Transec, a Secure Authentication Tag Library 125
Lado Kumsiashvili writes, "Micromata has placed Transec, a secure authentication JSP tag library, under the GPL. While developing the Polyas (German) online voting system, Micromata invented a component for secure PIN/password input via untrusted, insecure browsers. Transec is freely embeddable and redistributable for non-commercial projects; a commercial license is also available. Spyware in the form of Browser Helper Objects and keyloggers can capture user keyboard input even if it is encrypted. Transec enables user authentication using a 100% server-side control — only images and coordinates are transferred to the untrusted browser. The browser sends coordinate information of each click on this imagemap directly back to the server, and the server responds with a new image. If the browser is infected by malware, it can't give up the PIN/password since the browser doesn't know this information. The Java code and a demo application are available at the Transec homepage." I have heard tales of malware that can grab a screen capture in the vicinity of the cursor at any mouse-click. Does anyone know if such a threat actually exists?
Then, the terrorists have already won... (Score:1)
The solution isn't to work around the baddies but to eliminate them altogether.
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I'd imagine this would be most useful to run in my home server, so I could contact it from anywhere without having to trust the computer I'm using. And yeah, I'd rather inconvenience myself with this password entry method than with cleaning up the mess when someone hijacks the server.
Funny you should mention "terro
Good luck. No chance in hell. (Score:5, Interesting)
Those law enforcement organisations there have real problems to deal with, they have no spare manpower for petty things like computer crimes. I say that so I don't say they don't want to stand up against organized crime 'cause they have families.
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You know why allergies exist? Among other things, because parents try to keep their children as far away from bacteria and dirt as possible.
The strongest system is the one continuously exposed to threats and adapting to them.
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Yeah, you may need to kill some children in the process but the survivors will surely be the strongest, like the Spartans:
Sparta was, above all, a military state, and emphasis on military fitness began virtually at birth. Shortly after birth, the mother of the child bathed it in wine
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Lots o mouse clicks (Score:3, Insightful)
If so, the malware must go after specific types of clicks - for example, maybe it looks at the URL and form action to determine whether it's worth capturing the images. Otherwise, a typical day of perusing Digg articles could result in megabytes upon megabytes of captured images. And unlike text data, image data is hard to sieve for gold.
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Heh... (Score:4, Funny)
Well, it does now.
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Of course, implementing such a thing without Flash and the likes will be a little more tricky.
I'm skeptic (Score:2, Interesting)
But if the bad guys have enough control of your the machine to install a keylogger, then what's going to stop them from installing a "screen logger" that keeps successive screenshots in a special directory on the hard disk.
This "new" product does not work around the principle that software cannot secure a computer for which you adversary has physical access.
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But if the bad guys have enough control of your the machine to install a keylogger, then what's going to stop them from installing a "screen logger" that keeps successive screenshots in a special directory on the hard disk.
To do what? It's a onetime 'password' it's useless to store no matter where.
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It's not a one-time password. If it were a one-time password, they wouldn't need to keep it secret.
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Screen Capture (Score:2)
I've heard about it many times as well and even seen a proof-of-concept.
Anyway, it could easily be implemented, and that's the point. I think a good solution would be Deja Vu [] or something similar, with lots of information (tens of known pictures), so that you need to grab lots of screenshots before actually having a chance.
But even in Deja Vu, you'r
Re:Screen Capture (Score:4, Interesting)
How do you know the operating system in a particular machine is actually the Trusted version, and not a hacked version that's masquerading as the trusted one ?
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It sits in my home, guarded by locks and dogs.
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In the TCB concept, all security mechanisms (including hardware) should be trusted and easily auditable. TCB != Trusted OS AND != TC [].
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Very nice. So tell me: how do I know that a box I'm using in some net cafe to connect to Sensitive Server is, in fact, a computer that fulfills these requirements and not one that just claims it does ? Remember in your answer that as a human being I'm incapable of calculating public-key cryptography in my head, and I'm not carrying any extra hardware (because if that is al
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My point was that security is lacking, and that our operating systems today have no way of being completely secured. It was something like "Why, Oh, Why can't we have security?".
I know you're trying to be extremist when you mention a computer in a net cafe, but to be clear, nothing is aimed at securing a computer in a net cafe. Not the TCB, not the mechanism proposed in the a
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The summary says that this is meant to keep the password from being spied by the machine I use to connect to the server. However, I trust my home machine - which I manage - more than any remote server which I don't manage. And a work computer is likely going to be managed by the same person who manag
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Right, to protect your password from being captured by a keylogger.
OK, but the article is aimed at your machine. If your machine is already safe anyway, you could simply type your password. I think we both agree on this (this was what I said on my first post).
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The argument, as far as I can tell, is because I thought this technology as something you'd use to access a Web mail or something with a public (library, net cafe, etc) computer. Obviously, in such a situation, you'd have no way of knowing if the computer actually implements any security technology.
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Two reasons. First is the technical difficulty; until we finally have an OS that isn't based on C or C++ it's going to be problematic, and we really need to leave those apps behind (or in the hands of experts) too. Of course writing apps in buffer-safe languages isn't a total answer (still leaves all the escaping bugs behind, which accounts for things like SQL injection and XSS); it is a necessary condition, not a sufficient one.
"Trusting" buggy software, for p
I don't get it. (Score:2)
I don't understand why this has made it's way onto Slashdot? It's an image map. With a PIN pad. Besides the fact it looks like a solution looking for a problem, I don't see the innovation. This could very easily be replicated in praticially any web scripting language of your choice.
Re:I don't get it. (Score:5, Insightful)
Exactly. It doesn't require any client-side processing. That's the beauty of it. This means you can TURN OFF javascript and it will still work.
As for the innovation- it allows a user to enter their pin while reducing the chance that it's snooped by malware, which is a Good Thing. It also makes it a lot harder for said malware to replicate the response compared to keyboard entry- because in addition to protecting your code, it also acts as a (primitive) captcha, making reasonably sure that whoever is entering the code is human.
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Intelligence is when you look at another idea and think, "Hmm, I could have done that."
Genius is when you think, "Wow, I never would have thought of that."
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Doesn't ING direct already do something like this? (Score:3, Informative)
Right, they do that already (Score:3, Informative)
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So yes, the amount of people able to do this (and willing to go criminal) isn't tha
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like we do over here. But then getting random digits instead of the whole
PIN makes no difference
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As soon as the attacker has control over your machine, you have lost. No matter what kind of security is enabled on the other end. The big problem banks don't want to see is that they want to create some way of trusting an untrustworthy machine. And that does simply not work.
At the consumer's end is a machine that is not under the control of the bank. They can not verify if the data sent is genuinely fr
One time pads. The only solution. (Score:4, Interesting)
The trouble is, anyone who owns your PC and has installed a keylogger can just as easily spy on your display and see what you are clicking.
Sometimes I would swear my brain explodes at our slowness to learn.
The only true solution is one time pads. They are unhackable, and only a minor inconvenience.
I would give blood to be able to use a one time pad for my online banking. The trouble is, the industry, and Joe Public, still don't take IT security seriously. And this is totally a mindset. Some marketing guru should wake up to the possibilities of the one time pad - potentially the greatest chick puller since the circular waterbed - and get us the hell out of this horrendous hacky world.
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You, my friend, are overly rooted in the electronic world. A reading of ancient cryptographic techniques would be useful.
You do not "install" a one time pad on your computer. You keep it in your pocket.
The classic implementation of a one time pad really is a pad - a pad of sheets of paper. You use one, you throw it away. Concerned about surveillance cameras? A blank sheet between every page obscures the next key. It may also be an electronic device that gives you the keys. But it is NOT your computer.
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More to the point, the attacker would have to know right away you had tried a login and login themselves at that point in time, before you figured out something was wrong and called the bank.
One time pads cannot be reused. once a login happens, it's dead. Certainly less trivial than anyth
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This won't work if you enter only small bits of the pad at a time ... one bit for each login.
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I would give blood to be able to use a one time pad for my online banking.
This is precisely how most online banking works here in Germany. When my TAN list (one-time pad) is finished the bank sends me a new set in the post. There is a time-limit as well: if the list isn't used in a while they send you new ones anyway (and the old ones are invalidated.)
Moreover, the system is really easy to use, nicely designed and quick.
One-time-pads, not a solution. (Score:2)
Let's assume you had a booklet of codes, a true OTP, that you used to log in to your bank. For each login you'd tear off the top sheet and use the next code.
That would still be susceptible to phishing. I could set up a site purporting to be your bank, and convince you to log into it. In doing so, you'd give me your next OTP code, which I could then use to log into your account and steal your money.
It would be a step up over conventional passwords, granted, but I'm not
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Well, I received a nice little SecurID [] card from my bank, so that really depends on the country and/or bank.
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Um, no? They would make it slightly harder, but not unhackable. Anyone who has sufficient access to your computer to install a keylogger could install software to monitor mouse clicks and get a copy of the image or image map. In fact if I knew what I was working with, I could probably write a JavaScript script to do it in a couple minutes, and then pug it into IE with activeX, Firefox as an addon (there's even more descrete ways to do this, but I'm not that familier with it), or Opera as
Java GPL Domino game ? (Score:1, Funny)
Let's "GPL the world" !
Not sure MS will like this game
Randomly rotated? (Score:2)
take (mouse x-min(mouse x))/key size, and you get 10 possible pins. Try 10, and you are done.
If they randomly permute, then things would be a bit harder. If they randomly permute and have OCR-resistant digits, the pin would be very secure (though, if enough money is involved, a cracker would probably be ready to actually look at the image...)
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Their idea seems to be that the computer might be compromised, but the server is secure - so if the server creates the images, you can at least be secure against automated attacks - i.e. without human intervention. (because the attacker does not have access to the algorithm that created the images) This can work for as long as there are some tasks that humans can do and computers not.
If the computer is the last step in the authentication, then you are right. If y
nothing new here (Score:1)
The French bank Société Généra (Score:1)
Re:The French bank Société Gén& (Score:2)
- It does not require JavaScript. It just requires a mouse and the browser feature used (input type=image) is available in every graphical web browser since more than 8 years ago.
- It is quite resistant to HTTP spying, as spying HTTP POST request is not enough to replay
Re:The French bank Société Gén& (Score:2)
OPIE (Score:5, Interesting)
I use one-time passwords for accessing my home computer over SSH. Anyone can log my keystrokes, or look over my shoulder how much they want. The password is generated by an OPIE client running on my cell phone, and is valid only once.
OPIE clients run on virtually any kind of device. Just as long as you don't run it on the actual computer which you use to access the server, this is a more secure solution.
Using OPIE on untrusted servers would still present the security problem of initial passphrase synchronization between server and OPIE client - unless the passphrase is sent to the user by some secure channel, unlikely to be snooped.
Re:OPIE - one time passwords (Score:1)
Yes, such a threat exists (Score:5, Informative)
Picture shots would certainly increase security and raise the bar for malware writers. Current BHOs are able to manipulate the data stream on the fly, so you can never be sure what you send to your bank, and whether the data your bank sends to you is actually also displayed. With a picture, this becomes harder to manipulate.
Harder. Not impossible. Many malware BHO families are already prepared for this kind of defense and are working on a way around it (or already found a way around it). Any claim to make malware impossible is a lot of smoke screen and even more snake oil. The best defense against such attacks are still:
1. Using non-mainstreamy software. Malware is a business, target is the mass market. So the further you're from the "masses", the higher the chance that the malware can't strike you. Using Firefox instead of the omnipresent IE is a good step. Defeats a good deal of malware. Taking a step further and using a Mac or Linux almost eliminates the threat. That doesn't mean MacOS or Linux are more secure (I'll spare you and me the discussion), that simply means that their market share is smaller and thus it is less interesting for malware writers.
2. Using a brain when connecting to the 'net. Clicking everything and using mainstream apps is a surefire way to catch some kind of infection. Even with current anti-malware tools installed. No antivirus is able to catch everything (and they usually are at least one day behind the malware writers). No security tool is able to intercept all invasion attempts (Windows simply offers way too many entry points). Software is no replacement for brains and common sense.
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Now there's a quote I can put to good use in my day job!
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Even though IMO some of those anti-cheat technology, along with a bunch of copy protection drivers, do qualify as malware. They exhibit a lot of behaviour that makes software malware.
a bit futile isn't it? (Score:1)
Why not use something like this: =48&VSID=6d7fc48bd716da9ea9996168a1d6880b []
It's a little calculator-like device, which only changes one 6-digit number into another 6-digit number. I don't know the workings behind it, but it's a unique calculation per device, and they're cheap and easy to use.
You just log into a webpage, enter the number on the back or a logincode if the number is registered to a login, input the (changing per page-re
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That is a correct statement, but misses the point. It would be nice for a man-in-the-middle to get a reusable value, but it isn't necessary for a successful attack. The man-in-the-middle can clean out your account during the session you have successfully set up. I saw a demo of this with a person setting up a man-in-the-middle attack on his own brokerage account using a device which generated one-time passwords f
Broken by design. (Score:2, Insightful)
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Itaú in Brazil has something similar but bett (Score:1, Informative)
Not secure (Score:2, Informative)
Grab the coordinates and the image, and you can stich together the password with close to no effort.
No authentication from compromised client. (Score:2)
I'm still not convinced that you can do any kind of secure authentication if the client machine into which you type the password (whether it's typed as text or onto an imagemap or via any other means) is assumed to be u
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And the blind... (Score:2, Insightful)
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Another Solution (Score:1)
1. Please enter your username
2. Please enter the 2nd and 6th letter of your password.
Randomize the digits asked for in 2 and hide password fields.
Umm... nope (Score:2)
Second, you could redirect the transfer and execute a classic man in the middle, where you simply cut the user off the moment he logged in and take over.
Not usable by the blind (Score:2, Insightful)
So, in the U.S.,unless your looking to have the National Federation of the Blind, American Council of the Blind or the Justice Department come after you in court you would be well advised not to implemen
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Well, not usually [].
obvious and bad (Score:2)
If you want something secure, use one time passwords or an authentication token.
And if you think you might have spyware on your computer, reinstall, preferably an operating system that is less susceptible.
what is it about voting machine companies? (Score:2)
Why do those companies seem to attract the most incompetent developers?
Micromata invented a component
[sarcasm]What else did the "invent"? The mouse? Sex? Combining peanut butter and jelly?[/sarcasm] Using these kinds of inputs has a long tradition.
for secure PIN/password input via untrusted, insecure browsers.
It's not secure, not even close to it. And it has big usability problems. The approach is of some use in some applications, but for an on
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Or have the voter registration card be a smartcard with one-time passwords directly stored on them (protected by a password/pin which is never transmitted anywhere, not even to the computer the smartcard reader is connected to). You'd need to have a smartcard reader with pin field for online voting, but hey, if you don't want to pay for that, yo
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there are so much better things you can do, like send people a list of one-time passwords along with their voter registration card.
The company being German this is all the more surprising that they did not think about using it. In Germany, one of the major banks (not to say a monopoly), named Sparkasse, uses One Time Pads for Internet access. You receive a list of pads by "secure" snail-mail, which along with your login and password, lets you have access to sensitive features of the website such money t
Secure Keyboard Idea (Score:2)
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Man in the middle attacks. If they can intercept the keys then they can intercept the encrypted characters and decrypt them.
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Now, there might be a use for a device that pgp-encrypts a message and sends it to a keyboard-dongle so so the encrypted text can be e
JavaServer Pages? (Score:2)
They are still widely in use, but if you are up-to-date in Java web application technologies, you are probably aware that JSP is dead. This is not a troll. JSP is rapidly being pushed out by alternatives like Facelets [] (which is used to define JavaServer Faces [] views), Tapestry [], and Wicket []. All of these are XML, disallow any logic in the view (thus encouraging proper MVC), and do not require a mountain of boilerplate code to extend []. Why anyone would use JSP these days is totally beyond my understanding.
Biggest Problem (Score:1)
Malware screen grabbing... (Score:2)
It's definitely possible to write a screen capture program that can copy a region, window or even the entire screen. There are numerous shareware programs which will allow you to do this. Some even allow you to perform screen-grabs across the network. Even the MSDN developers CD proved an example program to do this. Other programs
demonstrate how to
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Because this system gets around that by not using keypresses. This system displays the numbers randomly shifted below your PIN as images. After you click on one number, it tells the server where you clicked in the image and can shift the numbers again. This way, a keystroke logger will receive zero keypresses, only mouse clicks. The previous poster was makin
Security by unavailability (Score:2)
Keyboardless computing? (Score:2)