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How About A Cup Of The Answer To Everything? 491

Reiner Schulz writes "Douglas Adams admittedly was a big fan of Earl Grey tea. Here's his enlightening entry in H2G2 on the subject (pretty much straight out of The Salmon of Doubt). And those familiar w/ the Hitchhiker's Guide will remember the drink dispenser from The Restaurant at the End of the Universe which, trying to figure out how to brew the perfect cuppa, grabs all available computing resources on board a certain starship. What a coincidence then that one of the finest blends of Earl Grey on the planet in general and in the UK in particular is Harrods' Earl Grey, Blend No. ... 42 . It's a plausible theory as to the origin of the answer to everything, isn't it? Earl Grey addicts like myself will certainly agree (even though Douglas liked his w/ milk; I prefer lemon). So, what would be the question? Perhaps, how about a nice cup of tea?"
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How About A Cup Of The Answer To Everything?

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  • by PetWolverine ( 638111 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:13PM (#6780947) Journal
    Does this mean that Earl Grey is selling a substance that is almost, but not quite, completely unlike tea?
    • by Faust7 ( 314817 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:29PM (#6781066) Homepage
      Does this mean that Earl Grey is selling a substance that is almost, but not quite, completely unlike tea?

      Almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. Rather like your almost, but not quite, entirely accurate quote. ;-)
    • Maybe, but... (Score:3, Informative)

      by BrokenHalo ( 565198 )
      I think the original poster has read his Douglas Adams books ass-about.

      ...those familiar w/ the Hitchhiker's Guide will remember the drink dispenser from The Restaurant at the End of the Universe which, trying to figure out how to brew the perfect cuppa, grabs all available computing resources on board a certain starship.

      It was Arthur Dent who was responsible for this. Sorry to be pedantic, but some things are important :-).

  • 42 == Tea for two (Score:5, Informative)

    by yerricde ( 125198 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:14PM (#6780952) Homepage Journal

    Another entry, 42 [], explains that "forty-two" can be parsed "for-tea-two", tea for two, the answer to "What is a good attitude towards life?" which is purported to be the Ultimate Question [].

    • Oh, DAMN... (Score:5, Funny)

      by Enoch Root ( 57473 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:17PM (#6780988)
      Now we live in a Universe where the question AND the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything are both known.

      The Universe was complicated enough... What have you DONE?
    • by bsharitt ( 580506 ) <bridget&sharitt,com> on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:18PM (#6780993) Journal
      Hmm... earl grey tea. Maybe that's how an old bald guy can kick the borg's collective ass.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:30PM (#6781073)
      I hate to ruin all the conspiracy theories, but Mr. Adams himself revealed the source of 42 [] years ago in

      "Binary representations, base thirteen, Tibetan monks are all complete nonsense. I sat at my desk,
      stared into the garden and thought '42 will do' I typed it out. End of story."
      • What made Mr. Adams think that some sort of god didn't put "42 will do" into his head at that time for at least one of the so-called "complete nonsense" reasons?

      • Just to suggest this, but perhaps Mr. Adams was not entirely aware of his bias, which would be entirely possible. It's also possible that the fact that he said this, to pardon my possible blasphemy, does not mean that he didn't lie, becuase (for example) he felt that the story was sufficiently mudane that people would think it sucked. Plus alot of the speculation was amazingly cool.
      • by Jeremi ( 14640 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @11:27PM (#6781356) Homepage
        Douglas Adams also wrote the following. He was describing Dirk Gently at the time, but the quotation below shows that Adams was well aware of the technique...

        People gravitated around [Dirk], drawn in by the stories he denied about himself, but what the source of these stories might be, if not his own denials, was never entirely clear.

        The tales had to do with the psychic powers that he'd supposedly inherited from his mothe'rs side of the family who he claimed, had lived at the smarter end of Transylvania. That is to say, he didn't make any such claim at all, and said it was the most absurd nonsense. He strenuously denied that there were bats of any kind at all in his family and threatened to sue anybody who put about such malicious fabrications, but he affected nevertheless to wear a large and flappy leather coat, and had one of those machines in his room which are supposed to help cure bad backs if you hang upside down from them. He would allow people to discover him hanging from this machine at all kinds of odd hours of the day, and more particularly of the night, expressly so that he could vigorously deny that it had any significance whatsoever.

        By means of an ingenious series of strategically deployed denials of the most exciting and exotic things, he was able to create the myth that he was a psychic, mystic, telepathic, fey, clairvoyant, psychosassic vampire bat.

        What did "psychosassic" mean?

        It was his own word and he vigorously denied that it meant anything at all.

      • by AyeRoxor! ( 471669 ) on Monday August 25, 2003 @12:50AM (#6781659) Journal
        You are aware that there's currently no such thing as a desktop-computer-generated or human-generated random number, right?

        All common desktop computers generate "random" numbers based on the current time and date. They're "seeded" with it.

        As for humans generating something random? Not at all possible.

        If I ask a computer to generate 1000 random numbers from 1 to 100, each number will show up one percent of the time.

        If YOU try to write down 1000 random numbers from 1 to 100, patterns will emerge. Just like if I ask you to pick a random word, or a random color, or a random object. Your answer will be based on something in your subconscious; a word based on something you heard, read, or thought; a color based on something visually evocative you recently saw or thought of.

        The point is (and this would be beautiful if it were true), 42 meant something to dear departed Mr. Doug. And if he didn't even know what the question was? Well, that's the universe I've come to expect.
  • Cure-all? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Infernon ( 460398 ) *
    From the Kinks 'Muswell Hilbillies' album:

    It's a cure for hepatitis, it's a cure for chronic insomnia

    It's a cure for tonsilitis and for water on the knee.

  • by Empiric ( 675968 ) * on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:15PM (#6780963)
    In a similar vein, but what might be considered "prior art", the ancient Norse people had a particular type of mead which was supposed to convey wisdom regarding everything. Made of the blood of a man created by all the Norse gods to seal a peace treaty, "Kvasir", some dwarves killed him and mixed his blood with honey, making the "Mead of Poetry".

    Probably not as tasty as Earl Grey, but claimed to be even more effective--after all, what's knowing everything if you can't write about it elegantly?

    More on this here [].
  • by cliffy2000 ( 185461 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:16PM (#6780970) Journal
    What is this "tuh-eee" you speak of?
  • by bishopi ( 662205 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:16PM (#6780976)
    There is something about a fresh, fragrant cup of Earl Gray that really does make the world seem like a decent place - even if you've worked in technical support.

    If you aren't able to stretch the budget to the Harrods blend, I'd strongly recommend the foil-packed Dilmah (100% ceylon) variety, which is about the freshest, and most fragrant I've been able to fine in Australia.


    • by sbszine ( 633428 ) on Monday August 25, 2003 @12:00AM (#6781496) Journal
      I'd strongly recommend the foil-packed Dilmah (100% ceylon) variety, which is about the freshest, and most fragrant I've been able to fine in Australia.

      Have you noticed that Mr Dilmah uses every available surface of the tea packet to write about how his competitors are out to get him? Check the lid flaps, bottom of the box, check under the packet for a tiny pamphlet etc -- the man is a paranoid nutter! It's probably foil-packed with pieces of his hat!

      Nice tea, tho'.
  • My GOD (Score:5, Funny)

    by Faust7 ( 314817 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:16PM (#6780978) Homepage
    What a coincidence then that one of the finest blends of Earl Grey on the planet in general and in the UK in particular is Harrods' Earl Grey, Blend No. ... 42.

    This ties right in with the Great Pyramid of Cheops, Stonehenge, the value of pi, crop circles, that weird face on Mars, that strange 1x4x9 thing floating around Jupiter, and the fact that the sun and moon look the same size from the Earth! They're all connected, I tell you!
  • 42 (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:16PM (#6780979)
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:16PM (#6780980)
    It really is quite good, and you can order some for yourself online at Harrods Web Site []
  • This is .... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by chornobyl ( 694617 )
    a little bit confusing. No offence to anyone.
    • Re: Not to Worry (Score:4, Informative)

      by Casualjim ( 701217 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @11:58PM (#6781487) Homepage
      To paraphrase Slartibartfast:
      "These things will become clear to you," said the old man gently, "at least," he added with slight doubt in his voice, "clearer than they are at the moment."

      Read the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy books. In fact, expose yourself to any of Douglas Adams works in any medium and you will not regret it.
  • U42 (Score:4, Informative)

    by Doomrat ( 615771 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:17PM (#6780984) Homepage [] - Douglas Adam's user page. Notice his user ID: 42.
  • I would give a long winded explanation in binary, hex, or base-42, but the lameness filter prevents it. (Belgian censorship garbage...)
  • by havaloc ( 50551 ) * on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:18PM (#6780991) Homepage
    The early loss of Douglas Adams is really a loss to the whole world. He really brought something special, and the world is a darker place without him. Read his books if you haven't, they are great.
  • Nah (Score:5, Funny)

    by SuperBanana ( 662181 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:18PM (#6780999)
    How About A Cup Of The Answer To Everything?

    Nah, I like this one better: Big Cup of Shut the #$@! up []

    I can see it now, on Kuro5hin. "How to brew the perfect cup of shut the #$@! up"...

  • by GillBates0 ( 664202 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:21PM (#6781014) Homepage Journal
    Drink it. After a few moments you will begin to think that the place you've come to isn't maybe quite so strange and crazy after all.

    This is a well known phenomenon. It usually happens to me during the first 15-20 mins of smoking pot or the like. The trick is to relax and fight off the paranoia. A beer or two helps at this stage, or smoke another joint or two.

    After a while you're so baked that not only do you not find your new state of mind strange and crazy, but actually enjoy it for the rest of your trip. I could post a recipe for a really good joint here, but maybe I'll be able to submit a story about it next Sunday, when news is slow to come by on /.

    • by shut_up_man ( 450725 ) on Monday August 25, 2003 @12:01AM (#6781497) Homepage
      A rather unreliable friend of mine gave me similar advice regarding that initial hump of paranoia. He said:

      1) Drink a beer first.
      2) Toke the joint. You'll start to feel a little odd, but you won't freak out because of the beer.
      3) Have another beer.
      4) Have another toke. Two beers and two tokes will get you over the Wall of Paranoia to the Fields of Sunshine.
      5) Take your pill of ecstacy. It'll take a while to come on, but in the meantime, you can always...
      6) Have another toke. Repeat.
      7) When you are more interested in hugging everyone than having another toke, this means the e has kicked in. This is the perfect moment to...
      8) Drop your acid. Your mood will be sky-high, which will help in having a good trip.
      9) When you get that "my mind is flying but my body is just destroyed" effect, this is when you snort your speed.
      10) Don't take anything for a while. You probably won't be able to anyway, or even remember your own name.
      11) When everything starts getting grey and scratchy, start toking again. Repeat until happy unconsciousness.

      He had a variant recipe that involved cocaine and horse tranquilizers, but he never could quite remember what it was...
  • by miradu2000 ( 196048 ) * on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:22PM (#6781022) Homepage
    Try this query [] Seems google calculator (nifty new feature) knows the answer to life, the universe, and everything to!
    • Okay, yes. Google calculator is a neat idea. But step back for a second and think about the sheer wastefulness of making an HTTP connection to do a CALCULATION. Wouldn't it make more sense for the feature to live in the brower, operating system or anything else living on the client side?
  • by toupsie ( 88295 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:23PM (#6781032) Homepage
    Take one bourbon glass, fill it with ice, add two shots of Jim Beam and top off with Coke. I learned that from a nutramatic machine...
  • by tuxedo-steve ( 33545 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:23PM (#6781033)
    Nice theory, but Douglas Adams has already revealed the origin of "42" as the answer to life, the universe and everything.

    In one of the small tales in the Salmon of Doubt collection, he states something along the lines of that he was looking out into his garden, mentally shrugged and thought, "42 will do". A number out of a hat, more or less.

    The fact that this particular variety of tea, with this particular number, may well have been a favourite of the late Mr. Adams, well, that's just another example of what happens when you mess around with improbability drives.
    • This is a quote from a short story [] I wrote:

      "Although he didn't know it, Phil had unwittingly provided the universe with one those strange coincidences that make unstable people wonder about God, and Evidentialist pedants write terse letters to the Oxford Dictionary demanding that the definition of "coincidence" connote a far more likely circumstance."

  • by SB5 ( 165464 ) <freebirdpat@hotm ... m minus language> on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:24PM (#6781034)
    Welcome to Slashdot, where speculation makes it news... What the hell is this FOX or something?
  • what the hell passes as "News for nerds"? I know earl grey is caffeinated, but if its not sold here []it won't keep ya awake.
  • From time to time, I try to go around the stereotype and drink a cup of that hot brewed creamy java or those weird coffees, like a coffee called "Illumination" (or something) from Mexico. However, any type of coffee I've tried can't stand a chance over a good cup of tea, preferably vanilla flavoured or decaf lemon tea.

    No jitters, no "I think I'll have to organize my desk or I think I'm going to die soon, if I don't organize my desk NOW, I'm going to..." feeling, but still something, which makes perfect com
  • by sh0rtie ( 455432 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:27PM (#6781059)

    How to brew the perfect cup of tea [] as specified by the Royal Society of Chemistry []

    link to the paper here [] [pdf]
    who said this isn't news for nerds egh ?


    An article I wrote on h2g2 which was published in the h2g2 post (the official h2g2 weekly publication produced by the site community) on the subject.. uh..

    of some relevance. :-D
  • Please call me when I can smoke this in my bong! :)
  • NO (Score:4, Funny)

    by heli0 ( 659560 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:40PM (#6781126)
    "even though Douglas liked his w/ milk; I prefer lemon"

    Tea without milk? How uncivilised.
  • A Joke... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Jace of Fuse! ( 72042 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:41PM (#6781137) Homepage
    DNA himself said that 42 was a joke, nothing more.

    What I find amusing is that he probably did intend it as a joke, and probably meant nothing at all by it, but that hasn't stopped people from finding all kinds of interesting things in the number.

    Though, much like 5/23 (The Law of Fives) if you look hard enough you're going to find patterns.

    • I rather liked the "for tea: two" theory that was offered earlier up the comments. It ties in nicely with Arthur's tea obsession and tea was important enough to the Nutrimatic to DOS Eddie while the Vogons were attacking. Besides, think of all the intellectual wanking you can get out the cosmic significance of "tea for two".
  • Uh... Call me stupid, but I seriously don't "get" this story.

    It does remind me of the government agency in the U.S. that tasted tea. IIRC, it was put into place because back in the day, the British were cheating by putting other things into the tea. The agency was obsolete for, like, a hundred years or something ridiculous like that, before it was shut down. That's your tax dollars at work.

  • Prior Art (Score:5, Interesting)

    by The Famous Brett Wat ( 12688 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:42PM (#6781140) Homepage Journal
    I've always supposed that when DA was dreaming up the answer to life, the universe, and everything, he just wanted an answer which was singularly precise, yet totally unhelpful. A number would do. A simple number. Why forty-two, exactly? No reason, other than it sprang to mind.

    But note that there is prior art for authors of a twisted-logic bent to gravitate towards forty-two as a good arbitrary number. In particular, I refer to Lewis Carroll.

    "Rule Forty-two. All persons more than a mile high to leave the court."

    Everybody looked at Alice.

    "I'm not a mile high," said Alice.

    "You are," said the King.

    "Nearly two miles high," added the Queen.

    "Well, I sha'n't go, at any rate," said Alice: "besides, that's not a regular rule: you invented it just now."

    "It's the oldest rule in the book," said the King.

    "Then it ought to be Number One," said Alice.

    -- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland, Chapter 12

    One instance doesn't count for a lot, so here's another.

    The helmsman used to stand by with tears in his eyes: he knew it was all wrong, but alas! Rule 42 of the Code, "No one shall speak to the Man at the Helm," had been completed by the Bellman himself with the words "and the Man at the Helm shall speak to no one." So remonstrance was impossible, and no steering could be done till the next varnishing day. During these bewildering intervals the ship usually sailed backwards.

    -- Lewis Carroll, The Hunting of the Snark, Preface

    One more, just to be sure.

    "No doubt", said I, "they settled who
    Was fittest to be sent:
    Yet still to choose a brat like you,
    To haunt a man of forty-two,
    Was no great compliment!

    -- Lewis Carroll, Phantasmagoria, Canto 1

    Why is the number forty-two so over-represented? I have no idea, but I like to think of Douglas Adams as the Lewis Carroll of the 20th century.

  • Strong green tea, served over ice. A twist of lime or lemon is a good touch.

    Favorite coffee beverage: blended ice mocha. Now that Nestle's has released basically the adult answer to Nesquik, Ice Java [], it is fairly easy to make one's own and the syrup costs about the same price as one Tall Iced Mocha at Starbucks Corporate Coffee.

    The syrup, plus milk, plus ice cubes, makes for a great iced mocha. The blender gives it a nicer texture. Add a scoop of chocolate ice cream for extra luxury before blending. Mm

  • Here's his enlightening entry in H2G2

    Ahh jello biafra and H2K. I don't remember any tea but I do remember Mary Jane... Good old Mary Jane and my friend Joker aka Dutchmaster aka Philly aka Bambu. Ahh those memories!!!

    Now back to my evil coding []

  • by iabervon ( 1971 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:45PM (#6781157) Homepage Journal
    Earl Grey doesn't need lemon, because it's got bergamot. If you need to put more citrus in your Earl Grey, you should get stronger Earl Grey. If you're going to put lemon in it, get a nice Orange Pekoe instead.
  • "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot."
  • The Drink Dispenser (Score:2, Informative)

    by TheSimkin ( 639033 )
    This is probably bit off topic. however. the drink dispeser was not at the Restaurant At The end of the Universe. It was in the middle of space while being attacks by Vogans. And it was arthur dent he had asked the question "Why do I Like Tea?"
  • by Joe Tie. ( 567096 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @10:57PM (#6781220)
    A friend of mine was left with only a Knoppix CD for an operating system for about a week. And two things impressed her about Linux above anything else. First, the ease with which it was possible to rescue her files from a dead windows install. Second, the charm of teacooker. We can praise the power and versatility of gcc, or the eye candy of KDE forever, but I maintain that it's an operating system's native support for tea brewing applications that will win it success.
  • C'mon, someone here was bound to make the association!
  • 101010 (Score:5, Interesting)

    by zakezuke ( 229119 ) on Sunday August 24, 2003 @11:10PM (#6781275)
    I always thought that the whole reason for 42 was the fact that it was 101010 in binary.

    As far as this particular blend of earl grey goes, I have not tried it yet. Being in america i've found Earl Grey is easy to find, where Ceylon without the bergamot oil is a pain in the tookus. I do enjoy earl grey though, iced with a touch of sugar. The best blend I can get local is actually Stash's with double bergamot oil.

  • ...I like my Earl Grey with milk and a little bit of sugar. (You British are right, tea is good with a little milk.)

  • Ingredients (Score:3, Insightful)

    by PD ( 9577 ) * <> on Sunday August 24, 2003 @11:57PM (#6781480) Homepage Journal
    Earl Grey tea is just black tea flavored with Oil of Bergamot. The Bergamot is an Italian citrus fruit that is too sour to eat by itself, so it's grown for the oil instead.

  • by Komodo ( 7029 ) on Monday August 25, 2003 @12:03AM (#6781507) Homepage
    What do you get if you multiply six by nine?
    Answer: 42.

    Better answer: God has thirteen fingers.
  • tea-bags??!!! (Score:3, Insightful)

    by solferino ( 100959 ) <> on Monday August 25, 2003 @12:25AM (#6781574) Homepage

    Go to Marks and Spencer and buy a packet of Earl Grey tea.

    starting to lose me here - Earl Grey is the insipid-as-hell tea preferred by 9 out of 10 feckless tea-poseurs.

    Put a couple (or three, depending on the size of the pot) of tea bags into the pot.

    tea bags??!! ok, lost me completely now

    -and stuff asking the English on how to make tea, or even buying English (packaged, not grown) tea - the best tea comes from the country that invented it - China of course (good quality tea is also produced by Japan and Taiwan)

    Real quality Chinese tea, mostly of the green or oolong variety, is a revelation. It will cost you a fair bit more than grotty tea-bags made with black tea dust and various synthetic flavourings but it is actually very good value for money compared to other connoisseur products such as fine wine or good whisky.

    If you're interested here's a site [](one of many) to clue you in.

  • by Ambush ( 120586 ) on Monday August 25, 2003 @01:20AM (#6781787)
    Having recently become a father (again) I still go by my pet theory that 42 could be the number of days between the birth of the child and when the doc gives the all clear for hanky-panky again. ;-)

    Anyone who is a parent knows that the first thing you do when your baby is born is to book the grandparents (as baby-sitters) six weeks in advance (42 days/nights) so you can have the house to yourselves.

    heh. Works for me.

  • it (Score:3, Insightful)

    by August_zero ( 654282 ) on Monday August 25, 2003 @01:24AM (#6781805)
    It could indeed be the origin of the number, but the point of the whole thing was this:

    The answer is useless without knowing how to ask the question. The meaning of life, the universe and everything is the pursuit of the answer, not the answer itself.
  • ...all the Earl Grey tea is now gone from my local grocery, because all the Douglas Adams cultists have read this slashdot post and are now rioting for Earl Grey # 42....
  • by mnmn ( 145599 ) on Monday August 25, 2003 @02:47AM (#6782138) Homepage
    Before Earl Grey, before the Brits were hooked on Tea, in central and south Asian countries people drank tea all the time. The best flavors are known to come from Quetta, Pakistan where hundereds of professional tea tasters in the markets there blend tea imported from Kenya to Sri Lanka to China to India and export them. Quetta's tea is well known in other cities of Pakistan and many places around the world.

    Earl Grey seems to be closest in taste to the tea commonly drunk in Pakistan, yet its not quite that good either. It has a papery taste. I was hooked to the non-brand name tea of Quetta until I came to the USA and had to contend myself with Eary Grey between the times when my visiting friends would bring me some from Quetta.

    British companies have even tried to grab the Basmati rice of India and Pakistan, some company in the USA tried to patent that. Call it what you will, even the stamp of the name of a white guy doesnt make it QUITE as good in taste as the original Quetta tea or India Basmati. Grape seeds for wine and recipes for beer were stolen from Europe a long time ago but Americans still prefer to import the genuine article from Europe. Nothing beats the original.(Except maybe copies of Sega ROMS:)
  • England() (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday August 25, 2003 @02:55AM (#6782166)
    Infact, England is just a function of earth that is calculating the ultimate question to the ultimate answer.
    This subroutin called england() only purpose is to calculate the best blend of tea by method of brute force.

  • Earl Grey? Give me.. (Score:3, Informative)

    by CausticWindow ( 632215 ) on Monday August 25, 2003 @05:54AM (#6782617)

    Earl Grey is fine and dandy, but if you really want to enjoy your tea, you should make it from dried cubensis. That way you'll really have some insightful (or not) thoughts on life, the universe and everything.

  • by eap ( 91469 ) on Monday August 25, 2003 @08:16AM (#6782973) Journal
    Another very good Earl Grey is Taylor's of Harrogate. It's very smooth, and the bergamot flavoring tastes natural, unlike many Earl Greys.

    As for EG's to avoid, I would stay away from Bigelow (unnatural flavor), Tazo (Starbucks brand, too strong and bitter), and Stash (bergamot flavoring tastes funny).

    Taylor's also makes several other fine teas such as Lapsang Souchong (tea smoked over pine needles I believe) and Scottish Breakfast (a very bright, strong tea). Buy the leaf tea and brew it with a tea strainer or french press, it's much better than using bags.
  • My two pence (Score:4, Informative)

    by Equuleus42 ( 723 ) on Monday August 25, 2003 @08:20AM (#6782990) Homepage
    Some of you may already know that there exists an ISO standard for brewing the ideal cup of tea. It is ISO 3103 (which is also a British Standard -- BS 6008), and is available for download here [].

    Also, one of my pet ideas is that it people here in the U.S. prefer coffee over tea simply because of a boycott that started when the Boston tea party happened. Sadly, it looks as if there has been an anti-tea sentiment here ever since.
  • by mwood ( 25379 ) on Monday August 25, 2003 @10:53AM (#6784047)
    The Question is obviously, "why am I perfectly happy drinking this muck from a Lipton's teabag?"

    Although Bigelow's Constant Comment is a nice change now and then.

Our business in life is not to succeed but to continue to fail in high spirits. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
