Comment Re:Back this up please (Score 2, Informative) 169
Hi. Welcome to being an edge case. 99.99% of people aren't you.
Hi. Welcome to being an edge case. 99.99% of people aren't you.
Sure, because Slashdot doesn't see my porn history. Neither does Bing, as long as the porn doesn't use Bing's ads. Different parts of the net will track different things, this is a fact of life and you can mitigate your exposure and risk by running tools to block as much as you can and finding acceptable alternatives to those sites you want to avoid.
But the ISP can track *EVERYTHING*, which puts them on an absolutely higher level. If you think the two kinds of information gathering are exactly the same risk, you're a moron.
Because I can stay away from Google, but if I want to be online I have no choice but to go with whatever ISP monopoly exists in my area.
Because if it's a lifestyle, that means they're likely to treat *non* consenting adults in a way that falls in accordance with the activities they engage in behind closed doors. That's the difference between roleplay and lifestyle here, roleplay stays in its own space, a lifestyle does not.
I can actually see a couple good reasons why Downloads isn't a share option. For a lot of less knowledgeable users, that's where the trojans and malware go, and people just don't sort through it which means they might be exposing themselves more than they expect to when they share it. I suspect the decision not to allow that is user oriented, and if you really want to share it, you still can with a manual shared folder.
It's always weird when I see people talking about $SOFTWARE like it must be terrible for everyone because they're one of those weird cases that has crashes and errors all the time, but nobody else seems to have the same kind of issue. Windows 10, for me at least, with maybe a handful of exceptions has worked far better than any previous iteration of the platform across two cheap tablets, two Surface Pros, a laptop and my desktop PC. It works just as well for most other machines I've seen too, so I have no idea where people like this must be coming from.
Your key isn't what puts you in Windows Insider, it's your Microsoft account. If you don't want to be in Insider, opt out on the settings screen and unsubscribe from the emails. Ta-da.
you can not even properly grab the edge of the window with a mouse to resize it.
Dragging a window from one screen to the other or releasing it to close to the edge
Yes you can.
then it will go full screen automatically
Windows 10 has different zones you can drag windows to in order to "snap" them into full screens, halves of a screen, or quarters of a screen. You can see an outline of where your window will land when you drag the menu bar around. If you don't want to snap it when you resize, just resize from the bottom or size it then move it in. Or, disable windows snapping. This is you not knowing how to use your tools.
the search function in the explorer is not working properly
Searching in Explorer works, if you let it index your machine. I agree that it could use better search tools and sorting, however. The UI is clunky, but it works.
I close my Dell Laptop, unplug it from the docking station.
Next morning I plug it in again.
All windows are now on the screen of the laptop and not where they have been before: a nice set of chat and mail tools on the laptop screen and all the programming tools on the "external/main" screen.
That's on you, because as soon as you unplugged the laptop from the docking station you told Windows "Hey, I don't have a second monitor anymore." and it shuffled everything to the laptop's display so you can use them as soon as you open the machine.
Helllllllllo? That worked 1987 on a Mac just fine!!
And it is impossible to have a window overlap screens, the sizes get distorted
So the 10M people have no clue how a computer should work but are masochist enough to beta test
A Mac in 1987 wasn't a laptop with multiple displays, and you can overlap screens just fine if your screens are the same size, aligned to the proper positions, and have the same DPI. I use a triple-head display and it works just fine, though I hate overlapping windows across displays because what kind of monster would do that?
From the headline of an article that came up in a Google Search, which I will not link to nor did I click:
"House Votes Tuesday to Restore Consistent Online Privacy Regulation"
Fuck tolerance, those people just need to be driven off the goddamn internet. It's too good for them to ruin.
No Democratic senators, and one Democratic representative who I can't find information on. Whoever that is needs to get smacked the hell down.
But it's not "a few Democrats", it's one idiot.
If it's roleplay, and the participants are able to acknowledge this and function in society while adhering to standard social norms, that's one thing. But to my knowledge, many of the Gorean types are the ones that don't see it as roleplay and see it as a genuine lifestyle. These are people for whom the idea of regressive male/female relations are a fact of life.
If it's roleplay, that's a completely different discussion and it isn't something people should really get worked up over. But one of the big differentiators that I've heard between Goreans and the typical BDSM scene is that the Goreans live it and don't play it.
And you know what, if it means being called an SJW to say that kind of lifestyle and view of other people is fucking horseshit, I'll take that label gladly.
I don't believe WikiLeaks has anything to do with openness anymore. Not since they openly held back and released things during the US election timed specifically to harm a candidate. They're in it for something more now, and the only question is who benefits. It's not any of us, except maybe the remaining Putin shills.
Until we have the exact demands they're making of companies involved, we don't know that. We need to know exactly what the terms they are asking for are. Full stop. Someone should get them from Mozilla.
If he took research product, he's fucked. Then the only question is how critical that product was to the rift as a working system. For example, if they find evidence that he took data regarding synchronizing two displays with exactly the same timing, and not just what he knew in his head? That could be crucial enough to the Rift as a product that Zenimax could get a huge payout.
But on the flipside, how many geniuses have we all known that were absolutely idiotic in regards to business, or other human beings, or the law, or hygiene, or any number of things? Just because someone is a certified genius doesn't mean they can't be a moron in some other aspect of life. And maybe Carmack just doesn't grok the fact you don't take work from one employer to another. It's not like he had a lot of employers in his life, either.
Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.