Another Gaping Microsoft Security Hole Goes Unpatched 1035
For readers who care, this vulnerability results from Microsoft's integration of IE and the operating system. Files received via HTTP are supposed to be handled by examining the Content-Type header sent by the webserver - for instance, the Content-Type sent with this webpage is "text/html", identifying it as a text (non-binary) document which is marked up with HTML.
Netscape and most other browsers have no problem with this.
You will notice, however, that this method is rather different than how a Microsoft operating system determines how to handle a local file - by its three-letter extension. A file named "foo.txt" is handled as a text file, even if it is a binary image file that has been renamed for some reason.
Now, what happens when you integrate your web browser and your local browsing, say to render moot an anti-trust suit filed against your company? Will local files get a Content-Type? Will remote files be handled by examining their file extension?
IE handles files in an odd mish-mash of looking at the Content-Type sometimes for some purposes, looking at file extension sometimes for some purposes. It's hardly surprising that the bug-hunter in the above story has found a way to feed it a Content-Type at odds with the file extension - the Content-Type may be innocuous, but the extension says "execute me", so when the "integrated" IE engine gets ahold of it, the malicious content is automatically executed.
Now Microsoft has a problem. Because they chose to ignore the standard for handling downloaded files, Microsoft has painted themselves into a corner. If Microsoft suddenly changes how their browser handles downloaded files, tens of thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands? any webpage which downloads files) of webpages "designed for IE" will have to be rewritten. No doubt this is the issue their programmers are wrestling with right now. It's a fundamental design issue - Microsoft designed their web browser with the goal of doing what was best for Microsoft (evading anti-trust charges) rather than doing what was best for their users. In fact a proper "fix" of this hole probably involves de-integrating their browser and local file handling to some extent.
If you routinely browse with Internet Explorer or read mail with Outlook, keep in mind that any web page you visit or any email you open can take over your computer, steal sensitive files, destroy your machine, anything. This has been true for at least two and half years. And keep in mind that you can't fix the problem, you must rely on Microsoft to do it, if they so choose. And keep in mind that Microsoft is in no hurry to do anything about it, because it doesn't even consider it a vulnerability. Happy browsing!
Now that this particular cat is out of the bag... (Score:3, Interesting)
What kind of steps can people use to protect themselves now, is there any kind of toggle or security setting that can be turned on in IExploiter 5.0(tm) to keep us a little bit safer?
Re:Now that this particular cat is out of the bag. (Score:5, Funny)
If you really want to toggle IE into secure mode you just need to click the little "X" in the top right corner of the window.
Re:Now that this particular cat is out of the bag. (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Now that this particular cat is out of the bag. (Score:2, Informative)
The suggested solution is to never open from the current location. Choose save instead, which will reveal the real file type.
Not true. (Score:3, Informative)
Mime type: application/octet-stream
Actual type: text file
Action: shows up in IE as a regular text file.
Now, when you take a real
URL: [].
Mime type: application/octet-stream
Actual type: win32 executable (shows you how long your computer has been running, actually)
Re:Now that this particular cat is out of the bag. (Score:3, Informative)
Honestly? I seriously would recommend browsing the web only with Mozilla []. I had been using IE, but I switched to mozilla full time after 0.9.1 (except for work related browsing on my company's web pages, which are written exclusively for IE browsing.) It's been buggy, it's still a little buggy, but I haven't had many real showstoppers because of it. And no one's published any attacks yet, but because it's NOT integrated into the OS, I'm somewhat less concerned about the damage it's capable of causing.
If you're stuck with IE, then might I recommend a proxy filter such as The Proxomitron []? You can modify the incoming http headers to do anything you want, including altering file extensions!
Re:Now that this particular cat is out of the bag. (Score:2)
Negligence? (Score:3, Redundant)
Re:Negligence? (Score:2)
You DO read your EULA don't you???
They claim NO WARRANTY on the software you use.
The software they keep private, the software they won't let you view the source code for, the software that they have used to create a global monopoly.
They have a LOT of nerve! huh!?
Don't like it? Donate to the EFF!
Re:Negligence? (Score:2)
Try to get a basic understanding of the vulnerability, first.
This sensationalized story is nothing more than Microsoft-bashing.
Re:Negligence? (Score:5, Interesting)
As soon as trade secrets are stolen, or hard drives are trashed, or economic harm takes place, however, a negligence action may arise.
The first barrier is the economic loss rule. If the contract damages are higher than the tort (negligence) damages, there is a defense to tort. In English, there's no lawsuit unless the bug costs you more than buying your copy of Windows cost you.
The next barrier is the contractual disclaimer, the "EULA" as Microsoft calls it. The waters here are less well charted. To be realistic, it depends on how severe the harm actually is.
The wild card is intentional harm. If Microsoft in fact intentionally included this bug, knowing of the danger, for the purpose of advancing their business enterprise, legal actions could arise that are not precluded by the EULA. This would be difficult to prove, however.
I think /.'s knee jerk assessment of "death of the Internet, film at 11," is premature, however. I hope I'm not wrong, but I think the bug won't prove that severe. Just browse at "medium security" in IE, for example, right?
If I were a lawyer, I would want to sue Microsoft. They have $30 billion in cash or so sitting in bank accounts. It would be more tempting for them to settle claims than it would be for an Enron, for example.
Don't worry about the legal angle. If the harm is severe enough, justice will be done.
How is giving advice unethical? (Score:4, Funny)
1. Stop thinking about this question entirely. No, really, stop thinking about it. Try really hard... whoops, I thought about it again.
2. Believe what the law student says, unless he's contradicted by an equally plausible source.
3. Believe the "It's legal to download ROMs if you delete them within 24 hours" type rumors that get spread around the internet by the legally ignorant.
4. Hire a real lawyer to talk to for hundreds of dollars.
I'm sure law school grads (including your ethics lecturer) would love option 2 to be unavailable, but I'm just not seeing a superior alternative here.
Re:How is giving advice unethical? (Score:3, Insightful)
It's legal to download ROMs and keep them for as long as you want, mp3s or any other copyrighted content as well. What you can't do is give them to other people (so the site you nabbed it off is breaking the law, disclaimer or no)
Re:Negligence? (Score:2)
So it would depend what jurisdiction you're in (in microsoft's case, everywhere) and what your real damages were.
Two and a half YEARS? (Score:2, Flamebait)
Re:Two and a half YEARS? (Score:5, Informative)
You are making the classic mistake of assuming that the first one to publicize the vulnerability is the first one to have found it. A malicious cracker could have known about the problem long before it was made public and exploited it silently.
That classic mistake is what is wrong with "security by obscurity." There is no guarantee that what is obscure to the general public is obscure to the bad guys.
Or, it could be something else... (Score:2)
Re:Two and a half YEARS? (Score:5, Interesting)
The most irritating aspect of it is that you simply can't get around it. For example, we have a web-based flyer/catalog generation program at the office. The advertising department enters records such as item code, part number, color, size, etc, some text, and attaches items to the record. Hardware distribution (like shovels/rakes/nails/etc) has extremely low margins, so purchasing something like Quark Express or another database driven tool is out of the question. Well, we found Adobe Pagemaker to be sufficient, and lo and behold it supports importing tagged text. So from our database, they select items and it can export SGML-ish text to be imported into Pagemaker.
Now here comes the rub. Pagemaker wants the files to be
So what it comes down to, is I also have to mangle the output name be making it
And for those of you who thing "why not right click -> save as", well the generation needs several arguments, such as sorting, template name, etc, so it's a form, and you can't click the button and tell a form you want to save the download.
This isn't the only time I've had a problem, I don't want to even get in to how IE badly handle dynamically generated PDF's, how since 5.5 it ignores the settings to not embed PDF since that's the only work-around, and how 5.5 also asks the "open here/save" question TWICE when passing it some file types.
Overall, they may tout it as a feature, but if they'd just follow the damn standard like everyone else I wouldn't have to waste so much time finding workarounds for their "features"
Here's the fix. (Score:5, Interesting)
I had this same problem. Basically, you must make sure to pass the filename as part of the content header, but not attached to the end of the script name. This way, IE will always pop up a window asking you to save. It will tell you that it is saving your script name, but in reality, it will save the page you want it to.
First, write the page from your database to your local server as a file. Then do the following (my script is written in PHP; translate as needed.)
I wrote my database contents to a variable called $content, then executed the following code:
# put content into file called download/$page_num.html
$fp = fopen ("download/${page_num}.html", "w");
fwrite($fp, $content);
if ($action == "download") {
# set up file download to client
header("Content-Type: text/unknown\n");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"${page_num}.html\"");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: ascii");
$fn=fopen("download/${page_num}.html", "r");
Note the key difference between my script and yours is the fact that I'm not passing anything but a content header to IE. Don't use your_script.php?filename=xxx... that doesn't work. Just write the filename as a variable and put that variable in the content disposition header. Also note that the Content Type can't be text/html, or, really, anything that IE will recognize.
This works in both Netscape and IE. Note that if you're working cross-platform using text files, you'll have to convert line breaks. I use the following code:
# get os for carriage returns
if(strstr(getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), 'Win')) {
$content = eregi_replace("\r","",$content);
Again, that's PHP -- translate if necessary.
Here's the final trick I'll pull out of my bag: if you set a Content Type to application/vnd-msexcel or somesuch (I could be off on that), and send the client a tab-delimited text file, it will open in Excel. Same goes for plain text and Word. It's a great trick to pull when you know your client is going to be using Windows and will say, "Hey, how did you get your script to make an Excel file? That's so cool!" (Always nice to have a little extra trick to impress your clients...
Hope this helps --
Re:Two and a half YEARS? (Score:3, Interesting)
The nimda virus used a variation of this "Content-type/TLE" switcheroo.
Re-post? (Score:5, Funny)
what will happen if (Score:3, Redundant)
will MS be held responsible? will the person who put up a website as a 'proof-of-concept' be held responsible? what about the guy who sends around the email?
ultimately folks, I think the end user is going to be held responsible. i don't know about the rest of you, but the company I work for will hold me responsible if our systems fail. and blaming MS isn't going to help me one bit.
now that this cat is out of the bag...what can we do to protect ourselves if we can't switch from Windows b/c our jobs won't let us?
hmm.. (Score:3, Informative)
If you routinely browse with Internet Explorer or read mail with Outlook, keep in mind that any web page you visit or any email you open can take over your computer, steal sensitive files, destroy your machine, anything.
This is just not true. You specifically have to download things before they can do anything using IE and if you are dumb enough to use outlook and let it have the ability to execute file attachments automatically, you deserve what you get.
Re:hmm.. (Score:2)
As for whether those statements are accurate, I have no idea.
Re:hmm.. (Score:5, Informative)
The exploit is another one that allows a content type to be set that will cause executable code to download and execute without user intervention.
Hmm, did you read the story?
Overreaction from Michael. (Score:4, Flamebait)
Michael says : "completely open any time you browse the web with IE. "
Story says "who view a specially constructed Web page"
Okay, the hole isn't good - and MS must fix it - but the article as posted by
Your computer is open if you stumble across a specially constructed site. If you browse
Re:Overreaction from Michael. (Score:2, Insightful)
Ooops. Guess everyone's exposed now.
Re:Overreaction from Michael. (Score:5, Funny)
1) Take MS exploit.
2) Rail about security through obscurity. Ignore similar [] linux issues [].
3) Rail about how long a bug has been open. Ignore similar linux issues [].
4) Ignore the linked article, and claim something stupid. In this case that MS isn't in a hurry to release a patch when in fact they have been testing a patch.
5) Jump to conclusions, like " It's a fundamental design issue".
6) Somehow tie the whole thing into the anti-trust suit.
Did I miss anything?
Re:Overreaction from Michael. (Score:4, Insightful)
2) The Alan Cox changelog story isn't about security through obscurity, it's a silly political statement regarding the DMCA. And the other link is about Red Hat preemptively releasing a security advisory in an attempt to *avoid* obscurity.
3) The bug in this story is a *local* root hole, which doesn't even apply to most windows versions, and which certainly doesn't make for a relevant comparison in this case.
Re:Overreaction from Michael. (Score:3, Informative)
2) Rail about security through obscurity. Ignore similar [] linux issues [].
The first link is to a story that questions Alan Cox's decision not to expose himself to a Sklyarov-type persecution under the DMCA by revealing the reasons for certain security bugfixes in a kernel patch-level release.Despite the fact that Alan didn't reveal the specific nature of the bug that was fixed, the bug was, in fact, fixed.
The second link refers to a remotely root-exploitable hole in wu-ftpd.Although almost every Linux distribution includes wu-ftpd, it is well-known as a source of security problems, and in those distros where it is installed and enabled by default the distributor usually takes fair pains to make sure that it is installed as securely as the state of reasonable knowledge of its problems allows.Also, IIRC, wu-ftpd also runs under Windows, where it serves the function of being an alternative to IIS's ftp server functionality.At this moment, I don't have the time to research the irrefutable facts, but my anecdotal impression, which comes from my experience as both a Windows and Unix admin indicates that the score in the IIS vs. Apache + wu-ftpd exploit game is more than a little lopsided in favor of IIS being the cracker's friend.
3) Rail about how long a bug has been open. Ignore similar linux issues [].
Ah yes
Now for the question
Re:Overreaction from Michael. (Score:4, Informative)
That's a little like saying "an unlocked door is only insecure if a burglar enters through it," isn't it? Your computer is open and insecure; the existence or non-existence of special trickery sites is irrelevant, especially considering how little we can trust existing sites (some high-profile site gets cracked/subverted every few months at least) or even existing certificates (cf. the recent M$/Verisign debacle). The point is that having a broken security model is unjustifiable, and to claim that a breach this large is not a big deal because someone is unlikely to stumble across an exploit page is irresponsible at best and blatant shilling at worst.
Guess What? (Score:2, Interesting)
Yep, they do the same thing and look at the file extention to determine how to render files.
I'm not saying there's not a bug, or it's not severe, but examining the file extention to determine type is hardly an IE-only thing.
Re:Guess What? (Score:2)
Still, what's the relevance? This story isn't about how IE is a total piece of crap because it uses local file extensions to figure out what to do with them. It's a story about how a) this bug has existed for almost a *month*, and absolutely every computer running any of the affected versions(and we're talking, what, three, four years worth of affected versions) are totally WIDE OPEN. And HAVE BEEN FOR A REALLY, REALLY LONG TIME
And, b) these are *remote* files they're dealing with, not local files. So, yeah, *nix browsers and pretty much every other browser looks at file extension on local files, but relies on Content-Type headers for remote files. Well, here's news; IE will use file extension on *remote* files
Re:Guess What? (Score:2)
The flaw here seems to be that you can trick IE into behaving as if it's looking at a local file when it is in fact looking at a file it just received via HTTP.
You send it something it initially thinks is "HTML", thereby bypassing its warnings about executable files, but later decides is executable...and therefore runs.
At least, that's what I gleaned from the article... it was a bit sparse.
Re:Guess What? (Score:2)
If any other browsers are using one method for identification to the user and another method for execution, then it's not IE-only.
Re:Guess What? (Score:2, Interesting)
The only way IE could be vulnerable to this kind of exploit is if it relied on the content-type in the header and _ignored_ the file extension. The whole point of the "vulnerablity" is that IE doesn't display the _actual_ extension, but instead it displays what it is told by the MIME header.
Si if Netscape et al are not affected by this vulnerability it is precisly because they are doing what Michael is accusing Microsoft of doing: ignoring the content-type all together and relying on the file extension.
Re:Guess What? (Score:4, Insightful)
file foo
and you'll see that it still returns the correct file type.
Re:Guess What? (Score:3, Insightful)
HTTP is not synonymous with HTML! (Score:5, Informative)
When you're using Netscape or Lynx and the URL starts with "http:", it's speaking HTTP. It can use that protocol to send whatever type of data the server wants to send - text/html, application/x-pdf, whatever. You seem to be confusing HTTP and HTML - the communications protocol and what's being communicated.
Meanwhile, the canonical way to identify the type of a file on a Unix system is to look at for "magic numbers," and then hopefully verify them by parsing what you think is the header and making sure checksums are valid, values are sane, etc. Any Unix application developer that looks at the extension *alone* should usually be fired on the spot. (The sole exception is completely unstructured text where you have to use it as a hint, e.g., ".c" means C, ".cc" means C++.)
This isn't just a bad attitude, it reflects the fact that Unix tools have to deal with pipes and often don't have any filename (much less extension) associated with the data stream. If you require a file extension to understand what you have, you've crippled your application.
I teach classes to some IT folk (Score:3, Interesting)
Most end up knowing that they will clean up the mess, because "The top guys like Microsoft so much - it has so many features." Nobody is willing to do an honest cost accounting for the top guys.
Until the collective IT folk give an honest accounting of how much MS is really costing them, there will not be a switch away from MS. The moment they do - stampede!
parent is pandering (Score:3, Insightful)
IT guys can and do choose other browsers. Last I heard, Navigator still had over 1/3 of the corporate browser market. Suggesting that IT folk would be cowed by the "top guys" flies in the face of every experience I've had with them: that they're pragmatic, honest, and outspoken.
Exploits using ordinary HTTP code? (Score:2)
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Undocumented bugs (Score:2)
For example, there are seven or eight differnt start-up objects in Windows 9x:
It's little wonder that the thing is open to attack. You can't hunt it down unless you pretty much hack it, and follow their goofy retro thing with the 64-bit sequence: {01.22.23....}
Lack of forethought, I imagine.
Maybe Im missing something here... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Maybe Im missing something here... (Score:2)
Saw this thread on bugtraq (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Saw this thread on bugtraq (Score:5, Informative)
The vulnerability was posted to Bugtraq on Nov. 26. One person tried to reproduce it the same day and failed. Its discoverer, Jouko Pynnonen, pointed out on bugtraq later the same day that:
Considering Microsoft's obstructionist response ("it's not a vulnerability, we'll fix it when we fix it, stop asking questions"), Jouko has been very kind not to publish any additional information about his discovery.
Nevertheless, other people tried to reproduce the exploit and succeeded. Jonathan G. Lampe posted on Nov. 29:
I'd say the odds are pretty good that this is already being exploited in the wild.
There was some discussion of whether IE6 was vulnerable in the same way as IE5; the published exploit didn't seem to work on IE6. Jouko had originally commented that "Internet Explorer 6 is exploitable in a slightly different way, but the effect is the same."
Unsafe at any speedy (Score:3, Insightful)
This sounds to me just like the GM/Ford cases at the 60's about negleting consumers. Isn't time to DOJ put a period on all these things?
First that stupidity of Nimda IIS bug, that can't be fixed until next IIS release. And now this Security through obscurity crap?
Now I want to ask. "Where will M$ take us". I know where I want to go, but what about them?
Why this is'nt MS's responsibility (Score:2, Insightful)
What I DO pay for is my virus scan. I'd like to know that if something gets through and hurts my security, the virus scanning software would catch it.
I wish people would stop getting mad at people for providing otherwise OK software with bugs in it, when those programs are FREE, and wish people would start getting mad at the virus scan companies (who my company pays lots of money to) for not catching threats.
Re:Why this is'nt MS's responsibility (Score:4, Informative)
free? (Score:2)
That's funny, my copy was $100, and that was with the upgrade discount.
Re:Why this is'nt MS's responsibility (Score:2)
Wait, I thought that Internet Explorer was an integral part of the Windows operating system, not a separate product! I paid good money for that operating system!
(Obligatory scare quotes: I paid "good money" for that "operating system".)
Poor meta information (Score:2)
I'm not terribly shocked--using a 3-letter extension to store that much metadata is absurd.
Luckily, the MacOS doesn't do tha.... oh, wait.... they do now... []
In related news... (Score:2, Interesting)
Whine, IE sucks, whine (Score:3, Redundant)
Second, don't just bitch about IE. If you haven't already, check out the alternatives:
Hold on a sec . . . (Score:5, Insightful)
"Microsoft will patch a flaw in its Web browser that could allow an attacker to silently download and execute malicious programs on the computers of users who view a specially constructed Web page or e-mail message." (emphasis added)
From the article's intro:
"Microsoft has known about it since November 19; they refuse to provide any information about when a patch might be made available, if ever."
Also: "And keep in mind that Microsoft is in no hurry to do anything about it . . ."
Full marks for a more thorough description of the exploit and how it came about -- but did the poster actually read the article before posting? Looks to me like he hit the original report [] but not the article, which says that MS did initially plan to let it go, but did an about-face after a while.
Nasty flaw nonetheless -- glad I switched to Mozilla.
Re:Hold on a sec . . . (Score:3, Interesting)
In other words, "no comment." Sounds to me exactly like "refusing to provide any information." So what was incorrect about Michael's writeup?
Intergating Web Browser and File Browser (Score:5, Insightful)
I agree! (Score:3, Insightful)
With both IE and Konqueror, you have a good web browser (excluding problems already mentioned with regards to IE...), and that web browser also acts as the file manager, except all that each is doing is mimicking what their predecessors did without providing any extra functionality that is inherent in a web browser.
Sure, IE has some neato wiz-bang "features", but it's ridiculous to claim that it adds anything to local file browsing that wasn't already provided by the previous program. Same goes for Konqueror.
Granted... they are both better file browsers than their predecessors, but that functionality is completely separate from web browsing and could be removed and used to create a totally separate file browser. There is absolutely nothing gained by integrating the two.
Re:Intergating Web Browser and File Browser (Score:4, Insightful)
Stong metadata allows applications like Signwave FinderMail to exist (individual emails are stored as individual files, and handled in the Mac Finder like any other files, in folders and sorted by date and so on), and it was what BeOS was pushing hard & well with their advanced filesystem, and Microsoft may be copying in supposed plans to make their next generation filesystem out of SQL Server, rather than NTFS.
It seems like file extensions suck as a way of managing all this, and I think all the major vendors & open source development groups realize this, but it's a lowest common denominator that we're having a hard time shaking off.
And that brings me to my point and my question. Does this problem affect only the Windows versions of IE, or is it a problem on the Macintosh too. What is the proposed fix to this? Clearly it seems to be an architectual problem, but will the solution also be architectual? Will MS accelerate any efforts to move away from file extensions? (I doubt it, but you can always hope...). Will this discourage Apple from adopting them while deprecating what they've used in the past? I'd like to see how big the fallout of this could be, particularly if an nasty exploit crops up & there's no easy fix. Hmm...
Re:Intergating Web Browser and File Browser (Score:5, Informative)
Any Mac OS X users interested in changing Apple's policies on file extensions should see the Mac OS X Metadata Petition []. Yes, online petitions normally don't count for much, but John Siracusa has been very active in trying to get Apple to rethink this subject.
Fire Michael (Score:3, Insightful)
Hey Malda and VA Software executives, or whoever is in charge of keeping a minimal amount of decency on this site: why do you keep letting crap like this make the front page? This is not informative, insightful, or in any way useful. This is just a rant by a pissed-off bigot, pure and simple.
The vulnerability is real, but it is presented in such a hate-filled manner that it's unbearable to read. Michael has done nothing but spew venom in this posting. He's doing the right thing by bringing this to the attention of millions, but he does so with only malicious subtext to his main point.
This reads like a stream-of-conciousness scream from a 13-year-old who's just had his Nintendo taken away from him. This isn't journalism, it isn't even information, it's just garbage.
Please, do us all a favor: if Michael can't clean up his act and give us his material in at least a somewhat-presentable manner, fire him. You're losing respect for your site with postings like this. And no, this is not a troll, I'm serious.
Re:Fire Michael (Score:3, Insightful)
However, the information presented in this article is telling a lie whether it be through ignorance or just for sensationalism. Please, at least research and then present semi-true information before spreading it to thousands of others, it destroys the credibility of the site and underlying organization, namely Slashdot.
The last few weeks I have noticed the quality of Slashdot's postings has deteriorated. Alot of duplicate postings etc... I don't know maybe I'm just too critical... any thoughts along these lines?
Slashdot has changed.... (Score:3, Insightful)
What I'm saying is that Slashdot used to be nothing but nerds - the clear Linux focus meant that only a certain kind of people came around. Now it seems everyone comes around - and there's little focus. And as more of the general populous comes in, some of the old nerds (who said things that interested me) leave.
I think it's great that Slashdot is more balanced in its coverage of MS now. But its bad that I have to read through a lot more things I don't find interesting. Moderation has become very predictable - moderators waste their points on safe targets like obvious trolls and "long comments with lots of links that sound intelligent". Sometimes I think they're just trying to get by without being meta'ed down.
I'm not saying that non-Linux nerds are stupid. I'm just saying that the crowd that Slashdot used to attract said things that were more interesting to me.
The Internets Future? (Score:4, Insightful)
Please, get it right (Score:3, Informative)
You make a trojan or other malicious executable, and name it 'something.txt'. Then you make your HTTP server tell browsers that this file has content type 'application/octet-stream'. IE will read the content type header and realize that it's an executable, and ask you if you want to open it or download it. But since the file name indicates a text file, there's absolutely no indication that a program will be executed if you choose "open".
DISCLAIMER: I haven't tried this. This is just my interpretation of what I've read in the various articles. Also note that some versions of IE will use the word "execute" instead of "open" in the pop-up dialog, which might help tip some users off.
Re:Please, get it right (Score:3, Insightful)
FUD (Score:3, Insightful)
Besides, it's not like Microsoft are the only folks who take forever to release patches [].
Technical Term: Fnord (Score:5, Insightful)
If the volunteers for OpenBSD can go through the software and eliminate security problems in advance, Microsoft, with 30 billion dollars in the bank, could also. Since Microsoft doesn't do this, maybe there is some reason. Maybe the U.S. government has dictated that they leave bugs in.
Software is only an operating system if it can be trusted. If it can't be trusted, there should be some other name, like fnord. Microsoft Fnord XP.
U.S. planned to attack Afghanistan before the second WTC bombing. []
Just waiting for someone to... (Score:4, Funny)
Long time problem (Score:3, Interesting)
Try this at home (or "not just a threat, also a pa (Score:5, Interesting)
I develop software for a living, and one of my tools is a web-based thingy with a CGI interface. A typical URL might look like this:
This CGI script returns a web page with info about the file "quux.jpg," which exists on the server.
When I serve this URL up to IE 6 under Windows 2000 (maybe other versions; that was the only Windows IE I tried) the browser thinks it's downloading a JPEG image, and asks me where I want to save it.
My script sends a nicely formatted Content-type header of text/html, but the browser is stubborn and won't listen.
So in my case, this wasn't really indicative of a security hole, but rather a pretty dumb design flaw in the browser that should have been caught in testing.
(Oh, and FYI, my "fix" was to reorder the CGI parameters as the URL gets constructed, so the filename never comes last. I'm not happy with this, and I may implement URL-encoding the filename's "." character instead, then decoding it on the server side. But the spec says I shouldn't have to do that, so the whole situation has left me kind of pissy.)
Re:Try this at home (or "not just a threat, also a (Score:3, Interesting)
It was a workaround for IE, really, Netscape handled it fine with the correct content-type. IE didn't handle it correctly unless you munged the content-type AND added that fake extension...
Re:MS and Mime types (Score:4, Informative)
My experience with this is that certain web hosting providers (ConcordEFS, today's ebiz) refuse to send correct content-type headers for flash animations, since it "works in IE"(tm).
IE will guess the content type, and ignore what the server says -- real web browsers listen to the server. So it makes admins lazy, makes MS's browser monopoly stronger, and makes other browsers look broken.
I just wish that the people who don't think MS is a monopoly, abusing their power, had to deal with these little monopolistic tactics every day. If they did, then MS would be no more.
The real gaping hole (Score:3, Interesting)
Procmail Scanner (Score:5, Informative)
Check out the procmail-based scanner at []
If you can set it up, do so - it's saved my ass quite a few times, by mangling active html content and renaming file extensions etc. It can also scan M$ docs for sus looking macros.
The following is something I received today that would slip through otherwise (notice the original content-type)
> The mail system has detected that the following
> attachment may contain hazardous program code, is
> a suspicious file type, or has a suspicious file name.
> Do not trust it. Contact your system administrator immediately.
> X-Content-Security: [] original Content-Type was audio/x-wav;
> Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="HUMOR.MP3.27525DEFANGED-scr"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> Content-ID:
End of blatant plug
this works how? (Score:3, Interesting)
anyway, i tried to recreate this bug, with no luck. maybe someone can explain what i'm doing wrong, assuming this is a valid hole in i.e.:
server: apache 2.0.28 beta for win32
client: ie 5.5 sp2 (not sure if it's stock sp2 or has a hotfix on top of sp2. there's some Qxxxxxx following in the "about" box)
in httpd.conf, created the following:
<Directory "c:/foo/bar">
#AddType audio/x-wav
#AddType audio/x-wav
AddType application/octet-stream
AddType application/octet-stream
created two files:
@echo off
format a:
this is a just an
ie renders the
in the case of the
changing the mime-type to audio-x-wav just renders the files as text in the browser (no prompting in the case of the txt/exe).
so what's the big deal?
Opera 5.12 is vulnerable too! (Score:3, Interesting)
Opera 6.0 is not vulnerable - but take note - even though it is much better and has less exploits than IE, it's still not completely free of them. (On the other hand, the only secure applications are those on an unpowered computer, or a program of 'Hello World' complexity)
Slander? (Score:5, Insightful)
Let me say I will be one of the first to jump on the "I Hate Microsoft" wagons. But this article is just plain wrong, as in inaccurate.
The first paragraph of the referenced story talks about how they are currently in testing for this security hole. Whereas, the poster is stating that Microsoft has no specific designs on when this will ever get fixed.
Inaccurate, Fanatical Extremism like this is only going to hurt Open Source, Slashdot, and those associated with it. While Microsoft may be wrong in this case. It doesn't do us any good to exhibit poor sportsmanship. Leave that for the politicians
Hmm (Score:3, Interesting)
Either way, this is entirely server-side. The article states that simple HTML can pull it off. I am wondering if that is just a smoke screen.
- I have tried renaming an
- I tried a cgi [] (source is here []).
Now, this time the dialogue displays the requested file (.cgi) instead of the executable filename (not a redirect). However, you are then prompted to "choose a program to run this..." which means that the requested file has to have an executable extension, or a known extension. Wav, mp3, mpg won't work as the format is obviously invalid.
3) I tried messing with the mime.types in Apache, various soft links and combos of all 3 methods. Basically I fail to see how standard HTML without any server-side config or scripting can fool the browser or get it to exec code unwillingly, as described in the article.
Maybe if I renamed the file to mayIhaveyouradvice.txt.pif or something, but the extension IS displayed to the user. Maybe the average user doesnt pay attention, but its kind of hard to miss.
Obviously they have ommitted something crucial because (my box - W2K, IE 5.5 SP2) this "bug" is not happening, and it's not happening for other people too. If this is so easy to implement in palin HTML and would affect "millions" then I think other
Re:other browsers (Score:3, Informative)
Re:other browsers (Score:4, Informative)
who's using IE anyway?
Roughly 85% of people surfing [] are using Internet Explorer. With computer software, there's alot to be said for "It's preinstalled so I don't have to do anything to get it". Otherwise, I'm positive their share would be much smaller.
Roughly half of Slashdotters... (Score:4, Informative)
Read my journal entry [] about how I got this data, or just look at the table (that cannot be formatted properly because the lameness filter is the most useless piece of crap that Slashdot has ever forced upon its readers - I'm glad you guys are all about free speech online!! - so use the linked journal where the formatting was accepted and don't forget to continously annoy CmdrTaco about this annoying "feature" to protect us from the oh-so-evil trolls):
Browser Actually Used By Slashdotters
Galeon: 1511 (3.00%)
iCab 9 (0.02%)
Konqueror 4149 (8.25%)
Lynx 6 (0.01%)
Internet Explorer 24885 (49.47%)
Mozilla 9340 (18.57%)
Netscape 3756 (7.47%)
OmniWeb 190 (0.38%)
Opera 3267 (6.50%)
Other 3187 (6.34%)
Note: Other contains browsers whose User-Agents could not be parsed. It may contain valid browsers, but for the most part is either badly formed User-Agent strings or unknown User Agents.
It has to be noted again that this data is not statistically accurate: it was taken directly off of hits, and is biased towards browsers that automatically download images (in other words, every hit counted - the values didn't take into account which hits were hits to the images linked to on the page).
Also, some other people decided to ... uh, borrow ... the mirror and so some of the links come from other sources that aren't Slashdot. I forget if I filtered those or not, but...
If anyone's interested, I suppose I could try and fix up the Perl scripts used to calculate that data. I have some pretty pie charts on my harddrive that I could put up somewhere too, although they are for the most part useless...
Re:other browsers (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:other browsers (Score:2)
Re:Opera crashing (Score:3, Informative)
I've never had a system crash in 6 yrears of using linux®, sure I've had plenty of program crashes, I've had a few X windows lockups, two so bad I had to telnet in from the LAN to kill X-Windows to get the system back; but never a system crash.
I've never ever had a program execute without explict permission to execute in Linux®. This new (2 1/2 year old) security vulnerabilty in Microsoft Windows® systems definately makes all of those script=kiddies look pretty stupid, they've been using things as crude as viruses all of this time.
Re:Anyone have the specifics on this? (Score:2, Interesting)
More detail would be nice. (and no, I don't want to know more abou tit so I can exploit, just so that I can learn from it and other's mistakes)
A perspective (Score:4, Insightful)
All the user sees as a prompt is "Open" or "Save Target As" using the menu options OR again "Open, Save, Cancel" by clicking on the link.
For an inexperienced user, the appropriate option will probably not be obvious. This is because many users have a lot of trouble navigating the file system to find files that have been saved by applications and enjoy the shortcut of having the windows decide how the file should be 'opened'.
I agree that an experienced user would never choose open because they know this is very risky. But, in my mother's case, she has trouble deciding when to click and doubleclick.
In Microsoft's defence, however, the "Open" option is never the default. Thus, it's probably safe to say that an ignorant user will almost always be safe from this attack as they will be picking the default and saving the file to the disk. At that point, "readme.txt" will cannot be executed and only openable from a text editor.
Anyways.. no matter how you look at it, this is a problem that fundamentally involves the act of downloading a file. Something even my mother knows not do by herself. This is not a security issue in the same magnitude as the worm viruses that plagued IIS.
it would be readme.exe - the crack is on extension (Score:3, Insightful)
...which means that it would still be live even if saved to disk and clicked on. It may not be run with notepad, but odds are good that one way or another it will ruin notepad...
Re:A perspective (Score:3, Insightful)
For an inexperienced user, the appropriate option will probably not be obvious. This is because many users have a lot of trouble navigating the file system to find files that have been saved by applications and enjoy the shortcut of having the windows decide how the file should be 'opened'.
I agree that an experienced user would never choose open because they know this is very risky. But, in my mother's case, she has trouble deciding when to click and doubleclick.
I can't believe how fast every design flaw in IE/Outlook/Windows is becoming "the user's fault".
There is a lot of non-html content on the net and when I encounter a .pdf I press "open" without a second thought, I do it all the time.
Is it really asking too much that Internet Explorer and Outlook tell me the *real* file type? What's the big advantage in hiding file extensions and messed up concepts like this?
This is not just another bug, it is a DESIGN flaw.
Before you ask: No I don't use Outlook/IE and those security flaws are one of the reasons. I don't consider people stupid who were fooled by Outlook. (it was Outlook and not ILOVEYOU who made the users believe it was just a textfile. I don't consider a user stupid because he believed Outlook. You can't expect a newbie to know that you can't trust Microsoft's programs) But I do consider people stupid who recommend Outlook and Internet Explorer to newbies.
There are a lot of alternatives out there.
Re:Let's see.. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Let's see.. (Score:4, Interesting)
> The mail system has detected that the following
> attachment may contain hazardous program code, is
> a suspicious file type, or has a suspicious file name.
> Do not trust it. Contact your system administrator immediately.
> X-Content-Security: [] original Content-Type was audio/x-wav;
> Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="HUMOR.MP3.27525DEFANGED-scr"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> Content-ID:
Another case of security vs convenience I suppose.
I would have agreed a week ago (Score:5, Insightful)
I sat there and toyed with it (yanked the LAN cable first) and absolutely could not get it to *NOT* run automatically.
(Her Outlook Express probably had been upgraded a month before, I think, but downloading the latest version *did* take care of the problem.
The real question is, why does Outlook support *any* of these behaviors? Sure, occasionally it's nice to HTML-ify an email and stick in a picture, but do I really need DHTML, scripting, cookies and all of that other crap?
When was the last time somebody had a legitimate reason for sending an embedded script in an email?
Oh, sure, let me have my personal emails set a cookie when they get read. Sure, I'm really going to do that.
Why not just have a really scaled-back HTML renderer that ignores tags that you choose to ignore?
Jim in Tokyo
Check out NoHTML for Outlook (Score:5, Informative)
Also a story about it here, []
I've had it installed at work for a week now and do just fine without all the images and special formatting of spam.
Re:Let's see.. (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Let's see.. (Score:4, Informative)
However, once the OS gets a hold of it, it looks at the TLE and says, "Executable! Gotta run it!" And if the code slags your hard drive, you're just SOL.
Be careful with that. (Score:3, Funny)
you'd be just as likely to kill your server's hard drive while the user got a nice web page that said "please wait, unpacking..."
turning off HTML viewing in Outlook (Score:2)
Re:No release, no foul (Score:5, Interesting)
Those saying security through obscurity is bad don't deny that the release of notification about the bug may enable people to exploit it. However, forewarned is forearmed, so you can start doing something about it as soon as you know, up to and including disconnecting vulnerable servers from the 'net.
There's also the publicity aspect. Making this extremely serious bug publicly known puts pressure on the vendor to fix it. So far, they have known about it for over two years and have done nothing. That's two and a half years for anyone who might have stumbled across the bug to exploit it. They might have friends. Exploits, easter eggs and all that stuff spread quite happily before the 'net.
Saying "What I can't see can't hurt me" is naive in the extreme.
Re:Browser Wars.. (Score:5, Insightful)
A big part of the problem is that the clues aren't easy to spot for non-technical people. They can't see a problem in IE, as it seems to work just great. There are all these refined features to play with so it must be a solid product. And there are a whole heck of a lot of people who don't think IE is a browser, they think it is the browser. When they hear about holes like this they don't think that IE is broke, they think that someone has found out how to break into web browser (as in all web browsers). It would never cross their mind that IE is at fault. Try explaining how IE has issues with content type vs. file extensions to random people on the street. They just won't get it.
And this is where their monopoly comes into play again. They're such a huge, enormous company with a huge, enormous user base that they all turn into lemmings. If something happens to their IE, it will happen to their friends IE. Soon they start to see lots of people having trouble with IE. Then they stop relating the problem (if they ever did) to IE and start to think everyone is being affected by "the baddies who broke the internet". By the time Microsoft releases a patch user believe it to be a general problem that must be affecting everyone. Finally, since the issue has been disrelated with IE in their minds, why would they have any reason to look for a different browser?