GeekPAC 185
SgtXaos writes "The newly created American Open Technology Consortium has posted a draft of their position statement online. They propose to change that by forming a real lobbying force to educate and influence congress about issues near and dear to all of us geeks. Here's a chance to put money where our uh, er, typing is." Newsforge (also part of OSDN) has a story and interview with the founders.
Prices. (Score:5, Funny)
If only senators were "free-as-in-beer." Well, senators besides Teddy Kennedy...
Re:Prices. (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Prices. (Score:1)
great idea (Score:2, Insightful)
proposal of a draft of a framework? (Score:3, Interesting)
Seriously, it is a good thing, I just love these early, tentative stages. I'll likely pledge. I do think taking 'geekpac' as a contact name will be negative PR, even though "reclaiming geekhood" is trendy now.
Geekhood is fine by me... (Score:2)
It could be worse, PR-wise. They could have called it "hackerPAC".
Re:Geekhood is fine by me... (Score:2)
I like HackPac. (HakPAC? HacPAC?)
It's a very catchy name. It would have some initial PR-issues, but as a legitamate PAC I think it would quickly have a signifgant impact combating the negative use of "hacker". If the PAC has a large enough membership and some important corporate membership, important congresscritters *will* take it seriously. If important people start using the word hacker in a positive/legitimate context, other important people will notice, conciously or subconciously. Then the reporters. And then... []
Not bad. (Score:4, Interesting)
But it's still one more four-letter acronym, and another pile of legislative paper to file. May the gods have mercy on their souls.
My favorite statement:
Shocking? Methinks not. The Republican party may be "traditionally" pro-business. But each individual representative is simply pro-money-in-my-pocket.
Pr0n (Score:1)
GeekPAC should be arguing for real geek issues, liking banning clued up sys admins from searching for pr0n directories.
typing is? (Score:1)
One possible strategy. (Score:4, Insightful)
If you don't think we're behind you might want to look at some Japanese cell phones or some of those incredibly fuel efficient cars from Europe. I don't have a link for those, but just a normal Fiat is more fuel efficient than an SUV. Gas prices go down! Especially a good idea now with our middle east action.
Re:One possible strategy. (Score:2, Informative)
Re:One possible strategy. (Score:1)
Re:One possible strategy. (Score:1)
Not to nitpick, but of course a Fiat is more fuel efficient than an SUV - for one thing, it's lighter. A more impressive argument would be to say that here's a European vehicle that does everything an SUV does in a more fuel-efficient manner. I'm not saying that such a vehicle doesn't exist, I'm just saying that a Fiat isn't it. You have to compare apples to apples.
Re:One possible strategy. (Score:1)
Re:One possible strategy. (Score:1)
Re:One possible strategy. (Score:1)
Re:One possible strategy. (Score:1)
This has nothing to do with Japanese technology, and everything to do with Japanese Cellphone infrastructure. I might be wrong here, but I imagine the fact that Japan probably has only 1 or 2 major cellphone players (as far as national coverage goes) and here in North America we have about 30, would have a lot to do with the advanced infrastructure. Much easier to provide coverage for a country the size of Japan, or even Finland, as opposed to a country the size of Canada or the USA. Especially when your company controls the majority of the network.
Re:One possible strategy. (Score:1)
America is wasteful because it can afford to be, if it ever got the point where we can no longer afford to be wasteful, we'd start playing catch-up with (and perhaps even overtake) the rest of the world in developing more efficient technologies.
Re:One possible strategy. (Score:1)
Wow! SUVs are not fuel efficient? Gee, I didn't know that!
There are fuel efficient American cars, too, however, people in America want SUVs, so that's what they buy. It's called capitalism.
Re:One possible strategy. (Score:2, Funny)
Re:One possible strategy. (Score:2)
I don't know how many times I have seen a big SUV, like an excursion, etc, and there is just one woman in the drivers seat - the whole rest of the damn thing is empty.
it bothers me to see people so wasteful, but america will stop being so wasteful when it is forced to be. that is also when we will make a REAL effort to alternative transportation. when we HAVE to.
Re:One possible strategy. (Score:2)
a) buy a used SUV for $25,000 and buy a $10,000 commuter car
b) buy a slightly smaller SUV
c) 1000 other options...
these people drive brand new SUVs because they want to, not because they can't afford anything else. your argument is utter bullshit. There are many possibilities if they wanted another option.
Re:One possible strategy. (Score:2)
I recall reading an article years ago from a lobbist regarding stragegy for removing the export restrictions on strong encryption. It wasn't long ago when it was nearly impossible to export more than 40 bit encryption.... which was a pain, but then it did bring us the weak DVD algorithms :)
Anyway, this guy's point was that "it puts American companies at an economic disadvantage" was a losing strategy. He made his point primarily by showing various actions our elected and non-elected officials took, which basically ammounted to putting pressure on the rest of the world to enact and enforce similar restrictions. After all, if the problem was off-shore companies had an advantage, the obvious solution (to those in power) was to level the playing field. Why compromise on other important objectives, like "national security" and "law enforcement" (whatever the DOJ/FBI happens to want) when the "goal" can be accomplished in some other creative way. Much as that sucks.... they really were doing their jobs, trying to make policies to balance all the needs, and the anti-encryption need was a level playing field among off-shore software companies.
The winning strategy that he proposed was "with e-commerce and internet fraud, we can't afford not to allow encryption". The premise was that there's a giant carrot dangling out there... e-commerce (remember, this was before the giant dot-com bust) and the pro-encyption arguement went along the lines of "we gotta have encryption to enable e-commerce and the new ecomony, yadda, yadda...".
Of course, I didn't really follow that whole battle closely, so I can't really say what a factor that lobbist and his e-commerce based strategy had. In fact, I can't even find the original article anymore.
Anyway, the point is to be careful what you wish for. At least once before, with the encryption export regulations, the "American companies are at a disadvantage" strategy was a dismal failure for several years.... and the natural conclusion lawmakers had was "well, we just need to export our restrictions, and we're the USA, so we can eventually pressure everyone else into them".
Too bad... (Score:2)
After the next election, it will be illegal for PACs to run issue ads 60 days before an election.
Can you imagine that? Illegal to speak up about an important issue 60 days before an election, when it might do the most good?
I guess they had to get the corrupting power of the voice of the people, err, money, out of politics.
Re:Too bad... (Score:2)
Standard fare in places like Canada, except elections generally run far less than a month. Only official agents of political candidates may authorize advertising.
And, yes, this sucks: it means the public at large can't expose candidate's previous records during an election.
Re:Too bad... (Score:3, Interesting)
Congress actually had the balls to pass a law which says you can not buy a newspaper ad or tv spot to criticize a sitting congressman during the two months before an election, without it counting as part of the limited campaign budget of his opponent. If your representative or senator voted for this, remember that in the next election.
One work-around that occurred to me is to choose a third-party or no-party candidate who is nowhere near winning and nowhere near the spending cap, and then claim to be supporting them. That way, you could run a half-hour infomercial slamming Paul Welstone, end the commercial with "paid for by friends of Joe Blow, an independant candidate for Minnesota Senator," and none of it would count against his leading opponent's campaign, even that's who would benifit most. Hmmm....
Re:Too bad... (Score:2)
Re:Too bad... (Score:3, Insightful)
This PAC, on the other hand, probably couldn't do that anyway, so it doesn't matter. They still will be able to lobby congress and do all that other stuff, and it allows them to save their money instead of trying to throw out 1 or 2 commercials that will get lost in the blizzard of campaign ads.
Re:Too bad... (Score:1)
EPA? The Environmental Protection Agency?
I got an idea, why don't we just outlaw all discussion on political issues? Must prevent people from making those deceitful statements.
Re:Too bad... (Score:2)
You seem to be misinformed. The NRA is one group that will not be affected by the recent unconstitutional law. You see, regardless of what your have been told the NRA doesn't spend member's dues or corporate donations on these kinds of things. The NRA does have a special fund for political action, but the monies are kept seperate, and therefore won't be affected by this legislation.
Re:Too bad... (Score:1)
The doubling of the hard money individual limits (to effectively $8,000 per household) does cut the value of PACs vis-à-vis wealthy individuals, (PACs can donate a total of $10,000 during the same period) but they will regain some of the influence lost in recent years. 10 years ago you would be lucky to trade a national committee 10 cents on the dollar soft money for hard, now, they actually prefer soft money - and that is what CFR has changed.
This all being said, I have often argued for more active involvement of the (for lack of a better term) geek community in the Washington process. I was extremely disappointed in the EFF's effort, they never evidenced a real understanding of how the policy process works (and no oh cynical one, it is not all about money) and in some ways seemed to get carried away with their own feelings of self-importance. Just because you are the EFF doesn't mean you need to be involved with every tech-related issue - if there is no palatable solution, stay out of that coalition and work on the reasons why the "geek" solution was not on the table.
Groups like DigitalConsumer prove that there are rich geeks out there to provide high level funding support for these efforts. You need to organize, agree on a set of core principles, (which I applaud these gentlemen for starting with) and then have an open mind and approach DC like any other system - it has rules and processes that can be worked to your advantage - don't be above getting into the policy debates and make use of every tool at your disposal = direct lobbying, grass roots outreach, earned media, fundraising, and coalition building.
A few thoughts:
1) A well designed effort could win over teachers and the teachers unions (very powerful groups in DC and at the local level) to many of our causes - The restrictions being discussed will make gathering teaching materials significantly more difficult, MS prices, even at the educational level, often stop teachers from using technology for budget reasons, and (we're in the real world here) teachers are common and accomplished pirates - they are doing it for educational purposes, but they are often making additional copies just the same. The idea of criminal liability for making sure that they have enough (and a few back-up copies) of a particular educational program, or sharing a password to an information service that they want the students to use, may just move a few to our side.
2) Begin an organized program of hill office visits. Given to the tech concentration in Northern Virginia, I cannot believe that we don't have a regular flow of sympathetic 22-60 year old geeks tramping through the area on business on a regular basis. Design materials, teach them the message, and coordinate visits to their home state Senators and Congressmen. You (yes you geek boy) will get a meeting with the policy making staff members of for your member just for the asking. As a general rule, if you are a constituent, you can get a meeting with staff. If you are informative and well behaved, other members of your group will also get those meetings. As this trickle becomes a flood you WILL get attention. Politicized hill staffers can sense a new organized constituency like sharks smell blood in the water.
I will post more on this when I find a minute.
Re:Too bad... (Score:1)
Limiting soft money is, without a doubt, limiting free speech, you know, doing that thing that the First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law..." about?
CFR shouldn't be able to stand up to Judicial Review. They'll have to overturn Buckley vs. Valeo, which clearly equated money with expression and set out that there can be no limit on spending, but there can be on contributions.
Passing CFR was a cynical move on the part of many opponents who trust that the Supreme Court hasn't lost their commitment to the First Amendment.
What we need is more debate on issues, not less. Full disclosure of who is funding politicians and issue ads would provide a level playing field. If, under such a system, we still have corrupt politicians, then we get the Government that we deserve, I guess.
The present system sets up a bureaucracy in charge of acceptable speech, a horrible precedent, if you ask me.
There is serious discussion about accounting the cost of maintaining Web Servers where political opinions are presented as soft money contributions. Can you imagine the FEC shutting down your Web Server 60 days prior to an election because it violates CFR? This is lunacy.
bribery is not speech (Score:2)
There is, in fact, plenty of doubt about it.
Try slipping fifty bucks to a cop to get out of a speeding ticket and claiming you were only exercising your free speech rights. Ridiculous, right? What if instead you offered to buy fifty bucks worth of advertizing space to promote his favorite charity, or the small business he runs on the side? That's still bribery.
If the mayor knows that you want a proposed ordinance passed, and you "happen" to leave $1,000 on his desk, that's bribery. If a mayorial candiate knows that you would like him to press for a certain proposed ordinance, and you happen to leave $1,000 dollars on his desk, that's bribery. If you instead purchase $1,000 worth of campaign ads for him, that's still bribery.
Speech is speech. Money in expectation of special treatment - which is exactly what large contributors are giving for - is bribery. We can debate the exact terms of the law, but outlawing bribery should not be a controvertial stand...
Re:bribery is not speech (Score:2)
There are lines to be drawn, sure, but equating the funding of issue ads with bribery seems a far stretch to me.
Come on! People buy issue ads to convince the electorate of a position that might be the position of a candidate. That's bribery? Oh, just 60 days before an election, not 61? Besides, this law, which admittedly you did say was open to debate, opens up limits on hard money that's even more likely to be used as bribery.
Do we really want a bureacracy determining when speech in the form of important issues has stepped over some line? When is money just supporting issue advocacy and when is it bribery? Don't you really need to prove that there is an expectation of special treatment? And, if that expectation of special treatment is just support of the issue being advocated, isn't this the way it's supposed to work? People are supposed to petition for the redress of grievances and then when politicians hear them and heed them, you're going to be examining the petition drive to make sure that this isn't some subtle form of bribery?
Will it get to the point someday that I'll be arrested for bribery for telling a politician that I support his view on X and I plan to vote for him and tell all my friends to vote for him? How about if I run a Web Site that advocates a view held by a candidate? Must I shut this down 60 days prior to an election to avoid this bribery charge?
As I said, full disclosure is what's needed. Very public issue ads aren't likely to influence politicians unduly if the electorate knows who's supporting what position. If all cases of real bribery were open to public view, we wouldn't really need bribery laws because the electorate would thrown the bums out. That may be a bit of an exaggeration as elections and recalls aren't held daily, but you get the idea.
I'm not really concerned that the NRA is "bribing" politicians to support gun ownership views, or that NOW is "bribing" politicians to support pro-choice views, or that unions are "bribing" politicians on "Free Trade" issues. These are the groups that this law explicitly targets.
Re:Too bad... (Score:1)
Re:Too bad... (Score:2)
Re:Too bad... (Score:2)
I admit that I was wrong about this PAC. It almost certainly would deal in mostly hard money and not be affected by CFR.
However, I prefer issue ads that speak directly to the people on the importance of the issues of the day rather than our having to shoehorn the issues into some politician's agenda.
It seems that regulation that would require issue ads to reveal the sources of their contributions would be far less intrusive than a straight ban on issue ads during certain seasons.
They MUST change the name (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:They MUST change the name (Score:1, Informative)
American Open Technology Consortium
Re:They MUST change the name (Score:3, Insightful)
Since in America government, business is what really counts, we need something business-like in its name.
How about InnoPAC?
"InnoPAC. Brought to you by the *real* innovators."
Re:They MUST change the name (Score:2)
Example: "Security Systems
Standards and Certification Act" or "Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act"?
They do the exact same thing, but second one sounds nice and warm and fuzzy, and certainly doesn't sound like it might do anything ominous like restrict our rights or cripple our hardware.
Re:They MUST change the name (Score:2)
Personally I think "American Open Technology Consortium" will work just fine unless we come up with something better.
Re:They MUST change the name (Score:3, Informative)
(Which is actually what it's called.)
I disagree (Score:2)
fracturing effort? (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm sure there is a good reason-- but I don't see it at the moment, so I'm hoping somebody will enlighten me. Why is trying to get people to put money and energy behind this a better idea than helping to promote the existing organizations working towards similar goas, such as the EFF? My fear is that this effort will dilute some of the broadbased support for the EFF, and instead of one organization which we can hope will become marginally strong enough to perhaps do something, we're going to have two organizations that look really good but aren't nearly beefy enough to compete with the current special interests purchasing legislators.
Re:fracturing effort? (Score:5, Insightful)
"Enough is enough is enough," he added. "It is time for people in the technology community to open up their wallets and donate money to the EFF and fund this political action committee ... We've got to do this or we're going to lose, folks, it's that simple." []
The EFF had a Washington D.C. based branch, but backed out of it because they didn't like how they were pressured into endorsing really bad ideas inorder to gain clout on the issues they were primarily interested in.
Will Geek Pac work better? If they know going in that this is the way D.C. works, they might be able to deal with it.
Either way, it might be more effective to have two different organizations -- one 'Washington insider' and another clean of such dreck and nonsense.
Re:fracturing effort? (Score:1)
Re:fracturing effort? (Score:4, Informative)
There is a need for a non-tax-exempt PAC who can fill that role.
The big question in my mind is does this effort redundant given what [] is doing? It's also unclear to me that the GeekPAC people understand the tax status of organizations whose primary purpose is to lobby to affect legislation or to contribute to political campaigns. I don't believe that such contributions are tax-deductible.
Re:fracturing effort? (Score:3, Informative)
But the geekpac people have one thing very wrong. IRS section 501(c)4 is for organizations that explicitly lobby. (I know this because I am chair of an organization that is planning to incorporate under this section.) While the organization is non-profit, contributions to it are NOT tax deductible. The founders need to correct this in their doc if they want to be taken seriously by lobby/activists.
Look, SOMEONE needs to be really aggressive about this stuff. I don't think EFF is the answer - they are just not in-your-face enough. digitalconsumer is better on the specific issue of S.2048. Maybe geekpac will be the answer, but they need to be much, much more aggressive in their message.
Re:fracturing effort? (Score:2)
Time to put up or shut up (Score:1)
instead of paying for lobbyists (Score:2, Funny)
show me the money! (Score:2)
Re:show me the money! (Score:2)
Re:show me the money! (Score:2)
The NRA is a fairly effective lobbying group.
But, GeekPAC? Don't they realize that the elderly gentlemen who run this country are going to have preconcieved notions about that terminiology?
Re:show me the money! (Score:1)
But, GeekPAC? Don't they realize that the elderly gentlemen who run this country are going to have preconcieved notions about that terminiology?
yes they'll remember from their youth that there used to be a carnival that came thru town in 19-dikity-2 ("We had to call it dikity because the kaiser stole our twenty"-Abe Simpson) and that the geeks bit the heads off chickens, then they'll remember there was some rock and roll person who did that and since rock and roll is the music of the devil they'll see us imediately thinking we're working for the M($)PAA or something
Re:show me the money! (Score:2)
Re:show me the money! (Score:2)
True, corporations will always have the money to hire lobbyists and other high powered DC folk. But, the PAC scene is a bit different.
There are limits on the amount of money a PAC can donate to a candidate. Currently, it's $5000 per election. So, if the GeekPAC can target the right candidates, they can have a large influence on some of those races.
Re:show me the money! (Score:2)
The most powerful lobbying group in Washington right now is the National Rifle Association. They have a ton of cash, and most of it comes from their five million members. The gun manufacturers themselves are miniscule in comparison, and certainly nowhere nearly as rich or powerful as Microsoft, Enron, or General Motors. I doubt there are five million geeks in the US, but a few hundred thousand geeks, throwing in $25 per year each, would create a sizeable war chest.
Leveling the playing field... (Score:5, Funny)
It's the Congres (Score:2, Insightful)
Individual Members: $25.00 minimum donation
Individual members will receive a certificate of membership (electronic) and a monthly newsletter.
Group Membership: $50.00 minimum donation
Individual members will receive a certificate of membership (electronic) and a monthly newsletter.
Corporate Membership: $500.00 minimum donation
Corporate members will receive a framed and signed certificate of membership, the monthly newsletter, and the right to name a member of our "Advisory Board."
Sustaining Member: $2,000.00 minimum donation
Sustaining members will receive a certificate of membership (marble plaque), the monthly newsletter, the right to name a member of our "Advisory Board," and the right to put into nomination a member of the voting Board of Directors.
It's supposed to deal with the congres, so they made it work the same way, the more you pay, the more you can say...
A house divided (Score:2, Insightful)
On the other hand, however, how could it hurt? Geeks are at best minimally represented in the government (despite what Gore may have thought), and we have a voice too - one that needs to be heard.
Such a cruel irony that the majority of the intelligent people in this world are a numerical minority - and headcount - not barincount - is all that matters when it comes to representation. Oh yeah, and money too. We have plenty of that... [/dripping_with_sarcasm]
Too bad representation isn't based on IQ/EQ (Emotional Quotient, not EverQuest =P ), or *gasp* even political knowledge.
Re:A house divided (Score:1)
Mr. despair enters (Score:1)
Great idea, I just think that if you're going to set yourself up as a lobbying group, you'd better have a lot more money than what you are going to get from donations.
Re:Mr. despair enters (Score:2)
Yes, I KNOW how big that "if" is. Thank you.
Re:Mr. despair enters (Score:2)
It's about time (Score:1)
Sign up, get this thing rolling, the /. comunity is big but it's not everyone, once you get word spread I'm sure plenty more members could be had.
But if wont' happen if everyone just says "It won't happen."
Will the US suffer from geek emigration? (Score:3, Insightful)
Just a small point, but it stuck me that the more things like the DMCA and other stupid ideas render it difficult or impossible for people to do what they want/need to do to make a living, the greater the chance of them deciding to go somewhere with more sensible laws.
The closest parallel I can think of is researchers working on Human Stem Cells, several prominent researchers have commented, mostly off-the-record, as they don't want hassle from idiotic pro-life religious lunatics, that any ban on human stem cell research will simply lead to them emigrating to a country where such research is allowed.
My point is, what would it take to persuade geeks in the US that their government has gone too far and it's not worth trying to change things?
Re:Will the US suffer from geek emigration? (Score:2)
I myself have given a lot of thought about whether I'd like to stay in a less free America or move.
Canada has some nice attractions, including cold weather (I love snow), family (my uncle lives there), and the same basic culture as America. Since I speak French and am educated, it wouldn't be too difficult for me to get in. On the other hand, Canada has most of the same bone-headed laws as America.
The EU would be pretty cool, but we're talking some major changes here. How long would I have to wait for American movies to open in the EU, for example? Probably weeks, if not months. Could I find any of my favorite foods? What about high speed access to the net? And while we're talking about the net, imagine all the net lag connecting to American web sites. There's a lot of potential drawbacks for someone used to taking everything about his life for granted. I'd even have to throw out all of my NTSC equipment and buy new PAL equipment. Ugh. Not to mention all my Region 1 DVDs...
It's not so easy to be a global citizen.
Re:Will the US suffer from geek emigration? (Score:2)
Re:Will the US suffer from geek emigration? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Will the US suffer from geek emigration? (Score:2)
I, for one, would give my immortal soul to move to Sweden. I could totally live without all the American things that I wouldn't be able to find in Europe. While Sweden has it's problems, I have a lot of admiration for the country and it's people, and would love a chance to live there.
As an American, though, it would be hard to pull it off. First of all, while I'm competant, I'm not a Linus Torvalds, and I can't do anything that a Swede couldn't do. I expect that it would be hard for me to get a job in Sweden, even doing IT stuff. No job offer, no work permit.
Second, I don't speak any Scandenavian languages. I'm guessing that a Swedish business wouldn't offer a job to someone who can't speak a word of Swedish. While the Europeans that I've met speak English well, it's not proper for me to go off to some country and require everyone to speak English simply because I'm around.
However, I haven't given up hope that one day I'll end up somewhere in Europe. It's worth a shot, at least....
What's the position on PACdonations from overseas? (Score:1)
However, would a payment from overseas be legal or politically undesirable?
Not that Guyana is likely to achieve the political influence of more affluent donors like China or the Gulf states.
What's the position on this?
Wonder how this will work out. (Score:3, Funny)
Already been done (Score:3, Funny)
I thought that someone else [] is already protecting our right to innovate...
Good idea but not likely to be effective (Score:2, Interesting)
This is a god idea in theory, but unless a lot more than $100,000 can be raised, it won't be able to do much of anything. In the article, it mentioned possibly hiring proffesionals to lobby for the effort in the future. I'm sure the organizers realize that retaining someone with any kind of pull (of the type noted by Rand) will take most if not all of the sums they are talking about. It costs a lot of money to play the game in the D.C. (District of Criminals).
That said, it probably wouldn't hurt to try to get some folks to make the geek POV heard at least a little bit. The effort will need a more serious-sounding name though. While GeekPac sounds good in a whimsical sort of way, I don't think it would help to get our foot in the doors that are necessary.
I'll probably donate to this effort once they get to the point of actually taking donations, but I won't have much hope for it at this time. Judging from the article, it sounds like this is somewhat affiliated with EFF. I would think that this effort could undermine other work the EFF is doing. I could be wrong on that I suppose.
One thing we definitely need as people who are interested in freedom of all kinds, is a way to counter the power of Disney, Time/Warner, and the other providers of crappy content that spend more money on coffee a month than this effort is looking at raising in a year.
Re:Good idea but not likely to be effective (Score:2)
I don't think that the EFF does much lobbying. I don't think they are that specific. If the EFF had a lobbying branch, that could be donated to independently, I would make a seperation donation to that.
A tad unproffessional... (Score:2)
Agree --- Need a Professional (Score:2)
Anyone else is a waste of time, money, and hope.
Nefarious politicians (Score:1)
Even though this PAC does not have it as an express purpose to educate our representatives, anything that will move towards this goal should be appreciated.
Like GI Joe never said, "Educating your congressmen is half the battle."
"Sustaining members" (members who pay enuf) get vo (Score:3, Insightful)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Exclude the MPAA and others like it (Score:2, Insightful)
Would the NRA accept contributions from Handgun Control?
Why not, as long as there were no strings attached.
Having said that, though, I think it would be a mistake for the geekpac to allow generous donors to directly appoint people, as described in the draft.
It could definitely lead to a form of sabotage, where increasingly wimpy people are appointed by those who don't agree with the aims of the organization. Then if the apointees are kicked out, who knows, the donor might sue or something.
Better to do it some other way.
"freedom to innovate" (Score:3, Interesting)
This sounds like a good idea. We must play the game the way it's laid out, and that means forming PACs, funding them, and educating/greasing the right politicos to get what we want. I hope they succeed.
The editor in me... (Score:1)
"The newly created American Open Technology Consortium has posted a draft of their position statement online. They propose to change that by forming a real lobbying..."
So, they posted a draft of their position statement, and immediatly proposed to change that? Or what?
-end nitpick-
Oh please.... (Score:1)
Is it surprising that it's needed ? (Score:2, Interesting)
One of the things that Europeans love to feel smug about is the way that bribery is so indemic in US culture, that they have a special term for "political bribery" - lobbying.
In most European countries, it's illegal to give politicians money in exchange for support for laws. Damn right. Otherwise, you get what happens in the US - rich companies get to make the laws everyone else stands by.
GeekPAC is such a lame name... (Score:2)
Score 0: Bad '70s Reference (Score:5, Funny)
Okay. Here's $500. And your name is Flounder.
Re:Score 0: Bad '70s Reference (Score:2)
I hope they double check that. FEC violations are very very serious things for PACs with signifcant fines.
Re:Score 0: Bad '70s Reference (Score:2)
They are aware of this issue. The website says that they are still debating which will be more important to them - corporate donations XOR the ability to contribute to campaigns.
Re:Score 0: Bad '70s Reference *Offtopic* (Score:2)
A PAC (Score:2, Interesting)
Sidenote: the most ineffective lobbyists imo are those with little work experience and a heavy educational background (PhD); the most effective lobbyists are those with previous work experience in the system as an elected official or aide.
Again, this information is just an overview of what I learned over several years and observing various political organizations. I am sure not all of the above information is accurate given different political environments or circumstances. Also, there is obviously more information required to fully explain how a political organization may be effective and it is not included here.
The GeekPac name (Score:2, Informative)
This really needs to be two efforts (Score:2)
Second, there needs to be the continuous Washington presence that educates the lawmakers on these issues (i.e., lobbies like mad).
This is going to require two kinds of people in the organization (in addition to those of us who merely contribute, and those who encourage us to do so, i.e. fundraisers). The first will be those who can explain complex technical issues to the masses without sounding like a man page. Someone who looks and sounds good on Oprah. Yes, I said Oprah -- if you want to educate people you have to go someplace where they're listening, and getting the gatekeepers of public opinion on our side would be an Incredibly Good Thing. The second will be those who know how to play the Inside The Beltway game and know how to explain complex technical issues to Congresscritters, preferably in terms of how their support of tech-friendly legislation is going to get them re-elected.
Basically, the people setting this up need to take notes on how organizations like The Sierra Club and The National Rifle Organization achieve their successes in Washington. We don't have to like them, share their views or have their money in order to learn from them.
Amateur lobbying won't get anywhere (Score:3, Insightful)
A bunch of amateurs will never get anywhere no matter how much money they spend. They'd be better off to HIRE a few experienced professional lobbyists and sic 'em on members of Congress who are as yet uncommitted wrt the Disney Act.
"I'm the most loyal player money can buy." -- Don Sutton
An *International* problem (Score:2, Insightful)
My problem is the "A" part of AOTC. The problems that the AOTC are aiming to address are not limited to America. The actions of the US government in relation to the Internet affects people and companies all around this planet, not just the relatively small population of the USA. Similarly the actions of other governments around the world have an effect on both companies and citizens within the USA.
I really should not need to remind people that the Internet is a global network, and that laws and regulations concerning the Internet have international repercussions. Everybody reading this should already be familiar with the way in which the DMCA has been used to persecute foreign nationals who have done nothing illegal in their own country. It should also be obvious to everybody that if it is passed the CBTPA will have a profound affect on people all around the world; it is not only US citizens that could loose their jobs if this law passes.
Please don't think that the USA is alone in suffering from dumb technology laws. Here in the UK we have our own dumb laws (such as the RIP Act) as well as those forced upon us by the European Parliament (like the DMCA-equivalent EC Copyright Directive). We need our own Open Technology Consortium, both for the UK and for Europe as a whole.
Think a little about what it would be like if the European Parliament passed an equivalent to the CBTPA. (For those that don't realise it, Europe has a significantly larger population than the USA, and whilst we still have national governments we also have a European government which passes laws that all European Community member states must abide by.) Many thousands of US technology companies would be adversely affected by this, and as a consequence many US citizens too.
The ideals, aims, and motivations that the AOTC represents are global in nature. Whilst they may be presently concerned with the activities of the US government if the AOTC is successful then they will eventually be forced to deal with foreign governments in order to protect the interests of their American members. Therefore I would argue that a national organisation for what is an international problem is foolish.
An international organisation with the same aims would have many advantages, and few disadvantages. At a simple economic level it could attract a significantly higher membership. Since the arguments in favour of a more open technology market are globally relevant great synergy could be gained from a global approach. Establishing national groups within an international consortium would significantly help the ability of that organisation to influence national government and policy.
haha (Score:2)