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Submission + - Ocean Circulation Doesn't Work As Expected (

techno-vampire writes: The familiar model of Atlantic ocean currents that shows a discrete "conveyor belt" of deep, cold water flowing southward from the Labrador Sea is probably all wet. New research led by Duke University and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution relied on an armada of sophisticated floats to show that much of this water, originating in the sea between Newfoundland and Greenland, is diverted generally eastward by the time it flows as far south as Massachusetts. From there it disburses to the depths in complex ways that are difficult to follow. A 50-year-old model of ocean currents had shown this southbound subsurface flow of cold water forming a continuous loop with the familiar northbound flow of warm water on the surface, called the Gulf Stream. "Everybody always thought this deep flow operated like a conveyor belt, but what we are saying is that concept doesn't hold anymore," said Duke oceanographer Susan Lozier. "So it's going to be more difficult to measure these climate change signals in the deep ocean."

Comment Re:This should be a lesson... (Score 5, Informative) 780

It's actually very difficult to truly destroy data, especially remotely. There is actually a reason the DoD spec. requires physical destruction of the media.

Unless you have overwritten the area on the physical disk that contained the data, multiple times, the data can still be recovered.

The article doesn't lead me to believe that he's tried very hard to get this data back.. Maybe somebody (not me) who cares about this resource, should offer an attempt at data recovery.. Just be sure to hurry, before they do something that will ensure you cannot recover the data.

I've recovered data off of formatted HDD's, off of corrupted file systems, off of compact flash cards and other media (Really useful if you want to keep those photo's that someone thought was deleted, be aware of this people).

It's amazing how most people seem to think deleted means gone.

Comment Re:Huh? What? WHAT THE HELL! (Score 2, Funny) 138

Talk about sleeping on the job... I didn't even post this in the right story...

Did you say something?

About right..

However, I wonder if the author has looked into writing books for academic purposes...

Anyone who has a degree knows just how much money is made on textbooks, and the frequency with which they are replaced and updated.

If I was a writer looking to make a living at it, especially in a vertical field, I would seriously consider writing university level textbooks.

Comment Re:Huh? What? (Score 0, Offtopic) 138

Did you say something?

About right..

However, I wonder if the author has looked into writing books for academic purposes...

Anyone who has a degree knows just how much money is made on textbooks, and the frequency with which they are replaced and updated.

If I was a writer looking to make a living at it, especially in a vertical field, I would seriously consider writing university level textbooks.

Comment Re:Abuse of moderation (Score 1) 311

Crayons = wax. As a dad I can tell you when a crayon goes through the dryer it is carnage, so if your memory stick threat model includes going through the wash, I would avoid wax.

LOL- No kids.. Didn't think about the crayon factor..

Comment Re:Abuse of moderation (Score 1) 311

Try alcohol rather than water for washing. It is best if you can get 100% alcohol which may be available from your drug store if you ask for it. It dries quickly and thoroughly with ease whereas water tends to hide and remain moist.

For this application, de-natured alcohol would be a fine product. You can find it at any home construction supply house, and it'll be much cheaper per volume unit than medical grade alcohol.

Comment Re:Abuse of moderation (Score 0, Troll) 311

As an amateur diver, I do NOT recommend gluing your O-ring. These things lose their suppleness and crack, rendering them ineffective.

Make sure the groove is very smooth to prevent nicking the ring, insert the o-ring in it and lube the ring once in a while (once a year should be more than enough) with silicone grease.

As for Epoxy: it should do the job in a pinch, but I would recommend looking at some silicone gelly like Olympus uses for it's Tough cameras. More flexibility = less cracking = less possibility of water seeping to the board. Most USB keys get flexed often in pockets, etc.

Hey, I know it's overkill for a 10$ trinket, but if you gotta do it, you gotta do it in style.

Honestly, at some level, wax would really do just fine too... Easier to work with, and could actually serve as the 0-ring too... (just fill the cap and empty out the central area (so as to not wax up the connector.)

Comment Re:Abuse of moderation (Score 5, Interesting) 311

All you want is waterproof?

USB drives are super cool like that. (No moving parts!)

All you need is a little 2-part epoxy.

Take apart your flash drive (any!) and simply coat the green / black components with as much epoxy as you can stuff into it's exterior shell..

Now, the cap, buy a thin o-ring from your local hardware store, using a knife or dremel, cut a very narrow groove around the inside of your cap. Carefully use epoxy (sparingly here!) to secure the o-ring..

This might not be 100% water proof, but I'm pretty sure it would be very water resistant.


Comment Re:Intermedia - First in hosted OCS (Score 1) 4

Very well done!

I'm waiting on a call from Broadsoft.. Intermedia answered right away, very friendly and helpful. Apparently the terms "Unified Communications" and "Office Communications" are synonymous.

I'd still love to hear some user experinces with this software solution. Have you used it? Do you love it, hate it?

Thanks to CheifRED and adoyle!

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