The Crawlspace Tankcam 167
Saint Aardvark writes "Here's a page on the fun you can have with a remote control Abrams tank and a wireless video camera. "I really wanted a way to look for under house leaks and stuff and, in the manner of a responsible home owner, get early warning so I could increase the effectiveness of... Ok, that's a lie. In reality, I wanted an excuse to put a camera on my R/C tank and drive it around scary tunnels, and this just happened to fit my purposes perfectly." Movies included!"
ThinkGeek (Score:5, Informative)
Here's the Coral Link [] since this guy put so many photos on one page, I read its hit counter at 230, we'll see how long before it's dead
Movies Included = Slashdotted Soon
Re:ThinkGeek (Score:5, Interesting)
The difference being the tank camera is mounted on the gun barrel and can be moved up and down, giving you a little more field of vision. The rotating turrent is nice as well since you can pan around without having to move the vehicle itself.
Re:ThinkGeek (Score:3, Interesting)
If it works. Last October, I bought what looks to be a similar tank (different colors, but otherwise the same) from II []
On Christmas day we opened it to find that the turret only rotates through a few degrees. II Sports would not replace it because more than a month had passed since we bought it. One MONTH -- that's the length of their guarantee. I searched the packaging and handbook and
Re:ThinkGeek (Score:2)
The one in the article is (was) made by Motorworks and doesn't fire pellets, rather it has some foam missiles it can launch. The barrel moves up and down as in "push button, barrel moves up and then down". It is cool that the missiles can be fire by remote.
The thing cries for variable speed control on the tracks, dang thing is way too fast to control at full speed all the time.
The missile launcher
Re:ThinkGeek (Score:2)
At 1:19 AM, it was at 16,475 and growing about 20/second....
See what happens when you moderate fairly and have good Karma? Your home gets posted on /. !!!
Re:ThinkGeek (Score:2)
Just as a reference point, at 9:50 AM (EST) it was up to 32,687. Basically 16,000 hits in a little more than 8 hours.
Surprisingly, the webserver seems to be holding up to a Friday night/Saturday morning /.ing very well.
I wonder what would have happened if this had been posted on a weekday...
Re:ThinkGeek (Score:2)
If you can get a RC plane with mounted videocam that's fast enough, you can use it on road trips by having the plane fly ahead and recon the upcoming freeway for speed traps. plus, take off and landing could be interesting as you just stick the plane out the window and let go (or catch). it would sure make those incredibly boring road trips much more fun.
Couldn't you also use an RC plane with explosives and videoc
Re:ThinkGeek (Score:2)
Errm, buddy, I hope somebody else is driving the car and somebody yet else is flying the plane while you hang out of the car window on the interstate, getting your fingers trimmed by a propeller.
Pure genius at work!
Re:ThinkGeek (Score:2)
Yes. It's called a RQ-1 Predator [], and the US military has a bunch of 'em. Your question was probably "could a modestly resourced group of people build something big enough to carry an assassination bomb?" The answer to this is also "yes" - check out this 1/8th scale B-52 [], and weep at the crash pictures. Note that this thing was designed specifically as a B-52 replica and not as a utilitarian aircraft; i
Mac Mini + iSight = perfect for this application (Score:2)
Seems to me you could plop a Mini and an iSight on just about any remote controlled vehicle and have quite a bit of fun with it. You could use iChat to get high-resolution high-framerate remote video and audio.
Hell, the mini could be the robotic brain for the vehicle as well. This sounds like a great new project - the "Mac Mini robotics project!"
Gotta get me one of those now...
Re:ThinkGeek (Score:2)
Regular Slashdot (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Regular Slashdot (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Regular Slashdot (Score:2)
Laser Tag! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Laser Tag! (Score:2)
Re:Laser Tag! (Score:2)
Without adding to the the further /.ing of his site, instead of laser tag, you could attach the flame cannons he ALSO has videos of!
I leave it as an exercise to the reader to find the flame cannons on his site.
Almost Slashdotted, Here's the article w/o pics. (Score:2, Informative)
Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb
1. The Problem
I had to crawl around under my house recently to figure out where to run some wires, but it was dang uncomfortable. My foundation isn't a slab, at least not on the top.
It's gravel.
The sharp kind.
So after throwing away my bloody shirt and healing, I put some cardboard down and crawled around some more, and it was better.
Re:Almost Slashdotted, Here's the article w/o pics (Score:2)
The sharp kind.
So after throwing away my bloody shirt and healing, I put some cardboard down
Knee protectors are $9.95 at the Home Despot.
Re:Almost Slashdotted, Here's the article w/o pics (Score:1)
Re:Almost Slashdotted, Here's the article w/o pics (Score:5, Funny)
"Those were not his knees, captain. Not everyone keep their genitals in the same place"
Is that a.... (Score:1, Funny)
Boys! - were going in. Shoot it in the CPU!
Yay death and tanks (Score:4, Funny)
Gotta get something smaller (Score:1)
The mini-Maglite was a stroke of genius.
Re:Gotta get something smaller (Score:4, Funny)
But there's no tape on Mars to attach the camera to the gun barrel!
Re:Gotta get something smaller (Score:2)
Re:Gotta get something smaller (Score:2)
Holy crap, that's my site (Score:5, Funny)
My hosting service just caught fire.
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:2)
Is that blood ont he shirt real or did youu put some water on it and spread it around? =)
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:2)
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:1)
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:3, Funny)
It's okay--just make a really short video and loop it. You'll save a ton on bandwidth, and nobody here will know the difference. :D
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:4, Funny)
It's probably just their printer: lp0 reported invalid error status (on fire, eh?)
Tell them that they don't need to tail > lp0 the server log.
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:2, Funny)
Not a bad deal !! Cold pizza and warm coke !! (Score:2, Interesting)
2/11/05 - Just got posted to - Holy crap. I'm paying like $7 a month for hosting via and I'm hoping this plug will help me avoid getting a huge bandwidth bill. If you start up with them, feel free to tell 'em where you heard about them from! Please, I have children to raise! We have a pizza restaurant in Springfield, OR. 15% off any orders at Figaro's Pizza if you say you saw it on slashdot.
Flame cooked? (Score:2)
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:2)
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:2)
Relying upon the goodwill of Slashdotters to keep your bandwidth bills within reason?
You're a funny guy.
Take them down now.
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:2)
Re:Holy crap, that's my site (Score:2)
Re:Mod Parent Up (Score:2)
Re:Mod Parent Up (Score:1) []
Mirror (Score:4, Informative)
Time to hit the showers, boys (Score:2, Funny)
I have one of those cameras... (Score:1)
Look! (Score:3, Informative)
After a minute of trying, I realized I would have to go down myself and unstick it. I climbed down the hole and looked down to see that it was about 10 feet away, apparently jammed up on a rock.
I dropped to my stomach and began to crawl towards it, pushing as much cardboard ahead of me first to minimize my time in the pain zone. I crawled ahead and made it to the tank, then pulled it free of the rock.
Ummm... I appreciate the geekiness and all, but couldn't you have just looked around at this point!
Slashdot effect (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Slashdot effect (Score:3, Funny)
The slow response is due to another 50 slashdotters trying to leach the entire site so they can post 'It's slashdotted already, but here's a cache'.
Destructive power? (Score:3, Funny)
Let the. (Score:1)
Re:Let the. (Score:5, Funny)
Anyone else think for a second that it was a remote control ACTUAL Abrams?
Now that'd be a hack.
Re:Let the. (Score:5, Funny)
Iraqi /. readers are impressed with the huge size of our houses.
Re:Let the. (Score:2)
Tank Camera my ASS... The Mech is Sweet! (Score:1)
Re:Tank Camera my ASS... The Mech is Sweet! (Score:1)
Re:Tank Camera my ASS... The Mech is Sweet! (Score:2)
Re:Tank Camera my ASS... The Mech is Sweet! (Score:2)
There is a video of it... (Score:2)
I jokedly darely him to wear his mech suit in the building's elevators.
Look at his shirt (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Look at his shirt (Score:1)
Re:Look at his shirt (Score:2)
I was thinking that the Thief inserted his blade neatly between the ribs...
Rover! (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Rover! (Score:2)
Somehow, part of me hopes at least one of them still crawls about on the red planet.
Actually ... (Score:2, Funny)
Re: (Score:2, Funny)
Interesting idea.. (Score:4, Insightful)
I read a story about exploring small tunnels in the pyramids using things like this (not toys, but the same idea) and the people doing it were finding lots of neet stuff.
Re:Interesting idea.. (Score:3, Informative)
If not a control cable, at least I could do a thin gauge metal cable for the tugging part.
Re:Interesting idea.. (Score:2)
Re:Interesting idea.. (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Interesting idea.. (Score:2)
Just install a counterweight of some sort- put a mass behind the point of movement of the gun barrel which exerts a torque balancing the weight of the barrel+camera.Then you're only fighting the inertia of the setup, instead of the weight of the camera. Or you could just move the camera back on the gun barrel, although I suspect that you want it as far forward as possible, given the limited range of
Re:Interesting idea.. (Score:2)
done way before this guy! (Score:5, Interesting) k6.html []
Re:done way before this guy! (Score:2, Interesting)
Weapons load (Score:5, Funny)
I for one... (Score:3, Funny)
A page? (Score:4, Funny)
I kinda stopped reading at "remote control Abrams tank". That's just plain fun, with or without the wirless video camera. I don't need no webpage to tell me that.
I mean, come on. As if driving a remote control M-1 Abrams blind isn't "fun" enough in the first place.
(Although I admit - probably more fun if you have a remote control video camera, rather than having to be anywhere near the tank in order to get footage of all the car-smashing, lightpole-snapping... well, like Mom said, it's all fun until someone gets their house crushed like a bug.)
Home Alone 3! (Score:3, Interesting)
What would be even neater is if you could interface a computer with the remote and camera feed. You could, theoretically at least, take pictures of it's path through the house, and then write a small program to steer the vehicle around a pre-determined path, based on where in the cameras vision known objects are.
From there it wouldn't be too big of a chore to have the program notify you, or react differently, when unknown objects come into view, or if it gets into unknown territory. Just think, your own sub $100 roving security system!
Oh! And as for Home Alone 3... While it's by far not a great movie, it's actually pretty good, and is by far the best of the series (Yeah, I know that doesn't say much for it still...)
Next Improvement? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Next Improvement? (Score:2)
As for adding a variable speed option to the vehicle, it's probably more cost effective (and less work intensive) to start over on another platform, like a $9 Rat Shack remote control car.
Re:Next Improvement? (Score:2)
There is Missile Launcher from the same company that fires 10 missiles in sequence as well and yes I got one on clearance from Walmart for $10.
Did I mention this includes a Nicad battery and charger?
Wrong Vehicle, Dude! (Score:2)
I think a large-wheeled vehicle would have navigated the terrain a bit better. The BigFoot [] might have worked better....and saved you a half pint of blood.
Re:Wrong Vehicle, Dude! (Score:2)
Lets be honest (Score:3, Funny)
Infrared (Score:5, Insightful)
I have the same camera. The 6 infrared LEDs on that camera are inoperative. They only work on the black & white camera model, which shares the exact same housing. The circuitry required for infrared to augment an RGB display is much more complex than the circuitry required to augment a monochromatic display, and thus couldn't fit within the housing.
Re:Infrared (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Infrared (Score:2)
My point was that infrared is not visible for these particular brand of color cameras, due to size constraints.
I've done something like this before! (Score:2)
I picked up this little wireless camera at first with the notion that I'd place it on a kite and play with aerial video. But in testing, my brother an I came up with the brilliant idea of attaching it to his RC corvette!
The results were terrific once we got it all tuned in. We were driving this vette all around his house based on what we saw on his big projected TV image. Then a HUGE DOG (actually, a relatively small dog in real life... some kinda rat terrier or something like tha
RC cars also (Score:2)
Try it! It's a blast. A couple of elderly neighbors were not amused though.
The one trouble we encountered is that the cameras are analog and any 1.2 GHz digital portable phones in the area make a good deal of interference so you may have to try a 900 MHz camera as well to see what works in
Good Luck, Buddy (Score:2)
Hah! Good luck.
Cat Hunting (Score:2)
Boston Water & Sewer has been doing something similar to the article for ages. RC Car with a camera mounted to inspect pipes. Not so fun to watch. Basically looks like a looped tape.
Want to have some real fun ? (Score:2)
more practical
Easy to modify to use with larger wheels for a bit better clearance and differential drive so you still maintain the agility of the tank.
Useful in cable trays, too (Score:2)
The fun part wa
Ooh ooh I wanted to do this! (Score:2)
This was supposed to be a combination of an "I can do this" project combined with an upskirt cam for the bank I worked in at the time. Unfortunately, in between my "ooh ooh ooh I want the Porsche" RC car spending spree (4 grown men buying about $2k worth of toys at once) and "oh fine I'll buy a goddamm camera just to see what i
Re:bonehead (Score:2)
Then again, you're posting as A/C, so... pttthpht.