Comment Re: More relevant than ever (Score 1) 432
Why beat around the bush when you could just say ranked choice voting.
That won't help, though. Considering the following: you have a candidate you agree with entirely, but they're new. They'd arrive in Congress with no committee assignments. They would spend their first term accomplishing next to nothing as they'd have to "earn their spot" at the table. Or, you have the incumbent. You don't agree with them on everything. However, they're on several prime committee seats, and they have the political clout to get things done.
Which are you going to rank higher? The candidate you agree with but who doesn't have the ability to do anything? Or the candidate you partially agree with and has the ability to accomplish things? Be honest.
That's the problem with our seniority-based system. Incumbents have more power because they're incumbents. Period. Throwing out an incumbent means accepting that the replacement will be less effective simply because they're new. Even if you like their policies better, their views and policies don't mean much if they can't do anything with them.