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Comment OCD vs. Backups (Score 0) 386

Look, the quantity of backups you have on phones, computers, RAID arrays, at work, at home, thumb drives, etc looks like a case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. I am NOT a psychiatrist, but I've been treated for it. I'd suggest that you see a psychologist or psychiatrist and see if you manifest OCD symptoms. If you do, get it treated! If you don't, go on vacation and unwind. Putting your business before yourself is the wrong way to live.

Now I need to read the next story on /.

Comment Authors and Business (Score 1) 288

Looks like publishers and authors didn't read the contracts that Amazon and B&N sign. The authors gave the rights to electronically distribute their books and even "lend" it from one person to another. Along comes LendInk to help people to find people willing to lend/borrow book(s) with others. Nothing else; no piracy and the actual lend/borrow is conducted via Amazon or B&N.

Does anyone have a list of publishing companies and/or authors that bitched about LendInk? I'd like for my money to go somewhere else.

Comment Re:Consider me fired. (Score 4, Interesting) 1271

It can also be deadly. A friend of mine gave me the Chicken Pox which, within 2 weeks, lead to bacterial endocarditis, spinal meningitis, pneumonia and Reye's syndrome. Note that the US didn't start using the Chicken Pox vaccine until 1995; it hit me in the 1970's. Fortunately my parents found the doctors I needed and I'm alive today.

I wonder how many children die every year because their parents don't want to get them vacinated.

Comment Re:3d is annoying (Score 1) 404

There are some of us that can't go to the 3D movies because watching the movie with the "glasses" will trigger a migraine.
I'm going to wait until they come up with 3D that puts you in the middle of the movie without the glasses..

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