot key for it. And the names of their products have changed as well. Windows explorer, Internet explorer, Microsoft Messenger, Windows Messenger. Lots and lots of changes.
Microsoft - Now where did my documents go today?
Re:The Microsoft line of products is still support (Score:2)
There is a big difference between Dos and Windows2k3 advanced server.
MS-SQL server 1.0 for OS/2 was a joke when it came out back then. TOday its one of the most scalable databases in existance that challenges Oracle and DB2.
MS-Word 2.0 for OS/2 and Dos is nothing compared to OfficeXP with VBA support.
I could go on and on.
TeX is about that old... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:TeX is about that old... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:TeX is about that old... (Score:5, Informative)
Opensource software in many ways is catching up and surpassing Word---LyX, http://www.lyx.org is one of the most promising and innovative, a ``What You See Is What You Mean'' document processor, it's actually used by some compositors to make LaTeX documents accessible to mere mortals so that they may then by typeset using the publisher's style---let me know what you think of Kaplan's _Introduction to Scientific Computation_, just released
Re:TeX is about that old... (Score:3, Interesting)
It used to be 50/50 just 2-3 years ago, but if you go check working paper repositories like IDEAS [repec.org], which is LARGE, you ll'notice that most recent working papers are written using some version of LaTeX.
Apart from the inherent qualities of LaTeX, it's just a
Re:TeX is about that old... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:TeX is about that old... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:TeX is about that old... (Score:3, Informative)
You mean Computer Modern [identifont.com]. It's the font that Donald Knuth designed to be used together with TeX and METAFONT. I guess it's a matter of taste whether you like it or not, but at least it's a well designed font and serves its purpose. People tend to use it since it's th
Re:TeX is about that old... (Score:2)
What about... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:What about... (Score:2)
Re:What about... (Score:3, Informative)
The Atari we all remember is long gone. The company in its somewhat original form was torn apart some time after the Atari Jaguar tanked, IIRC.
(BTW, I'd like to know where this pizza
Support for your asteroids machine!!! (Score:3, Interesting)
Oldest Software (Score:5, Funny)
That is the oldest software I support
Re:Oldest Software (Score:2)
Open Source (or possibly stolen from SCO) (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Open Source (or possibly stolen from SCO) (Score:2)
Re:Open Source (or possibly stolen from SCO) (Score:2)
Re:Open Source (or possibly stolen from SCO) (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Open Source (or possibly stolen from SCO) (Score:2)
Best ANSI standard one-liner hello world I could think of:
Re:Open Source (or possibly stolen from SCO) (Score:3, Interesting)
DISPLAY 'Hello world!'.
It should be a valid program back in 1959. But I am not sure if the non-capital letters were supported on those old beasts. You may have had to specify the source-computer and the object-computer directives to make it convert the character sets automatically.
It is also quite interestin
IDRS (Score:5, Informative)
Since election software is a hot topic... (Score:5, Informative)
Contrary to what many slashdot readers seem to think, election coding is non-trivial, encompassing variations in laws and tradition in virtually every county of every state in the US. Since execution time is not an issue, and accuracy is, emulation and translation make lots of sense.
PDF? (Score:2, Funny)
NASA runs older software (Score:5, Informative)
In fact, most of this software is so old it actually can no longer be maintained because the people who wrote it are DEAD, and modern programmers who replaced the retirees can't make heads or tails of all the spaghetti code within. There's all kinds of fascinating data from the golden age of space exploration that we could still use, but it's in proprietary, decayed backup formats in proprietary structures.
If they started using Linux and open standards now, though, 30-40 years from now, they won't be having this problem, as Linux will still be around then -- and the rest will be in the dustbin of history.
Re:NASA runs older software (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:NASA runs older software (Score:2)
Re:NASA runs older software (Score:2, Funny)
Old software, but what about the code? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Old software, but what about the code? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Old software, but what about the code? (Score:4, Interesting)
It depends on the development model. BSD for example is very conservative as is most corporate software. Linux is an odd exception which changes radically from kernel to kernel.
I read an article earlier this year on slashdot about how traditionally Unixies have not updated the BSD 4.2 TCP/IP stack much in their versions while Linux has. HP-UX and Solaris still use almost the same stack as 10 years ago with the exception of adding IPSEC and IPV6 support.
If it aint broke why fix it? In corporate America which is controled by bean counters and rediolous deadlines, much old code remains. Especially of proprietary software companies who must meet shareholder expectations of regular releases.
People today claim Linux is not as reliable as Solaris or FreeBSD. A few years ago it was when 2.0 and 2.2 ruled the kernel scene. 2.4 had radical and controversal changes to the VM and I/o. 2.6 supposed to be stable again. So it varies on software.
Re:Old software, but what about the code? (Score:3, Interesting)
EMACS (Score:3, Flamebait)
If only the text editor in that operating system had friendlier keyboard shortcuts...
1970s only? (Score:4, Interesting)
isotd (Score:2)
33 year old program "Oldest Supported Software?" ---Slashdot front page story
isotd = idiotic statement of the day
SyncSort and Ditto (Score:5, Informative)
However, I believe that a version of IBM's DITTO [ibm.com] was available on System/360 in 1965. I've not been able to confirm this, though.
IBM VM/CMS (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:IBM VM/CMS (Score:2, Informative)
Older supported technology - abacus (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Older supported technology - abacus (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Older supported technology - abacus (Score:2)
FORTRAN? (Score:5, Interesting)
Is there anything from the 50's or earlier that is still supported today? Surely someone at IBM must know...
Re:FORTRAN? (Score:2)
Re:FORTRAN? (Score:2)
So, does that mean that EMACS has AI? Or, is it just a research project?
Re:FORTRAN? (Score:2)
Re:FORTRAN? (Score:3, Funny)
"cat /dev/urandom" is more intelligent than most /. trolls.
Re:FORTRAN? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:FORTRAN? (Score:2)
Well.. (Score:5, Interesting)
Insurance Companies (Score:5, Informative)
Systems like lifecomm, all writen in assembly are still worked on.
McIDAS was a big deal in the 80s (Score:2, Informative)
UNIVAC (Score:2)
Money and Risk (Score:3, Insightful)
It's like the Mafia (Score:5, Funny)
They asked me to rewrite a piece of production software, so I did. Done, let's move on.
A year later, they asked me to rework it.
Done, let's move on.
3 years later, I was still working on the software--adding functions, changing screens, etc.
I left the company, and hired on with a consulting firm.
2 Years later, they call me back to help with a validation of...you guessed it!
5 Years after that, they called my boss. We're halfway through a rewrite, and we need help. Hello...who do we have that can do this? Yup.
After I die, these fuckers are going to hold a seance and ask my ghost to rewrite this app!
Re:It's like the Mafia (Score:2)
On the other hand, if somebody did a very good job of making it so I could have anybody do the work, I'd probably call him back, since I don't want to get stuck with John Edwards if he gets hit by a bus.
DATACRAFT? Wow, Proust's madeleine... (Score:4, Informative)
The University of Wisconsin, circa the late seventies, was a hotbed of Datacraft users. I believe it was Geophysics that pioneered their use with a Datacraft 6024/3. They introduced the cheaper 6024/5 at about the same time Digital came out with, IIRC, the PDP-11/20.
Departments at UW that needed minicomputers in the $50,000 class started buying Datacrafts right and left. Digital lost a lot of sales selling PDP-11's against Datacrafts. But the price/performance comparison, at that time and place, was really compellingly in favor of Datacraft.
Datacraft was headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, and I believe a lot of its engineering staff consisted of Cuban emigres. The Datacraft machines were 24 bits versus Digital's 16. I forget how many bits were in the mantissa and exponent, but there was a very usable 24-bit floating-point format. The instruction set was well designed for doing floating point without a dedicated processor (though a dedicated FPU was available). One of the things that sold us on the Datacraft was that without an FPU, the Datacraft's times for floating point add, subtract, multiply, and divide were all less than forty microseconds; the comparable times for Digital was about a millisecond.
The Datacraft had a hardware square root function.
The instruction set was the most godawful asymmetrical mess I've ever seen. If you were used to the elegant orthogonality of, say, a PDP-8, a Datacraft was a bit of a shock. (It made even a 6502 look pretty). Most instructions took a 15-bit address, and the natural address space was limited to 32K (of 24-bit words). However, in order to win some bid that required 65K, they had shoehorned in a few instructions that accepted a 16-bit address. This meant that when working in an address space of more than 32K, the linker (and compiler) had to keep track of an incredible number of linkage flavors, and probably about half the bugs reported had to do with things that happened when you crossed the 32K boundary.
There were three sort-of-index registers, named I, J, and K (if you used the variables I, J, and K in a FORTRAN program they were automatically assigned to the index registers). They were all slightly specialized, though. I don't remember what each of them did, but there were some instructions in which the I register, and only the I register had some special role, and ditto for J and K.
There was a 3-bit index register field, and most of the instructions that moved data into or out of index registers used the field to specify the register. That meant, of course, that those instructions could NOT themselves perform indexed addressing.
A very cool feature was an instruction that swapped the contents of a register and memory in a single cycle. The same architectural feature that enabled this also enabled another cool feature: there were functions that simultaneously set a word to all zeros or all ones and set the condition register to reflect the previous contents of the word. That is, a single instruction could you whether a word was zero or nonzero at the same time as it set it to zero.
Generally speaking--if there was anything general about the architecture, which I doubt--you could, at the binary level, specify more than one index register, which resulted in storage into all of the specified registers if it was a store instruction or loading the OR of the contents of the specified register if it was a load instruction. This resulted in a lot of possible instructions for which there were no assembler mnemonics defined. (And the assembler syntax was IBM-style card-oriented, with a single mnemonic going in a specified set of columns--you couldn't just OR the mnemonics themselves). Some of these instructions were actually useful, and there was always controversy, never quite resolved by Datacraft, as t
IBM IMS is over 35 years old (Score:5, Informative)
30th Anivesary == Year of Death (Score:2)
Great job, guys.
But with all the new found publicity, expect McDonald's laywers to be knocking on your door regarding the obvious trademark infringment...
Zombie physics software (Score:2)
I don't know if it's true, but I believe that the physicists I know believe it.
Leasing software... (Score:2)
IBM's First OS still supported: DOS/VS release 34 (Score:3, Informative)
sol.exe (Score:4, Funny)
MERLIN (Score:3, Informative)
Oil company software (Score:3, Interesting)
Newest unsupported software. (Score:3, Informative)
Frankly, I don't see how it builds anywhere, but some machines must be ignoring the unterminated string buried somewhere in the B extension makefile...if that's really where it is...it's what Make says...
Geez! (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Youngest Unsupported Software? (Score:2)