Comment Re:We have had 45 years of non-stop automation (Score 2) 123
It is not really exploitation if it is legal and the transactions are voluntary.
Boy, the billionaires are really, really glad that you feel this way.
It is not really exploitation if it is legal and the transactions are voluntary.
Boy, the billionaires are really, really glad that you feel this way.
The person would not discuss the names of others who attended to protect their privacy.
Well if that isn't the most ironic thing I've read all day...
Because as we all know, once you've deleted it from the Internet it's gone.
I wasn't aware the public had access to my iCloud backups...
Would develop* the death of android would not prompt an exodus to apple but to wp7, most people who own an android specifically chose not to go apple cause of apple bs, and while microsoft has their share, it's not nearly as bad.
Not sure if trolololol
The reason most people who got Android got one was because their carrier didn't offer an iPhone. Most of the world outside your WoW guild doesn't give a crap one way or another about "Apple's BS"
If you have to ask how much it is, you can't afford it.