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Comment Re:Obviously. (Score 1) 3

hah, indeed ...happened to idly google search some now ancient obscure powerpc things for a comment on another social media site ...and a first page result was [my own /. comment]( from early 1999...

Comment Re:Not so big an issue (Score 5, Interesting) 222

It's still a government trying to tell its people what words they should and should not see, which is censorship and something to notice and oppose.

The irish constitution has some dangerous weasel-wording in it around that area. Lately it's been taken that european/international human rights law trumps more problematic aspects of the constitution, and it's important to remember that basically no sane irish person takes mere human law entirely seriously in the first place, but it just isn't particularly wonderful as constitutions go. May still better than still being ruled by the British I guess (I mean just look at Jacqui Smith...)...

6. 1. The State guarantees liberty for the exercise of the following rights, subject to public order and morality.

i. The right of the citizens to express freely their convictions and opinions.

The education of public opinion being, however, a matter of such grave import to the common good, the State shall endeavour to ensure that organs of public opinion, such as the radio, the press, the cinema, while preserving their rightful liberty of expression, including criticism of Government policy, shall not be used to undermine public order or morality or the authority of the State.

The publication or utterance of blasphemous, seditious, or indecent matter is an offence which shall be punishable in accordance with law.

Comment Re:IEDR's a basket case (Score 1) 222

For example, a private citizen can't register a personal domain unless they're a company or publicly known celebrity like a politician

That changed a while ago, though controls are a bit stricter than in other places. You have to register your real name (businesses are supposed to register their registered irish business names) and present some form of vaguely plausible ID. And it's relatively expensive. I have mine registered, much harder to lose to some squatter - even if I miss a payment, no-one else is going to be able to register it very easily (esp. given my real name is rather long) at least while they keep the rules in place. However I use my com/net/org domains day-to-day for business.

Comment Re:Bastards! (Score 1) 562

Have you tried MilkyTracker? I quite like it, though I'm essentially talentless at present when it comes to composition, I just mess around.

I could have sworn I've seen 8 channel ones somewhere in the same extension.

Amiga OctaMED OctaMED introduced 8-amiga-sound-channel (IIRC it already supported N midi channels) support on the Amiga at least, sometimes with extension .med, sometimes with .mod - the amiga didn't use file extensions for file typing as such, so you saw both around. The amiga had 4 channels in hardware, usually used two on each stereo side, but software multiplexing techniques could yield more software channels, used for standalone mods and some games.

After 8, things just went to N tracks using more and more software-side multiplexing.

Comment Re:Odd that we're seeing this again (Score 1) 519

Unicomp keyboards are worth every penny, though. You don't have to believe me, but I'm ridiculously happy with mine at the price I paid several years ago (which I don't recall exactly, but which included thousands of miles of international shipping charges seeing as I'm in Ireland...)

I'm not sure what car analogy is appropriate, but it's like a disposable party cup vs. a solid metal beer stein. You can drink beer from both, of course, but...

People nowadays seem to expect and accept their cheap keyboards simply "wearing out". I've even temporarily repaired cheap keyboards with foil where the conductive part of the shitty rubber pad has simply worn away with use. However I expect my unicomp would probably last my remaining lifetime - only problem I anticipate is slowly changing interface standards and keyboard layouts rather than mechanical failure.

Comment AROS (Score 2, Informative) 562

AROS is an open source operating system largely source-compatible with AmigaOS 3.x APIs and runs on modern PCs. It's not "finished", and shares AmigaOS weaknesses as well as strengths, but is usable (helped by recompiles of a load of amiga stuff from the Aminet (still around!) I guess) :

Grab a liveCD from Icaros desktop and give it a go.

I wouldn't really want to use a system lacking full memory protection in the modern era (though some effort at retrofitting memory protection is underway IIRC), but it does work.

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