Government-Funded GPL Software 326
tgw writes "Tom Adelstein has an article in 'Linux Journal' on how a major milestone in US government-funded OSS recently passed - virtually unnoticed." Slashdot has mentioned this company earlier.
A sine curve goes off to infinity, or at least the end of the blackboard. -- Prof. Steiner
Drm (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Drm (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Drm (Score:3, Insightful)
RTFA! (Score:2, Insightful)
In many cases, assuming the software is not proprietary, the work is available to the whole government for unlimited use and it falls under the public domain. Public domain materials can be requested by anyone...
Please READ before you post. It's very frustrating to see posts exactly opposite the subject of the article.
Re:Drm (Score:5, Insightful)
How is this going to work? Its hard to think of situations in which the federal government would have a need for DRM. What argument are they going to use for putting DRM into GNU software? And how are they going to implement it? At worst, they could say they won't use FLOSS software for particular purposes without DRM. They can't actually control FLOSS software without major changes in copyright law that would be hard to target at FLOSS.
It seems to me that government release of software under the GPL is a big win for the FLOSS movement, and not just because its an additional adopter of the model. This provides a unifiying force between left wing and libertarian advocates of FLOSS and those conservatives who are not in the pockets of big corporations. That kind of conservative often views the federal government as a big ripoff. Releasing government software under the GPL gives back to the people.
Re:Drm (Score:3, Interesting)
Internal document management, including media content. Photographs, videos, etc. You think the Army is happy knowing Abu Ghraib torture pics circulated as screensavers?
Re:Drm (Score:4, Interesting)
Actually, the Abu Ghraib photos were taken by soldiers acting in their private capacity and distributed privately. They weren't liberated from government computers.
Still, its true that the government has some photos, documents, etc., that they wouldn't want circulated. However, I'm not sure that DRM is what they need to keep those documents safe. What DRM allows you to do is to publish files and control exactly who sees them, who can reproduce them, etc. Confidential government files aren't supposed to be published at all. Presumably the proper way to secure them is to encrypt them and keep them on systems isolated from the network, to which only certain people have access, with logging of file accesses and so on. In other words, you want a secure OS.
In the even the government did need DRM for purposes like this, presumably it could be added as a module that was not released. I don't see that there would be any need to demand that GNU software incorporate DRM.
Re:Drm (Score:3, Informative)
I don't think you can safely say that, given the evidence emerging now:
Lt. Gen. Sanchez..borrowed heavily from a list of high-pressure interrogation tactics used at the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and approved letting senior officials at a Baghdad jail use military dogs, temperature extremes, reversed sleep patterns, sensory deprivation, and diets of bread and water on detai []
Re:Drm (Score:3, Informative)
It just makes sense for the government to do this. (Score:5, Insightful)
So I guess the cliche applies here:
1. Government Funded GPL project
2. Unleash on public
3. ???
4. Profit!
Whether this is good or not, someone, within 30 comments of this post will post a jab at Bush.
Re:It just makes sense for the government to do th (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:It just makes sense for the government to do th (Score:5, Funny)
There's no way anyone will get tax credits for fixing bugs.
wow government funding! (Score:2, Funny)
Software paid via public funding should not be GPL (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:2, Insightful)
No. The decision to GPL or not GPL a piece of publicly-funded code should not be based on an expectation of future earnings from that code.
If it is, then the code should be developed (and funded) by the private sector, not the public sector.
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:4, Interesting)
Yet another blind GPL fan boy.
And this is a bad thing why? What is so inherently evil about businesses that they shouldn't be allowed to use a business model that uses some code developed by the government and then freely released to all? If they wish, they can take that public domain code, make changes, and release it GPL if they wish. You have the same option. Of course, the public domain code would always be public domain, and thus entirely free; nothing can change that.
The one and only purpose of the GPL is to ensure that derivative works (plugins, models and the like) get an open source license (in this case the GPL). Is netcat any less free because it's public domain? Is OpenBSD any less free because it's licensed under a BSD license that allows companies to make derivative works and indeed distribute the original code in a binary only license?
There's a half truth going around about the GPL being viral and somehow infecting code you don't want to. We all know that's bull, but it's based in this truth. If you want to base a product on GPL code, you have to release any of your additions and modifications under the GPL as well, meaning you are giving away your code to the public. That's the price you knowingly pay up front for using GPL code (thus it isn't viral since you choose to use the available code, but later don't want to pay the price).
If tas payers fund a government body that creates some code, why should they use a license that requires that anyone else release their changes freely? Did not those corporations that might want to use the code pay taxes as well? Public domain is the fairest way for everyone to play ball.
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:4, Insightful)
Agreed. And the GPL is what makes sure that it will stay in the public domain. Releasing software without the GPL will let anyone convert, with minor modifications, a software from public domain to proprietary. Where in the Constitution is it written that tax money should be used to give profit to corporations? If the corporations don't want to cope with the GPL they are free to write from scratch their own software. But they may also use the GPL software released by the government on the same basis as everyone else. How's that for a "fair way" for everyone to play ball?
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:4, Insightful)
That's bullshit.
Let's consider some non-GPL software like FreeBSD. Nokia and Juniper use FreeBSD in their routers. Have FreeBSD became proprietary? No. Are Nokia and Juniper's FreeBSD versions proprietary - yes. They are different OSes because of proprietary software included. Just consider them as branches.
BTW tax money were used to write software to use by government. If the same software might benefit somebody else it is even better. And I say it is good corporations make money from whatever software they use because emploeyes and stockholders also people.
And question for you - do you believe that GPLed software can't be used to give profits to corporations? So those Linux crowds who swear by Linux companies are wrong? ;)))
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:3, Interesting)
Suppose that the software is available as public domain and a company sells a derivative. Then the people who pay for that are paying for the additions made by that company. You are free to use the costless, public domain version if you don't agree with that barg
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:2)
You can get a fork at any time with GPL software.
The government will pay the contractor to ensure that any upgrades to the software meet its requirements whether its GPL, public domain or proprietary. If the contractor thinks it can keep costs low by creating a GPL derivative work its free to do that.
Also MS could still ship GPL software with windows (like a
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:5, Interesting)
The best thing about the GPL is that it's simply not possible for a company to then exploit it without giving some benefit back to the people who paid for it. (And yes, I understand that companies pay taxes too). For example, the GPL prevents small, meaningless changes which simply change protocols without adding value.
Suppose you're a government funded researcher who produces some nice chat software which is placed into the public domain. What can stop AOL, which is a huge and influential company, from making a slight change to that software and then bundling it with AOL 10? If they bundle their new, incompatible chat software, they create a huge user-base without contributing anything. They could then leave it at that, or charge non-AOLers $10 if they want to be able to chat with their customers. You might argue that this is a good thing, but I think it's doubtful. And this approach isn't available to anyone except big SW companies.
Far better to use the GPL. If AOL wants to use the SW they paid for, they can do so. If they want to improve it, they can do that too, but they must distribute their source, so they can't create a huge "incompatibilty-hole" amongst the people who originally paid to produce the software.
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:5, Informative)
This is patently incorrect. If they want to use (in any way, shape or (modified) form) GPL-ed software, they can do so without restriction. However, if they distribute it to someone who is not in-house, and have made modifications, they must also make the source available to them (and for that matter, to anyone else).
I hate it when people assist in the sullying of the GPL name when they attempt to defend it.
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:3, Insightful)
What you say makes sense only because you didn't quote the whole of my post. The example I was talking about involved AOL distributing the "enhanced" chat application to all of their customers
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:4, Insightful)
For the sake of this argument, assume a better analogy -- a ladder and a series of pulleys. Every step you climb up the latter costs (something) and use of the pully is free. The government pays to have a pully hung at a certain level, and everyone may use that pully for free. In a BSD style license, a company may use the government pully and then climb the ladder a bit, setting their own pully and charging for use to that higher level. In the GPL style license, pulleys hung after using a free govt-derived pully must also have no cost.
Now, in this scenario, taxpayers fund the hanging of the first pully, for public use. But a company has a profit motive and wants to invest a little to get good results, so they use the first pully, climb a bit, and hang a new one. [Note: This metaphor encapsulates many of the dual-licensing schemes -- gpl & commercial use for proprietary product] They haven't paid back the taxpayers for their use of the pully. If the first govt hung pully had NOT been free, the company would have had to pay -- and taxpayers aren't being passed those savings. In short, the marginal investment of climbing a few steps is nothing without the prior [free] public investment....and as such, they shouldn't be able to charge for them.
[The typical retort is that "thit just shows how the GPL is viral, and that a few lines of GPL code can take over a huge project." If you have a huge project with thousands of lines of code, and you are incapable of writing your own proprietary 3 line solution to do the same thing as some GPL'd code, then you deserve to go bankrupt. ]
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:4, Insightful)
As for some posters comments about granting companies, who are also taxpayers, the same benefits as everyone else, I believe the GPL does that just fine. Under the GPL they have the same rights to use, modify, and distribute as individuals do. It just prevents them from gaining any special advantages compared to individual taxpayers or even other companies. And while PD would not prevent individuals from comitting such abuses, it would still produce a very unlevel playing field because large corporations are in an inherently better position to benefit from such practices.
So I believe that GPL is a much better choice for Government developed software than PD or BSD style licenses. Being able to reap some of the benefits of your tax dollars is good. Being able to destroy the value of those benefits for all other taxpayers is not.
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:5, Insightful)
No they don't. Really. At first glance, it may appear that companies pay taxes but they really don't.
In fact, it is their customers that pay the taxes as part of the final price, the company is just a middleman.
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:2, Insightful)
Granted, the GPL doesn't actually prohibit MegaCorp(TM) from using it, but most MegeCorp's business plans are not (yet) GPL-compatible. Although, maybe if this large body of Gov't GPL software was approaching ubiquity for whatever it does, this may encourage MCs to accept it.
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:4, Insightful)
But I think this is because they would like anyone who uses it to add to it. It's to make sure public property stays public.
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:3, Insightful)
The GPL version would be likely to rapidly become better than the original.
I meant modified code.
Sorry for unintentionally speaking nonsense.
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:2)
Then you'll just have to wait for open molecular manufacturing [] like the rest of us.
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:5, Insightful)
As the article states, the government is supposed to be required to put out code in the 'public domain', it appears they had to use a loophole in the law to get this done.
Perhaps an exception for the LGPL would work here. The code could be used with commericial products while still keeping with the copy-left philosophy.
Using it != getting profits (Score:5, Insightful)
Anyone can use GPL software, but not everyone may be able to profit from it. Think about roads maintained by taxes. Anyone can drive over them, but corporations cannot charge tolls on people who use them.
Why should corporations have the sacred right to get profits from software developed for the government, but not from roads built for the government?
Re:Using it != getting profits (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:2, Funny)
Sure they don't pay federal income tax, but that doesn't mean that they don't pay large sums of money over to government leaders in other ways.
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:3, Interesting)
Anyways, here [] is MS's Annual Report which seems to state they paid nearly $5 billion in income taxes. Maybe you don't thin
Agreed (Score:3, Insightful)
The GPL is fine for private authors to adopt if that's what they prefer, but it should have no place in the public sector. As another poster points out, it unfairly favors some users over others.
Re:Agreed (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Agreed (Score:2)
Ok, but then why should you be allowed to put license restrictions on that tax-funded code?
Re:Agreed (Score:2)
I never said I should be allowed to do that. Using the code is not the same as restricting the code.
As long as I can't take the code away from you, you shouldn't care what I do with it. If I want to fork it into a private closed-source project, and lose the benefits of further public development, then that's my mistake to make, right?
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:3, Informative)
"Subject matter of copyright: United States Government works: Copyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government, but the United States Government is not precluded from receiving and holding copyrights transferred to it by assignment, bequest, or otherwise."
For example, Diebold voting software is government funded project but it alone did not make it a public domain, where is in this case, one of the vendor released its
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:3, Informative)
Drugs developed through public funding... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Drugs developed through public funding... (Score:2)
He's just whoring for some karma. Let the poor boy be.
The mods eat up the "think of the children" posts and it keeps your head above water between trolls (ie. really speaking your mind)
Re:Drugs developed through public funding... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:2)
In many cases, assuming the software is not proprietary, the work is available to the whole government for unlimited use and it falls under the public domain. Public domain materials can be requested by anyone, but in practice the people who know about an internal government project are limited. Thus, being available to the public does not mean anyone would know to ask [for it]. So is it really public?
A little later:
The advantage of an Open Source Software license is that the code mus
yes (Score:2)
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:2)
Public universities would never, ever go for this, and they shouldn't.
Public funding is a grant; The same way that public funding for the arts is a grant. Once funded, the government can't swoop in and take what was done.
The government shouldn't be putting any restrictions on what people do with the money they get, and that includes MAKING someone put work in the public domain. ANY work. That includes software.
A lot of
Re:Software paid via public funding should not be (Score:2)
"Public domain" has a specific meaning when applied in the copyright sense. It means a work over which no one may claim copyright protection.
I'd say that the domain needs to be limited to US citizens only.
That's really weird, you express a personal opinion and then (erroneously) say that its the position of the USG. You are 100 percent wrong. USG works are in the public domain, as such, an
No real innovation... (Score:5, Funny)
Public Funds, Public Software (Score:5, Interesting)
Balderdash (Score:3, Insightful)
First of all, companies paid for the software too through taxes. I don't understand why you think that they should be prevented from ADDING VALUE to the software and reselling it. It's not that the company is STEALING the software from the people; the people still have exactly the software that the government created. But when companies ADD VALUE, they should be able to sell that ADDED VALUE at the market price. If th
Re:Public Funds, Public Software (Score:2, Insightful)
I repeast, no, they cannot use it in their product while the OSS developer can.
"Or that the government building roads is discriminating against people who don't have drive cars."
The reason we let the government help build roads despite that fact is because there is no viable alternative way to get the job done. That is not the case with software development. They could easily
Re:Public Funds, Public Software (Score:2)
Re:Public Funds, Public Software (Score:3, Insightful)
Having said that- I do think that a BSD styled release would be best- this way companies searching for a profit stream can use it as well; but have to at least admit that they did.
SELinux (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:SELinux (Score:5, Insightful)
And Don Becker's ethernet drivers. (of NASA)
And the Beowulf software. (Also from NASA)
Not to detract from the importance of OPen Source in tax-funded development, but the federal government has been producing GPLed code for some time now.
Is it just me... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Is it just me... (Score:3, Interesting)
The next problem is that if a cash strapped agency (and 100% of non-profits usually are) does get the source code, that non-profit itself will turn around
Re:Is it just me... (Score:2)
get ready for the irony ... (Score:5, Insightful)
How might things have turned out differently if those foreigners that started the Linux kernel, Mysql, OpenBSD, Python, Ruby, KDE, Mplayer, etc had said the same thing about letting American's profit off of their software.
Closed source+money==laws to extract more SW money (Score:5, Interesting)
I did S[kim]TFA ... (Score:3, Informative)
I think it makes sense (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:I think it makes sense (Score:2)
Re:I think it makes sense (Score:3, Interesting)
Translation: the cost of copying software is ~0 per unit, if including the investment cost of developing it will slowly average down to ~0, and the value of a piece of software increases with how popular it is (amount of support available, interoperability with other kinds of software or hardware, having everyone know the same thing, being "the standard" everone is supposed to be fa
Re:I think it makes sense (Score:2)
Re:I think it makes sense (Score:2)
Re:I think it makes sense (Score:2)
Wouldnt a bsd style license work here (Score:5, Insightful)
I know most people are in love with the GPL
but the government stuff is rather just let users use it free while ensuring that it was not appropriated or falsely credited to a private company.
Re:Wouldnt a bsd style license work here (Score:2, Insightful)
The GPL would represent the peak performance of a society/government: No duplication of effort.
Competition, capitalism, and general 'survival of the fittest' is not the only way forward. Cooperation, sharing, and intelligence is also an option.
Huh? Lots of Gov Software is GPL (Score:2)
Re:Huh? Lots of Gov Software is GPL (Score:2, Informative)
not the first (Score:3, Interesting)
freewrl []
freewrl has been funded by the canadian government for a few years now
Not the first and by far (Score:5, Informative)
The first GPL required US government funded project I know of is the NYU GNAT project which is an Ada GCC front-end, see History in Wikipedia []
This was back in 1994 or some such.
NSA Secure Linux is GPL (Score:3, Informative)
The US gov. is helping terror!!!!! (Score:3, Funny)
Check your local RFPs (Score:4, Insightful)
In the answer to this RFP, you must indicate if your solution already implements a series of features, or whether it can be accomplished in the next 3 months. So that's 3 months and at least $50k to add features to an OSS project...
It seems very odd to me that we should insist that it is the government that should release the software, when it is much simpler to sell them modifications to software that's already open.
I'm not 100% clear how to accomplish that goal yet.
Looking for RFP's to bid on doesn't give you much time to research existing projects and get used to the codebase and start contributing features. Trying to get a good comparison of various projects -assuming you managed to find enough to compare- is often like trying to understand theological arguments.
Alternatively, you could just specialize in or start an OSS project that you knew was going to be needed by many agencies (Collision information management system, electronic medical record...), get a team together and bid on all RFPs on the subject, starting with the ones requiring the least features/customization.
Either way, there are low-hanging fruits here where we can underbid the commercial vendors with technically superior solutions.
Has anyone tried this kind of approach? Are there any domains you know that are ripe for an OS solution?
why donate? (Score:3, Interesting)
First, since DevIS owned the copyright they could have released it as GPL. Why donate it the USG at all, especially if it cost them $20k to do so?
Second, once the USG had the copyright, why was it licensed under the GPL. What interest does the government find served by having the code under GPL? Specifically, since USG info is usually public domain why not release it as that? I have heard plenty of people on
It sounds like the Open Source Industry Alliance wants to be able to say that the USG owns a piece of GPL'd code. Maybe that's good, maybe there's a strategy, but I can't tell from the article.
Giving credit where credit is due. (Score:5, Interesting)
The GNU General Public License (GPL) was written years before there was an "open source" movement. Linking together the open source movement with the GPL misstates history and authorship. The language used in the GPL and the freedoms it talks about are not part of the philosophy of the open source movement, they are part of the free software movement which created the free software community we still enjoy today 20 years later. The real author of the GPL is the FSF (most notably, Richard Stallman and Eben Moglen). In a post to the GCC mailing list responding to someone who wanted to help the "open source community", RMS said []
ESR would similarly miscredit the open source movement when he referred to a number of programs [] as "open-source" projects even though they were written before that movement existed:
Maybe the authors of the various BSD OSes and the authors of the Linux kernal don't mind being lumped in with that movement, but ESR also includes Emacs which was co-written by RMS, founder of the free software movement. Emacs was most certainly not written with the open source movement in mind nor to benefit those ideals. Emacs was written to benefit the free software movement. RMS has repeatedly stated how he does not want to be lumped in with the open source movement. The FSF provides a concise and informative description of the differences between the two movements [] which includes RMS asking the reader to know enough about the movements to distinguish between their philosophies.
So what did the open source movement do? The Open Source Initiative placed the GPL on a list of approved licenses. Open source advocates have contributed to practical projects and endorsed the GPL. I'm sure the free software advocates have no issue with endorsing the GPL and increasing its use. But the reason this license protects ones freedoms to share and modify software so well is not due to anything anyone at the OSI or the open source movement has done. Thus it is not fair for that movement to receive credit for the GPL.
Freedom Of Information Act (Score:3, Informative)
I don't understand why this sort of thing doesn't happen more often. In fact, I suspect that the GPL license, may be too restrictive and not enforceable. US citizens have a right to receiving that code (and other information) in the public domain under the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). [] (There are limits regarding national security, etc.) This has already been done with software in the past.
The US Department of Veterans Affairs has been actively developing and using the VistA [] (Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture) software since the 1980's. This software has a proven track record and is used in hundreds of healthcare facilities of all sizes. Many agree that it is at least as good as multi-million dollar systems from companies like Siemens, GE, Cerner, and McKesson.
The VistA software has already been released to the public domain under the US Freedom of Information Act. Since then an active open source community has grown around that freely available code and is even being used in non-government facilities around the world. More recently the open source community and the VA developers have begun discussions on how to combine their efforts.
So if you know of any useful software developed by the US government, speak up and ask for it to be opened up so everyone can benefit!!
You must register to download? (Score:3, Interesting)
Workforce ConnectionsTM Source and Installation Download
In order to download the complete Workforce ConnectionsTM source code and installation software, you must provide your information including a valid email address. The password to enable you to download the files will be sent to that email. Please provide the following information.
I'm glad to see GPL software on a
I can think of nothing better... (Score:5, Insightful)
Producing, using, and supporting GPLed software is precisely the kind of behavior one would hope from a government which was, benevolent, transparent, committed to providing superior service to it's citizens, and working towards a growing common resource that each and every citizen could use and prosper from. Nothing could be more democratic, and nothing could improve our current society more than loosening the grip of special interests.
Let our government be a service to all it's citizens. Promote a future that insures the value of the commons, and promotes the health and happiness of the common man.
Re:What about SELinux? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Good or Evil? (Score:3, Funny)
You're thinking of Linux Gazette []. Or possibly Linux Today []. I don't think Linux Journal has caught onto the trend for having an evil identity yet. Still it might be a good idea to start a boycott now and beat the rush when they do.
Re:I will agree that is cool... (Score:4, Funny)
MS software sucks (+1 informative)
MS software can be made relatively secure (-1 troll)
Bill Gates sucks donkey dick (+1 funny)
Bill gates donates money to the charity (-1 flamebait)
Posts about how we are controled by the big corporation (+1 insiteful)
Posts about breaking corporation by education and boycotts (-1 troll)
Posts about how the government should provide everything (+1 underrated)
Posts about some people needing to get off of their lazy asses to work (-1 overrated)
Re:I will agree that is cool... (Score:2)
1) The type of first moderation of a comment will most likely be the type of all moderations. Maybe moderation could do with a metamoderation interface: don't see the existing scores or author, just rate +1, 0, or -1 (no reason?), and rate relatively recent comments. Finalize the score if it would have reached -2 or 6.
2) An offtopic reply to an offtopic part of a comment will be accepted, but a reply to that comment will be Offtopicked.
Re:I think OSS is an inevitable step... (Score:2)
The simple fact is that proprietary systems gradually grow old, flaky, clunky, bloated and support is withdrawn from them (just witness the EOLs of various versions of Windows and Red Hat Linux we hear about here now and then).
No, the simple fact is that all systems gradually grow old, flaky, chunky, bloated and finally no one is around who can figure out what's happening. I've seen enough examples of companies buying a customized software solution (with source and everything) and years afterwards having
Re:I think OSS is an inevitable step... (Score:2)
What do you think Red Hat is? It has been forked more times than I can count and It's software ended up in every major distro. Red Hat isn't Microsoft, it isn't Sun, it isn't Intel okay?
Comment removed (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Govt. releasing software as GPL should be illeg (Score:3, Funny)