Intel and BlueArc Set New Mail Server Record 104
louismg writes "With e-mail traffic continuing to explode, Intel and BlueArc announced this morning that the two companies have set a new SPECmail benchmark record in cooperation with CommuniGate Pro, offering a solution that can serve 30 million messages per day - 67% ahead of the previous record, owned by Sun Microsystems. Rather than clustering a lot of smaller servers together, large ISPs can now use fewer systems to handle massive traffic load."
The Aliens, there in it with the spammers (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:The Aliens, there in it with the spammers (Score:2)
Yes, the future is not how much mail you can store/process, it's how good your spam processing is, to save those 2 legit emails from grandma.
Re:Oh oh ..... (Score:3, Informative)
They are better using customised software which doesn't care about inbound mail.
Re:Oh oh ..... (Score:2, Funny)
I don't want everyone to know.
By the way, are you interested in some viagra?
Old Koreans Rejoice! (Score:2, Funny)
Deep Spam! (Score:2)
That's a server consolidation booster (Score:1)
I always thought gamers drove performance. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I always thought gamers drove performance. (Score:2)
Correction (Score:1, Funny)
Spam filtering? (Score:1)
Re:Spam filtering? (Score:1, Interesting)
Solaris is not BSD (Score:1)
Re:Solaris is not BSD (Score:2)
I'm not saying the wikipedia is necessarily correct -- but what's your source that says Solaris is not based on SunOS (and not based on BSD)?
Thanks in advance.
Re:Solaris is not BSD (Score:1)
See this snipit from the Solaris Transiton Guide where they explain how to install the SunOS/BSD compat packages, and how to use the new Solaris commands i?a=view []
Or see the notes at the bottom of this page []
Re:Solaris is not BSD (Score:1)
Re:Solaris is not BSD (Score:2)
Re:Solaris is not BSD (Score:2)
Re:They use Solaris [BSD still dying] (Score:1)
Of course there is still life in BSD! Not everything is run on Win/Tux!!
And don't forget MacOSX is a BSD at heart.
Re:They use Solaris [BSD still dying] (Score:2)
Re:They use Solaris [BSD still dying] (Score:2)
Re:They use Solaris [BSD still dying] (Score:2)
Re:They use Solaris [BSD still dying] (Score:1)
The side effect, is that apps which can take advantage of superscalar processors end up only seeing half of the processor and half of the cache.. So, modern apps (or apps compiled with modern compilers) actually lose performance due to hype
Re:They use Solaris [BSD still dying] (Score:2)
Sun Solaris 10 x86 (Score:3, Interesting)
CommuniGate Pro: CommuniGate Pro v4.3.6 Operating System: Sun Solaris 10 x86
CommuniGate Pro Dynamic Cluster - Frontend Servers (5 systems)
CommuniGate Pro: CommuniGate Pro v4.3.6 Operating System: Sun Solaris 10 x86
for NFS (Score:2)
Redundant? (Score:5, Insightful)
Isn't part of the allure of smaller systems handling the specifically to get away from large dedicated systems that aren't nearly as reliable?
By now, google should have taught the world something - distributed computing with small cheap specced systems that can each be swapped with multiple redundancy is the way to offer both uptime, speed, and be cost effective.
It's nearly identical to the "lean" manufacturing techniques pioneered by the Japanese. Small cells that can increase or decrease output based on the amount of workers (systems) that are working that day. Very flexible.
After all, it's a COMPUTER.... do you really want it dedicated to just email, or can we use it for other tasks in the downtime.
Re:Redundant? (Score:5, Insightful)
The allure of small systems is because of COST, not reliability. Large systems are and can be very reliable. Using consumer commodity computer parts by themselves is more likely to be less reliable, but if you set up failover clusters, then you get a cheaper overall system that is as reliable.
Re:Redundant? (Score:5, Informative)
There are two terms that often get interchanged, when they shouldn't. Reliability is the ability of the system to run without repairs. Availability is the ability of the system to do its job.
So the large monolithic system can be built out of very good (and expensive) components that do not fail as much as commodity hardware. This will lead to fewer failures and better reliability.
The commodity hardware can be arranged so that redundancy ensures that if on component fails, then another will take its load. Since the damaged component needs to be serviced, the reliability is lower, although the availiability of the system is the same.
Reliability is used by planners to determine the labor costs in keeping a system running. Availability is used by planners to make uptime predictions and to take measures to provide a certian level of service.
Two similiar numbers that are used for different purposes.
Doesn't this create SPF? (Score:4, Insightful)
Of course, ISPs won't realize this.
Re:Doesn't this create SPF? (Score:2)
Re:Doesn't this create SPF? (Score:2)
Not that great (Score:5, Interesting)
Firstly I assume this is just a raw delivery setup - no spam or virus filtering. You'd be amazed how much of a difference this makes to any real world setup.
Secondly, does over 2 million mails a day on a dual 2.4Ghz Xeon using an SMTP server written in Perl []. And that's with full anti-virus (clamav) and lots of different anti-spam measures including SpamAssassin (which is known to be slow - I know because I used to be one of the developers).
I also know of commercial setups doing over 50m (legit, well - mostly) mails a day. Using an SMTP Server designed with performance in mind []. Perhaps they should submit for SPECmail
So 30 million doesn't seem terribly amazing to me. Perhaps Communigate Pro isn't a very fast mail server.
Re:Not that great (Score:2)
Re:Not that great (Score:2)
Re:Not that great (Score:3, Insightful)
So reading the full disclosure they used 4 quad xeons. That's 16 CPUs. Compared to's 2.
So using a pure perl SMTPD [] you can have this kind of throughput (~1m mails per day per CPU) with spam and virus filtering enabled.
No, I am not impressed with this benchmark.
Re:Not that great (Score:5, Interesting)
Probably worth noting that the Louis Gray who submitted this story is BlueArc's Corporate Communications Manager.
I thought that the blurb seemed a bit too slick to have come from anywhere but the company themselves. I hope there's no dodgy reason that Louis used a email address to submit the story instead of their work account.
Re:Not that great (Score:2)
Very interesting... The wording leaves one thinking Intel & BlueArc are announcing this. In fact the SPECmail report shows CommuniGate submitted the results. Why would Intel want to push a disk array that uses a Freescale PPC chip?
Re:Not that great (Score:2)
It is not. In addition to the SMTP service, the benchmark models POP3 service as well. From the FAQ, []
"SPECmail2001 is an industry standard benchmark designed to measure a system's ability to act as a mail server compliant with the Internet standards Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and Post Office Protocol -Version 3 (POP3). The benchmark models consumer users of an Internet Service Provider (ISP) by simul
Re:Not that great (Score:1, Informative)
second can your kick ass SMTP server handle; it's how many (simulated) concurrent & slow modem dial up POP connections (many), IMAP connections (some), and
other dross can the overall system handle. Again,
concurrently. And SPECmail does lean very heavily
towards simulating a world with the overwhelming
majority of users looking like POPers with dialup
modem connections.
So, while being able to handle lots of inbound messages per second and delivering them
Re:Not that great - try RTFA (Score:2, Informative)
So that includes users connecting, picking up email, deleting from their data store etc etc etc.
Re:Not that great - try RTFA (Score:2)
Re:Not that great (Score:2)
FWIW, mail is primarily a disk function. Use lots of fast SCSI disks in RAID 0 for maximum speed (or battery backed RAMdisk for the queue, incredible performance gain).
Re:Not that great (Score:2)
If you want reliability as well, battery backed RAM, RAID01 or RID 10 would be a preferred choice.
We run RAID 5 for NFS mounted mail stores, and RAID1 on the frontend MXes. What we have though is a split between outbound SMTP gateways, IMAP servers, mail stores, POP3 servers, webmail servers, frontend proxies, MX servers, optional A/V scanning. Lots of little boxes and horizontal scaling.
Sadly... (Score:2)
Certainly, any ISP worth its salt is going to be filtering spam, but there aren't a lot of anti-spam systems out there that are effective over the long term or aren't annoying as all hell.
Jerry []
Re:Sadly... (Score:2)
Right, but... (Score:3, Funny)
What they don't tell you... (Score:2)
Really though - is this really a useful metric - x million emails per day? Anyone needing this sort of mail throughput is going to be either a megacorp with a centralised mail server (do any actually do this?) or an ISP. If you're talking this level of mail you're already using some multi-box mail system. In that case individual box performance isn't so important, but rather costs.
In essence - for any
Re:What they don't tell you... (Score:2)
On an NFS message store (Score:4, Informative)
Interestingly enough, they set their record using a message store mounted on NFS. It had 140 FC/AL attached disks, and 14Gb of RAM.
Virtually every file handle an MTA writes to is opened "O_SYNC". One of the quickest ways to make Sendmail or other common MTA's go fast is to mount their delivery queues on a solid state disk. I'm betting this disk array is turning around the queues without ever committing the data to the platters. (Not that there's anything wrong with this...) I am left wondering if there isn't some bit if NFS trickery not reported in the config.
But looking at the Sun entry, the old record was set using 2 year old software, and a much smaller disk configuration. Sun will probably update their entry in the near future, just to reclaim the crown. Email is much more an I/O problem than a CPU problem. Sun used to push their mail server on much larger HW, but most ISP's don't want to buy big boxes these days. The small to medium sized boxes, connected to a SAN are more cost effective, permit redundancy and easier maintenance.
Re:On an NFS message store (Score:3, Informative)
Indeed. It doesn't strike me as being a particularly impressive record when there are only a total of 18 entries submitted, and most of them are 3 or more years old. I'm sure that I could quite easily come up with a system capable of beating the previous record for a reasonable cost simply by using modern hardware and minimal configuration tweaking.
Re:On an NFS message store (Score:2)
The interesting bit is that the storage is pure hardware; there is no PCI bus or general purpose CPU between disk and LAN slowing things down.
The SPECmail report says it's a Freescale MPC7457B PPC chip, and specifically mentions NFS, not SMB. ary.jsp?code=MPC7457&nodeId=0162468rH3bTdG8653 []CPU Info Here
Sure looks like a general purpose CPU to me. Same family as used in the current Mac PB's, iBooks, and the Mini, with a bunch of speedy I/O stuff bolted
Re:On an NFS message store (Score:3, Informative)
BlueArc does all of their fileserving via microcoded hardware. Instead of using a plain old OS to build the fileserver, they do it in hardware modules dedicated to the task. This means that there is no OS overhead and the different modules (TCP/IP, CIFS, NFS, iSCSI, etc) have
Re:On an NFS message store (Score:2)
>faster than a cluster of the highest end
Their controller throughput seems to be 20Gbps - I'm lazy to check but I think I've seen one or two vendors with better performance. []
>Bluearc actually treats all of these raid-5
>shelves as disks that it does raid-1
>across. This gives you redundancy and
>double-striping in hardware from end to
Don't all high end disk arrays work the same way? You
Well (Score:2)
Wake me up when there is a news item about how all the pornography on the Internet has suddenly disappeared.
Re:Well (Score:1)
idea (Score:1)
Speed vs. functionality (Score:3, Interesting)
And how does this impact Australia? (Score:2, Funny)
My previous company did 100M a day!! (Score:1)
the company I used to work for (a spammer) - hey, I had to eat!
they were sending on AVERAGE about 100 MILLION emails a day by using a cluster of 100 small (1U) racked machines.
and we just used POSTFIX. running mostly K6-2 cpus, yeah real old stuff. lots of K6 cpus too.
so how the hell is this a new record?
oh I guess because spammers don't do the SPECmail tests... hehehe
Well they're 1/3 of the way to a simple postfix config. keep working on it guys!
Re:My previous company did 100M a day!! (Score:2)
From the blurb:
Rather than clustering a lot of smaller servers together, large ISPs can now use fewer systems to handle massive traffic load."
Reading TFA, is sounds like this is one server - not 100. Unless the system in the article is using 30 servers, they beat your evil-spammer-boss's system on a per-server basis.
Communigate Pro (Score:1)
Record? (Score:2)
And the idea that one would need commercial software to do this is laughable
A bit of math (Score:2)
The world population is about 6000 million people. Considering that not all of them read mail (e.g.: infants) it's not too way off to assume that average number of mails that a person can cope with is around 10.
If this box can deliver 30 million messages, 2000 of them are going to saturate the email limit the human civilization can handle (6000 x 10 = 60,000).
But there is a catch: this is under the assumption that all those 60 billion mails are not spam.
In other words, this record breaking "system" has
Munitions? (Score:2)
Imagine if Nigeria got the e-bomb...
Funny math. (Score:3, Insightful)
The math seems a little off...
12,500 messages/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24 hours/day = 18M messages/day, not 30M.
That having been said, CGPro is fast as all heck so I can believe it topped the previous record.
WTF? (Score:2)
The tester responds... (Score:5, Informative)
First off, on the SPECmail test itself. SPECmail is a standardized test (the only one I'm aware of for email) that attempts to closely regulate a level playing field for measuring email performance. It is critical to understand that this is not just measuring SMTP. The 30 million message a day [] text is a little vague, but it is important that this includes a distribution of delivery, relayed, and retrieved email. Sure, anyone can just relay many millions of messages an hour.
SPECmail does POP and SMTP, so the test measures not just MTA behaviour but also local delivery and then retrieval of the messages. The SPECmail test also uses Quality of Service (QOS) measurements such that a message injected via SMTP to the system MTAs (the CommuniGate Pro Frontend servers in this diagram []) must then be delivered locally into the users' account, then be retrieved within 60 seconds. Satisfying the QOS criteria during the benchmark is often the most difficult part.
So, SPECmail itself just does POP and SMTP, which is a little 1990s I agree, but SPEC is coming out with a SPECimap [] test in the near future, and CGS is also very interested in seeing a SPEC VoIP/SIP test for measuring CommuniGate Pro's Real-Time [] capabilities.
A few others questions I've seen raised here:
1. The CommuniGate Pro Dynamic Cluster described in this test is fully and completely appropriate for production use in all aspects. In fact, if you're running a 2+ million user ISP on a CommuniGate Pro Dynamic Cluster, we'd recommend you to use these results as a guide for your architecture (although load balancers should be added to the gateway point for all inbound connections). In fact, CGS has ISP customers running architectures which match the layout of the described system almost exactly. All systems in the Cluster service all accounts - you could lose 4 Frontend Servers and 3 Backend Servers, and all users could still access their email (albeit with decreased capacity).
2. HyperThreading was disabled in the BIOS because the downloadable Solaris 10 x86 [] operating system would not (yet?) support the Intel x86_64 Potomoc chipset properly. That said, on top of the recent security vulnerabilities [] on the topic, we have also discovered miscellaneous threading and even NFS issues related to having HyperThreading enabled on Linux 2.6, FreeBSD 5.4, and Solaris 10 x86 systems.
3. On NFS...NFS is used safely and securely in this test. The integrity of data storage is one of the major criteria that the SPEC organization closely evaluates when reviewing a SPECmail submittal. Obviously, there are many ways to cheat and/or cut corners using Solid State Disks, unsafe RAM for message queueing, and other techniques that you would never want to use on your production message system. However, the test described here was performed using a standard (albeit excellent) BlueArc Titan [] Storage System with write caching only in NRRAM and using proper mount options and layout for security, redundancy, and data integrity.
Hope this clears up any misconceptions. Obviously, I'm clearly biased about the work here, but assembling and then passing a SPECmail test of this size is a gigantic effort. If anyone thinks
Re:The tester responds... (Score:1)
Secret Alliance? (Score:1)
400 Million messages a day (Score:1)
The summary is completely wrong (as usual) (Score:2)
"Rather than clustering a lot of smaller servers together, large ISPs can now use fewer systems to handle massive traffic load."
From the testing reports linked in the article we have:
For a total of 10 systems seperated into 3 levels (front end, backend, data storage).
High quality editing for Slashdot as usual.