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Twitter Will Let You Edit Your Tweet Up To Five Times ( 32

Last week, Twitter announced the ability to edit tweets for subscribers of its Twitter Blue service. "The company said that once the feature is available users will be able to edit their tweets for up to 30 minutes from posting," reports TechCrunch. "However, there's a catch: Users can only edit their tweets five times within this period." From the report: While this limit seems sufficient for correcting typos, uploading media files or adding some tags, the company might have introduced it to stop people from abusing the feature by changing the content on the tweet on a whim. The social media firm told TechCrunch that it's currently observing user behavior, and the number of edits available to users in the approved time frame could change.

The "edit tweet" feature will be first available to users who pay for the optional Twitter Blue subscription, but it won't be rolling out to all paid users initially. Twitter confirmed that New Zealand-based subscribers will first get the feature and it will be later pushed to Twitter Blue users in Australia, Canada and the U.S once it learns more about usage patterns. So subscribers in these three countries might have to wait a bit longer and use the service without the marquee feature.

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Twitter Will Let You Edit Your Tweet Up To Five Times

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Just put up another tweet with corrections. Editing should not be allowed. Sure hope they don't do that here, despite all the crying for it

  • Seriously, though, this seems pretty clever. I think there are probably many folks who want to be able to edit a Tweet. I wonder if it will show the revision history and I admit I didn't read TFA, please don't beat me. Who will be the primary users, I wonder? THAT will be pretty interesting.
    • Yeah editing text is clever. I wonder how they do it? Must be technical wizards.
    • I wonder if it will show the revision history ...

      From a link [] in TFA:

      ... the edited tweet will show up with a label showing a timestamp of modification.
      People reading the tweet can tap the label to view the editing history of the tweet.

      • < blush > Thanks for doing the legwork. Guess they will cut diffs :-)
        • After our acquisition of gitlab, each tweet will have it’s very own gitlab repo. In other news gitlab now hosts more public repos that GitHub.
      • Looking forward to the ensuing hilarity when the next Anthony Weiner tries to "edit" their pictures after they've sent them, not realizing there is an audit trail.

    • They're planning to use git for the revision control.
      Actually Linus has said they're gonna change the workflow of the kernel: All patches will now have to be submitted via tweet.
  • This company is unprofitable and they're working on adding an edit button? What. I hope the shareholders enjoy the value this adds to the floundering company they own.

    • .....Says we posting on a forum, without an edit button, thats probably never been profitable.

      • by aitikin ( 909209 )

        I bet it was profitable at least once. When Cowboy Neal sold it, I'm sure he turned a profit, even if only for that quarter.

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      This company is unprofitable and they're working on adding an edit button? What. I hope the shareholders enjoy the value this adds to the floundering company they own.

      It doesn't matter.. They managed to stroke Musk's ego enough to the point where it wrote a big cheque for Twitter at an amazing $54/share. Turns out that Musk is having difficulties cashing said cheque, but it's still a legally binding purchase.

      Musk is having buyer's remorse and trying desperately to escape from it, but Twitter is very interes

      • by narcc ( 412956 ) on Thursday September 08, 2022 @01:16AM (#62861835) Journal

        He never actually wanted to buy it. I thought that was obvious from the start.

        I really hope he's forced to at the ridiculous price he agreed to pay though. That would be really funny.

        • I'd argue he still does want to buy it- just not at $54. This entire spectacle still seems like bargaining.

          The emperor has been exposed as having no clothes- Twitter is clearly not worth even close to what he offered for it. They're not going to find another buyer. Their share price will collapse if the deal collapses. Offering him a discounted price is in shareholder's best interests.

          • by narcc ( 412956 )

            Typically, bargaining happens before you make the purchase, not afterward.

            My guess is that his goal was just to pull a lot of cash out of Tesla. Whatever his goal, it certainly wasn't to actually buy Twitter.

            Offering him a discounted price is in shareholder's best interests.

            It's in their best interested to compel him to complete the purchase at the price he already agreed to pay.

    • Should they not add new features?

      • Should they not add new features?

        No. Just look at slashdot, no new features since 1999 and still going strong!

    • I hope the shareholders enjoy the value this adds to the floundering company they own.

      Twitter never was profitable. Yet the value is insanely high. Don't assume the two are linked.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    now we'll never know the true meaning of covfefe

  • Thanks for yout information Jasa Digital Marketing []
  • For those who receive tweets via SMS, this edit feature won't be able to revise an already-sent SMS message. This will limit the use of editing, it certainly won't allow people to correct mistakes that might be embarrasing.

  • I tried Twitter for a few months as it seemed it could be useful for work.

    I couldn't figure out its value. It's simply a solution without a problem.
    • The only valet I've found is as equivalent to an email list. I follow some creators, and it's useful for seeing what's new. This of course goes to shit when a creator thinks the world needs to know their views on the current NPC cause du jour.

  • 1) Need 5 edits to fix a typo or two.

    2) Pay money for an edit feature when all you have to do is delete the tweet for free and re-post a corrected tweet.

  • They'll just post 500 new ones.

The IQ of the group is the lowest IQ of a member of the group divided by the number of people in the group.
