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Farewell, 11111010001 223

As you might know, Slashdot runs on Greenwich Mean Time. That means that you're reading the last story posted in 2001, in which we've gathered some more year-end submissions. Happy New Year to all, no matter what time zone you're in! Zargo writes: "Infosync.no has a great collection of articles named Rewind 2001 looking back at the best stories of 2001. Lots of cool gadgets in there. Samsung 3G prototypes, a car designed by Bella and Nokia, soft hardware by IDEO, Siemens wristphone, Compaq's project Mercury, the Agende VR3 Linux based PDA, the Pogo, Psion's über gadgets, Handspring's Treo, Fathammer's X-Forge, Samsungs YOPY (Linux PDA), Sharp's Zaurus SL-5500 including screenshots. Lots and lots of cool stuff to read."

Speaking of Stuff, Dave Gould writes: "I have published my picks for the 2001 Stuff of the Year. Here's hoping for lots of neat new stuff in 2002!" I bet high that stuff continues to arrive. Maybe even more IT.

Weedstock writes: "EE Times has a list of 15 interesting articles about technologies to watch in 2002. One of those articles, Software model needs overhaul, explains the current problems with computer processing and describes new technologies (Such as the Reconfigurable Architecture Workstation processor from MIT) that will affect this domain in the next year."

uninet writes: "'Looking back over the past year, I think most people would have to agree it has been a ground breaking time for open source. While it is true that open source companies suffered just like the rest of the tech sector from poor economic conditions, those same conditions have also made open source appear even more attractive.'" Here's the rest of Open For Business' analysis of the year past and coming.

There are plenty more year-end wrap-ups filled with bulleted lists and instant nostalgia, but few can top Llewyn, who writes: "The couple who met on Slashdot two years ago are celebrating their first wedding anniversary! you can email them at scott@asofyet.org and elysse@asofyet.org or visit their reminiscing website." Congratulations!

For those into New Year's festivities of the more athletic (and semi-athletic) variety, burntfungus writes with words on "Security and open 802.11b WLAN Access Points along the Rose Parade route, Pasadena's yearly event that allow anyone to be a street person for two nights a year! If you get cold there are many places to get a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate. Watch floats (on webcam, blimps and low flying stealth bombers! Find a public WLAN access point or two."

At least partly wrapping up one of this year's oddest stories, several readers have submitted a link to a CNN story which says that Dmitry Sklyarov has returned home to Russia, and has already raised a toast with his wife and children. I hope Dmitry's treated a little differently on his next visit to the U.S. suwain_2 adds a link to this Newsforge story as well.

This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Farewell, 11111010001

Comments Filter:
  • So...... (Score:5, Funny)

    by nuintari ( 47926 ) on Monday December 31, 2001 @07:37PM (#2769158) Homepage
    Are the first post lamers gonna fight over who gets LAST POST?
  • by J.D. Hogg ( 545364 ) on Monday December 31, 2001 @07:40PM (#2769167) Homepage
    "Infosync.no has a great collection of articles named Rewind 2001"

    Read : Infosync.no vividly reminds you of all the cool toys you really wanted to buy in 2001 but couldn't afford, and probably won't be able to afford in 2002 either.

  • by Jucius Maximus ( 229128 ) on Monday December 31, 2001 @07:40PM (#2769168) Journal
    Alas, we will have to use an extra roman numeral to write the year (when we want to use that format.) It was so great back in 2000 ;-)

    1999 = MCMXCIX
    2000 = MM
    2001 = MMI
    2002 = MMII

  • If slashdot is run on GMT, then why is that post dated: Monday December 31, @07:59PM. Shouldn't that be 11:59PM if its GMT?
    • It shows 4:59 PM to me. It must be timestamped in your local timezone.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      GMT is used for time representation internally in Slashcode [slashcode.com], and any other timezone can be used as the "display" representation.

      AFAIK, the reason for using GMT is that Slash is designed to work on multiple boxes, and horrible race conditions etc. could arise if different timezones were used. So, it makes sense to standardise on the most widely-known timezone, GMT (sorry, but it's true!)

      Happy New Year.

      <rant type="offtopic">
      Perhaps CmdrTaco and Co. can take note of the following 3 improvements to Slash for their New Year resolutions:

      1. Make nested mode the default. How can threaded mode ever be desirable, unless you want to give yourself RSI?!
      2. WTF is up with the story text vanishing when you change the display mode or threshold?! Again, how can this ever be desirable? <phrase type="trollish">Kuro5hin [kuro5hin.org] can do it ::grin:: </phrase>.
      3. For my sanity, include the year in dates in comments and story dates in search results!
      • Threaded mode is desirable if there are a lot of comments with a lot of replies (i.e., nested tables). Try rending a hundred tables, eighty with one or two nested inside, and a dozen or so with tentwenty nested inside several levels deep, and see how long it takes on various browsers. What Slashdot needs is a mode like Kuro5hin where you can set it to display nested for a few comments (user-configurable), and threaded for stories with more. Of course, what Kuro5hin needs is the ability to break up comments across several pages (25 comments per page), because there are still rendering-time issues with K5 stories since their HTML is even more atrocious than Slashdots.

        The reason the story disappears is that the Change form submits to comments.pl, not article.pl. It might not be possible to submit the form to article.pl; check the source, does article.pl support all the parameters (threshold, sort, etc.) that comments.pl does?

        Thirdly, change your date format! Several of the date formats do have the year embedded in them. I use the %Y.%m.%d %H:%M format, which does.
  • Boy, I'm wondering what the hell didn't happen this year. Terrorist attacks, new prez, cloning, artifical hearts, iPod, 2.4.x, Linux PDA's, Pentium 4, RAM prices fall, RAM prices go up, people born, people die, text Quake II, etc...

    Oh what a year it was. Hell, I think the only thing that didn't happen was me getting a girlfriend...

    Happy New Year everyone!
  • And Slashdot enters the New Year.

    I wasn't around time before last; was everyone worrying that their nerdy news site would be toppled by the non-event of Y2K? ;)

    Happy New Year to everyone... Even the trolls. Me, I'm on EST. Ain't gonna be there for four more hours. Maybe I'll spend the time on my New Year's resolutions. :D

    • Re:WooHoo! (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Jethro ( 14165 ) on Tuesday January 01, 2002 @02:32AM (#2769782) Homepage
      I wasn't around time before last; was everyone worrying that their nerdy news site would be toppled by the non-event of Y2K? ;)
      No. We all spent most of the previous 3+ years fixing all the would-be y2k problems, only to get yelled at by non techies for causing hysteria, because, since we fixed everything for them, nothing happened. Bloody ingrates.
  • Enter the Palindrome (Score:5, Interesting)

    by LionMan ( 18384 ) <leo DOT stein AT gmail DOT com> on Monday December 31, 2001 @07:45PM (#2769183) Homepage Journal
    The last one was 1991 - now we have 2002.
    But we won't have another for 110 years! (and then 110 every time after that one until 2992, after which we'll wait for 3003. But I'll be dead by then. Maybe slashdot won't!)
  • by Byteme ( 6617 ) on Monday December 31, 2001 @07:46PM (#2769185) Homepage
    1. Give up asking Santa for Peace on Earth each Christmas.

    2. Turn off the TV during war/disaster/election controversy.

    3. Attend more Free Jazz concerts.

    4. Do not boot to Windows once (at home, forced to at work)

    5. Take para-gliding lessons.

    6. Get a sick stereo (Krell and B&W).

    7. Badger slashdot staff until I see a poll without the CowboyNeal option.

    8. Knock over the first person I see driving an "IT".

    • Cool list, although Add a few more...

      Get in better health. (EVERYONE needs this)

      spend more time with the arts like Theatre and museums instead of fragging in Q3,UT,SOF, or other non outside activity.

      Try to be less cynical... It's hard in today's world to not be cynical... with all the idiots on the road, every woman I date is a lunatic... (no really, they are! I have some kind of dysfunction that I attract or seek out these freaks.).

      oh, and my personal 3 -- Master the Acoustical guitar, master C programming with SDL, and maybe get enough guts to shave my head, as I look like a monk anyways with no hairline and the horseshoe. Life sucks at 31.

      Oh and being Microsoft free at home... Except for my audiotron, I have been microsoft free cince September. All computers are microsoft free in the house. And as soon as I can figure out how to change the OS on the audiotron and retain all functions (I.E. rewrite the entire app suite) that will eliminate Microsoft from my home. My car is next... That autopc will get linux on it or it will get sold on ebay... either way... microsoft is banned in this house from now on.
      • The head shaving is easy, see my homepage for my long haired pics. I suggest a gillete mach3 and a baby shampoo the first time you do it though, the first good nick will lead to 3 more if you arent careful. Another thing go out and buy a ~$15 set of hair clippers (I use Wahl's) and no guard it to start, then bring it down with the razor.
      • I did go to MASS MOCA [massmoca.org] just yesterday. If you are headed this way, it is a rare gem that is asking to be absorbed into your psyche. About an hour point five away from me, but closer and just as great as any contemporary art in NYC or Boston.

      • These are good ones. May I suggest quitting caffeine to the slashdotters? I have. Water starts to taste pretty nice after a while and without all the headaches, sugar and expense. SDL is great fun. And I've been MS-free at home for quite a long time. Not just for the l33tness factor, but also because I want to get work done at home.
    • 1) stop arguing about politics; the republicans have taken over and there's no stopping them
      2) stop trying to lose weight; its not gonna happen
      3) stop trying to have a love life; its not gonna happen (see #2 for details)
      4) stop hoping to get into my #1 college [cmu.edu]; ill get rejected, just like i got deferred

      its been such a great year..
    • 4. Do not boot to Windows once (at home, forced to at work)

      The best way not to boot Windows is not to have it installed. I haven't had Windows on my computer in about 15 months.

      If I could find a good deal on another computer I might put windows on one to control my PRO-92 and PRO-2052 scanners.

      6. Get a sick stereo (Krell and B&W).

      I guess that is supposed to be slick.
  • Dave Gould's page [oblivion.net] (no offense Dave) of the "2001 Stuff of the year" has nothing to do with 2001. How do a 1992 Mazda Miata and a 1984 (!) pickup truck end up as "best vehicles of 2001". Perhaps this page should be best labeled as "Page 'o My Favorite Stuff." "My Dad" and "My Ex," I'm sorry, aren't high-caliber candidates for "Person of the Year." Shit, I could come up with this stuff! Although I'll agree with you on the Art Bell rating -- and the Entertainment page.
  • Chinese new year? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by checkitout ( 546879 )
    Apparently this year is the year of the horse.


    Of course, it doesn't start until February 12th but since our own calendar system doesn't include fortunes, it might be fun to look at.
  • by FeanorOfTheNoldo ( 544860 ) on Monday December 31, 2001 @07:56PM (#2769213)
    My new years resolution is 1024x768 ;)
  • when? what? (Score:4, Informative)

    by jjeffries ( 17675 ) on Monday December 31, 2001 @07:57PM (#2769214)
    Posted by timothy on 18:59 31 December 2001

    I'm set up for EST... /. will use whatever time zone you want it to.

    I'd like to have the time displayed in seconds since the Epoch. Surely I'm not alone! Everyone knows nothing important happened before 1-1-1970 anyway, no?
  • You all go out and enjoy new year. I'll be stuck inside, by myself. Friendless, relativeless, sober, miserable, whilst everyone else in the world is having a great time. God I hate new year.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by lalleglad ( 39849 ) on Monday December 31, 2001 @08:12PM (#2769254)
    As the first line states:

    "As you might know, Slashdot runs on Greenwich Mean Time."

    and I have noticed it for a long time, I will now take the opportunity to ask if Slashdot editors wouldn't please enter the new age and use updated acronyms? :-)

    A good explanation can be found here:

    http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_ gc i213612,00.html

    Even MS has the following [slightly related] page from 1997 (and we wouldn't wanna be defetaed by MS, would we ;-)

    http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=k b; EN-US;q158588

    Ergo, skip the GMT and start using UTC.

    Oh, and I hope all will have a Happy New Year!
  • Whee! (Score:4, Funny)

    by Splat ( 9175 ) on Monday December 31, 2001 @08:14PM (#2769267)
    Happy GNU Year!

    This salutation is a free greeting; you can restate it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This greeting is distributed in the hope that you will have a happy new year, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of HAPPINESS or FITNESS FOR YOUR ROUND GEEK FIGURE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  • We all know what 2001 will be remembered for.
    One hint, it happened 3 months ago.
  • by tcc ( 140386 ) on Monday December 31, 2001 @08:18PM (#2769278) Homepage Journal
    Your wife/girlfriend/mistress/mom bugs you with finding at least ONE good resolution for 2002? here's one that will make you happy to follow and shut them off for next year :)

    in 2002, my resolution will be 1600x1200x32x75+hz... on a 21+" LCD, playing DOOM III.

    Hey, they've asked for it so stop feeling guilty and go buy one with your next (or maybe 10 next) paychecks :)
  • An affordable "webpad" like computer running Linux, with a nice bright clear full colour screen, similiar to those things on Star Trek Enterprise. That would be an excellent type of computer, and would likely replace my desktop computer for a lot of stuff.
    • 3com audrey is a linux webpad, isnt it? dont know if it's still available however

      you might be able to pick one up on ebay or something

      maybe use the lcd screen for something else if the unit itself isn't up to snuff
  • I'm hoping to make it to the rollover to the year 100000000000 in 101010 years.

    People are fearing for their lives as they brace for the Y2K2 Bug to strike. Many people are lining up outside of shops like Billy Bob's Survival Bargain Bin in order to buy survival supplies for the new year. When we asked the owner why there there is a sudden boom in sales this year, he said, "Well, this is the Big One. I personally know that on Janurary 1st, 2002 at 12:00 AM, the power grids will do down, computers will blow up, there will be riots, and a new world order of kittens will take over the world. This is survival of the fittest here!!" The US Government refused to comment on the new world order of kittens.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    As the year that brought us the DeCSS, Sklyrov and so many other scary cases draws to a close, I would encourage those who care to follow Mr. Lessig's advice and get involved. I just donated [eff.org] $100 to the EFF [eff.org] in time to claim the deduction for my 2001 taxes.

    How about the rest of you Slashdotters? Let's end the year by doing something productive!

  • by Jonavin ( 71006 ) on Monday December 31, 2001 @09:29PM (#2769429) Homepage
    I hope everybody remembers to dates their checks properly. It's seems every January some of us tend to make the mistake of writing last year's date. Remember to write "Year of the Horse" instead of "Year of the Snake". ;)
  • Happy new years eve or somting (being drunk as hell)
  • It's a link to another parody/satire year-in-review thingy:

    http://www.ridiculopathy.com/news_detail.php?displ ay=20011231&id=480 [ridiculopathy.com]

  • The year 2001 had to be the worst year of my entire life. What with dropping out of school for a while, falling greatly in debt, losing a job, and missing several important opportunities, I'm surprised I'm still alive. And to top the whole damn thing off, just near the end of the year, when things are starting to look up again, my girlfriend of 3 years and I break up so badly I went insane for a couple of days. *Sigh* What doesn't kill me can only make me stronger .....
    • >What doesn't kill me can only make me stronger.....

      And incredibly pissed off.

    • Whoa dude, my regrets.

      I went through the same thing a year earlier and in a better economy. I decide to drop out of college, my fiance (at the time) calls me all sorts of nasty words for loser, we break up, I get an incredible job and drive over to her apartment in my new Beemer :)

      Anyway, in this economy, the likelihood of that last part is somewhat in doubt, but just keep pushing and trying, and you'll make it. I had to pretty much bully my way into interviews, puching an 80x86 assembly version of space invaders over my resume, but I eventually got hired by a great, profitable company. And once I was there, I managed to prove myself by being the the most hardworking mofo around.

      Now, I get to settle down a bit (though the stress does occassionally build up, like now), and no one really cares whether I've got a Masters in EE studying signal processing, or that I can do the work just as well as someone who does have the paper.

  • goodbye 2001 (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Here is the last memory of the year 2001, after this 2001 will be forever gone and never return back.

    find all positive integers a,n such that

    note 1: positive integer is a number in 1,2,3,4,5,6,...,infinity

    note 2: a^b means axax...xa (b times), 2^3=2x2x2=8, 2^4=2x2x2x2=16

    RIP my mother's father (grandfather-in-law) who dies in 11 September 2001. He fell down from the chair 1 week before 11 September and after 1 week of struggling, he finally goes away. He is a great guy and is nice to me. I like to go to his house during school holidays. I will never see him again. RIP.
  • I don't get it!

    Why are we saying goodbye to -47? What was so special about it?

  • Why did they put Microsoft's PocketPC 2002 in Sepetember and not include Windows XP in October or the Linux 2.4 kernel in February?
  • by xtype ( 41544 )
    Happy Newyear everyone!
  • -- Top post on the page atm: --
    UK Government Solicits Advice On Open Source
    Posted by timothy on Tuesday January 01, @01:39AM
    from the you-have-til-march dept.

    ... And we thought the y2k bug would get us and there in the wings was the eeevil of y2k2! =)

    I'm betting it's a one-line fix ;)

    -- Dan (who spent new years nursing his sick gf back to health - not unlike a lot of others I'm sure...)
  • 2001 is over. 2002 has begun. Lets hope its a lot better than last year
  • >[] Dmitry Sklyarov has returned home to Russia, and has already raised a toast with his wife and children.
    > I hope Dmitry's treated a little differently on his next visit to the U.S.

    Frankly if I were him, I would be totally disgusted by the US and would never ever want to go again to the US?

    Think of it, as if you were going to a foreign country and has been treated the way he was..
    Would you want to go again to this foreign country?
    I doubt it, and first you would have to convince your wife to let you go there :-).
  • You mean UTC, not GMT.

    And by the way: I'd like to select ISO 8601 for displaying the date. Which was possible in the old version of slashcode.
  • ...Lots of cool gadgets in there. Samsung 3G prototypes, a car designed by Bella and Nokia, soft hardware by IDEO, Siemens wristphone, Compaq's project Mercury, the Agende VR3 Linux based PDA, the Pogo, Psion's über gadgets, Handspring's Treo, Fathammer's X-Forge, Samsungs YOPY (Linux PDA), Sharp's Zaurus SL-5500 including screenshots. Lots and lots of cool stuff to read."

    Why does this sound like a radio commercial? ;)
  • As you might know, Slashdot runs on Greenwich Mean Time. That means that you're reading the last story posted in 2001, in which we've gathered some more year-end submissions.

    Uh-uh! THIS [slashdot.org] was the last story posted in 2001. Posted by timothy on 21:19 Monday 31 December 2001, to be precise, as opposed to 18:59 Monday 31 December 2001 for this story.
  • Base 2 math and hangover do not mix well... "Does that actually equal 2001? Let me use my feeble brain to... ARHGHGGH!"
  • >> Lots of cool gadgets in there. Samsung 3G prototypes, a car designed by Bella and Nokia, soft hardware by IDEO, Siemens wristphone, Compaq's project Mercury, the Agende VR3 Linux based PDA, the Pogo, Psion's über gadgets, Handspring's Treo, Fathammer's X-Forge, Samsungs YOPY (Linux PDA), Sharp's Zaurus SL-5500 including screenshots.

    Or in other words -- a tribute to vaporware 2001.
  • by lnxguy ( 547256 )
    For your information, it is no longer Greenwich mean time (GMT). It has been called Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) for about eight years now...

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." -- The Wizard Of Oz
