Any search of how to filter out the "via" proxy on Gmail yields the same thing, it can't be done, which is something that I have scanned for first hand. At least this guy is offering a solution. Your contributions by comparison only smack of petty jealousy. Perhaps you should be the one growing up.
As long as it works, who cares? Seriously. What I discovered, especially about jobdiva was that you can't filter it through gmail no matter what and they have about the best spam filters going IMHO. Sounds like some sour grapes because you didn't get a slashdot link. Wahhhhh....
Job Diva is the WORST of all. Hell they don't even hide that they use a harvester. Just Google them and there are numerous tales of their horrific nonstop spam. I get Detroit (which is a fine city IMHO), Fort Wayne, Billings and every other place I'd never move. Bravo to these guys for finally doing something, I'm signing up now.
An anonymous reader writes: Software engineers suffer from a problem that most other industries wish they had: too much demand. There's a great story at the Atlantic entitled Imagine Getting 30 Job Offers a Month (It Isn't as Awesome as You Might Think). This is a problem that many engineers deal with: place your resume on a job board and proceed to be spammed multiple times per day for jobs in places that you would never go to (URGENT REQUIREMENT IN DETROIT!!!!!, etc). Google "recruiter spam" and there are many tales of engineers being overwhelmed by this. One engineer, fed up by a lack of a recruiting spam blackhole, set up with directions on how to stop this modern tech scourge. How many of you slashdotters have been the victim of recruiting spam?
I used to think that Perl's feature of "There's More Than One Way To Do It" was great until I had to start modifying and maintaining the code of other developers, (several over the years). 20+ years I've been with Perl and I gotta say that through the years this has probably caused me more frustration than anything. Python, comparatively speaking, is a dominatrix and I'm starting to enjoy "There's Only One Way To Do It".
warned the (Democrat-led) FCC to not do anything that a future Republican led FCC would dislike
Part of being the party in power is that you get to do shit that the other party doesn't like. You seriously think when Republicans were in power that they would have done the same? I think not......
Got my own Morotola Surfboard Xmas 2013. Comcast still charged me every month until I caught it on my August 2014 bill. They credited me the 7.00 per month when I asked them "so how long have you knowingly been billing me for this?"