Blender Is GPL 385
BartV writes with a low-key snippet from the new ""Today, Sunday oct 13, 2002, we've launched the Blender sources as GNU GPL to the Internet. Blender has become Free Software forever!" This should be a case study for other companies with software no longer profitable as payware; read some of our previous postings about Blender to follow the story from idea to release.
UI. (Score:5, Interesting)
I found a lot of complaints about the UI of the program (see one here [])
Any of the hardcore Blender users planning on actually doing some development on the UI (and some features which other programs have, ie default lighting?)
I am really interested in doing some of my own editing soon and I would love to see an easy to use program that isn't referred to as " the vi of 3D modelling []"
Just some thoughts until we can see the actual article.
Re:UI. (Score:5, Interesting)
I found a lot of complaints about the UI of the program (see one here [])
But you will also find a ton of people who like the UI just fine. Once you get used to the UI, it is fast, powerful and practical. Blender does have a steep learning curve to begin with, but once you have that over with, the package shows its power.
You might think that the 'vi of 3D modelling' is an insulting term. Others might view it as high praise.
That said, I still prefer Emacs :-)
Toby Haynes
FYI... (Score:2, Insightful)
Just so you know, any GUI that needs people to "get used to it" is bad design and doesn't take into consideration human factors and usability.
Re:FYI... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:FYI... (Score:4, Insightful)
Not if it lets people who KNOW HOW TO USE IT do what they need in a signifantly more efficient manner. As far as I care, all GUI's should be more difficult to use, people are too stupid as it is.
Re:FYI... (Score:2, Funny)
Hey Clippy, we finaly found someone who likes you.
Re:FYI... (Score:5, Informative)
Just so you know, any GUI that needs people to "get used to it" is bad design and doesn't take into consideration human factors and usability.
Not really. It's only bad design if your goal is to make the program as easy to learn as possible. In the case of Blender, it means that it's a UI optimized so that those who know it can work as fast as possible. Those optimizations may be inconsistent with optimizations that allow somebody to learn it as fast as possible.
The ideal UI would do both. Given where Blender comes from, the "skilled user efficiency" optimizations were far more important. I suspect there will be a lot of resistance to decreasing the efficiency of the UI to skilled users in the name of improving it for newcomers. If the latter can be done without sacrificing the former, then that will be welcome.
Re:FYI... (Score:3, Interesting)
I am not a heavy Blender user (yet), but I have not seen any operation that is significantly improved by being "odd". Can you point out one, by chance?
Further, the design assumes a middle mouse button, and middle mouse buttons are falling out of favor (because there are already 101 buttons on the keyboard, so why add yet more to the mouse). The keyboard equivs for the 3rd mouse button are horrendus if you don't have a middle button.
Besides, if the UI scares away newbies, then there will be less users and thus less people willing to support and improve it and make add-ons.
Re:FYI... (Score:3, Interesting)
Most mice sold today have at least 3 mouse buttons. Mine has 4 + mouse wheel. Given that most of *nix assumes a 3rd mouse button, I fail to see the problem here. It's not like Blender is designed to run on Macs.
Besides, if the UI scares away newbies, then there will be less users and thus less people willing to support and improve it and make add-ons.
How many 3d and CAD packages have you used? Very few are newbie-friendly, and very few people learn to use them without a book or extensive tutorials. That being said, there's certainly room in most 3d software for improvement in the interface. However, something like the 3rd mouse button should be considered far less of a factor in improvement than making it configurable enough for those without a 3rd button to be able to use it (and while we're on it, using 4th and 5th mouse buttons would be a good thing too). When you're using a mouse-intensive application, the only keys that matter are those on the left side of the keyboard, and every mouse button you can add helps.
why so many mouse buttons? (Score:2)
I never understood this philos. Perhaps you can steer me.
There are plenty of keys on the keyboard, so WHY do we need yet more on the mouse?
You can point with the mouse, and press a key with the other hand. It is more accurate that way because the pressing hand is not the moving hand. Thus, you don't veer off accidently while pointing.
Perhaps it is a personal thing, but I don't like a lot of mouse buttons. The keyboard does a better job at being a button surface IMO.
Hey, glue the keyboard to the top of the mouse and then we have the best of both worlds, at least on paper
Re:FYI... (Score:2)
As for the UI: it needs to be well-documented. You should be able to read the docs, follow through the tutorials, and learn it. That is true for any UI. You can't just sit down behind a wheel of a car for the first time and start driving, you have to learn it first. Yet, I haven't seen people complain about their car's UI.
Re:FYI... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:FYI... (Score:3, Insightful)
I've not got this version of Blender up and running yet so I'm not making a specific comment. However, as we've got onto generalities: newbies don't support and improve projects, they suck support-time from those who could be improving software.
Re:FYI... (Score:4, Insightful)
Because there are combinations that involve the middle one.
For example, if you have a middle button (MMB), then the command may be Shift+MMB. Translated through the translation you get:
Two meta-keys at the same time is BAD DESIGN, except for something rare, like rebooting (well, it should be rare in a decent OS).
Re:FYI... (Score:2)
No, it isn't. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:FYI... (Score:5, Insightful)
They have been designed with only one goal in mind. Workflow speed.
Its better to design the ui of an app you use all day to be as fast as possible and then not to care about the learning curve.
This is becouse the time it takes you to learn the app is made up for in a matter of days when you actually use the app.
You cannot claim that people must understand the app when its about 3d software. This is becouse they are in themselfs very hard apps to use. So the people using them havto be very tech friendly. They should not have any problem learning the ui nomatter how hard it is.
The people that complain about the ui eather havent spent enough time learning it or quite simply doesnt have any buisness learning it in the first place.
If you are just using a 3d app to play with and create some cool graphics you might aswell use poser or bryce.
Blender is a tool designed for fast workflow, to be used in a team environment within a company.
Re:FYI... (Score:2)
Sorry, sport, but your answer doesn't wash. In-house tools are designed to be exactly that: in-house.
A product released to the general public that expects to have a large following must take into consideration users of all levels of experience when designing the UI.
Its better to design the ui of an app you use all day to be as fast as possible and then not to care about the learning curve
You don't try to actually sell your software to a large audience, do you? UI design is absolutely essential to any program, whether it be a graphic-based or text-based.
That is not to say that Blender should be dumbed down for the sake of newbies, but a little more care in designing the UI would have gone a long way to pushing it to the forefront of 3D design software.
Re:FYI... (Score:3, Interesting)
They're designed for fast workflow, relative to the way that house works.
Incidentally, most current in-house tools are packages built on top of a commercial system like Maya or Houdini. The key here is that you can customise such a tool to suit your own workflow. Any system which does not support this runs the risk of being a toy.
Re:FYI... (Score:3, Interesting)
Tell that to car manufacturers. I don't know about you, but I wasn't born knowing how to drive a car.
Re:FYI... (Score:2)
By the time you are physically able to reach the pedals and what not you've had years of conditioning to know that the big wheel in front of you turns, and the pedal on the right makes you go faster and the one on the left/middle makes you go slower. If you'd never seen a car before, how long would it take to learn what everything does?
Re:FYI... (Score:5, Insightful)
Can you run complex real systems without any training? Could you drive a car intuitively? Play a saxophone intuitively?
Everything else in the world requires patience, practice and knowledge to operate. Why is it that people think extremely complex machines (computers) should/can be easy enough for any retard to use?
That being said I still hate the blender GUI. I tried in earnest for 3 or 4 hours to use it, didnt make any headway and said "Fuck this, im going back to rhino"
Re:FYI... (Score:2)
Yes, if you are allowed to make mistakes in the process without dying (such as a holidek).
Blender's UI is like having to drive a car by pushing the radio buttons. Perhaps it is possible to make such an interface work, but everybody is going to complain.
Re:FYI... (Score:3, Interesting)
Great. So a UI is "intuitive" in your opinion if you only need technology from a sci-fi program set 400 years in the future in order to make the cost of attempting to use the interface without substantial training bearable.
But you're right, the car has a fairly intuitive interface. The reas for that is that, really, the car is a simple device. It turns, it goes, it stops, and correspondingly there are 3 knobs or levers you have to manipulate. Some cars have a 4th thing you can do (change gears), and you'll notice that is the one most people started to get confused about, and they had to get rid of. That's where the boundary lies between "difficult technology" and "simple appliance". Three things. So if your device has to do much more than go, stop, and turn left or right, it's going to be tough designing a truly intuitive interface.
And seeing how people around here drive, I'm inclined to think that three things is a bit too much.
That's why it's going to be tough to find an interface that doesn't "take a while to get used to to" for something like Blender. Which isn't to say the interface is good. I'm just saying the threshold of good should be lower than making it intuitive.
Re:FYI... (Score:2)
Re:FYI... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:FYI... (Score:2, Insightful)
As for Blender, I tried it and gave up as well. I think some software has so many features that it becomes difficult to give intuitive ways to quickly perform all appropriate actions.
Re:FYI... (Score:4, Interesting)
There is always a clear tradeoff between new users and experienced ones. Others have said below something along the lines of: "Just look at all the 3D apps out there now, each one of them focuses on the experienced user..." They are right. Once you understand the workflow, things are generally fast --which is the way all of these users want things to be anyway longer term.
Interestingly, the MCAD market (for Engineers, not entertaiment or styling) is making this mistake. All the major apps are converting their custom U.I. to one that works for new users. Each and every one of them loses their productivity as a result. Each of them are fighting with their user base. Blender will have the same problem.
One solution is to make *good* documentation with lots of use cases. The Blender folks have done a fair job of this.
The bottom line here is that complex tasks are complex. The software can only go so far to make performing the task easier. Any 3D app that has a very easy UI, also suffers from the inability to do the little complex things that make the app worth using anyway.
Why spend time building the perfect UI, when new feature creep from the fast evolving 3D market will slowly erode your interface anyway.
Personally, I feel the Blender UI is a little out there. It could be a little more standard, but that effort is probably not worth the time. Adding good things to Blender will likely motivate new users to make use of the package given its price and capability.
Re:FYI... (Score:2)
Re:FYI... (Score:2)
Are you saying that the design that is easy for beginners to learn is automatically well-suited to the needs of advanced users? I think this is simply not true -- certainly not in every instance. Sometimes programs are hard to use because they are complex and subtle -- because the task they perform is complex and subtle.
That is incorrect (Score:5, Interesting)
Unless a tool is intended for people who will not use it more than a few times, it should be designed for use, not for learning.
Overly simplistic example:
No tool at all: no learning time, a unit of work takes half a day.
Tool A: a day to learn, work takes an hour
Tool B: a week to learn, work takes a minute
Anyone who will do less than three units of this kind of work IN THEIR ENTIRE LIFE is better off not using either tool (if time is the only consideration). Anyone who will do more than 40 units of this kind of work EVER is better off spending 40 hours learning tool B. Everyone else is better off with the "easy to learn" tool A.
Ease of learning only matters once. Ease of use once learned always matters. This is why I recommend 'friendly' tools to people who don't want to do a lot of the kind of work the 'expert' tools accelerate.
Tool A, Tool B... (Score:5, Insightful)
Why should an expert tool be harder to use? That is simply a poor excuse for designers who could not make 100, or 1000+ options easy to use and access. If they changed their interface from an option-select to a defered-create and make icon graphics consistent, a design change such as that and nothing else can make a hard-to-use piece of software easy to use. I've seen that happen coutless times before on all sorts of software, from admin screens to portal interfaces.
Remember, hard-to-use software is poorly designed software. "The space shuttle is hard to fly, but the software is great! " you might think. But there we are talking extremes on the bell curve, buddy. From MS Paint to photoshot to Maya, we have keyboards, mice, screens, and stylii input. We're not landing shuttles here.
Again, having had the pleasure of making a sweet living as a UI designer, and having fun behind of both the one-way-mirrors of focus room usability tests and behind the keyboard coding, I will repeat my mantra again, at the risk of being called Troll -1...
Within the real of a PC you can put in your office (exluding space shuttle and particle accelerator stuff, ok?) hard to use software is poorly designed software.
Re:Tool A, Tool B... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:FYI... (Score:2)
There is easy-to-use, and easy-to-learn, and (rarely), there is both. Unix and vi are the second. Mac struck me as neither.
Re:FYI... (Score:5, Insightful)
Huh? It's fast, it's efficient and it's easy on your fingers. How is that a bad thing? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone has to agree.
"Steep learning curve" does not make the UI fast. It makes it slow.
It means the interface takes some time to learn. Of course, if you haven't learned it yet and have to check the docs everytime you want to do something it will be slow. If you use the program often enough that you don't forget everything between every usage, spending some time to learn the interface properly is a great investment.
If you only edit text files once or twice a week, MS notepad is all you need. If you spend hours every day editing text, you'll want something more powerful and won't mind spending some time to use it properly. Of course, it would be great if the interface was "intuitive" enough so you wouldn't need to learn it. But as we all know, the only intuitive interface is the nipple; after that it's all learned.
So, vi and Blender suck for the casual user but are perfect for anyone who uses them a lot.
Hear hear! Vi has its points... (Score:3, Interesting)
Huh? It's fast, it's efficient and it's easy on your fingers. How is that a bad thing? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone has to agree.
Hear hear!
Back when I got my first unix box (FAR enough back that, when then entire list of email-connected sites fit on three pages, mine was there), I wanted to build and try emacs. But there was this little problem - the machine had only 2 megabytes and no demand paging. Emacs (even back then) wouldn't fit. (A tongue-in-cheek claim was circulating that the name was an acronym: Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping. B-) )
So I learned to use vi.
And then I was VERY active on a bulletin board for several years - using vi. And I got very fast with it.
Some time later I had access to a bigger machine and a colleague pointed out that emacs had a vi emulation mode - so I could ease in without having to learn new navigation keys right off the bat. I looked into it - and it had TWO distinct vi emulation modes. Oops. With one I might have tried it. But I didn't have time to find the better of the two. So I dropped it.
A little later a Netnews posting demoed a potential attack on those who used emacs as a news reader or mail reader. Seems that emacs had a little-know feature: You could include a snippet of lisp code in the comments in a program file, and emacs would run it. This was intended to set up tab stops, language editing modes, and the like. But this also worked in mail and netnews reading modes. The demo's lisp code would pop up a "See, I got you!" window and delete itself from the display of the item itself. But in principle it could do anything you could do from emacs - which is anything you can do from any shell, with a lisp interpreter handy to do complicated stuff. No clicking on attachments - just LOOK at the letter or news item and you're owned.
Windows macro virus vulnerability? Emacs had it first, and BETTER! B-) Imagine a lisp worm in netnews forging postings in your name, both replicating itself on "nice" groups and faking love letters on Or dumping the contents of any "src" directory you can read to an alt.binaries group. (And heaven help you if you read news or mail when logged in as root...)
Of course this "feature" was on by default in the standard distribution. In those days, or days not too much earlier, RMS' approach to security was rumored to be having a blank password on root in his personal machine and letting this be known - in the belief that if there was no skill needed to break in, and thus no reputation to be gained, nobody would bother. (Apparently that worked with MIT students. But don't try it with the general population net-connected.)
Well, I had spent years doing classified research, which made me itch about security holes. So I decided to stick to vi for a while longer - along with the plethora of unix utilities that do essentially anything I need done that's beyond vi's power.
Since then I've occasionally seen an emacs-ism that has tempted me - like colored displays of comments vs. declarations vs. code. But every time I'm tempted I watch a colleague doing simple text editing with emacs, and count the keystrokes he has to use to do the simple stuff that constitutes the bulk of my editing work. And it always seems to take him a lot more strokes with emacs than it takes me with vi. So I'm generally not tempted for long.
Vi was designed for a very different world - the world of dumb character-based computer terminals in the days before ANSI standardized their behavior. There were literally HUNDREDS of different terminal designs, with a boggling array of differences in display geometry, control-character to cursor-motion mapping, and other odities. Vi (actually the "visual" mode of the "ex" editor) encapsulated these idiosyncrasies in a "termcap" (terminal-capability) definition file, thus letting the user do full-screen WYSIWYG editing on ANY of them using a common set of keystrokes - and letting the sysadmin add definitions for new terminals as they came out. This brought the user out of the dim world of command-line-only editors (such as "ed" and "teco") into the instant feedback of a screen display - halfway to the window systems that weren't available yet.
And - much to the surprise of its author - it did it very well. So well that people like me (who now have the vi commands "hard-wired" into our nervous systems from long use) still use it when we have serious text hacking to do.
Re:FYI... (Score:2)
That is because Mother Nature put the keystroke activation into firmware. IOW, cheating. Baby's suck ANYTHING you put into their mouth out of instinct.
Re:FYI... (Score:2)
True, but the baby still has to have the nipple put into its mouth. There is a "nuzzling instinct" in babies that forces the baby to turn towards any object that touches their cheek, but I'm not sure when it develops (it's certainly undeveloped in most premature babies, and some full term newborns).
But intuition is different from reflex or innate behaviour. Reflex is an automatic or unconscious response to a stimulus, just like your firmware analogy. And here's the biggie, "intuitive" does not mean "untaught", it's closer to "insightful" or "self-taught". Time and time again, when this issue comes up, people confuse the meanings of "intuitive" and "innate".
I feel that, for the purposes of UI discussussion, intuitive really should mean "able to be learned by observation", just like a car, or a musical instrument. Proficiency in anything will only ever come with practice, and sometimes a little training. But the basic knowledge of, for example, how to play the flute(*), can be learned by pure observation. You can see that, in general, the lower notes are obtained by closing many of the holes with your fingers, while the higher ones are obtained by opening as many holes as possible. Now, I don't play the flute, but with a decent amount of practice and without formal training, I'm sure I could. That's an intuitive interface!
(*)ob. MP ref. - You blow in one end and move your fingers up and down the outside. Next week - Building box girder bridges!
Re:UI. (Score:2)
There are other issues - where form was given an oddly higher priority than function, and simple time-saving devices were overlooked completely. Anyone who has done any serious work with blender's vertex groups should understand what this means. There is no rational argument that would suggest otherwise.
Re:UI. (Score:5, Insightful)
The problem about changing blender's ui is that its thousands of users love it and want to keep it because it's very practical and very well done. That is if you have a keyboard.
First time I used blender I couldnt even create one shape. than dumped it. than whine. Than I read one of the numerous tutorials.
Than I understood the beauty of it. Basically, with blender you have a 100 keys mouse. One hand on the mouse, the other on the keyboard and there you go. People who can play fps can use blender.
The magic key is the space bar.
I found studio max interface easy at first contact THAN difficult to cope with. Blender's is the opposite. Yet, now that it's gpl, you can have a new one designed anyway.
Re:UI. (Score:2, Interesting)
Wordperfect 5.1 used to have LARGE function key stickers so that people would have SOME clue as to what the program was able to do. After using the program for several months, years, whatever, it was VERY fast and easy to do what you needed to do. Would I be able to sit down right now and use the program? Unlikely. Has this form of UI survived into current projects? Not really.
Any program that causes a steep learning curve is poor. Any person that believes that a steep learning curve and hard to use interfaces are a good idea, is wrong.
Using single keystrokes and "modes" is not simple.
Re:UI. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:UI. (Score:2)
It's just a very UNcommon UI, which I could not have guessed alone (press space to have the menu appear!). Once the proper tutorial found, and there are plenty, It's a matter of hours, not days, so let's not even talk about years.
Then what's left is the same with every 3D software, months of work to get what you imagine. But that's another point.
Re:UI. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:UI. (Score:5, Interesting)
1) The learning curve is too steep.
You won't make the next Toy Story having just used Blender for five minutes. However, I think the main source of this complaint is the lack of an on-board help file or manual. To put it in perspective, imagine trying to use POVRAY or BMRT without reading the manual; Blender is far simpler to figure out.
2) The interface is counterintuitive.
In and of itself, this statement can be true. However, it is almost always followed by "Why can't it be more like 3D MAX/Maya/Bryce/Lightwave/trueSpace/Netscape?" Blender is its own program, not some attempt to make a free version of your favorite commercial software. As a Blender user, I sometimes ask why these programs can't be more like Blender.
3) It's ugly.
OK. You've got me there, although I don't find 3D MAX particularly attractive, either. However, Blender has done a nice job of being consistently ugly. What I mean is that Blender gives you the exact same ugliness on Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD, and the iPaq. Compare with something like Poser, which, while beautiful, is going to give you a different file chooser on two of the platforms, and will just laugh at you if you try to run it on the others.
4) It doesn't load OBJ files/have raytraced reflections/support displacement mapping/do the Hokey-Pokey and turn itself around!
These are very valid complaints, but they don't deal with the UI.
CVS instructions (Score:5, Informative)
Annonymous cvs is open now! Use the following setting to get your copy!
1 (t)csh assumed
setenv CVSROOT
2 cvs login
password: anonymous
3 cvs co blender
Best of luck actually getting the source however..
And the community forums are here: viewforum.php
Re:CVS instructions (Score:5, Informative)
cvs -d
cvs -z3 -d
- Andreas
Something I hope to see soon (Score:5, Informative)
The site is with 2 projects based on blender (I think, but they might not be) at and (a 3rd project lacks screenshots, but is a new experimental interface for blender, it says)
Some really cool stuff, coming real soon.
Re:Something I hope to see soon (Score:2, Interesting)
I was lucky enough to attend the conference (two days out of the three), and saw several really Excellent presentations on and about Blender.
The project you speak of was one of them. I won't give away the end-product's name, but know this: The author gave a really in-depth, and well educated explanation for many aspects of both his system, and how Blender can be extended to make use of it. []
I was extremely excited to be at the conference and see for myself not just the enthusiasm of everyone involved, but a history of Blender, how to extend it, concepts on improving it's interface and featureset, and more, including discussions about the Blender Organization.
Some very good things.
Re:Something I hope to see soon (Score:2)
The project you speak of was one of them. I won't give away the end-product's name, but know this: The author gave a really in-depth, and well educated explanation for many aspects of both his system, and how Blender can be extended to make use of it."
"I apologize publically for spilling any info I shouldn't have about the name... I didn't see that I had already typed the name in my very first sentence, since the textarea box had moved it out of my view. (can we not make this bigger?)"
Was it called Verve or Verse ? I remember surfing through but all the pretty things aren't coming up now... has at least some tiny info. I was impressed with their description of 'avatar in a room, with ball' and how it could be made to work. Metaverse, here we come! or... here comes it! or... uh... Lets go back to admiring the poetry of 'avatar in room, with ball'
The intuitive/sketchpad modeler looks cool, though. Combine that with a networked, update-enabled environment and you have the makings of worldcraft... A very interesting time indeed.
Someone needs to make cheap(er) 3d-vision eyewear...
Re:Something I hope to see soon (Score:3, Informative)
Great! (Score:5, Funny)
Now all we need... (Score:4, Funny)
Bizarre!!! (Score:2)
You wanted it you got it....! blender is OpenSource now. We are very sorry that the site is down now but we had to move the server because our previous ISP unplugged us last thursday! Stay tuned we will be up soon.
Re:Bizarre!!! (Score:4, Informative)
Blessed are the sourcemakers.
So how's the codebase? (Score:3, Interesting)
Was it "worth it"? I don't know the first thing about blender or very much about this buy-out. Was the source available prior to the buy-out so that it could be inspectad/evaluated?
Re:So how's the codebase? (Score:4, Funny)
If the code is anything like the UI, then "it is great after you get used to it in a few years."
No longer profitable as payware (Score:2, Funny)
When will Microsoft start selling Win3.1 out to GPL?
Re:No longer profitable as payware (Score:5, Funny)
January 1 - Microsoft announces that they will open source Windows 3.1 and DOS 6.22 for the paltry sum of $50,000. Apparently, this is to make up for the money Bill Gates lost when he ran his wallet through the laundry.
February 12 - "The Freedows Project" (sounds like "Fritos") obtains the required $50,000 through generous donations by individuals and random muggings.
February 13 - Microsoft turns over the source code.
February 14 - The Freedows project sues Microsoft for violating the GPL by deliberately obscuring their code. Microsoft counters by explaining that, no, that's the code they really were using. They enter as evidence fifty pages of source code for IE 7.
March 22 - Freedows announces that they've overcome the first project hurdle: Separating out the integrated Solitare code from the rest of the OS.
March 25 - Freedows is forked, and a new project called XFreedows emerges.
March 27 - Freedows forks again after an SMP patch is rejected. The new project is called "Lindows."
March 28 - Lindows is sued by Lindows.
April 1 - Freedows announces that Freedows OS is now running on top of the Linux kernel. Nobody believes them.
April 2, 3, 4, and 5 - Freedows resends the press releases, publishes all sorts of screenshots and demos, bribes CmdrTaco to publish a, "No it wasn't an April Fools Joke" story. Freedows is slashdotted, detonating three servers and killing five. The project is set back a month.
May 15 - A seven day flame war erupts when someone on the Freedows mailing list suggests changing the UI to require "triple clicking" for some functions.
June 1 - XFreedows is integrated back into the Freedows main branch, adding native NVIDIA support, an OpenGL-based 3D GUI, 16-way SMP support, the XFAT file system (a relational database filesystem which supports file sizes up to 300 petabytes and transparent compression), full 32 bit, 64 bit, and 128 bit support, and DRM support that can be disabled with a couple of IFDEFs.
July 15 - IBM "donates" ten million dollars to the Freedows project in what can only be described as a corporate mugging.
August 5 - Solitare is re-integrated into the OS, improving performance 300-fold.
August 7 - Thanks to IBM's generous donation, Freedows can move its CVS server onto a ludicrously powerful server running the Freedows OS.
August 29th - 2:14 a.m. Freedows becomes self-aware.
Ray tracer? (Score:3, Informative)
Make a 90% transparent glass object. Make it cast a shadow on a surface. Notice the shadow is as dark as it would have been if the object was 100% opaque.
With a ray tracer, on the other hand, the shadow's darkness would depend on the transparency of the object casting the shadow (as in real life).
Another solution, of course, would be to have Blender export POV-Ray scenes.
Other than this, I'd say Blender *rocks*, the interface is great, once you get the hang of it.. just a couple of evenings playing around, and it should pretty much feel fine. Remember, just because the interface is different, it doesn't have to be crap (yes, steeper learning curve blah blah).
Re:Ray tracer? (Score:3, Informative)
As far as I know (which isn't much, sorry), 2.23 didn't have anything to do with raytracing. If you ask my honest opinion, Blender really needs support for external renderers (Renderman?) - the rendering engine is not always that logical, and (precisely hand-tuned!) environment maps, (nicely arranged!) shadow-only spotlights and (painstakingly manually tuned!) radiosity meshes don't quite cut it...
I agree with you, raytracing would rule. I can't even remember how long I have wanted that...
I did have some random success with the export scripts (to export to Renderman and PoV-Ray), but the colors didn't work in the old scripts and new scripts just bombed.
Hope future will bring help in this respect...
Next: Bitkeeper (Score:5, Funny)
Just need to raise $12m.
of precedent setting (Score:5, Interesting)
While I know that those 100 k Euros probably did not really cover all the assets of NaN, all the same, it showed it is possible.
What would people say to programming teams picking up desired projects, and then 'holding them ransom' and waiting for some form of corporate sponsorship, perhaps?
Or just doing it the way blender did it, and accepting private donations? That way, the projects that people really deem worthy would be the ones that made it into the open source community. Survival of the most valuable?
Good idea? Bad idea? Comments?
And validation of the street performer protocol (Score:2)
Quoting a recent article of mine []
Thank you donators (Score:4, Insightful)
Bitch'n moan about the UI... (Score:5, Interesting)
The other camp that complains about the UI is the Lightwave and Max crowd who are comparing this relatively small program to a full featured suite.
Blender is a good tool. It is about to get better. I dig the fact that it will be part of Linux distros from now on.
I believe in Blender so much I gave my fifty and became a member. And yes, I'm very happy right now.
Music Notation vs Intuative (Score:2, Interesting)
Music notiation is an anachronism. A (modified) piano-roll grid style is much more simpler and intuitive. It is almost like reading a spectragrph. Durations are purely visual, no duration notation to mentally translate into actual duration. Long dash, play long. Short dash, play short. KISS at its best.
(Last time I said this it started a huuuge flamewar.)
Re:Music Notation vs Intuative (Score:4, Insightful)
BL is BS! (Score:2, Insightful)
From the License:
For teams that don't want to operate under the GPL, we're also offering
this "non-GPL" Blender License option. This means that you can download
the latest sources and tools via FTP or CVS from our site and sign an
additional agreement with the Blender Foundation, so you can keep your
source modifications confidential. Contact the Blender Foundation via
email at so we can discuss how we handle the
practical matters
Re:BL is BS! (Score:5, Informative)
As I understood it, the code can be used in two forms: 1) Use it under the terms of GPL, in which case if you distribute a modified version, code must be included, or 2) negotiate the license to distribute only the binaries with the Foundation, and pay them to fund the development (and I expect this payment is not that light!).
I fail to see how this "stifles a major part of the GPL". The Blender Foundation releases all of their code under this dual license - People donate them money to do their job and release code under these terms. This license does allow others to take this code and modify it, and choose to either pay up, or be a nice citizen and contribute the code.
And yes, this dual license thing was mentioned a couple of times in past. Loudly. Were you not listening?
Re:BL is BS! (Score:3, Informative)
Ton spoke with RMS about this addition to the GPL and Stallman gave it his OK.
Blender foundation has alwys had as one of it's goals to become a viable business again. I imagine that there will be a commercial blender fork someday.
Compiling.... (Score:2, Interesting)
Just some quick info... (Score:2, Informative)
Extra mirror (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Bang! (Score:2)
Re:Bang! (Score:5, Informative)
It was. I checked it this morning. Imagine, being slashdotted without assistance from ! The horrors! What [other] force in the universe is capable of such obliterative power?
Re:Server down for obvious reasons (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Server down for obvious reasons (Score:2)
What fetures of a "real DBMS" would have helped in this case? Transactions? Rollbacks? Inner-Joins? Sub-selects?
MySQL is a fast psudo-database. It's fast. That's the point.
If MySQL crashed under load, or failed in under load - none of the real ACID dataqbases would have fared better given the same resources.
MySQL is perfect for this sort of suff - data that's not important, served quickly, and just because it doesen't meet the criteria for use in other endevours doesen't make it unsutable for this one.
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Err.. not quite (Score:2)
Interesting viewpoint- I'm kind of the opposite: I wish for file systems to become more database like. Especially transactions:
I'd love to tell the os/filesystem to do the following in one atomic action:
make world ; script_to_fungle_etc_files ; backup_to_some_other_server ; reboot
and it would either complete fully or fail and rollback.
I'd like to do this for my
select files from
and views would be cool:
I could point my grandmother's file browser to open up the file system in a simplified view of the whole network.
I understand your points and certainly agree: there is much abuse of poor MySQL - I just hope that MySQL or our file-systems can rise to the task.
Re:Err.. not quite (Score:2)
In a way yes, but not ultimately. Because the people behind MySQL and filesystems do not really grok the task, which is ultimately a database one and thus should be handled under the relational model.
Re:Err.. not quite (Score:2)
A bunch of inconsistent buggy 3-letter acronyms is the solution?
CSS doesn't need to have a different syntax than HTML/XML, yet it does.
If you think about what an DBMS does, its a layer on top of the file system to more effectively store data, with features. For most sites (Slashdot style sites are good exceptions actually) the content is stored in a database for no reason other than seperation!
File systems are *limited*. They force you to cram the whole world into a tree-shaped mess. The real world is a big graph (network), NOT a tree. Trees are fine on a small scale, but I would rather be able to search, sort, filter, join, index by many different ways and criteria without physically copying crap around. DB's are the best general-purpose virtualization devices available. I would LOVE to be able to do SQL on my files.
Yes, maybe they are not good at certain things, but IMO their use should be *expanded*, not decreased.
If their database is too whimpy to handle the load, then switch to Postre or Oracle or something. Better flexibility sometimes requires more power.
Should they be required to go back to fricken trees just to handle the slashdot effect?
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:completely offtopic (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Server down for obvious reasons (Score:2)
All of them, and reliability and scalability too.
The point here is that by using MySQL one must to by coding much that should be done declaratively in and by the DBMS. The whole becomes bigger, slower, less reliable, even if the pseudo-DBMS itself seems faster when seen in isolation.
Why oh why are you such a snob? (Score:3, Insightful)
What makes you so sure that MySQL was the source of the problem? You know I have seen error messages from "real" databases before, Oracle, DB2, etc. The problem could be from bad programming, hardware failure, network loss, etc.
Re:Why oh why are you such a snob? (Score:2)
I take MySQL to be more a symptom than a cause here. And the symptom is being unable to think a system as a whole.
To be more precise, programming bums will fail to see the need to code less and more simply, to do proper systems administration, to use well a real DBMS.
Re:Server down for obvious reasons (Score:2)
Agreed. But then, when one is a good systems engineer, he chooses a real DBMS in order to avoid too much coding, data inconsistencies and other issues that MySQL fails to address. That is, MySQL here is more of a symptom of shoddy work done with good intentions.
Re:Server down for obvious reasons (Score:2)
If you had been here for long enough you would remember that many of the problem /. had in various times were indeed related to either MySQL directly, or to convoluted coding made necessary by its deficiencies.
It is only faster if you take it as an isolated factor. If you compose it with all the additional coding that it requires, besides lack of scalability and additional system administration work required, it ends up being much slower both to deploy and in performance.
Re:At last :) (Score:5, Funny)
Because A good UI is what free software is famous for.
Hmm... (Score:2)
Re:Can someone explain to the unwise... (Score:4, Insightful)
Blender is an absolutely frosty 3D modeling/animation/rendering package.
Okay, that's about as much I can describe with words, and I'm not a poet so I can't describe it that way, either. It is slightly puzzling on the surface, but surprisingly amazing when you look at the renderings it spews out, and the time spent doing the picture.
I've been using Blender since 1.5 or something (can't remember) and it's become one of my Graphics Packages of Choice. (Linux may be slightly behind Windows on audio and video side, but on graphics side, The GIMP, ImageMagick and Blender clearly prove it isn't behind on that area. =)
Re:/.ed already (Score:2)
1. Make Blender non-GPL.
2. Promise to GPL it for 100,000.
3. Get 100,000 == Profit!
Re:/.ed already (Score:2)
um... no.
In fact, the 100,000 was to buy the IP back from the investors in the company. When NaN went bankrupt, the investors had everything... the money got the sources back into the public instead of rotting away on some investment company's backup server.
Re:/.ed already (Score:2)
100,000 is a pathetic amount of money when it comes to software development; it's barely enough to pay one programmer for a year. Whoopteedo. This wasn't profitable; it was an act of charity by the investors that is sending the wrong message to a group of geeks that spends thousands of dollars a year on hardware, but are too cheap and greedy to pay for software.
Re:Why??? (Score:4, Insightful)
Because it does rule. The open-source world doesn't really have had any good 3D modeler (and only a handful of even remotely tolerable renderers - no, PoV-Ray isn't open source, yet).
(And, people who say it's not intuitive and the interface sucks just don't get it. Trust me, it is a wonderful program to work with once you get hang of it. =)
(Okay, this paragraph is probably going out of hand, but within realms of argument...) What do you get if you buy something that's compatible with some obscure, undocumented Windows software? Uh, a server that is tailored to work together nicely with some proprietary API that was never meant to see the light of the day. This, as opposed to funding development of some standard server. Why pay for Exchange compatible calendar/mail server? Why not pay for development of vCalendar / SMTP server? Why not tell your boss that using a standard server would probably mean higher security and increased reliability? </offtopic>
Of course, the same argument could be said of Blender: it only took some open formats as input, processed a proprietary format, and spewed out a (somewhere) standardized file in one form or other. But it could also be argued that there are still not that good standards on this field (swapping a model file from one modeler to another is always a nice way to spend a weekend), and that Blender does support a few of currently known "open" formats (or at least provide some way of converting).
Re:Why??? (Score:3, Interesting)
> Blender?
Everyone isn't (I'm not, for example). Only those who care are. There just happen to be a lot of them, and they care enough to actually do something.
> And going so far as to buy it as a community to
> GPL it?
The community that bought it is the community of those who care. It's their business how they spend their money.
> Why the hell doesn't the community get organized
> and purchase [Bynari's Insight server]?
Why the hell don't you get off your ass and organize it to do so?
Re:Why the GPL is good (Score:2)
But of course having the code under the GPL is a Good Thing.
Harder than Maya (Score:3, Interesting)