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Comment Re:Keep it simple, stupid (Score 1) 269

I mean, develop all that stuff still, as a side project, when you think something has the potential to be disruptive. Companies like Mozilla want to innovate, they should try. But don't force it down our throats, and don't get greedy thinking that just because you made something (even if it's really cool) that it's useful in the real world. Pocket is a perfect example - I don't have any problems finding stuff to read and do on the web, why are you spending time solving that problem for me? The real answer is "We want to aggregate data about your habbits and sell it to supplement our income because it's 2018 and your mind is profitable to harvest. C'mon, everyone's doing it!"

Comment Re:Vulkan? (Score 1) 309

Yeah you're absolutely right - Apple is a large company, and this whole "no one owns a Macintosh" meme is about as obviously outdated as my wide-leg JNCO jeans. It won't happen overnight (codebases need to shift, developers need training/experience etc) but in the end I'd chalk this up to a net-loss for desktop Linux.

Comment Re:Wrong (Score 1) 184

Battery life is an issue. I'm sure there are optimizations, at least on some devices, which reduce power partially or completely to unused RAM to save on battery life...don't you need to send a refresh signal each clock pulse to keep RAM from losing what is currently stored? Seems like a waste to use the power on memory which isn't currently occupied, which in turn helps the phone operate longer. Also, minimizing bandwidth useage keeps your app (and your OS) in a favorable light with carriers. Of course, the solution is to run full tilt when on charger+WiFi, and leave the optimizations for when they're actually needed. The only difficulty I see with that scheme is end-user confusion and frustration ("it works from home but it's terrible when I am on the move. Must be my carrier's fault!") - might be worth it if it could somehow be effectively communicated to the users; and by user, I mean anyone, not just the tech savy.
The Media

Submission + - NBC Apologizes For Editing Zimmerman 911 Call

Hugh Pickens writes writes: "The Washington Post reports that NBC has completed its investigation into the “Today” show’s mishandling of the police dispatcher’s conversation with George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case with a finding of error, plus an apology. The apology addresses the “Today” show’s failure to accurately abridge the conversation between Zimmerman and the dispatcher in this high-profile case. This is how the program portrayed a segment of that conversation: Zimmerman: "This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black" Here what was actually said: Zimmerman: "This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about." Dispatcher: "OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?" Zimmerman: "He looks black." In an appearance on Fox News’s “Hannity,” Brent Bozell, president of the conservative Media Research Center, called this omission on the part of ”Today” an “all-out falsehood” — not just a distortion or misrepresentation. "On the good front, [NBC] acknowledges the mistake and apologizes to viewers for the bad editing. It’s a forthright correction and spares us any excuses about the faulty portrayal. On the bad front, the statement is skimpy on the details on just how the mistake unfolded," writes Erik Wemple. "In light of all that’s happened, Zimmerman may be a tough person for a news network to apologize to, but that’s just the point: Apologies are hard.""

Comment Re:Things you can't do on Windows or Linux (Score 1) 584

Would develop* the death of android would not prompt an exodus to apple but to wp7, most people who own an android specifically chose not to go apple cause of apple bs, and while microsoft has their share, it's not nearly as bad.

Not sure if trolololol

The reason most people who got Android got one was because their carrier didn't offer an iPhone. Most of the world outside your WoW guild doesn't give a crap one way or another about "Apple's BS"

Comment My reason: Price (Score 1) 1162

I already own a TV that doesn't do HD. I already have a DVD player. The economy is crap, and I have no money. I can't afford $1000+ for a new TV, $400+ for a Blu-Ray player (even a PS3), and whatever it would cost for a good surround sound system right now. It's not that I don't *want* Blu-Ray, it's that I have no means to upgrade at this time. Hopefully it lives long enough to allow me to make the switch eventullally, because I have seen whatt it can do, and I am actually impressed; the problem is purely financial.

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