"Jericho" Fans Send Over Nine Tons of Nuts to CBS 408
nuts-to-CBS writes "After presenting 'Jericho' fans with a cliffhanging season finale, CBS promptly cancelled the program. The shocked fans quickly banded together, many using CBS' own public "Jericho" discussion forum, and began brainstorming on ways to convince the network to bring back the show for a second season. A plot point in the final episode of "Jericho" involving the expletive "Nuts!" (in reference to an historic conversation between generals) was turned into a campaign to send large quantities of nuts to CBS' NY, LA, and affiliate offices. Fans have sent a total of $26,000 for a pooled campaign hosted at Nuts Online to ship over 19,000 pounds of peanuts to CBS.
Other efforts acquired over $9,000 to publish full page advertisements in
Variety (National Edition)
and The Hollywood Reporter for Tuesday, May 29th. This is expected to become the largest ever fan campaign to bring a television show back from cancellation." There's more about the massive fan rollout below.
CBS created rich, interactive content online to accompany their show "Jericho," in order to extend its fan base
to the Internet-savvy, TiVo-owning generations. Despite suffering through the all-too-familiar mid-season
hiatus employed by many shows, the "Jericho" fan base remained strong throughout the break, partially due to the episodes being posted both for free on the CBS site as well as for purchase on iTunes. "Jericho" returned from the hiatus in the same timeslot occupied by "American Idol." CBS — which apparently still
determines programming primarily on Nielsen ratings — decided to drop the show, regardless of the ever-growing
and loyal fan base. Nuts Online includes live blogging from Jeffrey Braverman, the
company's 26-year old CEO. Jeffrey's company has been shipping up to 5,000 pounds of peanuts a day to the CBS New
York headquarters, and has been using their site to describe his experience along the way. Three other fan sites are documenting the progress:
CBS Jericho Message Board,
Jericho Lives, and
Jericho Rally Point. Fans of Roswell were successful in bringing back their favorite program by sending mass quantities of
tiny bottles of Tabasco sauce."
Jericho *was* Nuts (Score:5, Insightful)
That being said, Jericho went off the air because the show took a wrong turn at Albuquerque. When it first started, the premise was intriguing. A post-holocaust world from the perspective of those who have no idea what could possibly be going on. It makes for a great setup. The first few episodes were even fairly good, with the early problems from the detonation wreaking all kinds of havoc. After that? Things went downhill.
Pretty soon the show was focusing more on love triangles than it was on the fact that everyone was just trying to survive. Emergencies were regularly forced into the story rather than the characters having to deal with realistic difficulties. There was so much that they could be exploring, yet the show was being "the O.C. after the bomb". (Or whatever the latest "pop" show is for stupid teenagers. Anyone remember that scene from Stargate-SG1 "200"? Yeah, that.)
As interesting as it had been, I just lost interest in the show. Checking my iTunes library, it looks like I stopped at "The Day Before". 13 episodes watched, and I just couldn't stand it anymore. So is it really any surprise that Jericho got cancelled?
I realize that many fans are begging for a conclusion to the cliffhanger, but that will pass with time. Remember the show Sliders? Remember how it died in the 5th season with both the main characters wiped out, Wade killed off in a twisted experiment, the reason for sliding gone, and a hokey story about a mad scientist stuck its the place? The show lost its purpose, yet the producers ended the season with a massive cliffhanger in hopes that fan outcry would bring the show back. And after watching the final episode, you do get a feeling of, "You can't leave it there!"
But in hindsight, it's best that it stayed off the air. There was about a zero point zero zero chance that the O'Connell brothers were going to return to the show, and the writing had been of poor quality anyway. If the show had returned, we would have gotten another season of the show's slow and agonizing death. Why? It was best that it was put out of its misery.
(Of course, the show "jumped the shark" in the third season with the loss of John Rhys-Davies, but at least the "finding Earth" and "looking for Ma and Pa" subplot was interesting.)
So I'm sorry to say this, but let it die. It was a nice try, but hopefully a better show will take its place.
Re:Jericho *was* Nuts (Score:5, Insightful)
I did watch the finale just to see what if anything had been resolved, and have to admit I was somewhat interested in what would happen, since it was actually about the freaking story the whole show was supposed to be about. But no, they decided to leave viewers with a completely unsatisfying show by wasting episode after episode on farmer love triangles while civil war, military coups, and nuclear terrorism in the continental United States were apparently too boring to be dealt with until well after many people had given up on the issues ever being talked about again.
You know the old joke about IBM marketing would sell sushi by calling it "cold, raw dead fish". CBS apparently hired IBM marketing to write this show because they started with an inherently story-filled premise and managed to fill hour after hour with dull flashbacks on generic midwestern family crap that could have been lifted from episodes of Seventh Heaven.
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I just can't imagine sitting around a table in the writer's room and listening to somebody say "Okay, we've blown up all the major cities in the USA, the country is in Civil War, looting and riots are rampant, normal citizens are totally isolated, thrown back into the 19th century ways of living overnight -- but what people want to know is, will Jake hook up with the blonde or the brunette? And what impact would post-apocalyptic panic hav
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Actually, that doesn't sound too bad, but the "Blown-the-hell-up-90210" part sounds painful.
When I saw the stories about this show before it came out, I had no doubt that network television would make a hash of it. I've developed a new procedure for any network-or-cable television shows:
I don't watch them. THEN, if I start hearing buzz about them being amazing, I'll go back and download the first few episodes via Bittorre
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I'm guessing you didn't notice the show was canceled. And the number one breakout hit of the season is Heroes, which was written exactly the way Jericho SHOULD have been written -- taking an exciting premise and actually exploring it. Putting normal people we can recognize and identify with and throwing intensely crazy situations at them to see how they handle it. Characters developed over time, reacted to the amazing situation they were in, adapted, acted to
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I was going to reply to the story with a comment much like yours, but you've captured it so very nicely that I'll only add that I agree.
My wife and I have watched every episode, but every episode we say "this is going to be the last one". And then they pull just enough out to keep us mildly interested for just one more show. There wasn't anything else on on Wednesdays, anyways. We were actually both relieved by the cancelation.
This is a really really bad show, with an interesting premise that the writers
Fuck Jericho (Score:4, Insightful)
Fuck Jericho.
Interesting premise?
Interesting execution?
Not from the first fucking episode.
Friends of mine were obsessed with Jericho, but jesus, Jericho's writers couldnt write drama for shit.
Not even deaf meghan could save it for me, and she's fucking awesome.
'OMG, the world is coming to an end! but wait, you know what's even more interesting? bland interpersonal drama and bullshit quasi-moralistic plotlines and the melodramitcist of all melodramatic skeet ulrich performances!'
Dont care... dont care... *DONT* *CARE*
Fuck Jericho. With so much *decent* television on, its no wonder that CBS decided to pull a fox and replace a lackluster, if rabidly followed and obsessed over by its 3 fans, serial drama with a REALITY SHOW ABOUT CHILDREN BEING LEFT TO RUN A TOWN BY THEMSELVES. Yes, Jericho got replaced with Lord of The Flies 2: Electric Booglaloo: Lord of The Flies Reality TV.
Yes, this is flamebait.
Yes, I'm an asshole.
No, I'm not wrong.
Fuck Jericho.
Re:Jericho *was* Nuts (Score:5, Funny)
Don't call it that.
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How about, "90210 meets Little Boy and the Fat Man"?
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Re:Jericho *was* Nuts (Score:4, Informative)
Tobias Fünke: Michael if I may take off my pants and pull my analrapist stocking over my head, I think George Michael may be suffering from what we in the soft-sciences call "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder", or the "The O.C. Disorder."
Michael: Don't call it that.
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The second half of the season didn't deal much with love triangles, rather it focused on the Hawkins character, who was much more interesting than the Jake character.
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See, I had the exact opposite reaction -- I thought the Hawkins character really made the show so silly and artificial that it distracted the writers from the core concept. It's like they had the show ready to go and then they said "But we need a mysterious cryptic character like Locke from LOST!"
Hawkins seemed to function as a Deus Ex Machin
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The lawsuits haven't even begun yet... (Score:2)
The second one will be from twelve of the the mail clerk's friends who will claim mental anguish over the loss of companionship of their co-worker, then the vet bills for one of the the suing-co-worker's twin siamese cats who are out of sorts from the stress of the lawsuit... lathter rinse, repeat...
Hey, if Josh Hancock's dad can sue the driver of the disabl
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I loved that show. My favorite was this one [google.com] from 2 minutes to 7 minutes ("Change for a dollar")..
Try Whitest Kids U Know [wikipedia.org]. Some of my favorite sketches:
Leg peeing [youtube.com]
Cubicle boss [youtube.com]
Slow jerk [youtube.com]
Abe Lincoln - the true story [youtube.com]
Re:Jericho *was* Nuts (Score:4, Informative)
2 Nielsen is obsolete because even if one watches on TV, it could be Tivo'd. Nielsen captures an ever DECREASING portion of televsion viewers -- those that actually sit on a couch and watch a show as it airs. New Media viewers don't schedule their time around a network. Nielsen is a dinosaur in the Old Media world.
3 There are no stats to argue this, so we will just have to agree to disagree
4 CBS' crisis is more that 20,000 pounds of peanuts. It is a public releations nightmare. Full page ads are in this coming Tuesday's Variety Weekly and Hollywood Review. News coverage is already jumped to mainstream with ABC and (ironically) all major CBS affliciates running it. Power blogger Michelle Malkin has front paged it, which means Drudge will follow shortly. Love them or hate them, they command 20+ million hits per day between them. CBS is stuck in neutral and cannot pimp their new season lineup until they resolve this.
What a waste of food. (Score:4, Insightful)
would poor people in Darfur eat peanuts? (Score:2, Insightful)
Mod up (Score:2, Informative)
Its not going to waste (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Its not going to waste (Score:4, Funny)
Hyperbole Ho! (Score:5, Interesting)
This is expected to become the largest ever fan campaign to bring a television show back from cancellation.
Stop me when I've mentioned a fan campaign you've actually heard of. Like the campaign to get the third season of the original Star Trek. Or the one that got a Space Shuttle renamed. Or all those DVDs that got Family Guy back in regular episodes and Futurama in direct-to-DVD movies. Or the ridiculous amount of money Save Enterprise raised that threatened to make the fifth season purely on fan money (which, of course, led to all the controversy, but eh).
TV shows get cancelled. Millions are outraged. Then millions forget until Fox screws up the next show.
Wait, CBS you say? Weird. The token /. response doesn't work here. I think teh slash-verse is going to assplode!
Re:Hyperbole Ho! (Score:4, Insightful)
Let it go.
It's a TV Show (Score:2, Insightful)
1) Going to the gym
2) Taking a loved one out to dinner
3) Taking up art
4) Relaxing with friends over the internet
5) Fixing some of those pesky things around the house
6) Getting a dog for companionship instead of a television
7) Volunteering for experiments on drugs to treat obsessive compulsive disorder
8) Going for a walk in the woods and experiencing nature
9) Getting a tan
There are so man
Re:It's a TV Show (Score:4, Insightful)
11. Various charity organizations
12. Protest something that matters
and of course
13. Profit
Re:It's a TV Show (Score:5, Funny)
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Re:It's a TV Show (Score:4, Insightful)
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Re:It's a TV Show (Score:4, Insightful)
No - I think vetinarians should do it so it would be less cruel - although some skilled farm workers with those special pliers or rubber rings would be just as good.
Re:It's a TV Show (Score:5, Interesting)
A great majority of the contributors to this campaign are business owners/executives. We are mostly comprised of very intelligent people, such as yourselves, which was why I was originally thrilled to learn we had made our mark here.... until I started reading all of this bashing.
Our movement is to speak out against 'the man' for all of this ridiculous programming. Most especially - REALITY TV. How lame can it get? Jericho is being replaced by a show about 40 CHILDREN, UNSUPERVISED, in New Mexico rebuilding a ghost town. My first thought is that these parents should be shot for allowing their children to take part in such a stupid idea. Jericho was only one of two shows that I watched on network TV. Yes, the other is Lost, come on, did you catch that season finale this week??
The next 'serialized' show that CBS will be bringing out mid season is called 'Swingtown'. Not swingsets or swingshifts, mind you, but a show about swingers in the 1970s. OK, the 1970s was known as the sexual revolution but I have a lot of arguments about this craziness. First, the demographics CBS is trying to reach by canceling Jericho - most weren't even born in the '70s yet! I was born in the early 70s and there is no way I could've been involved in any type of sexual revolution at the time! Who cares what a bunch of disco loving freaks were doing? Second, and even more importantly.... What about the FAMILIES who were watching Jericho. Do you really think that parents are going to want to sit there with their children to watch such an inappropriate show? My gawd! I'm in my mid 30s and wouldn't want to watch such a show with my parents!!
Quality TV is dead. Jericho was original, had a good plot and action. Was not sexually explicit, no excessive language, and aside from the obvious, did not have any graphic violence. It was a wonderful family show. These TV execs have got to get a freaking clue. That is what this movement is about.
Yes, I love this show. It was awesome. I could care less about who Jake ends up with... blonde or brunette... And, I am a woman. I want to know who wins the war. I want to know how the town will survive the next year - six months - whatever. I want to know WHO exactly dropped the bomb. I want to know if Jericho and others will be able to defeat this new government with the messed up flag and the man who seems to be the one behind the dropping of the bomb. I want to know who is on the train. I want to know how Hawkins is going to deal with them in a tank with no ammo. Put the blonde and brunette together, that will grab most of you driveling men. Just send Jake back out there to fight and save his town!
This is why we are sending nuts to CBS. And, as was pointed out above, the nuts are going to various charities. To the troops overseas, to the Bronx Zoo, to the homeless shelters. This has been at the request of the fans sending the nuts, as well as the company that is backing the campaign so fervently, www.nutsonline.com
OK, my last point, I promise. Recently we saw the end ratings for the season of the network shows. I don't recall the link, but it was on the Hollywood Reporter website. CBS renewed the stupid sitcom 'How I Met Your Mother' and it performed MUCH WORSE than Jericho. Don't tell me that this is business. This is plain-ass stupid!
Now if a simple girl from Kansas can fight for America's values and try to squash this nightmare of American Idol, why can't you?
Re:It's a TV Show (Score:4, Insightful)
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But I got to thinking a month or two back about American Idol in particular and how it was crappy. Then it came to me, I don't think its that bad of a concept. How is it worse
Re: and there is no way I could've been involved (Score:5, Funny)
Um... you could be a product of it
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Re:It's a TV Show (Score:5, Insightful)
The difference is it doesn't cost $19,000 or $26,000 or whatever to get a tan... and if it does, whoever spends that much deserves all the ridicule they get. You could feed a family of four on that much money for a year - and we have no shortage of needy people in this country.
I'm not the kind of guy that goes around pointing out how all these vanity things we do are bad because that money could be better used elsewhere. Hey, if it makes you feel good, then whatever. But still, there's got to be a limit... a point where you say, "you know, this is kind of a ridiculous; there are more important things to worry about." It's not as if these people are getting anything tangible for their investment. They're sending a corporation a bunch of nuts. At least if you spent $26,000 on a tan, you'd still end up with a tan to show for it. These people may as well have just taken all that money and flushed it down the toilet. And that makes the whole thing kind of offensive.
I'll bet they're all really proud of themselves too.
Re:It's a TV Show (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:It's a TV Show (Score:5, Funny)
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You seem to be totally missing the point,
If fans wanted to get something tangible for their money they would send the nuts to themselves.
They are sending the nuts to CBS to make a point, CBS have said they intend to donate the nuts to some charity.
The donations are not being wasted, if all the money spend on publicity was recycled to charities such as is happening with Jericho nuts then the world would be a better place.
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Why are you wasting your time posting on here instead of doing any of the things you have listed, hypocrite?
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So you're a drunk duck who got laid then? Most ACs are not that lucky.
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Jericho was crap. Good riddance.
Way too much effort over THAT PARTICULAR TV show (Score:2)
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I think you have a better chance looking here [google.com] to find closure than waiting for a network to revive it.
Blame the producers. They must have know they were on the skids; instead of facing it and wrapping it up they leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth with an unresolved cliffhanger. Personally I've never seen it; it was on my list of things to watch when the DVD was available, but now, knowing that it's cut short, I won't bother at all
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At a higher level, protest
Congrats to the NutsOnline guy (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Congrats to the NutsOnline guy (Score:4, Informative)
This got by the editors? (Score:5, Informative)
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Yeah, I feel sorry about that too.
Man that's a shock (Score:4, Funny)
Fortunately... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Fortunately... (Score:4, Funny)
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Witness the fall of the Republic (Score:2, Insightful)
After all that, what makes Americans stand up and say "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" but a canceled television show.
My fellow citizens, and all you
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To repeat one passage: "Nuisances such as blackouts and the rationing of food and clothes were trivial in comparison to the loss of life. Therefore, it was essential to think positively and to make the most of any diversions available to help them forget about the war, even if only for a short while."
I think everyone needs an outlet. You or I might think it's kind of pointless, but perhaps it brightens someone's day to be simply part of something goof
Re:Witness the fall of the Republic (Score:5, Insightful)
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And that's why it's the end of the Republic -- because the citizenry accepts that. Despite overheated claims on both sides, most elections in America are in fact legal and fair. It isn't Soviet Ru
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That said, I hope the nuts end up in food banks around NYC. But really, $26k would barely scratch the surface in solving Iraq, the health care system, or Katrina cleanup. Please...
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Re:Witness the fall of the Republic (Score:4, Insightful)
Forgive me if I butchered it.
Holland style Hurricane Protection? (Score:5, Insightful)
Holland style? I would hope not, as Holland doesn't get any hurricanes. That's a good thing too, because we'd be well and truly fucked [wikipedia.org] if we did.
What about farscape? (Score:4, Informative)
I've never seen Jericho, and I bet the series is great, (I just watch very little TV nowadays) but
This makes me wonder how this will compare to the "save farscape" media frenzy that lots and lots of 'scapers took action to get Sci-Fi's rectal-cranial inversion syndrome diagnosed, and cured. It was on CNN Headline News [imdb.com] for chrissakes!
All in all, I'll probally check out Jericho now. Good luck to all the Jericho fans, I hope you get your show back.
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I've never seen Jericho, and I bet the series is great, (I just watch very little TV nowadays) but
It isn't. Or was not.
bah (Score:5, Insightful)
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Yet, with all those reasons not to buy, people went out and bought it anyway. Babylon 5 had five years to build a fan ba
Let it rest in peace (Score:5, Insightful)
*I say something of a high point because upon reviewing, it's clear how much better the early episodes were compared to the later ones. The more we learned about the bombs and the plot behind them, the less interesting the whole story became.
The 3 paths to cancelation (Score:5, Interesting)
Word-of-Mouth - If a show is good, but gets so-so ratings in the begining, TPTB will cancel it before word of mouth can have an effect.
Sabotage - If any show is sabotaged by TPTB then there is no saving it. Examples are playing episodes out or order, or postponing the 2-hour premiere that introduces all the characters, to air as the season finale.
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It was a great show, highly entertaining, well-written, and best of all still leaves ro
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The big insult... (Score:5, Funny)
The "Tiffany Network," eh?
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Funny enough submission (Score:4, Funny)
On the other hand - one series that I'm missing is Max Headroom [maxheadroom.com], it's dark, it's about a near future and it's all about money, media companies, viewer figures and shady affairs. (Sounds familiar?)
It may be time to pick up the show again - the old episodes are a little outdated; no internet, no flat-screen TV:s etc.
But on the other hand RIAA and MPAA may not want to see this...
The "Nuts" reference - Battle of the Bulge (Score:3, Informative)
Obviously, after sixty years, this necessarily led to trying to save a canceled show with peanuts.
You Fools! (Score:5, Funny)
The TV industry will never take us seriously now.
And to think... (Score:2)
Good old American values!
someone has to say it: (Score:2)
Re:someone has to say it: (Score:5, Funny)
Far better protest (Score:2)
Why such actions for tv and not for reality? (Score:2)
Such actions against the government would for sure wake up -some- sleeping animals and would for sure also attract the attention of a lot more people because of the media. I call such action "thrown away" only to get back a television show whi
Actually, yes. (Score:2)
Trying to put it in perspective:
1. If statistics are correct, most of the people who watch that show haven't flown on a commercial airline in the last year. Almost 1% of their waking time every week is spent watching the show. The show has higher priority simply because of the promenent spot it occupies in their life. If th
obligatory (Score:2)
Hate Jericho fans? Why? (Score:3, Insightful)
In a very loose comparison, Jericho has also caused many people to stop and think. In a world that is often times uncertain, Jericho took us away from our usual worries and got us to examine ourselves a little more closely.
In a world gone completely mad, the residents of Jericho struggled to keep their humanity about them. What would any of us do in the same situation? The show challenged us to think about just such a possibility. I grew up in the Cold War era and I remember a movie called The Day After. Back then, we had to think about a full out Nuclear War. Today we have to think about dirty bombs. Not much difference is there?
So, while you may hate the fans of this show for trying to save it, remember that a movement like this can show what's best about humanity because we have pulled together people from all over the free world and united them in one common voice. We've done it faster than anyone ever has and in larger numbers as well. CBS wanted to reach the 18-49 market and with new delivery methods like the Internet. They did reach us, but failed to recognize it and canceled our show. Now, we will fight to get it back and no ammount of criticism will impede us from finishing what we started. Keep hating our movement if you must, but we'll keep on truckin'.
20,000lbs of nuts, an ad in Variety and The Hollywood Insider, articles in the NYT, ABCnews.com, E!, syfiportal and countless local media outlets have been the first wave of our voices being heard. We know that they are being heard b/c the cBS execs have failed to strike the sets and have stopped returning the rented props for the show. Thanks to slashdot for helping us get the word out.
If you are interested in seeing what the show is about go to cbs.com\jericho and watch the episodes. If you lost interest in the middle of the season, go watch the second helf...it was really good. The love triangle is just a natural part of humantiy in a situation like that and was a part of the show...like it or not. It is resolved, and they move on in the second part of the season.
Save Jericho
Thanks to nutsonline.com
Shaun O'Mac and his radio show
and countless others who are working tirelessly to coordinate our campaign.
Joint the fight...it's not too late.
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Weeds (Score:3, Funny)
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