MS-DOS 1981-2002 RIP 582
Biedermann writes "This is not exactly hot news, just a quick reminder to count the last days: A table in this article tells us that MS-DOS (as well as Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and NT 3.5x) reach their "End of Life" (as defined by Microsoft) on December 31, 2002.
Come on, even if you loathed them, they were good for jokes at least."
It's not that bad (Score:5, Funny)
Or should I have _read_ those terms before I hit the 'I agree' button?
Windows 1.0 Screen shots, etc (Score:5, Informative)
Screen shots available here: m [] 1/ [] soft/windows10/page_01.htm []
Other good info here _Windows []
Re:Windows 1.0 Screen shots, etc (Score:3, Informative)
As Alien54 proved: Bzzzt. I'm sorry, that's wrong. Thank you very much for playing.
Windows versions 1 and 2 did indeed exist, but were not generally sold as separate products, but rather bundled with Excel, and later, Word for Windows.
The ONLY reason Windows was written by MS in the first place was so they could sell Excel (which was originally a Mac-only product) on the PC. Remember, this was back in the days when Lotus 1-2-3 was cleaning their clock (it was, in fact the "killer app" for the PC), and Multiplan was clearly not cutting it as a competitive strategy.
Windows was not very impressive back then. I was part of a team that evaluated PC GUIs for a large aerospace company in 1997, and Digital Research's GEM came out very clearly on top of Windows 2.0 at that time, and it became the standard. Windows 3.0, while still technically ugly, was aesthetically beautiful (by the standards of the day - only Sun 386i Roadrunner users had a better-looking environment back then), and so it was an instant hit, especially for all those that wanted Excel, but didn't want to pay Apple's then-exorbitant prices to get it.
I think the success of Win 3.0 took MS a bit by surprise, but they recovered their composure quickly and managed to capitalize on the opprtunity the market handed them...
Hey, don't knock DOS... (Score:5, Interesting)
Even after going from Windows 3.11 to Windows 95, I still found it better to do 80% of my stuff from the command line. Windows 98 SE finally kicked me off of that habit
Sigh, command lines... so fun, so minimalist. I don't like my start menu
Re:Hey, don't knock DOS... (Score:5, Insightful)
Guess what? The DOS command line is a stripped down, sodomized version of most *nix shells. If you liked DOS, install your favorite UNIX variant, and try out bash. (Feel free to use ksh or csh to your liking.) You get pipes that work in parallel, input and output redirection (plus separating stdout and stderr), wildcard expansion, tab completion, and a consistent quoting syntax. Also, very complicated pieces of software -- including
DOS is well and good, but it's a poor substitute for a Real Command Line (TM).
Re:Hey, don't knock DOS... (Score:2)
Not quite true.. it's CP/M with unix directory support and several other Unix lookalike features hacked on top of it.
Of course any power MSDos user used 4DOS but even that's not as nice as as the real thing.
Re:Hey, don't knock DOS... (Score:3, Insightful)
No, *real* power users loaded the MKS or Thompson toolkits and had real, functioning Unix utilities and sort-of functioning shells on thier PCs... I still have a Win16 version of the MKS Toolkit out in the garage somewhere - I think it cost around $400, and was worth every penny. (But the way it handled remapping of slashes to backslashes produced some "interesting" problems, IIRC...)
Kinda like *real* power users replace the crap GNU utilities in Linux with the true Unix-style BSD utilities even today...
Re:Hey, don't knock DOS... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Hey, don't knock DOS... (Score:3, Interesting)
That's why power users never used it. There were many excellent full-screen file manager tools available. My favorite was PFM.COM (back when .COM meant executable file). Even today
I sometimes miss being able to do a few of
the tricks PFM could do.
Midnight Commander comes close, but since it translates everything through a seriall TTY, it loses the mysterious solid feel that you got by programming directly to the keyboard and screen hardware. It also tries to offload some hard work into bash, so there's a bit of an impedance mismatch between the file manager and the shell beneath it. The old DOS file managers were more monolithic, and therefore felt more unified.
Anyway, with the right tools, I never felt that I was lacking expressive power when running DOS.
Re:Hey, don't knock DOS... (Score:2)
Re:Hey, don't knock DOS... (Score:2)
(Without wating 40 or so of your precious 640 KB on a TSR like 'doskey', that is.)
Re:Hey, don't knock DOS... (Score:2)
I suggest you check out the freeware win32 program (available with source) called MCL []. It's a very useful 'command line' that can be added into windows. It has obsoleted the start menu on my machine. It's great because you can write your own plugins to control other applications, scripts to automate tasks and so on. There are tons of other options and I encourage any of those who are sick of the start menu to check it out.
If you want a *real* shell... (Score:3, Informative)
please try cygwin []. Cygwin isn't the name of the shell, it's the name of the compatibily thingie that lets you use some GNU apps and other Free Unix apps on Windows. It mostly consists of some .dlls that act as a compatiability layer. You have your choice of shells to choose from on a Unix system. The one that's used on almost all Linux systems is bash, which is a feature-enhanced version of the classic Unix shell. That shell was called "The Bourne Shell" and was named "sh" (or should it be the other way round?). Therefore, it's only natural that the name bash stands for "The Bourne Again Shell".
The catch: In my experience, Cygwin runs much better on NT-based Windozes (NT 4.0, 2000, XP) than on DOS based Windozes (95, 98, Me). But, if you've got lots of processor power, Cygwin should still run quite nicely, even on crufty Win9x. The other catch: all of this sort of assumes that you're already somewhat familiar with the Unix Way. If you're not, it could be quite frustrating. But there are many, many help texts and HOWTos available (Google for HOWTO) and if you're adventurous and you want to know what a command line should be like, then it's out there waiting for you.
Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. Another alternative is 4Dos or 4NT. It's available from these people []. It's pretty good, except that's it's shareware and therefore commercial and I've had problems with certain versions crashing frequently. Also, there's a couple points where they could've gone for compatibility with Unix but chose to ignore it. (E.g. to not match the characters a,b, or c in a filename, they use [!abc] whereas the proper Unix Way is [^abc].)
DOS still lives on (Score:5, Funny)
Re:DOS still lives on (Score:2)
plz read... (Score:2, Informative)
MS-DOS is dead... (Score:4, Informative)
will be better DOS. (Score:3, Interesting)
In the tradition of all free software, we will soon see that freeDOS surpasses M$DOS in all ways. Bugs will be fixed, it will take up less space, it will run better. Thanks for the reminder about freeDOS, there's been worlds of improvement since I looked at it a year ago or so.
Good riddance. (Score:4, Interesting)
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
And surprising, too (Score:3, Insightful)
What's surprising is that DOS *hasn't* been replaced by something better and more similar to the shells available under Unix. One of the first things people talk about as being reasons to use UNIX over Windows is the power and flexibility of the shell.
At the very least I would have expected something more sh(1)-like, even if it did choose to include a lot of older MS-DOS commands. At the most I would have expected something that was *compatible* with sh(1) with a lot of the extensions from bash or zsh that people have come to expect, along with the kinds of things that would make it useful in a Windows GUI environment, like some *very* basic GUI dialog features that could prompt for yes/no or single line input without a invoking a cmd shell, but no complex windowing behavior or event-driven programming.
MS has responded with the "improved" features of the NT command shell and Windows scripting (which I presume is a VB script derivative), without realizing that DOS batch file compatibility isn't terribly helpful and complex VBScript and GUI interaction won't get used.
People, especially admins, want a fair amount of power (loops, variables, substitions, output redirection, etc) and no complex GUI interaction or dependencies. But they want security and stability, too, and MS hasn't always made it a priority to deliver those features either...
Re:And surprising, too (Score:5, Insightful)
You mean like 4Dos or the version of bash they ported to win32?
Just because you can't get them from MS doesn't mena you can't get them.
Jokes (Score:4, Funny)
DOS Commandments
1. I am thy DOS, thou shall have no OS before me, unless Bill Gates gets a cut of the profits therefrom.
2. Thy DOS is a character based, single user, single tasking, standalone operating system. Thou shall not attempt to make DOS network, multitask, or display a graphical user interface, for that would be a gross hack.
3. Thy hard disk shall never have more than 1024 sectors. You don't need that much space anyway.
4. Thy application program and data shall all fit in 640K of RAM. After all, it's ten times what you had on a CP/M machine. Keep holy this 640K of RAM, and clutter it not with device drivers, memory managers, or other things that might make thy computer useful.
5. Thou shall use the one true slash character to separate thy directory path. Thou shall learn and love this character, even though it appears on no typewriter keyboard, and is unfamiliar. Standardization on where that character is located on a computer keyboard is right out.
6. Thou shall edit and shuffle the sacred lines of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT until DOS functions adequately for the likes of you. Giving up in disgust is not allowed.
7. Know in thy heart that DOS shall always maintain backward compatibility to the holy 2.0 version, blindly ignoring opportunities to become compatible with things created in the latter half of this century. But you can still run WordStar 1.0.
8. Improve thy memory, for thou shall be required to remember that JD031792.LTR is the letter that you wrote to Jane Doe four years ago regarding the tax deductible contribution that you made to her organization. The IRS Auditor shall be impressed by thy memory as he stands over you demanding proof.
9. Pick carefully the names of thy directories, for renaming them shall be mighty difficult. While you're at it, don't try to relocate branches of the directory tree, either.
10. Learn well the Vulcan Nerve Pinch (ctrl-alt-del) for it shall be thy saviour on many an occasion. Believe in thy heart that everyone reboots their OS to solve problems that shouldn't occur in the first place.
Uh oh... (Score:5, Funny)
RIP TSR's...WOLF3D will miss you
TSR's not dead (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Uh oh... (Score:2, Informative)
Formally Digital Research's MS-DOS competitor.
Re:Uh oh... (Score:3, Insightful)
What about poor old DR-DOS?
He had a slight accident when someone referred Windows to MS-DOS for it's needs, and made it so that Windows could no longer be seen working with the good DR (followed up by the malpractice suit, and MS-DOS cheating on and paying off of Stac).
MS-DOS wasn't all that bad (Score:5, Funny)
1) It was secure. Since you could never get it to network to anything, it could not be hacked from the Internet
2) It ran. With a 15 second reboot even on my old machine, a freeze was no more than a minor annoyance
3) (This is a serious one) For all the hassle of having to configure this and IRQ that, anyone using MS-DOS had to have at least a working knowledge of computers.
4) Reinstall took less than 10 minutes. Just keep a boot disk handy and copy the whole DOS directory from your
5) No SPAM!!!!!
Re:MS-DOS wasn't all that bad (Score:2)
Put this in your autoexec.bat file and smoke it:
3c905x [or whatever driver you needed for your card. We always used 3com 3c905 cards]
and boom you are networked. Used to do it all the time for 486's that were on our network. Network them before you even loaded windows.
Even today I make bootable floppies that network a computer so we can get driveimage files off our novell server, so we get both tcp/ip and ipx/spx (its an old server).
Re:MS-DOS wasn't all that bad (Score:5, Insightful)
Hey, just yesterday I used an old DOS Netboot disk to copy some files over to a machine I was setting up.
Microsoft can obsolete DOS, but as of yet they haven't introduced a replacement that can get a machine on the network with a single floppy disk. I doubt they'll ever get a version of NT working from read-only media.
Re:MS-DOS wasn't all that bad (Score:4, Interesting)
It doesn't compare well to Linux or DOS boot disks, but the capability is there. I don't think NT has this, but I bet XP does.
Re:MS-DOS wasn't all that bad (Score:4, Insightful)
Again? (Score:5, Funny)
I guess with the home version of XP they really do mean it this time?
and another thing (Score:2)
There was talk of trimming down NT to run on desktops at home, and what a benefit that would be... imagine a home computer that runs all 32-bit software and really has preemptive multitasking and all that "advanced" stuff. But that didn't happen until now, when the average new home computer runs at 10x the clock speed of those hot sexy machines we used to use for NT4.
For some reason I find that amusing.
Re:Again? (Score:2)
Is redhat 2.0x still supported? (Score:3, Insightful)
This leave another question. Do any of you still run old distro's?
Now, how many people still run Windows 95 or NT 3.51 at work?
Re:Is redhat 2.0x still supported? (Score:2)
Hard drives lasted a lot longer back in those days...
I agree! (Score:2)
The newest Windows OS I support is Windows 98. That's right, my sister, my mom, and my dad all run Windows 98, so I support them. My brother-in-law and girlfriend run Windows XP, so they're out of luck. (No, they didn't blow $200-$400 on XP - it came for """free""" on their Dell & Fujitsu laptops.)
Re:I agree! (Score:2)
I agree. When non-technical users ask me about such things, I point them to Windows 98 SE. Feature-rich enough to be useful, and not too bloated. USB that works.
Me? I'm typing this on a Linux box. Slackware (of course... :-), kernel 2.4.10, plugged
in to ADSL, running on a Pentium
3 box made out of spare parts.
The oldest version of DOS I've booted on this box is PC-DOS 3.3. It goes like crazy, but has odd notions about how much memory is installed (768 MB was mainframe stuff in 1987), and can't figure out the 30 GB hard drive at all.
On all but the smallest, oldest machines, I've moved to booting Linux off floppies for initial system setup and checkout, regardless of what OS the system will eventually run. The only real exception to this now is a crappy old 386 laptop that came with 2 MB of RAM, in a weird package I've never seen before or since. With no upgrades possible, it runs MS-DOS 5.0 to log GPS data.
MS-DOS is DYING (Score:5, Funny)
Popularized in the 80's beyond academic circles due to the exploding popularity of the IBM PC's and the ability to make cheap, compatible hardware, MS-DOS has lost marketshare steadily throughout the decade of the 90's.
Since the release of Windows '95, more and more powerful computers have been required to run the "latest and greatest software," and as a result, older computers often get tucked away in the attic with old Apple IIe machines.
Those that are still in use are generally used by part-time hackers and developers, who use modern UNIX-variants, such as *BSD (also dying) and GNU/Linux (commonly referred to as Linux), which have had support for 386-based machines for over a decate.
It's time we accepted this simple fact: MS-DOS is DYING.
Is it Sunday already? (Score:2)
DOS RIP really December 31, 2005 (Score:5, Interesting)
The one date companies are concerned about is the non-supported date for NT4, which is this coming June 2003.
to open source (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:to open source (Score:2, Funny)
Ah, the good old days (Score:2, Interesting)
Actually, I used to use the fabulous CONED program, which allowed you to create a bunch of autoexec/config files and switch between them. This, coupled with the even fabulous-er Xtreegold meant my DOS setup was pretty much unbeatable.
It's not really dead (Score:3, Insightful)
But then there is FreeDOS [], which looks to be alive and well, and being GPL'd free software, is unlikely to stop being so any time soon.
Re:It's not really dead (Score:2)
What DOS really means? (Score:2)
DOS -- Denial of Service
DOS -- Dumb Operating System
DOS -- Dumb Obese System
Any other ideas?
Old products never die (Score:4, Informative)
We're still going to be asked to fix problems for Nana's computer, and we're still going to install Windows 95 on Pentium-class PCs for people who aren't quite ready for Linux on the desktop. []
Does this mean changes in copyright restrictions on these products? I'm fairly sure that under New Zealand copyright law, you're allowed to make copies if the company doesn't make a reasonable effort to sell you the product, and if they're not supporting it I'm sure they won't be selling it any more.
(looks at framed MS-DOS 6 box on the wall) The disks come in a "You're important to us, please register" plastic bag. How ironic.
Finally. (Score:2, Funny)
MS-DOS Celebrates! (Score:5, Funny)
Celebrating 21 years without a remote root exploit!
Take that OpenBSD! =)
good for jokes at least (Score:2)
Much more than that. I could write an application for DOS, start it running on a dedicated PC, provide a UPS, and reasonably expect that it would still be running a month or a year later. Doesn't happen with any version of Win I've used. With the potential exception of XP (which I don't use for other reasons, mostly privacy and security), Windows just can't be used for mission critical applications.
The total amount of down time, both human and system, that has been wasted because Microsoft decided that frequent crashes were good enough for it's customers is truly criminal. How this can happen and Bill Gates still becomes the richest man in the world amazes me.
DOS is still important in embedded apps (Score:4, Interesting)
If Microsoft really wants to deny new DOS-licenses, this could be a real problem for a couple of companies.
'Ello, I wish to register a complaint. (Score:2, Funny)
They're not dead, they're just resting...
Who needs DOS? (Score:2, Informative)
Only $50 last I checked, get them while they're hot!
DOS was good (once) (Score:3, Interesting)
I liked DOS on my old machines. You could do amazing things with it, and it would just keep going. Program to snoop passwords on old Netware systems? No problem. Hook up int09, wait for someone to enter 'login' and record the next 30 keystrokes. Want to make a cooperative multitasking system out of it? Took less than two weeks of coding, and basically just involved reprogramming timer frequencies and wrapping int13 and int21 to provide primitive reentrancy. Oh, memory lane is a good place to visit :-)
Win3.1 was fun to play with, but died on me way to often for my liking. Win95 was better, but started to get in the way too much...
Don't get me wrong - I like my Linux box. And my new W2K box at work. I can do fun stuff with them too. I just don't get the same great feeling of control with them, since the OS will NOT move out of the way. Hmm - maybe I should become a kernel hacker instead :-)
A Venerable Opponent (Score:2, Funny)
Just a little more culture lost it the mists of time.
Uhmm.. (Score:2)
Command line interface and real-time control gone? (Score:3, Interesting)
Maybe this is off topic but Is there a command line interface available to windows. Yeah I know you can run some comands from the start menu. But is there any sort of scripable command line interface that is analogous to the UNIX terminal prompt?
And what about a real-time interface for controling equipment? Is that now all gone from windows now? Unix was never much good at it (you had to use special pseudo-unix things like vmworks to get true real time interfaces, regular unix just was not built with that in mind)
QEMM!!! (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:QEMM!!! (Score:3, Informative)
Oh yeah, the good old days. Damn I was good at that. I was better than Memmaker and QEMM because I knew about "yo-yo" TSRs and such: some TSR's loaded small and then got bigger at runtime while some loaded large but got smaller at runtime, so if you determined which was which and loaded them in the correct order you could fit more into himem than the automatic products.
QEMM could try to make TSR's run above 1024k (and I couldn't), but that didn't usually work for me.
Re:QEMM!!! (Score:3, Informative)
But I'm not particularly nostalgic about it.
DR-DOS download site (Score:4, Informative)
End-Of-Life = abandonedware (Score:3, Insightful)
Win95 support through YE2003 at least (Score:3, Interesting)
We've never supported 98/ME or NT on the desktop.
We started W2K on the desktop officially last year.
We have no plans to support XP. We will have to spend bucks to get even our bare bones suite of internal apps to run on it.
Does anyone know why the MS alert says XP Pro will have 2 years more life than XP Home?
Say what you will about DOS, (Score:3, Funny)
It's not dead on my system! (Score:3, Interesting)
I grew up on DOS systems. In high school it was all we had: WordPerfect 5.1, Borland C++ 2.0, etc. You had to know DOS to get any work done!
DOS had its faults of course but it had many strong points:
1) The command line syntax was clean and easy to learn.
2) The set of commands was small enough to hold in your head. On Unix I often forget the commands for stuff because there are so many of them, and there are a bunch I still haven't learned.
3) Graphics in DOS programs were easy; almost trivial by today's standards.
4) You can play with whatever part of the system you want and not have to jump through hoops. In fact, the hardware course at my U is still using DOS because it's so easy to do hardware programming for.
5) Quick! No multitasking => No overhead.
Dead or not, I'll probably still be using DOS for many years to come.
MS-DOS passed away Thursday, October 25, 2001 (Score:3, Informative)
Do you remember the Windows calculator joke (Score:3, Funny)
The result shown was 0 instead of 0.01!
If you still have the old Win3.1 around, you can check it for yourself. I had a very good laugh back then.
For some tasks, DOS is the perfect tool. (Score:3, Interesting)
DOS is still (for some tasks) the perfect OS. I've developed a POS-system for cafes (touch screen, water tight, no harddisk, no fan, networking, standalone operation etc) and it all had to fit in 1.44 Mb (standard size of early flash disks). With bartenders turning it off when done..
For some task like that, DOS was/is the perfect tool. Why should you use an bigger tool then the job requires ??
For what I read as the comments, a lot of things are just incorrect...
And there's tons of more things that can be done in DOS.. You'd really be amazed what you can do with it...(Codepages, ANSIS.SYS, Extreme cool memory stuff, DOSKEY, DEBUG, EDLIN etc)
If one would take the time to look into DOS, if can be a very valueable tool for some problems! Nwer doesn;t make the older things less good for a job. And DOS itself NEVER crashed on me!
Re:Ahh the memories... (Score:2, Insightful)
Seriously, my first experience with computers was on some old SGI workstations that a teacher at school let us play with after school. We hacked away, not knowing what in the hell we were doing, but happy to have the opportunity to learn.
Alas, the fun ended when our local warez BBS was discovered and the SPA shut us down... Luckily, we didn't have to spend time in juvenille hall, and the hi-jinks didn't end up on our permanent records!
User Friendly..bah (Score:5, Funny)
Unix is user friendly, it's just more picky who it's friends are.
Re:Ahh the memories... (Score:5, Insightful)
a: or
c: or
c:> or $
dir or ls
format c: or mke2fs
Those are all pretty stupid comparisons. Obviously any partitions would be mounted somewhere meaningful and not used from
Re:Ahh the memories... (Score:4, Interesting)
C:/> or $ Sorry DOS wins here. the C: prompt tells me my location. The $ don't. In both cases, of course, you can modify the prompt to be more informative. But the "default" setting dos wins - though not by much.
dir or ls. No winner here both are not obvious what they do if you are newbie.
format C: or mke2fs
And you didn't mention \ vr
Go ahead. Mod me down. I'm not just a Troll. I am OGRE and you better call me "Sir" when you say that.
Re:C:\FIRST POST\runme.bat (Score:5, Funny)
Try it now.
Re:MS-Dos (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:2)
Now in Windows there is no way to listen to music and play games without getting a noCD crack with every version of a game to be released. Of course with XP (and maybe 2k) you can rip your CD's and listen while you play, but until then my DOS had win so obsoleeted.
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:3, Informative)
Huh? I'm pretty sure UNIX with bourne shell has been around longer than DOS and (considering it and its direct descendents) are still in wide use I would venture that is also more popular overall. Here's a link to bourne shell's history. []. Here's another [].
Unless, of course, you were only referring to psuedo-shell-like things that ran on Pee-Cee's.
YEAH (Score:2)
Get a grip. We're talking about HOME COMPUTERS HERE. PCs. Not big unix workstations.
Re:YEAH (Score:2)
But you're right - during it's heyday, it was the most popular OS out there. Even if Xenix, Amiga, Atari, Mac, Apple ][ and other competitors may have been better, it was certainly very popular.
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:3, Interesting)
Most of my old dos programming books have instructions on how to read and write the MSdos disk format directly.
If you did anything 32 bit the general idea was to disable MSdos entirely and getting back to 16 bit was *ugly*
When your apps are doing that many things manually it becomes a limmiting factor and we saw this when the disk formats became too big for the orignal structure and they came up with ugly hacks to extend it. It's also a bit twisted when any app can corrupt the filesystem. 1000 places for possible bugs instead of 1 (the OS).
Still.. it had it's fun times and a part of me will miss programming for it.
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:2, Informative)
Well, DOS was hardly an OS in the first place.
Most of the stuff that is part of OSes simply do not exist in DOS: sound drivers, GUI, system services, etc.
Is there really anything DOS could do, except launch programs?
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:2, Informative)
If you write a program for DOS which needs to read from a disk, get swapped out of memory, read from the kbd or print to the screen, you don't write those services yourself. They are part of the OS. Granted, DOS is minimal. It's not even a multitasking OS, I think. But still, it did what it was called upon to do, and was stable. It is still around, in various forms, on boot disks and such. Doesn't NetWare run on it or something?
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:4, Informative)
Wrong. DOS does not support virtual memory. The built-in keyboard input and screen output was so poor that it was not used for all but the most trivial programs (and even trivial programs often did not use it). The only point you are right on is that filesystem access is indeed done using the interface DOS gives you.
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:4, Informative)
MSDOS, it was fun. Bye-bye! (Come to think of it, I recently used an MSDOS install to bootstrap a Win98 install from a SBPro CDROM. Then I screamed and used that to bootstrap a Linux install. Maybe I'll keep those DOS disks handy just in case. :^)
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:5, Insightful)
OS: Operating System
DOSDisk Operating System
Now, to tear you apart like a hungry lion on a small lamb...
DOS wasn't that bad of an OS. That's no bullshit.
Well, DOS was hardly an OS in the first place.
See above definition
Most of the stuff that is part of OSes simply do not exist in DOS: sound drivers, GUI, system services, etc.
I hate to destroy your perception of things, but... System Services = Bloat
Sound Drivers = Multimedia Support (Which was actually available in MS-DOS)
GUI=Graphical User Interface... (known as a UI not an OS, the UI is a *part of an OS, but it has nothing to do with it either being or not being an OS)
Is there really anything DOS could do, except launch programs?
Actually yes, many things... I know of companies that still use DOS for many things to this day for accounting, customer tracking, or other important tasks.
Now, other than that... I will admit that programming programs to use only 64k of memory was indeed a challenge, but hey it's the challenge that what makes things worth doing.
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:4, Interesting)
You are lost if you think DOS was not an operating system.
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:3, Insightful)
DOS can do accounting and customer tracking?
It's amazing. If it's from Microsoft all 3rd party-effort (like accounting or customer tracking applications, or in the case of Windows drivers.) all of the sudden is credited to Microsoft.
Face it: DOS is a very, very primitive OS. Even in 1981 when it was released, it was already outdated. A decade later, when it was still shipped on most PCs, it was even more outdated. multi-user, multitasking... As a die-hard Microsoft user you probably don't know, but those existed long before Windows - and also before DOS.
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:3, Informative)
I believe the world would have been worse off, not better, if a more sophisticated OS had been used on early PC's. Of course, it did outlive it's usefullness. By 1985, much superior alternatives were available that were practical even for the consumer and small business class of machines. Maybe the world would have been better off switching to a more sophisticated OS then. But by that time, it had a significant installed base. He seems knowlegeable enough. He quite likely is aware of that. But as a die-hard Microsoft basher, you apparently would rather assume otherwise. I personally loathe Microsoft. But this kind of gratituitous bashing of anyone who grants MS any credit at all, only gives the MS apologists more ammo to use against the rest of us.
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Do you judge Windows 2000 / XP today by how outdated Windows 1.0 was when it was released? After all, it didn't even have overlapping Windows! That's just holding a grudge, wouldn't you say?
A decade later, when it was still shipped on most PCs, it was even more outdated. multi-user, multitasking... As a die-hard Microsoft user you probably don't know, but those existed long before Windows - and also before DOS.
It would really depend on how you define "primitive", and how necessary those (often bloated) "advanced" features are. If the user doesn't really need more than what DOS offers, no multi-tasking, no bells and whistles, runs a large collection of existing software, then does it really matter how old it is? A battery-powered, 5 speed Model Uber-2000 screwdriver would still be passed over today by most people for a simple philips that fits neatly in a small toolbox.
DOS still has its fans today. See the FreeDOS project []. If such a project can improve DOS (I've been under the understanding that it stands for Direct Operating System) to a 32-bit operating system that does many of the things that modern operating systems do today while still maintaining the simple and efficient elements of older DOSes, why should it ever "die"?
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:2, Interesting)
no longer sold or supported, whichever comes later, then that product becomes a part of the public domain"
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:3, Funny)
For having no concepts of device drivers, virtual memory, permissions, or scheduling, sure. This stick here is a pretty good car too...
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:3, Interesting)
And they licensed it to IBM something like 12 hours before they actually bought it...
MS actually does a surprisingly small amount of development. You see their names associated with a lot of software products, but frequently they're just the publisher, they purchased the product, or they subcontracted out. Take MS's excellent fonts (ah, Verdana, thou art equalled only by Espy Sans upon my screen). Subcontracted. Their wonderful Close Combat war sim series (those games are *great*...if WINE ever supports them fully, I'm going to go nuts) are only published by MS. Bungie made Halo...but they were a company that did incredible stuff and had tons of work on Halo done when Microsoft purchased them. Hotmail was purchased.
Office and Windows, the two core MS products, were both done in-house, however.
And both are among the flakiest products in their lineup.
Also, in response to the people talking about DOS, DOS is still and has been used for some time for a real-time OS. Linux isn't really that great for doing a real-time stuff (well, vanilla Linux isn't great for real-time period) when you have very tight resources available.
It's also still the only way most people let you flash your BIOS...someone needs to make a mini-OS just for that.
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:2)
They bought it lock, stock and barrel from a guy called Tim Patterson. IIRC, it was called QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) and was a shameless CP/M "tribute". Patterson went to work for MS and is wheeled out on special occasions -- you can spot him shaking hands with Gates on videos of the Win95 launch.
Re:Say what you want.... (Score:4, Informative)
QDOS/86-DOS was designed to make it easy to translate CP/M programs written in asembler and have them run with minor tweaking. This extended to using pretty much the same API for the file control blocks, pretty much the same numbers for the function calls, pretty much the same layout for the first 256 bytes of the transient program area.
Where 86-DOS differed from CP/M, it tended to be more UNIX like, e.g. copy source destination rather than PIP destination source . More functions were included with the command interperter and the batch files were a bit nicer to use than CP/M's submit files.
'Course you've got to remember that CP/M was designed to run in 32K of memory.
The incident with DOS wasn't the only time that SCP got the shaft from M$. SCP was the outfit that designed the Z-80 card for use on the Apple II.
Re:think about this: (Score:3, Insightful)
That's not valid. And reread it: the word "NEARLY" appears in the original, you've neglected to mention that. It was not an absolute statement for the very purpose of placating the frothing legions of fools. Unix, in the manner which you use it, is not a cohesive operating system, but rather a generic term used to describe operating systems with UNIX (tm) as their base.
Re:dos and freedows (Score:5, Informative)
- doesn't even work anymore
Gee.. maybe if you spelled the URL right!
It's [], and they appear to be doing just fine.
Re:bleh (Score:4, Insightful)
Someone should have told that to Andrew Schulman [] and his co-authors, and they wouldn't have wasted time writing Undocumented DOS (Addison-Wesley, 1990) [].
How to avoid fsckups when flashing BIOS (Score:3, Interesting)
There are two ways that a motherboard or adapter maker can design a BIOS that completely avoids fsckups when being flashed: