IBM Dropping Laptop Linux Support 367
Bjarne Bula writes "In a message to the linux-thinkpad mailing list, Keith Frechette, former (as of Monday, June 24th) lead developer of Linux support on ThinkPads,
reported that IBM has decided to no longer fund that project." I've been using
Linux on a ThinkPad for some time now. If it stops being compatible, my next
laptop won't be a ThinkPad. Too bad, because the machines are solid. Update: In an interesting counter-point, Information Week tells us that IBM will be opening a manhattan based "Linux Center of Competence" to show off Linux. Go figure.
Oh who cares (Score:4, Funny)
Very stupid thinking... (Score:5, Insightful)
"Linux is our flagship technology going forward! Quick, let's cancel it on our sexiest products!"
What a great way to torpedo enthusiasm in the techie community... :-p
Time for someone to set up a petition page...
IBM's statement (Score:5, Insightful)
IBM Desktop Linux Stance (Score:5, Insightful)
Much more interesting to me at the moment is Apple's current desktop grab. I decided several months ago that if I were in the market for a laptop, I'd go for a Powerbook running OSX. Actually I find the Powermac to be a pretty tempting desktop platform too. It's going to be an interesting choice when the next upgrade cycle rolls around.
Re:Very stupid thinking... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Very stupid thinking... (Score:5, Informative)
They sold one lousy thinkpad with linux, and you really had to be determined to find and order it through their webpages. Great selection. (Huge sample size, too: how many of that model sold with windows compared with their other 'dozepads? Funny, they don't say.)
I wonder how many other people (besides me) said "Gee, I really like this much lighter Txx model, and I can probably get it to work with linux... and since the damn linux preload is more expensive anyway, I might as well!"
Re:Very stupid thinking... (Score:2)
Nevertheless, IBM's support for Linux was very important in our purchasing decisions because we knew (1) drivers were around and (2) there were usually web pages at IBM explaining how to install the stuff.
Overall, I think this action by IBM is stupid: without explicit Linux support, we're just going to buy something cheaper, or we are going to buy machines from companies that do support Linux on laptops.
Re:Very stupid thinking... (Score:2)
Oh? What makes you say that? Among all the machines I see people use, both in our organizations and others, I'd say at least 25% run Linux on the desktop. Linux is also very widely used in academia. Extrapolating just from that, it seems pretty clear that there must be millions of Linux desktop users out there. I challenge you to come up with concrete data to disprove that claim.
Re:Very stupid thinking... (Score:2)
That's interesting
Even if 75% of new Linux desktop installations were due to the availability of free downloads from the 'net, that STILL makes for a lot of "boxed sets" and "official" CDs
OSX pretty much decided the laptop game for me... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:OSX pretty much decided the laptop game for me. (Score:3, Funny)
It's ssh'ing TO the iBook and doing an
that brings a smile to my face!!!
Re:OSX pretty much decided the laptop game for me. (Score:2)
But OSX is a lot less fun without the Developer CD.
Re:OSX pretty much decided the laptop game for me. (Score:2)
/usr/bin implied by presence of ssh. (Score:2)
Interesting (Score:4, Informative)
IBM Kernel Hackers:
All of the people in our group and most in the LTC have Thinkpads for their daily development and run Linux on them (I'm writing this on one as I sit in my apartment). There may not be as much corporate support there as you want, but there is plenty of grass-roots support. We had to learn all the quirks to get Linux installed and get all of the little things working (just like you). I've always wished that we shared more of this information, but there are usually people who are farther ahead than we are. I've uploaded the meager information that we put together during a meeting once. If you're curious, take a look:
Why dont they just start working on Linux for Laptops?
Re:Interesting (Score:5, Insightful)
People don't buy many small computers just because they will run Linux (the geek population just isn't that large). People do, however, blow large chunks of cash on big machines just to run Linux. Mom-and-Pop can almost always undercut IBM on prices for small machines, and geeks are thrifty.
The point is there's not a lot of money to be made there. One thing we've got to remember is that regardless of how "cool" something is, if it doesn't generate enough money for the company, it won't last long. Just look at what IBM did the the folks in San Jose. Hard drives just don't have the same profit margin as a p-series, or z-series server, or selling lots of software and consulting services. That's where the money is, not in working with the Linux community to make sure every major distro will run on IBM's laptop. There are plenty of people who do that for free. Why should IBM pay someone to do that?Just my 2 cents.
Agreed... (Score:3, Insightful)
Now, IBM may be cutting official support, but it's reasonable to believe that IBM will continue to support community efforts. That is, they'll probably be helpful in making the information about their laptops available to the kernel hackers out there so that they can be made compatible. This way, IBM spends very little, and you can still get an IBM laptop running Linux, it just means there won't be some guy at IBM you can call and ask questions.
No big deal, I never used to do that even when I ran Windows
Why? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Why? (Score:2)
I'm curious too. The Linux community could use the feedback. If the problem is that it's too hard to support Linux users and maintain customer satisfaction, then Linux should be more evolved to make it easier.
If the problem is that Linux gurus are too expensive to keep on hand, coupled with too few people buying the laptops, then there's little to do about that other than have people provide unofficial support.
Imagine if Tom's Harware bought up new laptops, got Linux running on them, and documented what it took to fix some of the basic problems that came up.
A site like that 6 months ago (when I tried to install it on my laptop...) would have meant I'd be a Linux user today.
Re:Why? (Score:2, Informative)
A site like that 6 months ago (when I tried to install it on my laptop...) would have meant I'd be a Linux user today.
Well, Tom's Hardware sure didn't (because all they test linux-wise is NVIDIA driver performance, and this only because Q3 is cool.), but others [] did. (Score:2)
And no, I missed it because I was a lot more specific than 'Linux Laptop Help'. I.e. I put in the specific problem I had.
Anyhoo, info appreciated.
Money (Score:4, Interesting)
Good Thing (tm) (Score:4, Informative)
NOT a good thing as far as I can tell. (Score:4, Interesting)
Do you have a reference to back this up? Both articles on the
I see absolutely no indication, anywhere, that IBM plans on continuing any sort of non-Windoze support of their T-series thinkpads, which is a shame as my company alone bought 4 of them specifically to run GNU/Linux (we are, after all, a GNU/Linux shop). Aside from individual sales they will loose with this rather short-sighted and foolish policy, they are likely to loose a number of corporate customers who are migrating away from Windows because of BSA-Licensing nonsense and don't want Microsoft licenses or software anywhere on their premesis. And if you were to foolishly think we are unique in that desire, you would be sorely mistaken.
IBM was uniquely positioned to take advantage of the ever-growing number of companies moving away from Microsoft because of their ever-more-draconian licensing terms, fees, and enforcement, as the ability to run the target operating system (likely GNU/Linux) on their laptops is an important part of such a migration.
This is a profoundly unstrategic move for IBM to make, and I suspect has a great deal more to do with bulk OEM licensing of Microsoft's monopoly operating system for installation on their hardware than it does with their desire (or lack thereof) to support GNU/Linux. Especially with the DOJ making it clear that they have no intention of enforcing anti-trust law against Microsoft in any meaningful way, IBM may well have felt they had no choice if they were to avoid paying twice what everyone else is for the privelege of reselling Microsoft's shoddy products.
Oh well, there are plenty of other laptop manufactuerers out there
Proofreading (Score:2)
I'm looking for a solid reference to indicate IBM is in fact taking a more agnostic, distribution (and specific *nix OS) independent approach, rather tha simply dumping support altogether.
IFF the post was correct, this is indeed Good News(tm). If, however, it isn't correct them there should be some concern, and the speculation I posted above may have some real relevance.
Here is hoping all of my speculation is wrong.
Re:Proofreading (Score:2)
Would it really be? General Unix support on IBM laptops? That would be such a huge money-loser that I would call it an "extremely foolish move" rather than a "good move." Supporting many OS's which will generate very little revenue is much more expensive than supporting one OS which generates a small amount of revenue. Given IBM's recent moves to cut traditional areas (like hard drives) that don't generate a healthy profit, I'm more inclined to believe the original poster was wrong. It goes against IBM's recent actions, and it doesn't make any sense businesswise, no matter how UNIX folks might hope for it.
Re:NOT a good thing as far as I can tell. (Score:2)
IBM was uniquely positioned to take advantage of the ever-growing number of companies moving away from Microsoft
Well, unique except for Apple. They'll welcome companies moving away from Microsoft, too, and sell you Unix compatible laptops, desktops, and servers. If you really want Unix on a Laptop, try Darwin on an iBook.
You knew all that. But I just think that 'unique' isn't correct.
Laptops != the future of Linux (Score:5, Insightful)
They used to have Thinkpads that ran AIX. Some of the SysAdmins I know at IBM used to prefer them for on-site troubleshooting at the server farms since it was UNIX end-to-end (to the extent that AIX is UNIX anyways). But someone decided that it was not worth having the product line and they were scrapped.
Too bad, but this sounds like more of the same...
Re:Laptops != the future of Linux (Score:2, Troll)
Linux is best suited for several enviornments. I agree that laptop support may not have been the best idea, but to say that it is only worthwhile supporting on server level is ridiculous.
Although if I were to get a laptop, my next one would be my first Apple. That's just me though.
Re:Laptops != the future of Linux (Score:2)
(Sure, sure - someone on here can probably drag out an isolated case where Linux is used daily on laptops, and with great success. I'm talking about the 99.5% of corporations today - not the
Loading an OS like Linux on your laptop has always been sort of a "geeky power-user" thing to do. Mainstream support for that isn't really ready yet, IMO.
Unix has traditionally been a *server OS*, and attempts to make it do anything else are much more recent/modern - and not as "proven". Let's face it, we can't even get a simply majority of users out there to run something like KDE or Gnome on a full-blown desktop workstation yet. The laptop is the last terrority to be conquerored.
Re:Laptops != the future of Linux (Score:5, Insightful)
Blockpoth the quoster:
Four words:
Mobile network troubleshooting platform.Re:Laptops != the future of Linux (Score:2)
This is a chicken/egg problem: the vendors say it is not worth to support linux on the desktop/laptop because there ate not enough users, but in the other hand, there are not enough users because they can't get the proper support from the vendors.
Re:Laptops != the future of Linux (Score:2)
(Score: +/-1, Ironic [])
Re:Laptops != the future of Linux (Score:4, Funny)
Maybe if they would stop eating their users...
Re:Laptops != the future of Linux, For IBM anyway (Score:2)
This is very true, and, IMO, rather pathetic. For a company so willing to spout and trumpet the open source software they are "embracing" and spending "1 billion dollars" on, it seems fairly counterintuituve to drop linux support on any level, expecially a level where they are still forcing people into that damn M$ tax. I refused to buy an IBM laptop because of this about 2 months ago. It makes no sense for a HUGE company like IBM that purports to "embrace linux" and has a rather bitter history with M$ to be so resiliant to employ OSS on anything other than their high-end servers. Sorry, I'd rather buy a laptop with forced (Argh) winXP from Dell then support rampant hypocrisy and buy a laptop from IBM with (again) forced winXP.
They are big enough to tell M$ to "fuck off" and go ahead and sell whatever the hell they want with their machines. Why don't they?
Re:Laptops != the future of Linux, For IBM anyway (Score:2)
I didn't want it, but still got it. Yet again, another person assuming everyone wants windows...
Re:Laptops != the future of Linux (Score:2)
Re:Laptops != the future of Linux (Score:2)
IBM needs to focus on what they do well, big expensive hardware that does not make mistakes and furthermore catches any and all of the mistakes that "can't happen". Anything that resembles consumer electronics is best left to somebody else. I've got a Compaq Presario (among others). Based on that one computer I would never buy any Compaq server.
IBM sells big-business grade, not hacker-grade. Product and support are part of it, but most important, the customer is buying a piece of IBM.
Re:Laptops != the future of Linux (Score:2)
Well, that's not exactly a tough thing to avoid at this point...they're all hp servers now.
However, that ignores the difference between the former-Tandem part of CPQ and the former-Digital part of CPQ and the, er, former-rest-of-CPQ part of HPQ.
Re:Laptops != the future of Linux (Score:2)
as long as... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:as long as... (Score:2)
they don't stop giving out hardware documentation
and that's the real rub in this case.
From what little I know, one of the biggest hindrances to using Linux on a laptop effectively is that most all of them use Winmodems with closed, proprietary and difficult to reverse-engineer interfaces. IIRC, IBM distributed the binary drivers need to get their winmodems to work under Linux.
There are sharp developers that could probably write some of these drivers if they had the specs for interfacing to the hardware, but I fear that the complete specifications for winmodems will be more scarce than they are for insides of the some of latest video cards (nVidia, anyone?).
I need to buy a laptop soon for doing on the road presentations and would like not to be stuck having to use ppt on Windows. I was leaning away from Dells and towards IBM solely because of IBM's support for Linux on their own hardware. Now, I'm not so sure.
Winmodems are useless, even under Windows (Score:2)
Winmodems and built-in modems are useless anyway. You don't want to plug a built-in modem into a random phone line because it may fry it. And Winmodems are just not reliable.
There are plenty of tiny PCMCIA and USB modems that work really well. And when they get fried (which they will sooner or later), you just get a new one.
Re:Winmodems are useless, even under Windows (Score:2)
It is attitudes like this that cause Linux to have poor support for the majority of modems out there today. There is not a laptop out there whose internal modem is not a winmodem.
More to the point, winmodems are very useful when someone wants to spend only $300 to build a computer.
This meme that the Linux community has about Winmodems is not healthy.
- Sam
Best Keyboard on the Market (Score:2, Insightful)
There are many support pages and "rings" around the web for thinkpads,and I hope that at least the IBM design teams think about non-MS Operating systems when producing future thinkpads, unlike the TP600 modem debacle.
It'll be a tough one to replace when the time comes.
IBM sacking Linux developers (Score:2)
Anyway the inquirer had a little more info [] and opinion.
Inquirerer crashes Mozilla 1.0 [OT] (Score:2)
Either their web page is b0rked, they are running a b0rked java or javascript applet, servlet, or what have you, or they've managed to uncover a bug in Mozilla that slipped through the release process. Well, I guess a 4th possiblity is that it is a malicious site, and the link is a troll, akin to the link of yore, but that seems unlikely.
Has anyone had any luck viewing the Iquirer site with a non-microsoft browser, and would they perhaps be willing to post the text here for those of us who do not, or cannot, run internet exploder?
Wrong attitude... (Score:4, Insightful)
I dunno if that's the attitude I'd have. The reason you buy a Laptop from IBM is their manufacturing compatibility and support. (support meaning they'll replace a defective component...)
If there's an icompatibility with Linux and one of these Laptops, then people should rush to fix it. The reason I'm saying this is that corps who buy these laptops aren't going to be worried about Linux until they really really need it. It'd be a lot easier for everybody if the information on how to make Linux work on an incompatible laptop were easy to find for the non-Linux initiated.
I'd have been a Linux user 6 months ago if I could have gotten it to work on my laptop. Unfortunately, I couldn't find what I needed to fix it, so it got Windows 2000 instead. It'll be a while before I have the free time to pursue that again.
I'm thinking of the Linux community as a whole, here. I can understand somebody saying "This laptop won't do me any good if it doesn't wrong what I need", hell I'd have the same attitude. I'm just thinking that if everybody says that, then this will always be a Microsoft world.
Re:Wrong attitude... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Wrong attitude... (Score:2)
Re:Wrong attitude... (Score:2)
The thing is, when I got my current Thinkpad, IBM was providing support that was as good as I could get elsewhere, and the only problem that I have is that the built-in modem doesn't work. (I could get a modem card if I wanted to.)
But when I buy my next laptop, I will again scan my options. At this point a system that isn't supported, and has unuseable hardware won't be the only real option. So I won't choose it.
In practice that translates to "If they stop supporting it, then I'll buy from someone else instead." at any practical level. When said that way the tone appears to express a feeling of betrayal (not totally absent, though also held in suspense pending clarification). But the practical effect would be just the same.
I don't feel about them the way that I feel about an obscene company like Disney. I wouldn't pay money to Disney even if I made money doing it. IBM may have made a business decision that I disapprove of. Their right. Disney furthers the corruption of the counties government. That's a whole 'nother level of (pick your description).
Re:Wrong attitude... (Score:2)
My first answer would have to be, no, I haven't read it. My second answer would be nobody working at IBM now was working there then. My third answer would be... probably, did they understand what they were doing, and how the machines that they sold would be used.
It's certainly quite troubling. But I'm not sure how much of what happened relate to the company currently called IBM. (Also, I'm not sure what happened, as I said, I haven't read the report, much less checked the sources.)
OTOH, please consider that Linux cannot be constrained to only be used for desireable causes. This was in intentional choice made when the license was designed. Do I think it the right decision. Well, yes. But it does still bother me. So far as I know, it hasn't yet been used for anything really horrible, but it will be. Human nature guarantees that. And I really don't think that a different license would change anything.
So I can look forward and see a future article titled "Linux and the recent holocast". And it may be true. And I can't stop it, because I don't know what action I could take that could stop it, without first destroying freedom, which is too high a price. (And wouldn't mean much anyway. They'd just use Windows, or Apple, or BSD or
OTOH, if the case were strong enough, a wrongful injury suit could probably get the survivors a bunch of stock. If you could find a court to hear it.
And none of this exonerates Disney.
Business sense. (Score:4, Insightful)
As displeasing as it might be to the faithfull, it dosent make much sense bottom-line to invest a lot of money in this area. It dosent nessesarily mean that Thinkpads will become horrors of proprietory that will become useless for Linux, it just means spending less money supporting a free OS that honestly manages to support itself well enough anyway. (The Linux work isnt adding value to IBM laptops for the average punter, to the point where they will decide on a Thinkpad over an Inspiron.)
Then there is the fact that IBM may cash-cow their x86 laptop business anyway in preparation to sell it off, rather like their hard disk business.
Re:Business sense. (Score:2, Interesting)
Server Group "resource action"? (Score:2)
Does that mean IBM is trimming all non-essintial non-server based roles? I have wondered for a long time why IBM is still in the PC business. It seems like they don't sell very many end user machines. While it is common is some circles to have Thinkpad laptops, I have not seen one myself in a couple years.
I have never though it was really a business IBM wanted to be in. I wonder if this means maybe they agree.
Probably mend IBM is going to stop designing lapto (Score:3, Interesting)
The only have to look at thir Aptiva line of desktops to see where this stratigy will go - their good name will carry a few customers for a while, but in the end, nobody will pay a premium IBM price for a non-IBM product with an IBM sticker slaped on the front.
Well to be fair, it look lie IBM did design the plastic bezel for the Aptivas.
What does this have to do with Linux? We'll getting Linux to run of crappy hardware with Win-Modems and no name audio chips is a pain in the butt - if IBM was to suppot Linux, assuming they are going where I think they are going, they would have to pay a lot of money to get it done right.
Eithr that or the Microsoft OEM contract is up for review.....
Re:Probably mend IBM is going to stop designing la (Score:2)
If they opt to use cheap generic laptop parts, they eliminate the only real reason to keep buying Thinkpads in the first place.
Re:Probably mend IBM is going to stop designing la (Score:2)
Keeping in mind that IBM's laptop and desktop lines have nothing to do with one another, do you have anything to base your claim on? Personal experience w/ Thinkpads? Anything?
Saying that IBM will slap it's logo on random Taiwan junk just is not justified. It's like saying that BMW would slap it's logo on a Chevy.
I have trouble seeing how this comment got moded up so high.
And incedentally, Redhat runs great on Thinkpads. There are some wonderful utils out there to give you full control of every aspect of the hardware. IBM even has some very helpful sites.
It's easy to employ 2 programmers and claim you offer Linux support for your product. It's harder to publically say that you don't dedicate enough resources to it to be able to claim you support it.
Re:Probably mend IBM is going to stop designing la (Score:2)
I said nothing about the bulid quality of Thinkpads.
If I did, I would say that they are excelent - THATS WHY I OWN SEVERAL.
They are preceved, rightly or wrongly, by the market as being expensive.
As for IBM slapping a sticker on someone elses product - they have done it already with the Aptiva.
I also did not say the *will*, I said they could, and this would explain the dropping of Linux support.
It seems that we both agree that, *if* they did this, it would be a mistake - I'd stop buying Thinkpads if they did, and I imagine a lot of other people would as well.
PS. The BMW 5 and 3 series automatic transmissions are designed and built by GM. So yes, BMW does stick it's sticker on a Chevy
more info [] - look at the application notes.
Dropping Linux != OEM'd thinkpads (Score:2)
IBM designs their laptops and either makes them or has someone else make them to their design. So somebody probably got the bright idea to just buy random Taiwan made laptops and slap an IBM logo on them - they think that this will reduce costs and increase competitiveness with new designs intoduced monthly.
IIRC The i-Series ThinkPads were designed by IBM and produced by Acer. (I am a RTP IBM'er and had to use an engineering sample of the i-Series for a little while, so I know they are developed in-house.)
All other ThinkPads are designed by IBM, and built by IBM. So you had that part right.
How on earth to do you take the fact that IBM has dropped funding for Linux support, and end up with the conclusion that IBM is OEM'ing (relabling) laptops? (Something that IBM has never done.) My mind is boggled.
The only have to look at thir Aptiva line of desktops to see where this stratigy will go - their good name will carry a few customers for a while, but in the end, nobody will pay a premium IBM price for a non-IBM product with an IBM sticker slaped on the front.
The Aptivas were designed by IBM (and if I find the designer somewhere in IBM that has the flat-head screw fetish (anyone that has ever had to service Aptivas and PC 300s will know what I mean), I will bring on the LART
IBM pulled out of retail because it is simply impossible to make any significant amount of money selling computers in stores. The sales were structured in such a way that the manufacturer, not the store, has to take the depreciation hits for the decreases in price. Over the past several years, the best that any company has done in retail is about break even. (HP) IBM and Compaq lost money the moment E-machines entered the market. It is impossible to make money when a comptitor (E-machines) has no qualms about losing money.
IBM has NEVER OEM'd PC's of any kind.
Re:Dropping Linux != OEM'd thinkpads (Score:2)
I guess I wasen't clear enough, another person made the same leap that you did.
I diden't say IBM is going to OEM their laptops only that they could - especially considering that the seem to be pulling out of any commodity market.
Cheap desktops, disk drives and keyboards to name a few that they have pulled out of.
I was unaware that they built their Aptivas - I assumed that they were OEMd due to their suckyness. They really reminded me of Compaqs cunsumer Presario line - and the kicker was that the Aptiva's were expensive.
Whatever the cost-cutting measures IBM pulled with the Aptiva - wether they did the design or someone else did - I hope they don't do with the Thinkpads.
Whenever a quality manufacturer faces a commodity market they can race to the bottom and get killed or they can go the Boutique route - I hope they follow the latter.
Simple solution.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Now of course if they make you buy it in the beginning with Windoze then we have some reason to complain.
Isn't This What The Open Source Movement Is For?? (Score:3, Insightful)
Why does IBM need to hard dedicate manpower to Thinkpad driver writing? IBM can just provide open hardware specs(assuming they don't violate some NDA from inside or 3rd parties), a little TLC and feedback from a maintained ML, and let people who are modivated to get stuff working do their thing. Heck even IBM can maintain the CVS repositories if they want.
The point is that although it would be handy to have IBM leading driver development for Thinkpads or whatever hardware, it isn't exactly necessary. IBM can just as easily, and for a lot less bucks, forster a community that will help support them and themselves.
standards based Design of next Gen thinkpads (Score:4, Insightful)
The biggest thing now is to keep in mind which video and audio chipsets are going to be compatible, which is easier to do in the design stage than the support stage later on.
I love my T series thinkpad, and as long as future designs take those chipset issues into consideration, then I'll stick with the thinkpad for a long, long time.
That's fine with me ... (Score:2)
Well... (Score:4, Insightful)
In this day and age of cost-cutting it really isn't a suprise. Only geeks (like those found here) are going to use *nix on a laptop anyway and most of us can handle our own installs and tweaking.
The only place I can see this biting IBM in the @ss is in the case of Europe where we have France giving a major contract out to Mandrake [] and the stories about Linux PCs selling in Scandinavia []. Even though Walmart is going to start selling Linux loaded PCs soon []. Despite the Walmart decision, I don't think we'll have the same enthusiasm (as we're seeing in Europe) in the US for a while.
Hope I'm wrong... Either way, unless these kinds of efforts continue to grow, IBM probably made a good BUSINESS decision, even though I (we?) may not like it.
Re:Well... (Score:3, Interesting)
Yes... unless the reason was Microsoft went there and said, "either you stop this Linux nonsense or we rescind your OEM contract and your laptops suddenly cost $150 more".
Of course, IBM's response could be just dropping the laptop businnes altogether, as some people have speculated here already.
Re:Well... (Score:2)
I do have a problem paying money for Windows. I'd prefer to pay more for a Laptop that didn't have windows than the pay less for one that did (within reasonable limits).
But I'm not forced to that choice, because I can buy elsewhere.
Wait a minute... (Score:2)
Re:Wait a minute... (Score:2)
and yes, i work for ibm (did the token-ring give it away?)
...because the machines are solid. (Score:2, Interesting)
what does this mean? (Score:5, Interesting)
If IBM's "dropping Linux" means you won't be able to get this kind of performance on future machines, then I will cry. But if it only means you can't buy a Thinkpad pre-loaded with Red Hat, I ask, what Linux user would want someone else to choose a distro for him (or her) and install it instead of being able to configure his/her own OS from the ground up? In short, does IBM's announcement really matter in any sense but the symbolic?
Re:what does this mean? (Score:3, Insightful)
sure I'll reinstall whatever I like.
I want a Linux pre-loaded laptop because:
- I don't want to pay the MS tax(I don't like to be forced to buy
something I don't want)
- I will know for sure that all the hardware is supported
I'm looking for a nice pre-installed laptop, I really love ThinkPads,
but seems that I'll have to buy something else...
Is any big brand still offering preinstalled linux laptops?
P.S.: For all of you who says that Linux in the desktop make no sense,
all the desktops in my company run Linux, everything works fine, I can
do all my sysadmin work from home with SSH, and I don't need to worry
about people running into viruses and installing loads of trash.
Even my boss is happier because people don't waste so much time with
ICQ and MSM... (of course they could use Jabber, or some clone, but
they haven't figured that out yet
Not to mention the money saved in licenses and that we don't need to
worry about the BSA any more...
Best Notebook for Running UNIX... (Score:2, Insightful)
One step backwards...but... (Score:2)
They are freakin' rock solid.
so what? (Score:2, Insightful)
Still, it would be nicer to have some kind of "official" support from IBM to give additional incentive to those considering Linux on laptops. More incentive == more users.
Thanks for the warning, but now what? (Score:2, Interesting)
But what other line of portables can measure up to the ThinkPad? I've been using those for the last several years, and kept buying them, although with Windows NT & 2k, always looking forward to the day I could make the switch to Linux.
Recommendations for Linux portables?
Put this into perspective... (Score:2, Informative)
Now, my requirements for a laptop are: three mouse buttons, no Windows keys, black, fast, good display, trackpoint. I don't think anything else than an IBM ThinkPad qualifies.
Look at ppc. (Score:2)
I have moved to a Mac iBook after 12 years of x86 PC's and I am very happy to have done so.
Mac OSX is awesome, OpenBSD works well and although I have'nt tried them on ppc yet, Debian, Mandrake, Yellowdog, etc are options too.
Though after almost 5 years with Debian and OpenBSD on x86, I am happy to stay with OpenBSD servers and OSX desktops.
Re:Look at ppc. (Score:2)
My performance gripe about the i8xx chipsets is regarding the comparative performance between intel systems. I honestly wasn't trying to compare Intel performance to PPC, sorry.
However, here [] you can see the results of a G4 500MHz running about 3 times faster than a PIII 600MHz with one of Intels own benchmark libraries.
Sure, it's a Mac site. PC sites can tend to show intel favoured results and vice versa. I remember when Tom of Toms Hardware was touting that AGP PROVIDED NO BENEFITS OVER PCI for 3D video card performance. This was back when the performance ceiling of 3D games was limited by the PCI connection of the 3Dfx Voodoo2. That was when he was in bed with 3Dfx, once he got of of that bed and jumped into nVidia's bed and became an "official nVidia review site", his thoughts on AGP made a sudden and public 180 degree turn. He is a whore. I roughly graphed the performance of the Voodoo2 against texture sizes which showed the sudden drop as reliance was placed on the PCI bus, my Voodoo2 groupie friends scoffed at it until they saw a Matrox G200 running 3.5 times faster than the Voodoo2 with large textures in Quake2. So I agree that people should take benchmarks posted on web sites with a grain of salt if they are'nt genuine independent results.
Try both systems and stick with what you like most. After 12 years of x86, I sure have seen the light.
I think PPC IS the place to be for Linux.
Stop crying (Score:3, Insightful)
Step back and look at it before writing this off as a troll. You're a geek, you're one of the few. Most people who buy laptops buy them because they're on the move, running between business meetings and such. They've not got the time to deal with learning Linux or other OSS OSes.
Stick to what you do best, keep those servers churning while letting the desktop slip; its not your strong market.
thinkpad keyboards (Score:2)
I didn't like the older thinkpads (think Pentium days) mainly because of the fact that you had to have either the CD-ROM or floppy disc drive, never both. Another thing that bugged me was the "burly" keyboard. Sure it was solid, but it sucked to type on.
Have either of these issues changed much with the newer thinkpads?
Incompatible Laptops (Score:2)
Re:Incompatible Laptops (Score:2)
>experirienced, with a little bit of
>configuration it will run on anything.
There is plenty of hardware out there that won't
work under Linux with any amount of "configuration."
For most of this stuff, there are people ready and willing to create drivers but the specs are not available to them.
Even some IBM Thinkpads are part of the problem, with their MWave devices, etc. I imagine they got themselves into an untenable position in the support department by claiming to embrace linux and then shipping machines that will *never* work under linux.
Linux Laptop options (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Linux Laptop options (Score:2)
Laptops Versus OSS (Score:2, Interesting)
Luckily, it seems that apple has a pretty good track record when it comes to laptop drivers and specs. Unfortunatly, their products cost a bit more.
Go Apple... (Score:2)
BFD (Score:2)
If you need an officially supported Linux laptop, there are places to get one [].
Linux on Macs (Score:2, Interesting)
You could, of course, simply defect to OS X--but I assume you want to stay with a standard Linux distro. Mandrake, Yellow Dog, and Gentoo all run on PPC. I'm sure there are others.
Hmm... (Score:2, Interesting)
we dont really need active support (Score:2)
To me, better than "supported Linux" would be a laptop that actually has all of its components in a workable state.
If I found out that Thinkpads have winmodems or other components for which drivers do not exist on any system other than windows, I will go with the theory that IBM is giving up in frustration at the support nightmare that ensues when Linux is installed on such a beast.
I would really like to see a compatability list of all the notebooks on the market. Do any of them have complete hardware compatability with linux?
Re:stupid IBM (Score:3, Insightful)
On the other hand, corporations will shell out the big bucks for support just to have the reassurance that if their system starts pushing up daisies, then someone else will be as miserable as they are.
Re:stupid IBM (Score:4, Insightful)
This is the ultimate fate of any Really Good Idea in any large organization: eventually, the rationale is forgotten and the focus switches to near-term success. This is probably a good thing.
Re:stupid IBM (Score:2)
Most successful, not really. Most profitable? Sure. We still push Linux on every platform Intel to Z, not desktops to mainframes. That was never a big push here. The only way to make money on Intel is to sell software you didn't have to buy from anyone, b/c there sure isn't any money in hardware. I guarantee that if a customer came to IBM asking to have us rollout 20,000 Linux desktops, we would do it.
Re:Obligatory basketball joke (Score:2, Funny)
They supported... (Score:2)
Re:Excuse me... (Score:2)
And sure your home boxes work with Linux, but notebooks are diffrent then desktops. a new notebook would have a bitch of a time installing linux corectly to work with it's video, net, etc.
Sound on a 760XD (Re:damnit.) (Score:2)
> course). Now how am I supposed to get the
> soundcard working?
If you mean the 760XD (XGA screen, built-in modem, P166MMX processor, max 104M ram), you've got one of the Thinkpads with a proprietary (mwave) sound / modem setup.
What that means is that you can't get the modem to work (IBM only provided drivers for *newer* mwave modems than yours). You *might* be able to get the sound recognized by Linux as a soundblaster if you load the DOS drivers (in DOS) then use linload to load Linux. I never actually got this to work, but I heard some people did.
Essentially, the modem and sound hardware on a 760XD is useless under Linux. Oops.
(I've heard that some of the less fancy 760s have fairly normal ESS souns cards which *are* compatible with Linux
Re:Support?? (Score:2)
It isn't clear which meaning is meant here, but I suspect it's the second, not the first. And that *is* a problem even for knowlegable linux users, because it means the next Thinkpad you buy might come with some peripheral hardware device that can't work with linux, like a winmodem, or a proprietary video adapter with unpublished specs. And since it's a laptop, swapping the device out for one that works might not be an option.